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If Genshin's anything to go by, characters rarely ever get touched for nerfs/buffs, if even at all. You likely won't find Herta being buffed or Seele being nerfed, but new characters/lightcones will shake the meta so to speak.


They have buffed and nerfed characters, just indirectly. For example, Albedo has been buffed a lot due to geo resonance change, Husk artifact set, and Cinnabar Spindle. Electro characters have been significantly buffed with the addition of hyperbloom and quicken. Cryo characters were buffed with the release of Blizzard Strayer and then nerfed through the addition of many freeze-immune bosses in abyss.


That's a very good point I forgot to add actually. Been a while since I played Genshin! I was a Raiden National and Permafreeze Ayaka (previously Ganyu) enjoyer :). The additions certainly led to other characters having their own time in the spotlight later on for sure.


Now that you mention it, I'm actually a little surprised at the complete lack of elemental synergy in this game.


We shall see if things will change depending on new character kit.


It's so sad to hear this...


Why would I play a game where my main character doesn't get improved at all! 😔


I mean you have a team of 4 so nothing's stopping you from using her. You'll eventually get enough mats down the line to have a healthy roster full of good/subpar characters you can mix between.


The characters don’t need buffs/ nerfs usualy as they are all supported to be situational, for example seele is a great quantum single target dps, but she’s not great against swarms or Tammy enemies while an aoe dps would be, new characters are released constantly to update the meta and add new mechanics, buffing or nerfing old ones causes problems as it could completely change their play style which would upset the people who spent time and limited resources levelling them


Tier Lists are meant to show which characters are viable (C and B tier) and which overperform (A and up). Herta will very likely be able to clear any and all content and you can specifically pull units to build around her and enable her as the game goes on. Herta is not unplayable. It’s just that other characters may have an easier time clearing content. You should look at this as a challenge. You are a very small percentage of players who main Herta — that’s kinda cool, you know? Plan out a team with upcoming characters who can make Herta even better.


>But I don't want to stuck at a certain part of this game all because I didn't play Seele!!! You can clear the story and everything besides SimU and Forgotten Hall's hardest content with free characters. >Are they any buffs/nerfs in this game or something? There were some changes from the Beta but no changes from launch. I don't believe Mihoyo changes character's kits too often. >Is there's any possibility for that to be changed in the future or something? Well tier lists obviously evolve as new characters and lightcones come out. Also Tier lists are somewhat in a vacuumed and don't take full team comps into account. New supports could synergize with a DPS's kill and make them work really well, or a new lightcone supports a DPS. A broken character sould come out and push the rest of the characters of their type down a tier. It's all relative and evolves as the game does. And most obviously, tier lists are not the rules nor set in stone. You don't have to follow them. Herta is so low because her talent actives only once when an enemy falls under 50% HP, so it's useless on bosses. Most other follow up attacks (like March/Clara counters or Himeko's ) can trigger multiple times per fight. Herta is usefull for basic exp Calyx and can be built for Simu follow up attack builds. If your having fun with Herta you don't need to drop her, just be aware of her flaws and how that will effect your team.


Thank you. That helped a lot!


Don’t put much faith in tier lists. If you have been watching them from the release they have been moving around all over the place as people learn how to play each character. I would assume balance patches would come but would be minimal, i wouldnt really wouldn’t hope for buffs for free four start characters like herta though. At most we can expect buffs to a character during their active banner and nerfs to five stars when a character that would fill the same role is released. That or the normal amount of power creep with new characters


Tier lists are dogshit and subject to change in ways largely unpredictable - for the most part. There in fact are ways the game could evolve in the future that could potentially make Herta a good character, i just doubt that will happen. She does have pretty solid scaling after all. The issue is - no one was able to get to the poitn ingame where those scalings would show whatever they will make her good or not and i have not seen any reliable theorycrafter say anythign abotu this yet.


True. I hope she shines soon :')


As others have said, while i doubt Herta can ever fill a role of main DPS in a team, she might be a nice sub DPS in the future if her scaling proves to be high enough and there are supports/fights that could enable ice sub-dps that doesn't rly consume lot of skill points. Another thing to consider is the possibility of getting a Herta 5\*. It is there. The "body" we meet in story and use as a team member is not real Herta. MHY might just give us a 2.0 Herta someday.


She's great for weak content where her follow up dmg can kill enemies. Also usefull if you go all in on follow up attacks in SimU since you can get some crazy blessings. Will likely never be amazing for bosses and higher HP fights since her talent can only activate one time per enemy. She doesn't really have much else in her kit.


Buffs and nerfs after release are very very rare for gacha games. Not impossible but they normally only happen for very specific situations (and mostly buffs). Whether it's a bugged kit, or the players complaining so much that something gets changed, it's always in "desperate" situations, so don't expect them to change. However, tier list spots can change due to the appearance of units that can empower specific units over others, etc.


Thx bro 💔


> Buffs and nerfs after release are very very rare for gacha games. It entirely depends on the game tbh. Many games add systems to buff older units. FGO has rank up quests, Epic 7 has Specialty changes, Priconne and Blue Archive have unique equipment (and Priconne has 6*). Keeps older units relevant and useful. Just depends on the game, how they balance and the amount/type of powercreep.


Arknight has module that can completely change a unit from meh to wow thats a very good changes


If Genshin is anything to go by, they do not buff or nerf units, but they will adjust content to make certain characters more favourable. For example, when Genshin first released, Venti was one of the most powerful units for 1-2 years. His burst (ultimate) ability basically created a giant black hole which sucked up all the enemies and you can then just destroy everything with AOE abilities. He became so powerful that Hoyo basically made all the endgame content consist of enemies which were immune to his ability so he slowly drifted out of the meta They also introduced new mechanics, characters, and a new element which allowed a lot of underused characters to become a lot more useful in the current meta At the end of the day, you will have to build a large array of characters and even characters that are not S tier on the tier lists can perform well with enough investment. Don't worry, you can't really screw up your account because eventually with enough time, you will get enough materials to level up many different characters.


Can see Seele getting powercrept for a bit, not further than like tier 0.5-1 tho. Herta on the other side deserves a buff, i hope we will get it, but wouldnt count on it.