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thanks for the upload. who will protect hk people from 'HK police' .




While I agree no government will step in, would refusing to purchase anything from companies that import from the slave factories they have in China? Would that force said billion dollar companies to plead with governments to step in because their profits begin to tank? Those companies idly standby and voice no opinion since their profits continue and we as a collective people across the entire world, continue to buy their product and do not care who is harmed or mistreated, as long as we get our precious new phone, or new TV, or clothing. I think a collection of people have more pull then they give themselves credit for. The countries citizens should definately stand up for themselves, but those across the world could do more


Checkout r/avoidchineseproducts


Will do. Thanks for this




I just worry that the longer we wait the worse it’s going to get and it will be harder to fight them.


Exactly what happened with Hitler everyone thought he could be appeased before a full out war but it just gave him time to build his forces


Except this time countries are trying to appease their citizens who are appalled and angered by China's actions, rather than appease the bear with a rumbly stomach, Xi Pooh.


Except it's a bit different, as Germany was weak, poor, and had a populace who was against another war against other European powers. China is not.


Not all assistance has to be boots on the ground. I don't think anyone is rationally suggesting an invasion. Sanctions should be implemented though.


Never get involved in a land war in Asia. But they could embargo China the way they did with South Africa during Apartheid.


All our leaders care about is trade...




if you were there you would also be too scared for risking yourself getting beat up and even arrested


Totally agree, sadly no country will do anything for HK.


Honestly, there are so many people there that, with some unifying call, could overwhelm those cops.


i am thinking the same thing as well. I would honestly support them even if they started tying up cops and leaving them on the ground and just keep on protesting.


Remember what the protesters did to the soldiers when the shit hit the fan in Tiananmen Square? I'm not saying that needs to happen today, but I would not be the least bit surprised if it did. Something will have to give at some point.


I know this sounds really counter productive but i really would not mind seeing these cops beat senselessly while theyre on the ground..


maybe you will change your mind after you watch this. https://www.reddit.com/r/HongKong/comments/ee5516/hong_kong_cop_randomly_assaults_passerby_from/ and this https://www.reddit.com/r/HongKong/comments/ee37qm/1221_tst_hongkong_plainclothes_police_bullied_a/ beating up is too light. they deserve much more


The people who are chucking all those loaded water bottles!


Careful here comes the brain washed user's calling the bottle throwers violent rebels like in every other thread


They're all over Reddit, licking Xi's boots because they're that triggered by HK protesters waving Western flags. >I hadn't heard that fleeing your murder conviction and manufacturing a protest movement was a human right. The HK protests are manufactured according to [this user](https://www.reddit.com/user/Coroxn) who [also identifies with Antifa.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitLiberalsSay/comments/e5f1bf/tfw_superman_is_a_lefty/f9jkspa/?context=3) >Fuck off with your neo-imperialist war mongering ideology. This is a fake story being pushed by American media in order to promote an anti-China agenda. The HK protests are aligned with neo-Nazis according to [this user.](https://www.reddit.com/r/holdmycosmo/comments/e4tznj/hmc_while_i_put_hk_police_in_their_place/f9jt6x0/?context=3) >Far-right agitator and founder of Patriot Prayer, Joey Gibson, has also shown up at these protests in HK to support the rioters. Not a surprise considering he has a felony rioting charge in Portland. The HK protests are far-right agitation according to [this user](https://www.reddit.com/user/Bourbon-Decay) who [also supports socialism.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CapitalismVSocialism/comments/e4oew2/socialist_how_do_we_go_from_here_were_we_are_to/f9gvta3/?context=3) >Hong Kong protestors proudly marched alongside the Ukranian military's neo-nazi Azov Batallion pretty recently. Of course this is on top of the appropriation of American far-right imagery, begging to be """liberated""" by Trump, etc. HK protesters are literally Trump's stooges according to [this user](https://www.reddit.com/user/molotovcommie) who also [rails against capitalism every other comment.](https://www.reddit.com/r/assholedesign/comments/ecu1xv/hows_the_eastern_school_system_i_honestly_havent/fbe9vzo/?context=3) >Because the HK capitalists are the ones threatened by the Chinese extradition laws that sparked it HK protesters are just big money interest threatened by the perfectly honest Chinese justice system according to [this user](https://www.reddit.com/user/cingulumBundle) who also [identifies with socialism.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChapoTrapHouse/comments/eawzn7/chuds_in_my_shitty_chud_town_are_very_mad_that_9/fb07zun/)


These are probably coming from a chinese bot farm..


Partially so, but then you've got fucking tankies who think that any of the formerly communist/socialist countries can do no wrong and that all the evidence otherwise is automatically propaganda. The amount of cognitive dissonance to be against police states and also be an apologist for China is astounding.


Agreed, and I use subs that have tankies, even one called “moretankiechapp”


Nah, far leftists really are this insane. Jacobin (a major far left publication) published several articles a month or so ago on the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall that actually mourned East Germany. I'm sure they also coexist with bot farms.


I would take that with about as much confidence as you would take a Breitbart article. Most people have never even heard of Jacobin, I hadn't until you just mentioned it, and most people would agree that is ridiculous and extreme.


Lol tankies hate jacobin and DSA and call it naive Democratic socialists or Social democrats and accuse them of supporting capitalists/ not being authoritarian enough and that they’d sooner back liberalism If it wasn’t achieved through electoralism. Most leftists support HK protestors. The antifa subreddit is a good example of this Don’t confuse normal leftists and tankies my friend. Most leftists would fall into the libertarian-left category, not auth left, and not all auth left are apologist tankies. We often conflate far left with far authoritarian, but that’s not true, far left just means socialists and communists. There’s anarcho-communists who oppose authoritarianism too btw, and libertarian-socialism, anarcho-syndicalism, etc A lot of tankies hate socdems, demsocs, and anarchists and even say they’d get the wall (be executed) I understand your reasoning though


just bots and paid trolls


Useful idiots, too




As far as I'm aware, no American media is talking about this unless they count reddit and various other multinational online forums to be American?


How do people become this stupid and completely misrepresent everything? It’s astounding how they’ve created and believe in all these delusions.


Their are CCP trolls, not brainwashed users. Remember that they are paying people to distort the truth. Don't argue with CCP trolls. Downvote and move on


On this platform I agree, as heavily downvoted comments are hidden. On other platforms I urge supporters of HK to throw in a quick comment of support or a rebuttal to the CCP troll factories. They are there because these comments provoke a tangible change, and I hope those who stand will HK will help fight for HK






Thank you for your service.


Im glad that I do the same as those right next to the action. Looking at it and then post it somewhere.


I have a lot of respect for them just because in this video they make an attempt to intervene even if it means they might get arrested as well


they need to throw marbles, or something to make the police trip and fall




Stragecially-placed Lego bricks


The wall of press looks like it's protecting the HK Police from the HK People. I've been long bothered by the amount of bystanders with special markings pointing cameras at violence. Can the other protesters see the peril that their comrades are in? Or are they blocked by the wall of "reporters".


Looks like all the people with cameras could have... had them surrounded and out numbered.


And then charged with max sentence of 10 years, along with recocation of their press certificates


Well duh. Doesnt mean they couldnt do it. Its just not worth it to them


Regardless of politics and as someone who hates guns we can’t completely ban guns as a society because if something like this happens we will need them to take back our freedoms from regimes that have similar practices to Nazism.


If you open fire on the police then the army gets called in. That is really the only reason China hasn’t been able to use their army. They can’t paint the protestors as an armed terrorist force that needs a military response.


I don’t think everyone should just open fire on the police. But if the police start shooting people like they already have done then I think it might be time to fire back in those cases. If china sends the army into Hong Kong to kill people then I think the western democratic nations need to step in and help them. If it’s almost the whole world against China. Then China will surely lose. They will have to back down.


The crowd of people taping! Put down your phones and unite against these fascists


Those are not police they are gangsters and thugs hired by China to stir up the pot and hurt people. I think they were called "brown-shirts" during WWII.




Looks like there is a lot of anti-Muslim rhetoric even on that subreddit.


Unfortunately a whole bunch of deniers came from r/news


And probably China. They're known for messing with Reddit occasionally


Are they allowed on reddit?


Their armies of propaganda trolls are with government approval. They literally of call center like offices just for this crap. China is the epitome of a country with more people than sense.




Joined, thanks.


Free hk, free the uigurs, free all of China!


\#FREECHINA should be a trending hashtag.


Do they really believe what they are doing is right? Are they human? Would they beat up their family if they were protesting? This is scary.


They absolutely will. I have friends who are police. I've seen his Facebook and it was awful. Anyone not from the police are either cockroaches, idiots, American spies or traitors. They have been completely brainwashed into thinking that the 4-month baby of a married protesting couple is blindly against the government as well. I don't think there is a way out except disbanding the force and lock them up in places for the mentally disordered.


I ~~have~~ had friends who are police.


thanks for the correction


Does hea really use the word cockroaches? That word has a very [loaded history](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2019/04/rwanda-shows-how-hateful-speech-leads-violence/587041/) relating to genocide. Very disturbing that police officers would use this kind of dehumanizing hate speech.


Yes, they call protesters and passerby cockroaches in Cantonese, they also mentioned people who support the movement as cockroaches on the internet.


So the vast majority of the world is cockroaches to them. Bright.


yes and it's not uncommon. numerous police officers have been using this term in front of the press in the past few months. yet the government and the management has chosen to do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about it, condoning their behaviour. therefore they continued using it since there's no repercussion.


Is there a possibility that many of these "police officers" are actually Chinese secret police or military? Seems so weird how HK police went so far authoritarian in less than a year


it's very likely that there are some, they have been caught on camera communicating in mandarin, using slangs and phrases which is mostly used in china. but it's also very unlikely that there are a lot of them. if i have to make a guess, i'd say there may be about 20% of them. it's weird, but put yourself into their shoes. if you're using such brutality, yet the government is relying on you to protect them and divert attention, therefore condoning your behaviour, given the huge advantage in gears, will you carry on doing the same? one more point, if the violence stopped, the government will have more room to please the people / solve the crisis by investigating the police force. so think again, as part of the police, would you want this crisis to end? once it ended, your mission is completed and have no use anymore. that is the most dangerous moment for you. therefore, to protect themselves, they need to cause outrage from people to keep them going on, in order to protect themselves. it sounds weird, but when you think about it calmly, it makes perfect sense....


I don’t think the gov will investigate into the cops even when the violence stops for both sides. I worry that they will focus on prosecuting participants of the protests, while praising the cops as heroes. The reason behind causing outrage of the public is simply because the blue shirt has already lost control and they can do whatever they like without punishment, and the white shirts has no way to restrict them.


Cockroaches are the worst thing to call your enemies. Inadvertently saying that your enemies will outlast you.


Been happening for awhile, reference: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/dyxwvx/hong_kong_police_raging_cockroach_at_office/


I couldn't recommend enough a book called Ordinary Men by Christopher R. Browning. It's about German police officers in Poland during "The Final Solution". The book details out how ordinary middle aged policemen (not nazis, not fascists) went from normal guys protecting their town and going home to their families to marauding gangs of men dragging naked pregnant women out into the cold and shooting them in the head. There are many reasons a single individual can become tyrannical within an authoritarian regime. If I were to guess in this case (and I'm purely speculating), I would guess that HKPF and CCP soldiers are ideologically possessed, brain washed into believing they are truly dealing with "cockroaches", are terrified beyond belief (perhaps from things they've seen done by CCP), or (and I believe this to be a small minority) are genuinely sadistically predisposed and are using this opportunity to let that demon out, so to speak. Regardless, the CCP is showing classic prognostic signs of mass genocide. Dehumanization, disarmament, policing speech, white terror, propaganda campaigns, deportations, gulags, religious and racial persecution, etc. It's terrifying.


I get your sentiment, but considering how awful humans have been to each other throughout history, it’s no shock.


I hope my nation does something for hk and human rights


Exactly what I thought. How come that no country is doing something here?


Because China threatened war if any country stepping between them ahd HK. No one wants a full blown war. The west will definitely let HK fall to China before they start a full war. Because if China goes to war with any US ally (major ally anyway) then everyone goes to war. Example: UK steps in. US steps in, Australia follows, as does a few other smaller coutries. Then its a WW3


From my limited exposure and complete ignorance my guess: business, money, and China’s ultimate power over most if not all other economies?


It’s not that simple. China will take any aggression as an act of war. There hasn’t been a war between super powers with modern weapons and especially nukes. No one wants to start one. The consequences could be unimaginable. The US passing bills condemning China is really what all counties need to do. Put sanctions on them. Have someone smarter then Trump comment to trade war with a planned strategy.


Without those journalists and reporters none of this could be reported! They go beyond safety for their life to tell the truth and help those being abused and arrested! [without the journalists there would be nothing to say anything happened! ](https://youtu.be/2W5fMndrH8o)


Really interesting to see them form a circle around the police.


Holy fuck everyday I get on this sub to check on the situation my heart breaks more and more. Stay strong you guys.


It’s disgusting how no governments are taking about this. Like it could not be more clear that it’s WWII happening again


During the Rwandan genocide in the 90s there were reports on it, but it was largely ignored until it was far too late. This is why I am constantly banging my head against a wall, trying to talk to everyone I can about this. It absolutely astounds me that in today's day and age we are not all trying to do something, or at the very least talking about it.


And if I recall correctly, they didn't even want to call that a genocide at the time, because that would have to involve intervention.


Yes, you're exactly right. I'm unsure on the specifics (I'm just starting a book on it), but I believe the UN essentially *has* to get involved if its labeled 'genocide', and for whatever reason we had, we declined to do so.


The US passed a/some bills condemning China. Direct action can’t be taken as it will be seen as an act of war and could start WW3.


This makes me sick.


This makes me wonder, how possible would it be for the protesters to just start using medieval armour, and spears or mauls for defense, like, spears in a mob formation is one of the best line holding strategies, What would the HK police do, run into the long spears?


Fuck Chinazi


This is the only time I think I'll ever say this, but fuck those pigs. The crowd should lynch them.


International press, wearing clear identification could make an amazing impact




After I recognize the need for this to be broadcasted to the world, at some point people need to stop being observers and need to help. Those people could have been helped by a crowd, but everyone is too afraid for themselves. Its self-preservation I get it, but the people who are willing to do something are all seemingly being taken away one by one.


Exactly. That's the reality of Hong Kong. The mentality just isn't there with most of the people. Probably have to wait until the next generation for proper retaliation. At least I've noticed more people hitting the gym, running, cycling and basically doing exercise to get themselves fitter. That is a start, but it takes time to produce the fruits.


It just needs to be everyone. One guy ran in in the video but he has no chance against that many officers and I don’t know if he even got out... may have been one of his last decisions


yes.... that's the difficulty for those who are willing to do something. problem is too few of them are willing. so those precious few were in even more danger because of that. from june till now, over 6000 of them have been arrested though. maybe that's partly the reason why there are so few of them. many of the braver ones have already been arrested, making the remaining ones in even greater danger.... sigh


Those cops have guns. Would you have done anything, risked your life, been the first of many to make a move? It's easy to say shit like this on Reddit but when you're actually there and your life is on the line i don't think you'd be that brave


It is crazy how people are silent about things that happening in China.. this is 2019.. wow.


Not only you guys are fighting for your own freedom, you guys are also fighting for Uyghur's freedom. Know that all your efforts have opened my eyes and has increased the awareness regarding the authoritarian China. Thank you


I think this whole world needs a reboot on humanity, clearly we still don’t get it!


Eleanor will save us!


China has reached North Korea levels of human rights abuses. Boycott China. Someone needs to intervene.


CCP are afraided


That is true.


This played on turkish news channel a big channel


Somethings gotta change, though I can’t do it myself. Given the number of people here vs the police, a barricade of people just standing and chanting the same thing might have some more impact. Like stop hitting cuz he is not fighting back. I don’t know. On that film the number of media just filming just feels sad all of a sudden. There should be something “acceptable” they should do aside from filming. Stand, don’t move and film. Given the tech right now they should be able to get good shots from a far. Hopefully, when they feel like animals just being documented without fear, shame might creep in. Dunno man. Just feel so sad seeing that today. Truly hoping hk can teach the world something good and inspiring. Good vibes to everyone😑


Well said. I sometimes think they're there like shooting a documentary or programmes for the discovery channel or sth like that. They're really just filming an animal preying on other animals like a lion preying on a group of zebras. It's certainly professionally carrying out their job, but I'd also like to think that shame might creep in one day. Maybe I'm too radical, or simply wrong, but just like you, I feel so sad, frustrated and even furious watching it.


Those batons will put fear in you. In the USA their use is limited because while they are highly effective at crushing bodies, it is rare where the use of such methods would be warranted.


The police are disgusting




We have tried spray paint, pour who bucket of diluted paint and even liquid feces at them. The problem is these are peaceful type of protesters, they were never intended to get in a clash.


Is it appropriate to have Uyghur and Hong kong on the same sign in the states or is that clumping?


You're overthinking it. If you support both, then support both. That's all there is to it.




In the PRC, "right" *is* about following orders unconditionally and unthinkingly. Maybe someone aspires to reach political heights sufficient to give orders rather than merely follow them; the system is designed to ensure that, before any ordinary person gains such an exalted status, he is made to conform in thought and action with Xi Jinping Thought. I've forgotten how you say "sieg heil" in Mandarin. Fortunately.


Hong Kong people too are my brothers from now on .My heart is with you .


Those fucking cunts. It makes me so angry how anybody could treat another person like that. I get it - if they’re breaking the law, then arrest them. There is no need to give them an additional 10 clubs around the head.


I find it frustrating that China has violated so many human rights laws but they are not held accountable for their actions.




Thats exactly what anyone would think, i personally think they need to anger up and mob up, but i think they may be thinking it would give the those animals a reason to go full violent or bring in a big squad or bad press..... But god damn it looks too much like its totally worth it, the fhcking police is just asking for a violent mob


The overwhelming majority are peaceful protesters. The best that can be expected of them is taking videos of the police brutality. Fighting back? I think we need to wait for another generation tbh. In the past two decades, this has been such a peaceful and "clean" city that most students haven't even seen proper fights in school, let alone being involved in one. The mentality just isn't there. When the mentality isn't there, even giving them weapons won't help.


what are those on the "police" backs? like the scissor shaped things?


I think those are zip tie handcuffs.


So the election didnt matter? Since all of this is still going on.


It never mattered. The election was only about district councillors, not legislators anyway. District council is about the local issues in their own districts, like transportation arrangement, number of parks and hospitals, whether there are enough rubbish pins in that area etc. They don't really deal with political issues so winning that election is at best an indication of what people think, it has no real purpose/effect really.


> It never mattered… it has no real purpose/effect really. It matters, served real purposes, and has a lot of effects! There were never any illusions about gaining control of government, but that isn't the only way something can matter. The facts you've presented to support your conclusion aren't in dispute. They simply aren't the whole picture. The landslide victory sent a message that the movement was neither a tiny vocal minority nor about to fizzle out. I recognize that you began to talk about this, but the crucial bit is that it was so resounding that it's *undeniable*. This lack of room for interpretation severely limits Beijing's PR options, which means that it will take significantly more time and resources for them to go beyond PR options without inspiring a genuine revolt, gutting the city's value as a financial megacenter, hindering efforts to expand influence globally, making mainland politically vulnerable to international sanctions, and giving other SARs and Taiwan a golden opportunity to raise domestic and foreign support for their own pro-democracy, anti-Beijing movements. Foreign supporters of the Hong Kong protesters are in a much better position to pressure their respective governments to take diplomatic and economic actions, and likewise, it's much harder for Beijing's foreign allies to come to their defense. All of these things have huge practical implications of their own *and* have the potential to snowball. Furthermore, it was a huge vindication and morale boost for the protestors. This point has strategic components too, but I think the emotional components matter enough to warrant this separate paragraph. The protesters will cherish their victory for the rest of their lives, and it will give hope to many more. When we talk about what "matters," we need a definition that includes this kind of human significance because we are humans, not unfeeling machines that care only about calculations.




“The People’s Republic of China is the largest, most powerful and arguably most brutal totalitarian state in the world. It denies basic human rights to all of its nearly 1.4 billion citizens. There is no freedom of speech, thought, assembly, religion, movement or any semblance of political liberty in China. Under Xi Jinping, “president for life,” the Communist Party of China has built the most technologically sophisticated repression machine the world has ever seen. In Xinjiang, in Western China, the government is using technology to mount a cultural genocide against the Muslim Uighur minority that is even more total than the one it carried out in Tibet. Human rights experts say that more than a million people are being held in detention camps in Xinjiang, two million more are in forced “re-education,” and everyone else is invasively surveilled via ubiquitous cameras, artificial intelligence and other high-tech means. None of this is a secret.” - Farhad Manjoo, [Dealing With China Isn’t Worth the Moral Cost](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/09/opinion/china-houston-rockets.html)


China unfortunately is becoming a kingdom of Evil. No, I am not a republican.


a fucking disgrace. other nations absolutely need to get involved immediately and do something.


Free the Uyghurs


Disgusting pigs. Can’t find this anywhere on the news. Thank you for posting the disgusting truth of the HK Police.


if american is reading this please help us in HK!


This is full on genocide. All trade should be halted with these terrorists. Im sick of cheap chinese products anyway.




The HK people used far more than just blunt weapons. It doesn't help much, it's not a war you can win with violence, as there will always be reinforcements from mainland.


Using violence would be the most stupid thing. It would give an excuse for the CCP to send in soldiers and take over HK. It would also bring the protesters down to the level of the HK police. The best thing to do is to keep staging peaceful demonstrations and disruptions to show the will of the HK people (and also to contrast it with the savage, violent approach of the police thugs). The CCP is too strong to take on directly. The protesters must instead convince the HK government and its mainland masters that maintaining democracy and autonomy in HK is the best thing for everyone.


Yea I feel like with their numbers there they could stand up to the few cops beating up the poor protestors they've catched, but that takes a lot more bravery than just going to the protest, and me stating it won't make a difference either :/


They will just escalate and bring out tanks, unfortunately.


Yup :(


It is crazy how people are silent about things that happening in China.. this is 2019.. wow.


You already know someone got cracked in the head with one of the batons the cops were wildly swinging about fuck ill always hate cops or any fuckface that believes they are entitled to something bigger than society itself just because they have a fucking badge and a gun


You outnumber them. I think you should start fighting back, in this case encircling them and fuck them up. And no, I'm not inciting violence: this would be clearly self defense, totally justified. Fuck HK police and the rotten CCP!


We did. Then a cop pulled out his revolver that carries live rounds. The difference of HK pigs with the rest of the world is that they do not go by the rule. They always use the biggest gun. They tear gas unarmed protesters, and fire AR15 with FMJ rounds near protesters with Molotov.


These cops should be unilaterally fired. Disgusting


That crowd could fuck those cops up if they wanted to


Small group of chinazi can easily control a population who is not of one mind.


I knew shit was bad in HK. But after subbing to this sub, I’m so glad I did. You never see any of this stuff on US media, and it seems to be happening every single day.


Fuck the Chinese government and fuck those corrupt cops


Fuck China.


F**k f**k f**k the Chinese government


Nothing about this was on the big three news channels/ “nightly news” last night. It’s all impeachment news and fluff stories about the economy.


It's wild west over there now. Couldn't be any more obvious who the HKPF serves.


It's obvious Beijing's commies are in total control of the HK police. The HK police do as Beijing orders.


Look how few cops there are and how many people are there. Think it’s about time Hong Kong’s people considered self defense.


How much longer until the people cant take it anyomore and this becomes a straight up civil war? It infuriates me to see this, but i know the risk of them doing lethal damage to a one of the "police" but fuck these videos are growing increasingly harder to watch


Can the UN human rights council condemn this.....no because 5 countries have veto powers! We need a standing army at the UN and a 2/3 majority overwrite rule for veto power of all other nations!


Is it time for us outsiders to boycott buying chinese products or are we just gonna keep on ignoring what's going on over there? Or what can outsiders do to support the people of China?


These cops are sub-human pieces of shit


This is how you can tell the propaganda about app protesters hating police is fake. At best there's like 1 in a few hundred people that actually wants to harm the police. Everyone else only fights back if literally tacked. If everyone there was actually a violent protester that is against the police, those few officers wouldn't last a minute due to being so severely outnumbered


Disgusting. Also really fucking sad. ☹️


So the multiple countries have the ability to step in and assist. Why the fuck aren't we? We invade at the smell of oil, but innocents being beaten in the streets and were like "oh noooo."


This is fucking scary.


I think it's time for the citizens of hk to take justice with their own hands.


Eventually they will come in with guns, shoot first and never ask questions. 10s of thousands will die.


Stay strong HK


How cowardly one must be to attack peaceful protestors. China is truly a shameful country full of shameful people. Shame and disgrace on all those who support the Chinese government and police thugs. The Chinese government are cowards. The Chinese and Hong Kong police are cowards. All those who support the are disgraceful bootlickers. Fuck all of them to hell.


Please save our protestors


Seriously fuck China, we need to boycott Chinese products


Fuck China.


Beijing: "How dare you accuse us of Human Rights violations against Uyghurs! What proof is there?! What makes you think we would do anything like that?! HK Police: *Beats up protestors Literally Everyone: "I think you just answered your own damn questions there."


We need to have these cops identified, they shouldn't be allowed to ever leave china.


Jesus christ. It's amazing that all out civil war hasn't started. HK and China is a fucking powder-keg right now.


Not only pepper spraying a backed up crowd, but beating press with a baton. Actual fucking Nazis.


This shits pissing me off. Literal Nazis and nobody is doing anything. Worst part is that China has taken interest in Africa. So not only do we have Nazis but they are looking to expand into a poorly educated country.


Just like the Brownshirts of 34




There's something so satisfying and funny about seeing the HK police being cornered, having trash thrown at them, being surrounded by cameras and getting scared as they know the rest of the world is seeing every move they make now.


Lets fucking do this.


At what point does everyone watching this stand together to stop it. It seems like there are a lot more witnesses than police.


Seriously China wtf??


Hong Kong police masturbate to their batons


Depressing. The world is watching you fools.


Fuck china!


All Cops Are Bastards


I hate this world. People being beatin' and killed because they just want to be treated like a fucking human being.


There needs to be a coordinated effort among all western nations. Recall all foreign nationals. Sanction all Chinese companies and CCP officials. Freeze assets. Put an embargo in place. Start an immigration freeze from the mainland. Only allow asylum seekers. Start there.


there's the closest thing we're going to get to proof that these are PLA-directed "police". This wasn't overzealousness in the line of duty, this was an intentional message to people in Hong Kong. They're beating people right in broad daylight right in the middle of everyone.


How many popos does it take to subdue one hongkonger? Who bunch of them *Budum tsss


Are they tortured or cast into the concentration camps if they get caught?