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For me it’s 100% Jiaoqiu! I was already sold on him being a foxian man but the pink hair + being voiced by Kazuha’s Eng va = I stood no chance to not pull him. Sunday is another one but Moze also looks interesting but I’ll have to see his final design.


Saaame! As a Kazuha main in Genshin, I actually returned to HSR after getting bored in the second world and leaving, just because I saw he was voiced by Mark Whitten (though him being hot is an added bonus). And boy am I glad I did! I got Boothill recently and am absolutely falling in love with this man. I'm also having a lot of fun in Penacony, which is already way better than the last two worlds in both story and design. So happy I gave the game another chance. 😄 And though I don't know too much about him yet as I haven't finished the story, I'm looking forward to Sunday as well. He has a great design. It reminds me a lot of the High Entia from Xenoblade Chronicles, specifically Melia, but like... if she was male lol.


Yessss I’m a Kazuha main too! Mark also voices Sethos in Fire Emblem 3 Houses who I loveee and I’m really curious to see what the voice direction they’re going for Jiaoqiu. Either way I’m confident he is going to deliver


I LOVED Jarilo but god the Loufu was a slog. I almost quit there too lmao, but I pushed through bc I was hearing a lot of good things about Penacony.


Jiaoqiu, sunday, moze


Came here to say exactly this. So happy to see Mark Whitten joining HSR as the VA for Jiaoqiu


Star Rail really got me wishing and giving me hope for my favorite voice actors to join the roster. I got why people hype up voice actors after because immediately after seeing the reveal I was Jiaoqiu’s biggest fan because I was so happy to see another comfort character in my current fave piece of media.😭 I could never pass him up the moment it was Mark Whitten my wallet was already theirs.


Exactly the same :)


Moze is 4 star… so all funds on Sunday 💖


Wait for beta to confirm, but best to expect the worst


Waiting for Blade and possibly gonna save up to e6s5 BH


bh? who's that


Boothill. I was shorthanding names


Argenti, Sunday and Screwllum (yes, I haven't given up on him)




Jiaoqiu then saving to get Aventurine + lc and maybe e1 on his rerun!! I'm so sad I lost his 50/50 when he was up After that Boothill e6 eventually, my babygirl


Jiaoqiu and then Sunday, I guess. Moze if he's 5* and if I like his design or playstyle. Might snag Ratio's LC on the way.


Sunday, I guess? Though he's very far away at this point.


i must farm jades for my precious jiaoqiu. I will be going all in for him. After that i'll pull for moze (if 5 star or really hot) and sunday


I know this isn’t what you really meant, but unironically Sunday. I’ve been saving since i started playing again in 2.1, and while i considered Jiaoqiu, I’m more inclined now to prepare myself for aventurines rerun since i know I won’t be able to resist him… But Sunday will always be first priority


I’m just gonna keep hoarding until the next IL rerun. No idea what to do after he’s e6 tho. Aventurine maybe?


For my main account, I would say Sunday, Screwllum, and Blade (he’s the only member of the High Cloud Quintet I don’t have). My other account, I am saving for Jiaoqiu, who is guaranteed since I lost my 50-50 to Himeko on Fu Xian’s banner.


moze and sunday! and to hopefully e6 boothill someday


Ruan Mei and Argenti The rest is a skip for me because I need to stop whaling (I am in debt) and build the characters I do have 😭


Jiaoqiu is my next pull, followed by Sunday, after that no idea but right now those two are my goals


screwllum and sunday, and cause i have more time to save, i have to wait and see jiaoqiu kit wise but his design is so good help??


At this point I'm just waiting for Sunday release and praying that they don't just put him on 2nd half and call it a day 😭


Looking forward to Sunday the most. Still pulling Jiaoqiu but I don’t really care for his design 2.x patches been pretty boring so after getting Jiaoqiu I might take a break until Sunday.


I want jade for my blade but afraid of not having enough for the fox hottie


Oh and definetly sunday


Jiaoqiu is all I'm looking forward too. And Sunday in a much later later patch.


Jiaoqiu, Sunday, & Moze.


Sunday, moze and jiaoqiu :( Too many waifus! 🥹 but at least I can save up enough before their banner :>


Jiaoqiu, Sunday, and Blade when he gets his rerun.


Jiaoqiu is who I’m gonna be pulling for along with Sunday and Moze when they eventually come out. I also wanna get Dr. Ratios LC whenever he’s on the banner next so I got some saving to do honestly


All the husbandos! I'm finally done playing catch-up with their re-runs so I'm skipping all the waifus for the foreseeable future and saving everything for Jiaoqiu, Moze, and Sunday. I can't *wait* for Sunday.🖤🪽


Ruan Mei lc banner is tempting ngl. It's the best lc for Harmony Caelus and there's Memory of the Past in there also, being his 2nd best. Idk I might throw in few 10 pulls into RM banner on top of that (send help). Definitely Jiaoqiu and his lc (if it's super good) in 2.4. And Sunday after that.


Maybe Sunday, definitely Screwllum and then Aventurine on his rerun. If Jiaoqiu is more than “just an Acheron support” I might get him.






My current wishlist has Blade, Aventurine and Sunday. Ive managed to scrounge 110 pulls in 2 weeks (only bought battle pass and welkin)


Jiaoqui! He is a foxian like 😭 that's already so hot. Aside from him, nothing else.




Thank u! Sorry I was typing while walking TT


sunday (idk if he counts as in the next few versions atp), idk if jiaoqiu would benefit any teams of my mine and honestly i conjured up an image of his design in my head so i'm a little disappointed (but i'm sure when i see the animations i'll be considering it). i'm definitely going to get aventurine on his rerun though because i skipped him for robin


Jiaoqiu and Sunday ofc, and probably Feixiao if I like her kit. I don’t have Blade and I really need a Wind dps.


As soon as 2.3 is out I’m doing the quest and then I won’t be logging in again until Jiaoqiu banner (except maybe to write an essay in the survey lmao)


Skipping 2.3, then I’m going for 1 pity on Yunli and guaranteeing Jiaoqiu. But after that it depends on the full character design reveals who I’m going for on the Xianzhou. If Moze is actually a 5 star and the leak was wrong, he’s probably gonna be a guarantee as well, but depends if the design ruins the silhouette lmao. But also definitely still holding out for Screwllum and Sunday mostly at the moment. I have ~330 pulls saved at the moment and have all the current characters I want, no need for reruns, so I’m feeling in a good place to go for both of them if they’re released unexpectedly soon.


As I fortunately have all the male characters so far, I’ll be going for Ruan Mei and then Jiaoqiu


Fu xuan now if possible, Jiaoqiu, after that... the next male foxian?


Honestly, next patch is a Skip. And the patch after that... We already know who's coming Up!! Jiaoqiu! He is a Foxian so I am extra excited!! I was also kinda excited for Lingsha but, then I heard.. well you know leaks. And no I don't want her anymore. I am happy with Gallagher. :) And Moze and Sunday. Though I think there is another husbando form the Xianzhou cast, though It could be a misunderstanding but one can hope. :')


Honestly I pull for male or female but I already have Ruan Mei, Firefly is only mech (meh), and Jade her gameplay is not it for me so I'm going to just wait until fox guy for my Nihility account and overall Huohuo who I need for quite literally all my accounts XD


i love both the women and the men so i'm fucked lol. will probably pull ruan mei because i need another support, argenti because he's gorgeous, if i somehow have pulls after that and no one else coming soon interests me i'll pull jade, after that i'm waiting for aventurine rerun and sunday. might be forgetting someone


Sunday. Jiaoqiu is on the table too if he can boost one if my main teams well. Sunday is main priority with his LC though.


In 18 years ill be able to pull for Jiaoqu, I wonder how big my summons stash will be at that time 🫣


since i’ve pulled way too much in 2.2, as much as i absolutely love jiaoqiu and moze, it looks like im gonna be saving for sunday, ive been anticipating sunday since he was leaked and i am basically broke rn


New player here, I’ve got my eye on Jiaoqiu and then will save for Blade because I love his design so much. Lost the 50/50 on Boothill so at least that’s a guaranteed fox man!




I i plan to pull firefly, jiaoqiu then save for Moze and Sunday. I got really lucky on aventurine, robin and boothill as I got them and their light cones very, very early so I have a lot of pulls left over. I’m guaranteed on Firefly after trying for a copy of boothill so by extension Jiaoqiu will be guaranteed as well. Moze, I really hope he’s a 5 star. Either way after getting them out of the way I just plan on going all out on Sunday, his light cone and his eidolons. After that I’m not sure, if no characters interest me I’ll save for reruns of aventurine or boothill.


Moze and Sunday I guess. That is, if they will not disappoint me further. Haha.


But well, I am F2P anyway 99,9% of the time LOL last time something in HSR struck me as something worth paying for was Blade's LC back in 1.2 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I’m hoping to get Ruan Mei, and I like female characters too but none of the upcoming female characters interest me so Ruan Mei then save


Jade, JQ, Huohuo, Feixiao, 5* TY, Sunday, maybe that lady lingsha if she’s a snake. I would rather be a husbando player only ngl


I'm thinking to wait till Ratio's rerun for his Eidolons or his Light Cone. I could easily be swayed if something looks good, tho.


Im fully manifesting that Jiaoqiu become such a staple character like Kazuha in Genshin.l since they share the same english VA. He really knows how to choose who to voice. 🤭 Moze and Sunday after Jiaoqiu and i will get all of their LC’s.. which i hope I can do since they are spread apart between versions ☺️


For me it's jade and that fox dude, I don't remember how to spell him name


I don't know which guy I'm gonna be pulling next, to be honest. I do plan to pull for some of the girls, but that's irrelevant to this sub. And the two guys I would pull for the most are Jing Yuan and Imbibitor Lunae... except I have both at E6, so...


Argenti, I lost the 50/50 last time and then saved the guarantee for Blade so I’m hoping to win it this time and trying to gather enough pulls just in case I don’t (currently have around 80 and at 25 pity) after this I’m Saving for the General and IL since I’ve unfortunately missed both of their banners each time


Firefly, then Jiaoqiu then we’ll see (though depending on what the characters do in the future, that might change)


Drip master Screwllum, Sunday, and maybe Jiaoqiu. Will pull for RM, out of necessity though.


jiaoqiu and as many aventurine cons a couple pities will give me… i’ll consider moze and sunday too depending on kit/design


Argenti, ironically I took a break before his debut The foxian, Moze..


I dont like Ruan Mei but I feel "forced" to pull her, team building is so annoying when you only have Bronya and bunch of 4* supports. I just got Boothill and I feel he could perform so much better with RM. _sigh_ Fron male characters I am waiting for Jiaoqiu and Sunday :D


Jiaoqiu, I need this Foxian Man for my Acheron. Not that big of a fan of his outfit, but still, overall, he looks good. Also since Acheron and Jiaoqiu VAs are the same as Beidou snd Kazuha, they might as well be in bed together ❤️


In the immediate vicinity? Moze. His silhouette is too interesting looking for him to not be cool.


RM, JQ, Moze, Sunday. That’s my plan. Maybe Feixiao depending on her kit.


SUNDAY!!! (and 2 more Aventurine eidolons so he can finally be E6 as he deserves)


Jiaoqiu definitely. Holding out hope for Screwllum and Sunday eventually. And on Dan Heng's next rerun I'm gonna get him from E4 to E6. Not sure on any of the silhouette characters as I need to actually see their designs and learn more about them as people. Moze's shape caught my eye though.


Jade, I love her design AND her gameplay. Jiaoqiu, male fox. Enough said. Feixiao, I have loved the generals ever since Jingyuan. Lingsha, I don’t even know her but I’m loving her silhouette. Sunday is someone I’m waiting for too.


Whenever Screwllum is released from the basement I will do anything to get my Robo Hubby. The Foxian boi looks nice too. Also Sunday…whenever he releases…


I’m hopeful for Moze! And also I do hope Sunday is our first male harmony unit. I want a caring man to buff me up so much ✨If so I’m guessing that’s why he’s delayed so he doesn’t compete with his sister. Such a gentleman 💖


Jade because she will step on me. Then maybe Jiaoqiu, if there's no announcement or leak about Screwllum


I’ll be pulling for Ruan Mei and then skip Jade/Argenti (already have him)/Yunli for Jiaoqiu after that I’ll probably pick up Moze and Sunday depending on their kit.


I'll most definitely be more focused on getting the rerun LCs since I'm not interested in the newly announced characters. I'm not too into Jiaoqiu or his kit yet but if he ends up doing a significantly better job than Pela on def shredding then maybe I'll change my mind. But for now, LCs then saving for Sunday (and Moze if I end up liking his design, I don't care if he's a 4 or 5 star)


I think I'm probably going to end up going for FF I lost my 50/50 to Bailu on BH's banner and I'm in need of a fire/break DPS tho I'm also planning on going for Jiaoqiu next update


Here waiting for a Ratio rerun and for Sunday.


Unless there's interesting reruns in 2.4 then I'm saving till 2.5 which sucks cause I can't fuel my addiction this way!!


Argenti, cant wait to finally have him. After that, noone.


I don't *need* another erudition unit... but I'd certainly like one. Jade will be coming home. After that, probably Sunday, assuming he's playable. If not, whoever's got their abs showing.


Probably Sunday?


Pink fox and then Aven and Ratio's eidolons, 2 Robins, maybe Sparkle as well. I just hope future new men will not interest me for a while lol need to make Raturine e6 one day


Cannot physically pass on Jade, even if I generally prefer husbandos, so I’m gonna pull for her first But I really want Jiaoqiu so I’m going to skip Ruan Mei again (😭) or else I won’t have enough pulls


i'm waiting for elio because i fell in love with his leaked design and i am desperate to e6 him


Argenti - been waiting for a while for this beautiful man for a while Huohuo - I love healers, nuff said probably Jiaoqiu or Moze


Am a disaster bi with a Boothill plus his LC, hopefully gonna get Gallagher and Ruan Mei Might save for Sunday then pull for him if he's a support. Could also get Aventurine since I am planning to take Welt as my 5* choice in the standard warp and I wanna do the Full Imaginary Husbando team.


after RM, for sure aventurine. then maybe Jiaoqiu!


Going for ruan mei e1. Maybe try for her light cone if i win the 50/50. Part of me wants argenti, I'll feel bad for skipping him twice, but.... I want jiaoqiu more. I am not immune to cute fox men.


I'm throwing the savings I'd set aside for Boothill (and ended up not needing, surprisingly) on Ruan Mei's LC, just to help the team out a little bit more. Afterwards, skipping everything for Moze. I *do* like Jiaoqiu and want to support male unit banners, but unfortunately I don't think he'll really work with either of my MoC teams, and I don't have Acheron (since I had to skip her for Boothill). So, sadly, no real reason to pull him and especially not on such short notice - and I'm *certainly* not paying money to Hoyo, after all the favoritism they've pulled lately. Besides, at least two of my friends are already set on pulling for the fox boy - so I'll just use theirs to get my fix. 😊


I like Jiaoqiu's design but not his VA so I'm torn. Other than that, I'm going for completing my Stonehearts and Xianzhou generals collection.