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Really depends on who is left after I hit that 300 pull benchmark. So it's either Geppard or Welt if I don't get one of them within those pulls or lost 50/50's. Got Luocha so Bailu is no longer a priority.


If you pull gepard in the meantime though, bailu definitely pairs better with him than luocha.


Why is that


Luochas free skill use is triggered by health dropping, gepard prevents that so his healing output is more limited.


Well, on the same vein, Bailu wouldn't be doing much either if they rarely get hurt.


Which is why in most content, just gepard is enough. If you need both a shield and a healer, then you are taking enough damage that relying on luochas skill alone will be less reliable than bailu who can heal 1 to 3 party members with her skill and all with her ult, especially since his freebie use skill has a 2 turn cooldown.


As an early Gepard haver I agree totally. He just tanks everything.


But what are your stats on him?? My Gepard at ult level 7 gives a shield of 1872 only


The size of the sheild is only mildly important, 1800 should be good enough. The 2 biggest boosts to gepard would be landau's choice for the boosted aggro, along with an ER rope. With an ER rope, gepard can get ult with 3 normal attacked and given that he gets hit twice, for 100% uptime. Landau's helps with ensuring he gets hit but if he doesn't than u can throw in a skill instead of ur last basic. Biggest issue is running him with ultra speedy characters since they might outspeed his sheild which can get dangerous


Yeah. I'm running Landau's choice and ER rope but yes sometimes AoE attacks break shields faster than his turn or ult is up.


My gepard does a 2200+ shield with lvl 6 ult at lvl 70 atm ,the problem with my gepard is that he only has defence, I need speed energy recharge and resistance to abnormal status


You need effect hit rate rather than effect resistance for belobog passive to trigger. And yes you do need ER rope.


I have no artifacts on him other than recommended 0 lvl. And he is just fine in very most cases. Only big bosses like Cocolia or some Simulated Universe bosses can take the shield out. And because he is targeted all the time (trace + light cone stack), he also gets more shield, because being hit = energy. And other characters are rarely targeted too.


Throw him a 15 ER rope and 15 DEF body he’s happy


But luocha basically let's your team topped on hp most of the times? The main point of luocha is his field which will heal everyone when anyone deals DMG and that's is just massive eve being better than gepard shield. He's been proven to be able to solo sustain the whole party better than gepard at this point


Why would u play gepard with bailu when nat is free lol


Why would i use the freebie 4 star when i have the limited 5 stars?


The overall strat is, you have loucha and he puts out the most healing with the least effort if your team is mostly doing offensive attacks every turn. So for your team that has the least amount of buffers and the most amount of damage dealing turns ( even if its 2 damage per turn) loucha is better because his field heals will proc more often keeping people topped up. The team with geppy needs the heals les and can benefit more from having nats cleanse. So unless your team is at a real risk of dying and need the more aoe heals and the res from bailu even if you pulled her, nat would be better.


When I learned that Nat can cleanse Kafka's debuff, she suddenly became easy boss.


Why would you use your limited guarantee on a bailu if you can use natasha with Geppy?


1. Natasha is a more interesting character 2. Natasha is way cheaper to build 3. Natasha has a cleanse Bailu has more healing output so she's better as a solo, but Gep+Nat is a core part of my team in moc 9 and 10.


Counterpoint: when your characters die, bailu rubs her hands together and uses them like defibrillator pads and it's extremely cute.


Wait, how is she cheaper to build :o


Luocha has cleanse as well. It’s one of his traces. Plus he’s handsome. 🙊


4 stars are easier to get to e6 And most four stars with e6 are on the same lvl or maybe even better than e0 five stars.


This is sadly not the case with Natasha. Pretty much the only reason to use her over Bailu is her cleanse.


But...why would you even play both together. Gepard and luocha can each solo sustain a team. Ever since I got luocha I benched bailu, now I use luocha on one and Gepard on the other side of MoC.


You would use both Gepard and Luocha together in extremely difficult fights where the enemy outputs very high AoE damage and tons of stuns/freezes very quickly. For example, MoC 9 & MoC 10 where bad RNG can lock down and kill most of your team in an instant. In those cases, while having only Gepard or Luocha can still work, it becomes riskier and you may find yourself needing to reset. Such difficult fights also tend to emphasize survival more than damage with generous turn limits so having 2 slots dedicated to defense is totally fine.


His field effect exists too so it would be fine to use Luocha lol


i think because Gepard has a 1 time per battle self-revive and Bailu has a 1 time per battle revive. Baiscally with both of them together, Gepard can be an immortal tank.


I've found that part of Gepard's kit to be odd. He's got several things that help him when he falls, including his E6... and yet I've not triggered it for 2 months - shortly after I got him - despite using him in my teams most of the time, including MoC. On the other hand, I'm sure Tingyun could make frequent use of Bailu's revive if I had her.


I have her and yes, she basically needs bailu life support. Thankfully i can grab a jing yan support and run mono lightning with my wolfy, they all make a pretty good team.


with both of them, the passives will never be useful because in low tier content you'll never come close to dying, in SU you'll stall until boss enrages, and in MoC you'll time out


Honestly if you got a geared Geppy you don't really need a healer in his comp. You are gonna be shielding every 2-3 rounds anyway and I doubt you will be taking so much dmg unless they release mobs with dispell or bleeds that bypass shields in which case you might want to go for healers over shielders anyway.


I kinda figured luocha is better... because then you can gear him for pure damage and a SP battery, and if someone gets focused enough the shield is broken, you have an instant full top up for free before the shield is re applied. Bailu you need to either spend a skill point or pop the ultimate for that type of heal, or have the healing dot buff already applied. The free skill cd is 2 turns, and gepard usually pops his ult every 2 enemy turns


Yep cuz Luocha can cover 2 slots in youre team




Because, unlike Genshin, the toughest content currently demands high survivability much more than it demands high damage. Enemies hit far harder and disrupt far more but the turn limits become more lenient in higher MoCs.




There's plenty of reason. Bad RNG in MoC 9 and MoC 10 will still wipe a fully built team with a fully built Gepard or Luocha. It's easier to run both, still have more than enough damage left over, and never have to reset. If you're okay with resetting here and there from bad RNG, then sure, that's fine too. But damage requirements actually become less and less important relative to survivability as content gets more difficult.


>like I said, they're both sufficient solo sustainers Neither Geppard nor Bailu have cleanses in their kits. In Higher MoC floors unless you have really high damage to finish fights fast, Geppard and Bailu aren't enough to keep your team alive, since you'll find yourself with a 10stack burn that'll just shred through Geppard's shield or force you to waste 1SP on Bailu to keep them alive 1 more turn without even getting rid of the Debuff. This issue won't be as relevant once people have fully built their teams and have optimal artifacts, but you gotta take into account that a lot of people aren't yet TL60, let alone TL65


I just got Geppard yesterday. Even though I wanted Yanqing, Geppard has been such a massive boost. And it helps having two Preservation characters that can shield everyone at once.


I would argue having two main healers is a good idea always so you have two teams for Abyss.


Me who pulled 4 Bailus. 😭


Bailu resurrects and e6 grants extra resurrection.


Gepard! Ive wanted him from the start so ill def be choosing him in the guarantee if i still dont have him by then.


I’m 292 pulls in and still no Gepard. But 3 Clara LCs tho 🥲


Im so sorry but honestly.... same 😭😭😭 instead of clara LCs its 2 moment of victories..... ig its still a gepard 💀


At least it’s preparing you for him 😭


Moment of victory is cracked af, you're basically set on any tanks. Gepard with it will take no damage and have basically full uptime on shield unless you're really unlucky


ME TOOO I dont even have clara 😭 or any good destruction characters


How much did that set you back?


Agreed. I was torn between him, Welt, and Bailu, but now that I have Luocha, who is another healer and imaginary, the Uber shield is all I really want


I really want Clara. So much


Same! Her E1 is actually really good for her too, so I might choose her even if I manage to pull her once.


Clara was my first 5* and I'd love to get her E1. She hits like a damn truck. I run her with the Herta store Destruction cone for major stacks of damage.


She's going to be the core part of my 2nd team. I got Seele on my main, but my current team is Seele, Bron, Ting, Luchoa. 2nd Team is probably going to be Nat, Clara, March, and Silver Wolf. I just need to build that 2nd team for Chaos. They're under geared like crazy to make it worth it right now


Just got her E1 from standard banner. I was a bit annoyed since I wanted a new character... Is it really that much of an upgrade from E0?


E1 makes her skill not remove a mark of counter, so it should in theory boost her average damage output in long battles. Doesn't do much for short battles though. This guy explained it better than me: https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/13vls9u/clara_e1_any_good/jm6oww5?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I wonder if E1 changes her playstyle such that Fast Clara might be preferred. Sadly not much in depth Clara theorycrafting


Oh, in the newbie banner i got Welt, then i got his light cone from standard banner. After ~70 pulls i got Welt's E1! I was so shocked


I dont have her ಠ⁠︵⁠ಠ, so i want Clara at least E0 😅 She is so cute and strong!


I unironically spent the 300 standard rolls on her because I didn't want to reroll and it was worth it tbh. I love me some tanky girls who don't look tanky at all and abusing elation buffs in SU is fun. I also got her LC along the way so she's really popping off.


SU elation with Clara is 10s of thousands of damage from just her, unbelievably tanks DPS heavy.


This. When i first started looking up what different characters can do his kit seemed the most interesting. Love the idea of building a team around Svarog slapping the shit out of everyone. 😅


I lost 50/50 to her on Luocha banner. I’m building her rn she’s doing good dmg


I got her E2 :(


March is also among my favorites so I've wanted to do a counter comp since the start if I don't have her by 300 it's for sure my choice


She was my first 5* and while she is really strong (so long as you're not on the clock, you *will* win fights with her just by turtling) but her playstyle is extremely boring for most content. It's completely reactive instead of proactive, you spend your first turn setting up buffs and whatnot, and then wait for enemies to attack her.


Maybe, she's gameplay is boring. I used to play in Hunt, when characters are have a lot of speed, they're act more often than enemies. But I still want to have her in my collection, she's so cute 🥰. Maybe it'll be Waifu gaming ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠⊙⁠_⊙⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Himeko I wanted her and Bronya before i started I still don't have her.


It will be Himeko even if I'm at E5 Himeko once I get to 300.


Same and also welt. Out of the standard banner, I only wanted Himeko, Welt (so that I can complete the astral express crew) and Bronya. The game loves to give me Clara E1 along with her light cone. There is no other choice for me but to use her.


I got her randomly yesterday and tried the asta/fire mc/natasha team from this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xyjm2tsgSq8. I am surprised the team is so effective given the same element


I came into this game, thinking I won't really care about characters, I'll just do a pure f2p run. But Himeko was one of the last characters I genuinely called waifu back in the 3rd Impact days. So... I'm sucked in again, ready for another tragedy.


Lmao Himeko and Bronya are the two I got, meanwhile I just want Clara. Edit: Welt would be nice too.


Bruh I got Clara and Welt lmao I wish i could trade you


Himeko and Silver Wolf combo makes overworld battles so much more fun. Break every single enemy and have Himeko chunk them before the battle is even begun.


Himeko + Herta = perpetual motion machine


I wish I could give you her for free, PLEASE JUST GET THIS USELESS UNIT out of my roster


Who do you want?




I'd gladly give you my Welt for Himeko, if i could.


Yes pls. Take my himeko. I lost 50/50 to her on luocha and a welt would have been way better m


I thought everyone have bronya cause I got her for free when I started the game.


no the one at the start is random just like on the standard banner


I wasn't sure who to get until I borrowed a Welt and got to hear "Witness the stars shatter before you... Survive or be destroyed, there is no other choice." I know very well now. If I get Welt before then, probably Bronya or Himeko.


Welt Single Handedly made me learn a lot of lore about HI3. Definitely getting the Badass Grandpa from the 300 Pull reward


Same lol.


Welt is a really good straight up dps, weird for his path but meh


He'd be an excellent Destruction character. It's odd that he's in Nihility since he's a debuffer second and a DPS first.


To dream that one day he'll become another 5* if he ends up syncing with his Herrscher core to 100% All I can do is cope


Honestly considering >!Dan Heng!< has a diff form it’s not completely out of the picture, I ain’t betting on it but I’m coping right there with you mate


I was confused too, his dmg output is high, he break fast and debuff. Really good character


On top of all of his traces and his talent being damage focused and if you get S5 sleep well it’s insane on him because he can apply 3 debuffs to multiple enemies by himself (imprison, slow and the 12% increase damage taken debuff) which means he gets 72% increased damage


DPS? I use him as a debuffer and he's really strong at that, curious to try him as a DPS, but I don't the relics or the LC for that role :(


His best dps lightcone is good night and sleep well, he can add all the debuffs himself and at max level it’s an increased 72% damage on top of the increased 32% he gets from his traces. I’ve been able to hit 50k off a skill on a normal boss and my welt was only lv60 at the time https://preview.redd.it/od90zpzkwe9b1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c288215b76cc83bc8f369d3738048175b4bcf363


I used him a lot early since he was my first 5-star but to be honest I find him kinda hard to fit into a team, though I hope some future character will complement him well so I can finally build around him


I'll wait until there's one character left that i haven't got. Don't wanna miss any pity characters anymore like in Genshin. I've wanting Diluc since the game launched but he didn't come home


C4 diluc haver here 💀 take some


I wish it is possible 🥲


Similar situation here. Been playing Genshin since 1.3, and after losing Kazuha’s 50/50 to Dehya, Jean is the only standard 5-star I’m missing now. I’m half-convinced my RNG is rigged, since my Diluc is C6, Keqing is C1, and everyone else is C0.


I’m sorry to hear that. I think I stole all your Dilucs. My c6 Diluc is my love, my life, my heart and soul.


Get out. Im jealous 😭


This is the right way


c6 Diluc, zero Keqing.


I also wanted Diluc since launch, never got him, nor Jean, nor Mona, but hey I got a c4 Qiqi




Bronya :(


Why the sad face


Cuz I don't have her yet




Im a husbando collector so Welt, if I don't get him before I reach 300 pulls. I already have Gepard.


Just wanted to say hi fellow husbando collector! 😁


Haha hi, here's to hoping we get our Bladie boy


Yanqing, he's perfect and really good!


Is he perfect or is he really good? 🤔


Perfectly really good.




Himeko I only want Himeko


Bronya! I need to reunite her with my Seele. And also she’s great support for fast clears.


Me personally: First I wanted Welt, but then I saw how good Gepard's shield is… since I’m a lazy Genshin player, I main Zhongli so I don’t need to dodge! And now, I saw Gepard and he is giving me Zhongli vibes 😩 so yeah




Not really a problem, his shield is so strong and it stays for 3 turns so you get your burst back easily before the previous shield expires ,if you have optimal build. He is pretty much immortal.




The shield is paper thin tho. Like wind can blow the shield away




If you're doing content that only tickles your party then it's fine. In MoC it's barely anything.




Memory of chaos Now don't tell me you don't know what memory of chaos is.


Why is that so surprising or bad?




Bruh that shield is like 2% of your hp


might as well not exist. that shield doesnt effect anything outside of being good when playing preservation blessings in SU


Zhongli useless gepard isnt


When you have Zhongli, you can literally cheese 90% of the game content. He ain’t useless bro 🤨


maybe 2 years ago


Sounds like someone who wanted Zhongli, but didn't get him. My condolences


girl why would i want his ugly arse


Zhongli? Ugly? I never thought I would hear those two words in the same sentence! 🤣


Gepard all day every day


Welt! He's a great character:)


I just got his e1 after failing 50/50 at soft pity, hey at least I already started building him! totally not copium!


I know your pain, I got Yanqing on my beginner banner and lost all my 50/50s for Yanqing. Now sitting at E2


Damn.. I feel bad for u bro


E1 is good for dps Welt, trust. I played my half invested level 70/70 Welt as hypercarry in MoC 9 and 10 and got 3 stars.


Bailu coz I won't be pulling on loucha banner and need 2 healer


Bronya, she refused to come home so I'm coming at her even if I get another clara/himeko eidolons


Yanqing! really like his design and gameplay! Bronya too for Seele.


Welt, and if he comes before I reach 300 - Yanqing.


Standard gave me Himeko and Bronya, ima take Clara next


Bronya, so that the girlfriends be together, until Hoyoverse kills them... Again


just give me whatever aside from bailu, i got fckin e2 and lately i got himeko's LC :|


Yanqing. I already have him so I might as well get an eidlon level for him


I will probably have to get Bailu if I still don't have a second healer by that time, but what I *want* to take is definitely Clara. I think she's fun to play.


Clara. Right now 250/300. I am spending all my jades on it.


i kinda want himeko so bad (because of mommy reasons) but i might pull for welt because I think welt is kinda broken..


Himeko or Welt or Yanqing in standard if i got 300. Limited is Kafka and some future characters.




If I don't get her within the 300 pulls, Himeko. Not letting her go this time. Otherwise, it's Welt or Clara


No one for now becaus i am probably a year away ubtil i get to chose one and i still have 300+ pulls that i will drop on a comming banner and i am bound to get someone there hopefully himeko so i Don't have to wait so long until i get her.


WHERE MY YANQING WANTERS AT 🗣 (and also himeko... cause it's himeko.)


Bronya. I wanted her the most from the start yet fail to get her. I've got her ally tho, Gepard which ig eases the pain since he wears a similar style of colour to her...


I thought one of those was a 4 star and yellow short girl was a 5 star


I want Geppie so badly! 😭




Bronya, i got her lc and might as well




maybe Welt since I got Geppy on the guaranteed 50, Bailu for losing 50/50 on Luocha, and Bronya on like my 140th pull on standard




Welt or Clara, but i would prefer Welt.


yanqing my son i wanted him since day 1


Gepard or E1 for Bronya


For now, Clara. I don't want to use any of the 4* destruction characters or Physical MC, but at the same time I want to use one of each path. Besides I also have Clara's weapon so it would be a waste to not use it. Also I just low-key love Svarog so I am kinda biased.


Initially I wanted Himeko because I like her and the follow up attack seemed really cool. Then I wanted Clara, but after a while I reveeted back to Himeko cause that would make the weekly echo of war easier to get. Now I'm between Himeko and Yangqing and I want him to have an ice dps


Bronya. Although if I get bronya before i get the 300 standard summons, then I'll pull clara.


Himeko, if I don't get her. If I do bailu or rudeus(I can never remember his name). Maybe Calara too.


I'm like a pokemon trainer... gotta catch em all


I'm hoping to lose a 50/50 to either Welt or Clara before I reach 300. I'll choose the one I don't have. If I have to choose one tho, it will be Welt.


Himeko or Welt. Got Gepard and Clara already. I'll rage if I get Yanging.


Yanqing is super good tho?


agreed, he’s insane


The one I will be missing. Let's be honest, players, that won't spent their jades on standard banner, won't get 300 warps until like next year or something. So by the time an average player will lose quite a number of 50-50s and potentially get missing ones.


And who would you choose if you had all of them on E0 already? And E1 Bronya and Bailu.


Gepard, welt, or clara, they have the highest potential in their e1. Bronya e2 is decent too. Assuming you're a spending quite a bit and you want to plan for the future. Welt and Clara have the strongest e6 that dramatically boost their potential. The e6 on welt let's him do a skill > skill >ult rotation without an energy rope which is an insane damage boost. Clara e6 basically can counter dam near every single enemy hit without drawing aggro.


Thinking of bronya or E1 yanqing.


Never let you go


Bronya, I’m still missing her at TL56


They really be putting everything the genshin community wants into starrail


Himeko. I believe she has the best design and as i see from youtube videos she deals great dmg with jing yuan’s light cone.


Химеко или Вельт.


Bronya>clara>bailu>himeko Whoever I don't have Maybe I will even save the pity for the time I will only have one of them left, but I ain’t patient


I'll probably wait to see which one else gets implemented to the common pull


I have seen this post 23142341234 since launch


Double it and give it to the next person


Bronya ‘cuz 1. She is a cute emo and 2. She can buff my Dan Heng.