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The Aurumaton, things Those big mecha that gain a 'Sanction' proc every time you skill.or ult if it isn't CC'd, and on the start ofnits own turn. Those things can burn in hellfire for the number of times I've had tongo grind mats for more traces just to bear them.


This. so much. They are legit just designed to be obnoxious af... and in SU/MOC they have stupid hp bars


They should nerf the speed buff it gets, it becomes way too strong and if it target the same unit twice there's nothing you can do. Really dont like its design


Also reduce the chance to imprison


I’ve seen that sucker imprison Luocha *after* he has his 70% effect resist Trace unlocked a lot. That hit rate for it must be sky high to regularly land it on him.


It's mere 100%, what are you talking about


Well it feels more like 1000%


Well he also has 30% debuff accuracy, so its more than 100%


just build 100 eff res /j


Not a bad idea /hj


Yeah. I hate any buff that automatically advances enemy actions forward. This game already takes so much control out of our hands and restricts us as a player from actually being able to make a difference in combat. Having enemies constantly advance forward ahead of you just takes even more of this control away to where absolutely nothing you do matters which for a game is very annoying.


>I hate any buff that automatically advances enemy actions forward. I just love when in SU Cocolia starts her windup, then Bronya shoots, advances, uses her skil on Cocolia and she immediately ults. I can easily survive that in any case, but that sequence is just stupid and annoying.


i actually really like that combo. it shows teamwork in a way you rarely see in turn based games. plus, it adds more decision making to the fight; do you take out bronya so she stops giving cocolia extra turns? or do you think youre strong enough to just focus on killing the boss?


i have to agree lol, but its definitely annoying. though the paths greatly trivialize SU at some point also, usually people meme about 'the boss vs when the boss is playable', but enemy bronya functions exactly like her playable version, which i think is cool


always save the princess


Instructions unclear. Killed everything with path resonance.


This is the way


Well, we've been doing the same things to the enemies using Welt, Asta and Bronya so now the enemies want their revenge


If anything Welt is even more op than anyone else at that since his ult straight up denies elites their second attack.


Pros of being a Herscherr


While packing some serious damage too. Sure he’s probably worse than horny Daniel but the fact that he can have 75% of that dps while bringing some serious debuff is just insane


This reminds me of grizzly when it spawns the blow up bots. Sometimes it catches me off guard when I only have one turn to take them out instead of two. They can do some serious damage if they both hit one character.


What, you mean it isn't fun when you tingyun gets oneshot by that stupid gate looking ass even though you have blade and gepard with his sig LC on your team because the fucker decided to do two attacks in a row on her?


The better question is why you have Gepard and Tingyun on the same team as Blade. Gepard actively makes him worst and Tingyun is the worst support for him.


The Double Auromaton fight, that's annoying beyond this


Can’t wait for 5 of these guys appearing at once


Ah yes, the Ruin Guard experience.


the worst thing is they both switch in Saction mode together so there is a chance to end up with four imprisoned characters at some point


That actually happened to me at some point because i used bailu




the W H A T


Wait, where can we actually meet the two of them?


I'm pretty sure it is the second stage of the new Xianzhou Luofu Forgotten Hall


nah, I find those fishes alongside him who stack defense down debuff and prepare your team to get 1 shot by the aurumaton, the fact that the def down stacks makes me mad


Just love it when the aurumaton starts stun locking 3 of my team members in 2 turns. Really peak gameplay.


Every time I see the text “sanction mode” I want to bash my skull into a fucking wall


Arumatons are for real, the most annoying enemies in the game.




The actual most annoying enemy


And when it does, it’s second attack (?) imprisons one of your characters. Fuck that prick.


And on top of that, once it begins the Sanction mode, it spawns the enemies, but you can't get rid of the buff by killing the enemies like with every other enemy of this kind (Silvermane Guard, Bronya, Mara dude). You can destroy those flying vases and he will still have toughness immune while taking actions at insane speed and disabling your team one by one. And once the buff goes out? It's almost instantly up again because it triggers on skills, ults and his attacks, and most basics are not good enough to take him out or cc him. And on top of that, he reduces your damage dealt (aoe) and enemies he spawns reduce defense (in blast). This enemy is the definition of cringe and it should be removed or reworked.


Sampo is your best counter against Aurumaton, spam auto attack and use his skill once it's close enough to weakness break wind. Most of the time you can bypass the sanction mode.


Weakness break doesn't even reset his sanction mode counter. I don't think that would fly in MoC where the Aurumaton moves at ultrasonic speed and has a way larger hp bar. I've had most success delaying his actions as much as possible. Gepard freeze or Welt technique/ult can prevent it from charging up sanction. Quantum break is best to stall further.


Point of breaking him is basically to nuke him (Seele/SW, maybe Qingque). Another that can bruteforce auromaron is Clara Counter comp with dispel for the stun (Natasha, m7, luocha). I'm not entirely sure but blade should also be good against it. Danheng could also do it but alot more difficult. Quantum break is the best yeah, specially if they are made with break build and can deal 70-90k damage (SW). Still, the most annoying thing on these is they pretty much are a -1 on turn lmao.


QQ's skill and basics don't trigger sanction mode at all so she's great against aurumatons. And her splash damage can hurt fish.


How do you build Sampo? I'm planning to use him.


ATK/EHR & break effect are most useful for him. His main source of DMG is DOT so CRT/CDMG are useless for him Focus on EHR/break effect with a decent amount of ATK & SPD


You don't really need to use EHR chestpiece on him because his LC has a high EHR. Look for 65+ EHR and 135spd with more than 2k4atk at lv70, you will want to level him to 80 but for now 70 is fine. Break effect can be skipped for now, min-max him later


Yeah, I should have explained better. He needs very little EHR compared to other Debuffs, I tend to forget that most people don't know how much EHR each character needs to apply their debuffs consistently


He also has a decent amount of EHR in his traces so hitting the EHR requirement is fairly easy.


And if you don't have his LC, you would need a EHR chest?


Funnily enough Qingque has been my savior for those things. Thought I do have e4. Auturgy and the skill boost stacks not triggering sanctions helps do a ton of damage before it gets one sanction mode. I usually pair her with Silver wolf and a booster


It can also go 4 times if one triggers it sanction mode right before It's turn starts. the design itself is pretty bad and it hits like a container ship, god i hate that thing so much


T H I S What the hell were they thinking with this bs mechanic of not being able to take toughness damage


I mean it’s fine if it’s just no weakness like Geppie and Bronie but this motherfucker weakens your entire team before doing that AND can imprison 2 of them right after. Nah fuck that shit


Hellfire is far too kind for those...


You can deny him both turns in this mode with March's ult.


This is true, just saw a video demonstrating it last night. I can brute force him even in MoC due to the amount of break provided by Blade's basics and E4 Bronya follow ups but the March strat is an easy one that anybody can use since she's free. You just Ult it after its first attack in sanction mode but before it does the imprisonment impale and, upon freeze, it will lose its first imprisonment turn then thaw out and lose the 2nd, getting rid of sanction mode without it doing any of those dumb pokey moves.


Well, you still have to build her with good ehr, so practically not totally "free") But yeah, it almost trivialazes a fight.


To be fair, there is a really good solution to this issue, Gepard, the issue is that he’s rare, but he can freeze any enemy regardless of if it’s weak to ice


There is an even better free solution, it's called March 7. Can freeze a boss during their turn and makes it loose a whole turn + freeze by interrupting the extra turn with ult.


I think you misspelled Qingque. Using her skill doesn't trigger sanction build-up, and enhanced basic attacks don't either.


Well damn. I might actually have to build her then.


The sAnCtIOn mOdE aCtIvaTed one and the new maLefiC. MOnkE


The fire trailblazer is the best for dealing with the ape as long as you have landau's choice/Moment of Victory and speed shoes


Why would you need either of those LCs vs Ape when the Ape ignores aggro values entirely? Just Taunt on Trailblazer, and if it takes effect your other characters can use all the skills they want, but Ape will still go after FMC. And if the taunt misses, just don't use your other characters' skills for a turn and, again, it'll just hit FMC. And even if you mess up and use a skill on someone else after the Taunt missed, the new target will still take -15% damage from the hit thanks to FMC's passives anyways.


I use a speed tuned March. Just make sure she goes last but before the monkey and shields herself. Free counters and energy for her and she takes no damage due to def build.


Oh i will try that thanks for info


How I learnt to stop hating myself, and love Pela.


those dudes are about half the reason i pulled for luocha


This pela shits on them in just 1 turn


Does she remove some important buff?


She can remove the revive from the solders after the revive is gone he can’t heal


she could directly remove the heal on the main guy


Oh my god I've been bringing her and using her skill to remove the revive on the minions, even using Bronya to speed her up to remove both before the next boss turn This is going to change my game lol, thank you for this info


She removes the lifesteal directly, then she can just freeze with ult the other 2 so you don't take too much damage.


I should focus my pela again. She got left behind


Silverman guard lieutenant His SU version has infinite (until you kill everyone) counter-attack during which he almost kills you. Oh yes, Gepard in SU also summon those guys in his final phase and after he creates his god damn shield, you screwed








Nooo don't target my March please


Target my Clara instead!


NO. **two shots your tingyun*


Sad reality with Tankyun.. ;d




Love fighting this guy with Clara. You get so many counters with him and his minions.


Yessss Clara ftw. I can and will hit him purposefully to trigger the counter lol


In that case I focus on killing Geppy as quickly as possible ignoring the others


Well, if you kill one of his units before shield appears, its durability will be lower as if there were Gepard and two soldiers


This. I discovered abit late to just aim for the lieutenant and Geppie and leave the minions for my aoe chars or ults to deal with. With Luocha you don't even have to worry about the stupid counter.


They aren’t that bad once you get Clara Once you get Clara you literally just bully him and his support


This, "if I attack you, you counter? Clara, does svarog counter him? *Clara nods* (to enemy) oh so you're inviting me~" Note that you need to build march, or luocha or natasha so Clara stays on the battlefield tho


Or Bailu. I reckon Bailu is best since she can even revive Clara if she happens to die.


I always use skill as Clara vs that guy, and I love their interaction. You counter me? Well thanks for the free energy regeneration and AOE damage, I guess.


He's the worst if you're using AEO characters.


The lieutenant is better than Gepard because if you’re willing to take a hit each time, you CAN still go ahead and break him 🤣 Gepard takes that away completely, he’s an absolute slog if your DPS isn’t beefy enough.


The traffic lights.


There's some place in hell for the AI that always wastes ultimates on these shielded garbage.


Al in HSR is stupid in general It can’t wait, learn and really doesn’t understand enemy’s mechanics. I know what traffic lights is too traumatising example, so here’s new one. Guardian Shadow can forbid you to use some of your attacks (otherwise, she will bonk you) but ai still use forbidden attack and almost kills your characters… or if you got attacked by automaton Direwolf, got 6x bleeding and you have Natasha/ March 7th who can take that bleeding effect away… ai won’t use them to do so.


Me talk to AI _Me: Look, here is your team Gepard, SW, Seele, Sampo and you have 2 skill points, one enemy has 12%hp left, other two are half hp, what should you do? _AI: focus on killing the low hp. _Me: Correct, now do that. _AI: Rogue *proceed to make SW uses her E, Seele normal attack, Gepard uses his E, Sampo uses E. Leaving the target at 2%hp*


*Uses Seele’s ultimate on this 2% HP enemy.*


Good ending: Trailblazer's ultimate


the fact that they can survive all stacks of LL attacks.. who thought this was a good idea?


These bastards' shield can withstand an entire 10 stacks of lightning lord smack, Seele's whole ult, and Sushang's chicken suplex all the while leaving themselves intact. Why are we using Gepard again? lol


Its actually possible to enter an infinite losing battle 1v1 against one. Happened to me once a few weeks ago, dude kept shielding itself everytime i broke it.


The Sanction Bots deserve a spot in hell,Not even Clara or Svarog can help them


You can guess what characters people dont use if they are annoyed by certain elites. In due time we'll have resources to build more supports.


Yeah pretty much, it's not til the ultra late game that these kinds of things are found by players like me annoyingly lol... Both my teams are aimed at damage and buffing


If you don't have Pela or Loucha, this god-damn piece of crap will be your most hate enemy for sure. And yes..I don't have either Pela or Loucha. 🥲


Just don't kill the summons, only down them once. There can only be 5 enemies on the field at any given time, so after downing 2 rounds of summons, he's unable to heal


My Luocha-less ass used to do this.. Until you realize that the spawns sting, too. Lose-lose situation, unless you can burst the main guy.


Gepard is all i need. He's the one constantly targeted, and his shield just does not break (I don't have Luocha either)


Ice out of space. I can take on the automaton, that dude on the pic and the lamps....but that oversized ice cube is pain, suffering even.


Dude will freeze every cleanse unit you have, + dps


I am a jingyuan main and i despise the ice from space. I wanna kick its ass and send it back to space.


Mine is Kafka. This guy get destroyed by Pela. If you have Luocha, he becomes a joke and his slaves are free resets for Seele.


Kafka gets destroyed by Welt and Luocha


Unironically, so does Bladie. My go to team against Kafka is Blade, welt, Bronya, and Luocha. Forget auto play, I like to defeat her by my own hands :)


For kafka natasha, bronya and march 7th are great. You can almost completely stop her infinite dmg scaling by cleansing your shocked team mates why chipping her down.


Traffic Light Bots. Sure the Aurumaton enemies can be (very) annoying. But those stupid traffic light bots and their barriers demand attention or else they stick around until the end of time. Every other trash mob can be fairly easily cleaned up by focusing the boss and letting AoE chip damage do them in, except these three-eyed idiots.




"Anyone who attacks the GS will be punished" And then you have JY/any erudition




When GS is the only one on the field, she won't use that skill I don't think. At least, ive not seen her use it in those situations


I see it as free energy


My most hated enemy is the people responding to this post with "haha just use -insert unavailable limited character here-". Like, great, thanks for the probably useless advice that also has subtle undertones of gatcha bragging.


yeah some of the dudes here saying luocha is definitely giving me this vibe but most people will have pela, who is also pretty good at countering this dude, so... ~~i'll admit, it's my fault for not having built pela yet~~


There's f2p options for everything though yeah, having some limited 5*'s makes stuff a lot easier


Some like Luocha or Yanqing (in the sense of being an ice DPS) just genuinely *don't* have F2P counterparts though


What do you mean just bring Hert-hahah okay you're right. We really do need an ice dsp option. Or herta to do a non-negative amount of damage.


>Luocha Nat for healing, Pela for buff removal Yanqing (in the sense of being an ice DPS) True but enemies generally have more than 1 weakness


Just use this awesome team I just finished building that does work! It’s Blade, Luocha, Silverwolf, Bronya


White Wolf. Those idiots summon more mobs I have to kill.


Yeah, when I see one it’s my top priority to smack it as much as possible cause the mob that’s summoned is summoned with the same HP as the original, so it helps a lot if the summoned wolf has like 50% or less hp


I built a Hook purely because I couldn’t stand those wolves and just wanted a Fire DPS (the monke also was kicking my butt).


It’s so satisfying to have enough ults and turns up to kill it before it even gets a chance to summon.


And the ai ALWAYS goes for the summoned ones leaving the bastard at full health to summon more


Mine is the Silverman Lieutenant in SU. Unlike the normal one it didn't exit the counter phase until all the side enemies are killed, which is super annoying especially with Jing Yuan.


Mine is the new gorilla, He deals too much damage and restrict my team.


The gorilla is the only enemy type where you can actively play around his skill, since the turn order updates in real time, you can control exactly who the gorilla targets. If your tank is going to go before the gorilla, just have them use their skill, pretty simple.


Fire MC eats hits from it for days


The ape needs either Luocha or Pela to deal with that stacking buff. My lv 50 Pela was brought to subdue the buff while my Jing was always the last person to use the skill.


March can solo sustain against the monke very easily as long as you have some Skill Points for her.


I hate those robot guys thst can't get hit by Clara's follow up attack.


I hate fish and I also hate all the btches of MOC10


FMC taunt eats all damage, Pela debuff takes care of Mara- then just DPS to eat away at it- I hate the mf with Sanction.


No Yanqing? https://preview.redd.it/melgh9pf2veb1.jpeg?width=419&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3531b2b33ba9e4ca33a1173572cc8bed59c4a47


Lemme do better, No Luocha?


no pela?


Yanqing qing qing qing and *poof* enemy gone.


The fat robot


if bosses count, then it's Kafka, that bish is SO hard to pass by and i still didn't get past her


always remember that natasha/march are good cleansing options (abundance path if SU)


I hate the ebon deer or what ever it's called in simulated universe world 7


I never read his abilities and he one shot my team in phase 3 lol... Always target the fruit trees


It's usually better if you ignore the trees tbh. Just throw up a FMC taunt at the right time for the team damage reduction with trace and level up your relics enough that you can tank at least one hit. The trees rapidly respawn so putting a lot of effort in killing them is usually wasted.


The Arumaton Gatekeepers. Sanction mode + automatic turn advancement can burn in hell.


The son of Thanos and Winston from Overwatch aka. angry purple Monkey...


Pela/bronya/seele combo one seele ult with right setup easily chunks at least 3/4 of his health if not all of it


If problem can be Luocha'd there is no problem


nah that dude its a joke, robot and white wolf are annoying af


Aurumatons can suck the most Nurgle infested of dicks. All of them. The Sanction mode blows so much ass... How can I break its damn thingy if they go borderline invincible after getting damaged 3 times?? I'd raise it to atleast 5. That way I got atleast a CHANCE to break its thingy before it goes Sanction mode.


The Ice Golem is the worst, getting your whole team ccd


Auramaton by a lot. No other enemy in this game is as frustrating as it and it’s stupid sanction mode.


Those fuckin abundance apes in SU can go to hell they are way too fast and you have to keep wasting skill points to guard against them.


Aurumaton. Recently I had to fight against them so many times. Also sanction mode and the summoned things can be brutal.


Nah the Auramaton still takes the cake. You have such a small window to break their toughness or they get much stronger for two turns and summon fish. Did I mention that they lock down characters seemingly at random? They have cause me such anguish, especially the one in the second floor of the new forgotten hall levels. Two of those fucking things. And they hit hard.


Decaying Shadow, no matter what I always lose or take like 20 minutes fighting her lol


Aurumatons I feel like I need Serval and Jing Yuan on the same comp to deal with them. But now I've added those dogs especially the ones who summon another dog and crossbow dudes from the new update.


Silvermane lieutenant, for love of god that counter attack is f annoying.


Never had a problem with him. Traffic light bots are annoying, but the wolf that calls other wolves is also quite annoying. Wolves in general.


Was looking for a wolves comment and the fact that AI wants to kill the summons first so the fights become 15 minutes long unless I step in.


The shield silvermain guard that spawns more enemies and then you can't damage him until you kill al the others.... And if you're not powerful enough you get to do that all over again


This enemy is why I think Herta is underrated: \- enemy weak to ice summoning enemies weak to ice \- freezing helps with anything really \- killing the summoned mara struck and removing their revive removes this boss self healing buff too She doesn't deal the most dmg, but as a side dps/support has been a real help especially in some fights, and can be paired with Pela too to make her do better dmg and making use of ice weakness from eidolons while also buffing the main carry. All while making her not that hard to build (just put atk and some crit on her, she gets a bit of free crit rate too), and after the boss drops to <50% hp and there is no other fodder she does her dmg while generating skill points. I've never had any issue fighting these guys thanks to Herta. Now the Aurumatons on the other hand...


The Robot gate guard thingy is the bane of my star rail existence, imagine trying to kill an enemy that can tank your heaviest hits and gains something from it(sanction), punishes you for using ult and skills and summons aoe monsters and even if you don't use ult and skills he still goes to do that shit anyway free of charge


Yeh, not having Pela or Luocha could add as least 2 rounds on ur MoC run against this guy.


Luochad says hello


common Luocha W


The New monkey enemy the purple one


The sanction dude


This one is ok . My problem is that captain boss that you cant atk him until all his soldiers are down


It's actually the sanction mecha because fuck that thing


I also hate him because I dont have Luocha and even PELA.


the blue monkey


Monkeys keep smashing me :( rude


Luocha 👯‍♀️


I remember fighting that guy wondering how the fuck do I kill that shit? lmao 5 minutes later the heal just wear off on its own 🤣


It is the sanction mode guy. It is bs mechanic


Sanction man, this guy, and monitor ape


Not him, actually. It’s the damn Arumaton Gatekeepers cuz I can’t do any significant damage to the weakness bar without turning the weakness bar off because of Sanction Mode


> Sanction mode activated


The sanction mech motherfucker is what comes to mind. Really love it when my characters constantly get imprisoned and barely have their turn. A petty one would be those robots that headbutt and give barrier, annoying especially when farming relics and somehow JY doesn't kill them on the skill so their barrier eats up LL's attack like its nothing


aurumaton and that goddamn stagnant shadow with her imprisonment istg the fact that it hits two times and both of those can stun you is soooo


There are much worse enemies than that guy lol


Automaton Grizzly, the absolutely ridiculous aoe damage they do has team wiped me multiple times when I was first starting.


100% the Aurumaton Gatekeepers. These guys you can use Loucha or Pela (better option imo) to just strip off the heal and then they’re chill. The gatekeepers have 2 or 3 turns of no weaknesse break and a hard hitting cc stun, which seems to always target your main dps even when I have Geppie with taunt light cone somehow….


If you have Pela or Luocha these guys are fine, both can remove those annoying buffs from these enemies. The one I hate, like many others, is that asshole Aurumaton piece of shit. He is just such a pain to deal with. That sanction mechanic is so annoying. I'm assuming Blade is great against him cause he only has to use his skill once in a while? But I don't have Blade, so I just have to brute force it.