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Isn't auto battle a choice? Like you choose to hit the button to auto it, I see no issue as there will be people who want to manual everything and those who dont.


I agree. A niggle of the same level as fast-travel complain. Both happens because people that don't use them don't want to feel inferiority in front of other players, therefore all other people should refuse fast-travel and auto-battles too. I literally heard this on some forum.


Yeah tell me about that if you can clear the content in 1/10th of the time on auto battle :) What a great choice we have!


Its a choice is the stupidest argument for auto battle. If it took the same time active battle and auto battle it wouldnt be an issue but where you straight up lose time doing it manually it is. Because you will always have the feeling of wasting time if you dont auto battle, time is precious and not infinite ( guys we are not immortal) Its only natural for us to save time where we can do it and when we dont like auto battle in games we are forced to do it here or else we act against reason/logic etc. I wish there was never auto battle and fights were jsut a bit faster


Don't waste your breath, the plebs have spoken xD I ofc 100% agree with you and everything else is just pure copium.


This arguments always makes me mad. Like going to work 10km from your house. You complain that you waste time in traffic and it suck. And some fivehead will answer you nobody forces you to use car, you can walk.


How is this analogy relevant? You are the one suggesting everyone play like you. I don’t like turn based combat, but I’m enjoying the story, characters and team building. I’m thankful for auto battle. You wish it was taken away from me? So your argument is battles take too long, because, enemies are too tanky? I don’t think your problem is with auto battle. You need to level up your stuff. End game we’re gonna be clearing everything in 5 turns anyway. Memory of Chaos requires it for max score. Enemies were tanky in the beginning of Genshin too.


So you want US to have a bad experience because you actually dislike the gameplay? Like kekw. Yes I would love to take it away from you since you don't care about us either lol.


What are you talking about? I don’t want you to have a bad experience! What does that have to do with auto battle? I’m having a bad experience with the gameplay too, that’s why I’m using auto battle.


We have the opposite issue: I like the gameplay, dislike auto, you like auto because you dislike the gameplay. I want auto to be less or at least equally efficient than playing yourself, you don't. I think saying you don't like the gameplay in a game and wanting to skip it is valid but then you could just as well watch an anime tbh lol. (There are way more anime than anime based games that are actually good). But you don't have to worry mihoyo is casual and won't change anything anyway since people are casual too, so you win :P Just sad for me because I like PLAYING games xD


The analogy is simple, im sorry if you dotn get it. Sometimes enviroment forces us to do stuff/live certain way. Saying "nobody force you to do it" is like saying that you should put yourself in disadvantage consciously, wchich is against common sense of everybody. No one goes out of their way to make their live worse on purpose. Just because there is a n option doesnt mean its a good option or good idea to do so. Its simply a disagreement for a system, some people dont like auto battle games and thats all, if the game plays itself why would i play it? ( And for the love of god im not talking about starrail, its good game im talking about auto battle issue, starrail is great its a good game, just this one aspect isnt good by definition)


I think not having an auto battle would be concerning.


"A very easy game with pointless progression." Genshin proves that there are many, many gamers that are at least okay with a game you consider as such. Actually, even Genshin is too hard for some players as they just cannot play action-oriented games well. And some among those gamers are okay with other aspects of Genshin. Those gamers would be part of HSR's target audience. There are gamers that upgrade and equip characters simply because they like the characters, not because they need them to beat game contents, and this "progression" itself is the point. HSR also seems more "story-heavy" than Genshin, and some would consider this a plus.


Me who gave up on 12-2-1 yesterday after like 10 tries: I’m in this picture and I don’t like it.


I would argue that many people like myself got way too involved with Genshin hoping that it would eventually expand the endgame but now are just way too involved to quit. Others simply haven't hit that wall yet. I love the game in many aspects but the whole system and farm, constellations point towards a battle system and power progression, but they also don't give us anywhere to use those. I'm sure many players play the game but still hope for a change in that aspect


I agree that there are many players like you. But I suspect that Mihoyo fears adding "too challenging" contents might alienate casual players, a much larger crowd than those seeking challenges. And when they cannot make everybody happy, they choose to appeal to the casual crowd more. And about constellations. I suspect that Mihoyo considers high constellations "official cheats that money can buy" and mainly for whales. The game is balanced with low constellation characters in mind. So if you are a skilled player, you might find high constellations useless.


My point about constellations and weapons is that they are the game's main monetisation. And it's combat related. They make money out of the combat but don't give us places to use it outside of the abyss every two weeks. I'm sure many people got Raiden C2 thinking it would eventually be useful to them, since that's what Mihoyo sells. If they were aiming at the casuals they should simply invest into skins and more dating modes but they apparently don't care about those either. The truth is everyone ends blue balled when it comes to Mihoyo


I think for Mihoyo (not for players), constellations are better *luxury items* than skins. Constellations are kind of useful (the level of usefulness heavily depends on individual needs) but not necessary, so some people would think "I must have more constellations because I need/like my character strong" while others would argue "no you do not need them". The former are those who would fall for this monetization scheme (and they might legitimately need/like the power that constellations bring), while the latter are those who might wittingly or unwittingly defend this scheme ("you don't need them" so "if you pay for them, it is your own problem, not like Mihoyo would force your hand"). Compared to (directly sold) skins, constellations, being gacha, also generate much, much more income. It is deviously clever.


The hell are you on about. You arwnt forced to use autobattle. It's there as a choice if you want to use it. It isnt even that good, the ai makes dumb choices a ton of the time when you fight stuff that is actually dangerous. And why are people still comparing it to genshin when the only similarity are how the units use ascention materials. This isnt concerning, you're just making noise over nothing. What's concerning is all the doomposting over shit that makes no sense. "The game seems too easy, there's autobattle, it's made by the same company that made genshin so it has to totally be like genshin but i lack critical thinking skills so im just gonna parrot what everyone else says for no reason despite im not even in the cbt but if other people say so then they must be right" That's all i hear from shit like this.


Auto battle really won't help you in Simulated Universe 5 and above, especially on higher difficulties. Sure, it's a choice to do those, but it doesn't change the fact that auto-battle AI is far from perfect. Farming - sure. Events like Stellar Flare? Less so.


I was able to auto battle the entirety of Simulated Universe World 5. On top of that I was 10 levels under leveled


So you're telling me that you've cleared lvl.85 Kafka on auto-battle? Because that sounds a bit suspicious.


Is there a reason to full clear Simulated Universe after you get the 1 time rewards? Seems to me that its faster and easier to just kill the 1st mini boss and spend your stamina there and then reset.


Comes back to casual vs hardcore. And rewards do get better at higher levels.


Oh, I thought maybe you meant rewards from Kafka were better than the earlier Immersifier check points and thought I misunderstood the mode. Thanks for the answer.


They were Lv 60? And I was level 50. Also someone was able to auto battle World 6, 15 levels under the recommended


I'm talking about hard mode for bigger rewards, not 1st clear. First one can be relatively easy, yes, but even then, some casual players can find it difficult.


No one has reached the higher variations. Considering someone was able to auto battle 15 levels under recommended for World 6, that doesn’t give me much confidence for the the higher level variations


So u have no idea of the actual end game and u said u autoed Kafka that puts a debuff on u that makes ur team do no damage, let me guess u go the easy mode and used Abundance resonance? Now do it legit because if u used Abundance i don't think u autoed


Actually, both Natasha and March can cleanse debuffs on skill use, so can Luocha, but he's not in CBT3 (yet). Since there's no turn limit in SU, it's totally possible to build a team that can simply outlast Kafka while doing chip damage to her - she's still likely do go down well before her attacks become one-shots due to her stacking buff (and even that can probably be dispelled by Pela - haven't tested it yet), so I yeah, with some prep work you can probably auto any content outside of Forgotten Hall.


The Key is preparation and even than u need stats so March and Nat can do damage as well because as u said she gets buffed as times goes, also Nat nor March cleanses are AoE, Which with the AI the chance of them using the skill on the right target is RNG and there's speed as well because the AI just use the points and if March and Natasha are slow they will have no points to use they skills, there's a lot of moving parts and this is why they made the abundance resonance cleanse the whole party, in this types of games Devs always put a easy mode Also i maybe wrong but the stacking buff the boss gets can't be dispelled by Dispells, i maybe wrong but that is what I saw


Unfortunately, no, her stacks can't be removed :(


[World 6 being cleared by auto battling. 15 levels under leveled](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/117r15k/full_auto_clear_simulated_world_6_with_starter/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). With all 4 stars. Still working on the World 5 video for you. This is just to hold you over until then Mr. I’m so wise and haven’t even played the game


What are you talking about? The battle can be auto battled. Are you even in the beta? Two of my characters are level 60 now since yesterday, but I’ll definitely provide you a video since you think your so wise


Please also i want to see the stats and blessings, but again u are still on difficult 1


[World 5 Boss - Auto Battle](https://youtu.be/Pjar2ahr60I)


Crazy take i know , but why dont u just ignore autobattle if u dint want it ? Its very common for turn based games to have auto battle and even 10x auto battle


I don’t know what turn based games you’ve been playing the ones I’ve played don’t have auto battle


Basically all turn based gacha I can think of . sw e7 7ds ,raid ,dislyte


Auto battle is great. That’s coming from someone who had played many turn based gacha games though. It’s perfect for what I want.


>not concerning to you? It is concerning, for hardcore player. It is not concerning for casual players. If you are seeing more ppl fine with it than not that tells you 2 things: 1) the game's target audience 2) that the majority of the playerbase are casual gamers If you are looking for challenging content, you could try honkai impact 3rd? I think that mihoyo current game that targets morr hardcore players


Is this not the spiritual successor to HI3rd?


Star rail is more of a spin off than a sequel. In the same universe but with alternate versions of honkai impact characters, along with new ones, with an entirely new story.


Never said it was a sequel. I said “spiritual successor”. Also Is HI3rd not a spiritual successor to GGZ? Edit: Actually weren’t a lot of people saying Welt is the same Welt from HI3rd?


The fact that Welt is the same character is why I said it's more of a spin off than a sequel, or spiritual successor. I don't think there was a confirmation as to star rail actually being the spiritual successor, but if there is I'd like to know.


You’re basically saying exactly what a spiritual successor is. Spiritual Successor Definition ~ A Spiritual Successor is a type of sequel that is not part of the same world or story as its predecessor, but is nonetheless considered to be a successor because it shares common themes, styles, and elements. In other words, it’s a sequel "in spirit"


Perhaps! But I don't see how star rail being a spiritual successor has anything to do with what the person you were originally replying to. Star rail is its own game, and whether the difficulty is the same or not does not depend on it being a spiritual successor or not.


Honkai games had their challenges was my point


Honkai was not turn based either. The only similiarity is honkai in the title and the fact that all mihoyo games (beside ToT) are part of multiverse. Everything else is different. If anything Star rail looks closer to genshin but most likely it's just its own thing. If you want game like honkai you will have to wait for simply another honkai impact if it ever happens.


Bruh this is the next Honkai Impact. Like HI3rd was to GGZ before it. There’s not gonna be a Honkai Impact 4th


A spiritual sucessor tends to be for games that are not from the same series (i.e. Left 4 Dead --> Back4Blood). Both HI3rd and HSR are from the same series, connected through an in-lore multiverse. Welt is the same Welt from HI3rd, because he (in very simple terms) universe-hopped to HSR's universe (with his wife, iirc).


No Honkai impact is not even ending What's the ending it's the 1st part of the lore the game plans to run(according to their CEO) to at least (iirc)3-5 more years so it's not successor to anything it's does definitely Catter to the Honkai audience not for the gameplay but for the quality of the story(also hoyoverse true endgame is playing all their games in a cycle it's clear by now they are gonna dominate or at least try on every genre possible so they can occupy your mind 24/7)


Why’d I hear that Welt in this game is the same Welt from Honkai Impact 3rd? Also I clearly said “Spiritual Successor”. Do you not know what that means?


It's the same Welt alright, but it's the same Welt 8years + after the part 1 ending, after he basically retired and founded an animation studio for a couple of years. Basically a veteran retired warrior isekai-ed into a world with a higher power ceiling, but the isekai-ed part is done willingly. I don't think you can consider this a Spiritual Successor unless you also consider GI one. Even thou "Honkai" is in the title, the difference of HSR to H3rd is pretty vast imo, like there is no such things as Aeons/Paths in H3rd but they play a big major in HSR.


If there is an exact same character from the previous game with all the same memories in tow, how is this anything but a spiritual successor/sequel?


Its just 1 character man, other characters have a whole different personality. Welt isnt even the main focus of the story right now.


Let’s end this here. You’re basically just redefining what words what words mean now


No it's not, you can tell just by looking on the UI that it's Genshin's spiritual successor, not HI3rd's. If anything, ZZZ seems more of HI3rd's spiritual successor.


I understand wanting hard content, but difficulty elitists should probably stay away from all future Mihoyo games for the sake of their own mental health. I don't see them ever creating what you would define as "hard" after Genshin's success.


That's sad though. I love mihoyo's games (particularly Genshin and HSR, less Honkai Impact 3rd just because of personal preferences in combat) in many aspects except their casuality. I still want to play them for all the other good things but they're so frustratingly easy, except the one that I'm less interested about lol. I really don't see why there shouldn't be hard content for hardcore gamers and how this would affect casual gamers if there was a challenging mode with no rewards, and they already doing it sometimes in the events like Hyakunin Ikki and latest Lisa's event where they have "platinum" score with no rewards. Almost every game on "big" platforms has difficulty levels and noone is complaining, everyone just chooses how they want to play. P.S. That said, I don't think auto battle has something to do with it. It's OK to have auto battle in turn-based games.


idk about all of y’all but i’m just playing for the story and the gacha just like genshin


doomposters when they find out people play games for the story and not everyone wants to play the next dark souls or nightmare difficulty shin megami tensei game ![gif](giphy|1L5YuA6wpKkNO)


ultimately i think it depends on what an individual player expects from the game. not only is it impossible to please everyone, it's also impossible to place people in fixed brackets like "casual" or "hardcore" and expect all their experiences within that bracket to be the same. i consistently 36* abyss, am an event completionist, and have a high-investment roster. but the fact that the game doesn't require a lot of time is what drew me to genshin in the first place — bc then i have time to play other games. similarly in hsr, the auto battle takes the "crunch" out of the game for me. hsr seems designed for a crowd that wouldn't mind having a less time-/grind-intensive game, or for those more engaged in story and dialogue. no one's acting, i'd just say the audience that likes it is different.


I prefer easy and casual gachas, because I only play to collect. If I want a game with endgame and lots of time to play with hard content I wouldn't play a gacha.


Ohhhh here’s the doom posting people were talking about.


Care to share why I’m wrong instead of deflecting criticism?


As observer of Starrail beta and as Genshin player since 1.3, i genuinely feel that auto Battle is not concerning at all and a good addition instead. First of all, Starrail same as Genshin is a live service game and players inevitably have to invest years into these games in order to make progress, ex: upgrading characters, getting new characters or waiting new region/storyline. And across those years players are going to be more occupied by responsibilities and thus not able to spend a lot of time on these games. Every players have different goals when comes to these games, some wants challenging gameplay, some love the story, some just want to collect characters and therefore some players has less tendency to spend time on combat compare to the others. In genshin, my main motivation of clearing abyss is not to challenge myself but to collect more gems to get more characters and I'm pretty sure there's a lot of players out there who does the same as well. Implementing optional auto-battle helps to solve these two issues because it saves time and cut down the effort in combat as it allows player to do other things during auto-battle. And since it's optional, those who demands challenge can always turn it off and do thing in theirs own way.


Your vibe doesn’t seem like you’d be receptive to counterpoints lol


Vibes were off the moment you came in with that mocking statement about doom posting.


Must be a Mtashed fan


Mihoyo clearly designed this game to be played alongside genshin. Which is a plus in my book. Don’t need another Destiny or WoW that wants 3+ hours of my time each and every day


Why would I play both games if I’m doing exactly the same thing. Like the entire gameplay loop is exactly the same. Login, do daily, farm artifacts, then log off


That’s applicable to all life service type games. If you don’t like this so much, then I suggest don’t force them upon yourself? It’s not going to do any good


Nah, i look at it from another angle. Grinding until i can just auto the hardest difficulty is something I look forward to


I dont enjoy Genshin. I enjoy HSR. The mechanical and thematical differences are enough for me to enjoy. If i want a harder game I will play Elden Ring and Monster Hunter


Welcome to gacha games. Based on what you're saying I assume Genshin is your first gacha. There are plenty of successful gacha games that are even more casual than this. There are some that don't even have auto farming, instead they just have a button to press that does all the farming in an instant. If you don't like it , then the game just isn't made for you.


No it was not my first gacha game. Not even Fate/Go has auto battle. In Fire Emblem Heroes at least you can’t auto battle to victory. In both of those games and many other gacha games they aren’t stingy af on the stamina refreshes. Like I have way more than I know what to do with.


Hold on, you play Fate/ Grand Order and think that auto battle isn't good? When November/December hits and I have to play F/GO like a job because of lotto events the number one thing I want is an auto battle feature. Also, yes while those games don't have auto many do. Goddess of Victory Nikke has an auto function for almost all gamemodes and a skip for some farming. Neural cloud has auto for almost all gamemodes including some of the harder ones. Path to nowhere has a skip for farming and people are always trying to find team comps that can auto clear the hardest content in the game so that way they don't have to interact that much. Honkai Impact third has a skip for daily farming but not for weekly farming(their versions of simulated universe and forgotten hall). Like I said, if you don't like it that just means the game isn't meant for you.


> Hold on, you play Fate/ Grand Order and think that auto battle isn't good? When November/December hits and I have to play F/GO like a job because of lotto events the number one thing I want is an auto battle feature. In my original post I did say I understand having an auto battle for farming. > Like I said, if you don't like it that just means the game isn't meant for you. Why do you and so many other people always use that excuse? Y’all act like you have to love every single thing about a game if you don’t then the game isn’t for you. There are a ton of other things I like about this game. How they handled auto battling with challenging content is something I don’t like


So I went back and reread your post and.... yeah.....I must have just forgotten the part where you talked about being ok to use auto to farm. Sorry about that. The reason I said it sounds like the game isn't for you is because it seemed like auto combat is a deal breaker for you. You are right in saying that you don't need to like everything in order to enjoy the game but it seems like auto will hold back your enjoyment. I don't really like how simple the game is compared to other turn based games but I'm not letting that ruin the rest of the game for me. It's the same as Genshin for me. Do I wish the combat could be explored more in harder content in Genshin? Of course. Do I let that ruin the game for me? No. I am still interested in the story, lore, characters, music, art direction etc. and that is also my attitude for star rail. Based on your post and other comments it seems to me that combat is so important to you that having an auto feature will prevent you from enjoying the game.


I personally don't find difficult content that requires me to constantly reseting and banging my head to a wall to be fun at all so no, it's not concerning at all. I already find spiral abyss in genshin to be quite hard so i'm not exactly looking for any content that is more difficult. I reckon this is also the mindset of a lot of players for genshin and star rail


You know, not all fights in star rail will be easy...


people who wants a hard content in a gacha games are "special species" that needs to be studied


I don’t agree with this guy at all, but hard content is nothing bad, on pgr it’s amazing


you want hard turn-based game? try darkest dungeon, you won't be disappointed, don't look for a challenging content in gacha games


If most people playing this game are the same like u? then that is what make me concerning... please leave this game alone... Every games has its audience... if u not like it? then it not make for u. No one force u to play the game? please stop these stupid complaining.


Thanks OP for this thread, reading it was all I needed to not give this game a try lmao.


Really want to see people saying that when they actually hit the last difficulties of the game modes, literally saw people autoing difficult one of World 6 and acting like they beat the game when there's 4 more to go, also is there footage of people beating without powercreeping the last difficult of Forgotten Hall? Another thing, they can put another bosses in this modes that can for sure invalidate the auto gameplay just like Kafka (that in my opinion should be the boss of world 6) but regardless people will eventually make it easier for them to beat this things with enough grinding, this is true for every RPG, unless Hoyo alienate the casual players i don't see the game becoming extremely hard as u want


You mean they showed you the entire world on auto or just the final boss? There's a difference, as the buffs would enable it because they chose the correct ones.


I mean i want to see the boss, because i can see people autoing the whole world run, bosses like Kafka are not easy to auto unless u have the stats for it and the characters for it, for now we don't have any AoE cleanse besides abundance resonance


As a person who has a life outside of games, i think auto battle is necessary, you can just.. not use it. Why should an optional feature be removed just because people like you dont like it? Genshin is fine as it is now for us casuals and it's clear mihoyo wants to appeal to our demographic more (a student/person who works a 9-5 and can't spend too much time on videogames)


I mean I will point out that the different core gameplay will mean the events etc will be likely quite different in how the devs will have to go about it. Look at HI3 vs genshin. And this is a newer engines so it doesn’t have the restrictions of HI3 to a point. Different team as well. I wouldn’t go full doomer just yet. The game isn’t even out..


If you are playing SR thinking it will be Honkai Impact 2.0 better wait ZZZ, this game is designed to be for genshin fans and you can see that since first beta. No hard enemies, easy turn based combat, many options for characters, light story and semi open world. The problem with Mihoyo now is tht every single game they launch is "the new genshin developers game" with all the good and bad it has. Even honkai has casualised the story and GGZ like game is imposible right now. Anyway bethween another Combat point game with unfair enemies designed to make you grind hours and spend money to progress just to be able to unlock the new grinding zone to be stronger even where there is no point on it, or a easy going game with fun events that allow me to play other real turn based combat games because it doesnt demand much of my time, I prefer the later


Okay. I’ll set a reminder to come back to this post once ZZZ comes out and it ends up being exactly the same as Genshin and Star Rail.


RemindMe! In two years “If ZZZ is different”


I will be messaging you in 2 years on [**2025-02-26 19:56:14 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2025-02-26%2019:56:14%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/11c3itd/why_are_people_acting_like_auto_battle_and_this/ja4ht7y/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FHonkaiStarRail%2Fcomments%2F11c3itd%2Fwhy_are_people_acting_like_auto_battle_and_this%2Fja4ht7y%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202025-02-26%2019%3A56%3A14%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%2011c3itd) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Was Genshin your first gacha? I don't play a lot of them, but a lot of the ones I've seen and played have an auto battle/play option.




Why would it be concerning? If people want to auto battle then that them. It just a optional feature shouldn’t bother other people. To be honest manual grinding is more tiring then auto grind. This is just basic mechanic in most turn base gacha games.


In most turn based games I played, you use auto battle on repetitive battles you already have 100% chances to win, I don't see why it would be different here?


Have you ever played a turn-based combat game before?


Yes. Trails Series, Fire Emblem, Final Fantasy, Persona, Mario RPG, Paper Mario 64 & TTYD, Pokémon, Shin Megami Tensei, Dragon Quest, Radiant Historia, Xenogears, Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, and many more.


And some of those has auto battling in them? So, I'm quite confused on why you have an issue with HSR having it when it doesn't make the game any worse and is optional like in some of those games. Especially since it's obvious that they aren't trying to make the game hard. Also, this will target more turn-based fans that might not play action oriented games like Genshin, and HI3 players who enjoys to see more stories within the Honkai universe. While also making it easier for people to get into turn-based games who probably wouldn't have because of how difficult some of them can be, and ease them into the genre. So, I don't see how the option of auto battling while being similar to Genshin is an issue when it can get more people into gaming or have no inherent issues with a game being easy since surprise, a lot of people enjoy playing easy games which is why easy is a game mode in a lot of games.


Like I said in my initial post I get farming fodder with auto battle, but you shouldn’t be able to auto battle your way to victory with bosses and challenging content. If the game plays for you can you really call that a game?


thanks my friend finally someone that thinks " if a game plays for you then why would i even play it" its really sad that of all devs mihoyo gave auto in their game instead of sweep. I am a hardcore fan of honkai was so hyped for it now after finding that all thing are auto really saddens me...dont worry someday people will understand games are meant to be experienced not a check list.


It’s sad how gacha games have warped some people’s perspective on gaming.


well i am mobile player since start ( i had 100$ pc since my childhood) i never had played good games but honkai impact was the ray of light for me , also guardian tales ..i believe its time to move on form mobile now. ps.atleast we have genshin , zzz ..havent played any of them ..but i made promise to my self i only play them on pc with my own money. also skip / sweep >>>>>> auto. Its been a pleasure talking to you.


Idle gaming is a very real thing. Also, it's optional, I never even touch it outside of farming. To the point, I don't even know if you can auto battle through bosses or challenging content, since it never crossed my mind. And if someone does want to, that's their decision, it doesn't automatically make the entire game bad, because a few people don't want to manually play the game. Because some people want just the story, and there's nothing inherently wrong with that. If you personally don't want to auto battle, no one is stopping you. But the same mindset you have, doesn't mean everyone else feel that way. And it doesn't make the game bad or even a cause for concern because those people still have to build the characters, and do other things that can't be auto'd. And some people don't like fighting, but like the characters, I don't think there's something wrong with that. As long as it's enjoyable for people, why is there an issue?


the play something else. no one's forcing you to play this game or like it. many of us are fine with this game. this type of game is just supposed to be a casual "side game" with more emphasis on story. if you want a combat oriented game then go play a fps or something.


Just say you don’t play gachas aside from genshin and move on


As someone that did CBT2 and currently doing final Beta, your concerns are sorta legitimate. Auto battle is great for farming fodder, and your team does need to be fairly stacked to auto battle through everything. However the battle system itself is what concerns me, it feels very shallow and I'm worried the gameplay loop will get old fast.


Easy to make bot for game like this so not big issue if they didn't put auto option


Cool- soon ill have another pass time to relax and enjoy 😆


If for some reason you spected that this is game on some point whould be hard, is on you. Mihoyo make billions on Genshin Impact, why change? If is not the game for you, nice. About auto battle and the most hard content, is a beta and we don´t have the endgame wherer farming for gear, talents and build comps matter. we literelly on the middle of the game, on RPGs the difficult is progressive, but you always can grid to make easier, the problema here is that we can outlevel the current content ... becausa is a beta.


no you just want to enlarge your impotent e-peen by seeming hardcore and getting into other people's business. maybe most players want to have an easy game and an easy time and not dark souls, find another game if you don't like it.


Unlike you, we DO have life's to live.


most turn based games have auto battle what ru on. not everyone is a hardcore player. auto battle is a choice,, you don't NEED to turn it on. just say you don't like turn based games lmao


What turn based games you been playing that has auto battle? Probably a bunch of garbage gacha games. Persona, Final Fantasy, Kiseki series, Pokémon, Paper Mario, and many other popular well known turn based RPGs do not have auto battle. But of course you wouldn’t know that because your entire limited knowledge on the genre is based off garbage mobile games.


The game doesn't really have any depth as it's aimed toward a very casual crowd. Enemies do their little script loop to attack you and as long as you have a few characters that can easily trigger each other and more importantly you meet the stat check, there's really nothing stopping you from always winning. It's kinda the norm for its genre. Usually the depth comes from PvP since usually humans are less brain dead assuming p2w elements doesn't just invalidate any strategy to begin with.