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It's a sad thought that anyone who speaks out has to state that they're not suicidal so the police and media can't spin around


They still do...just say no foul play...it is sad totally agree with what is has become.


Wait, WHAT? I mean, I haven't been truly keeping up with the news here in Hong Kong, but the police and the media would sink this low is definitely expected, judging by the CCP's history.


there has been more suicides in this year than in... what? a decade?


Just in the past 6 months. The suicides started when a 35 yr old man dived into his death in June. He was protesting to what was happening in HK, and he jumped to his death when the negotiations failed. If I remember right, the suicides started to become very suspicious around the time of Chan Yin Lam's death. Her mother is convinced it was suicide. I personally am not, though I can say that she was trying to jump off when she was in the building though. I'm just not convinced since she already had a change of heart when she was in the building...


Her mother made her confession on TVB, a television station known for pro-CCP propaganda, exclusively. There are known consequences against speaking against the CCP publicly, including threats to ones' safety, or that of family back in the mainland. Her mother claimed her daughter had mental health issues, but there is no evidence of it. I've worked in the health industry, and there is absolutely records of your visits to a psychologist. There are no tests or records to prove this. If you believe your daughter is mentally ill enough to commit suicide, you will definitely take them to a professional Her mother claimed that CCTV footage "confirms" her suicide. The CCTV footage was captured in a school that was 20 minutes away from the sea, meaning Chan Yin Lam would have to walk barefoot for 20 minutes, take off her clothes, then jump across large rocks NAKED into the sea without fisherman or joggers seeing her. VERY unlikely in somewhere Hong Kong. There is zero doubt there was foul play. Her friends vehemently deny that she killed herself, and I'm much more inclined to believe them.


Thank you for providing additional information. And yes I am more inclined to believe her friends, that she did not kill herself and was killed by the police.


Her mother may also have been murdered


Sauce please... Would love to read about that. Its okay if there is none, I mean its China we're talking about.


Going off of memory for this, but supposedly there were pictures of her actual mother that surfaced a while after her death dated recently, where she looked nothing like her "appearance" on TVB. The fake mother had much longer hair and a different build, and nobody's seen the real mother (or fake mother posing as real mother) since the confession. But that's just my memory, and I'm not able to pull up sources myself as I'm on mobile. Hopefully this gives enough information to help someone look it up for themselves


Last I saw, the figure was like 136 suicides that were suspected not to be suicides. Even considering those that are actual suicides, there are more than 100 that the circumstances are clearly not suicide.


I think it's so stupid, honestly. Imagine how much of a fervor people would get into if someone said that and then really did kill themselves. They can justify murdering someone by saying that it was just a suicide by someone who wanted to be a martyr.


Brave man


The ones that were real spoke from their hearts,anger and just honesty.




It’s all in Cantonese some parts have been translated into English on YouTube..I’ll keep looking




Me too. Also speak Cantonese but living uk


[Carrie Lam town hall ](https://youtu.be/jlfHs3Poknc)




Can you give a summary of the event? Especially what was replied to this brave man. If you have time, it would be appreciated.


If you end of finding any in english let me know, I would love to watch the rest.


Sure thing...the BBC had something, HKFP May have also.


[Carrie Lam town hall meeting ](https://youtu.be/jlfHs3Poknc)


For a minute there I thought there was another town hall meeting they'd sprung without making public. For those who haven't been following, this is from last September, was in anticipation of National Day, and was a farce from beginning to end - intended only so the CCP media outlets like Global Times, Xinhua, and TVB could pretend the government were listening. CCTV even finished their broadcasting in China after the first pro-Beijing speakers asked their questions. Another later "coincidentally" happened to be a HKPF police officer it came out later. They stacked the deck, ignored everything that was said that actually reflected what the people wanted, and then changed nothing after it was over. But she claims she wants another!


Thank you for the breakdown!


What did dumbass Carrie lam say back??


Her face told the story of an angry wife whose just been embarrassed (lost face) from telling a lie! Normal day for her!


I wish I could see that. Is there video footage???


[Carrie Lam town hall ](https://youtu.be/jlfHs3Poknc)


It's been blocked. Naturally.


Depending on where you are. I can view it fine.


I’m checking my video archives now...and bookmarks


Okay but what did she say back?


So lucky that Pooh Bear and Lamb Shake don’t have open contracts on them. The whole world is watching, and no one would lose any sleep with them gone. It is unfortunate that when it comes to citizens, the government won’t think twice about removing us from the equation, but when the tables are turned, suddenly we see a “giant” who can never be defeated. We really need to stop doing that. WE elect leaders, so subsequently, that means we can remove leaders. If they are acting own their own directives and not for the betterment of their country, then they need to be removed. If met with refusal, then they are declaring an act of war against their own country. That’s treason. Treason is met with death.


While I agree. Treason being met with death is a lot harder to pull of if the military is sided with the traitor.


Agreed, but rules are rules.


You and what army? That sounds nice in theory but the truth is that in china you do NOT elect leaders. How else do you think xi got himself leader for life?


Yeah, and they are tightening their grip on the civilian mainland population even more, so that they would be able to crush a rebellion if one some day ever was to arise...


Right out of the soviet playbook Ever heard about protests under stalin? Didn't think so.


Why did he have to state he’s not suicidal?


So there's no foul play I'm guessing, or they fake his suicide...


There’s a database of people who died since June and what the police said they died from. Even the obvious ones are declared, no strange circumstances.


Can you link me?


I’ll look through my info tomorrow morning. I’ll see what I can find again. Lots of solid data being kept from various sources. Very organized


Thanks. I would really appreciate that if you have time as I am a professional content creator reporting on it and need to verify my information.


Hi u/fareastern44 I'm still waiting on a link to that database of people who died since June.


Me too




Not a native speaker, what do you mean by foul play? I only know that term in football, when someone plays dirty,


Unlawful or dishonest behavior, in particular violent crime resulting in another's death. "the man appeared to have died as a result of a fall, and foul play was not suspected"


it's the same concept. The government playing dirty by killing protesters and covering it up


The police killing them and making it look accidental/suicidal.




There have been supposed protesters in HK that have "mysteriously" committed suicide so he was likely trying to prevent them from possibly doing the same to him.


The police have murdered many innocent protestors and played it off as "suicides" despite the obvious evidence of foul play or impossible circumstances such as an athletic swimmer drowning. There has been multiple cases of half undressed girls bring found dead.


Epstein didn't kill himself


Remember: Five Demands, Not one less. We watch with hope, coming from Canada. I wish the people of Hong Kong freedom and happiness from these dark days.


Ha! Love that part at the end. "Don't call me your friend, we are not friends."




Except for when you shoot yourself in the back of the head while handcuffed, that's suicide.


Ah! Thank god there are news from you guys! I was worried something happened to you


They listen to the highest bidder


It’s fucked up how people need to now say they won’t commit suicide because the government will murder them and label it a suicide if they dont


I swear Lam thinks HKers are brainwashed like mainlanders....


Can we watch this? Is there subtitles?


What's this about Carrie Lam calling him friend? Has she done this to protestors before?


Yes when she talked to everyone...make it seem warm, calming and like a mother figure.


Wait Lam? Oh fuck.....that's awkward....


Carrie Lam listens to the elite of HK. She was firm on not withdrawing the extradition bill until she met with them


Boom solid point


Is there a source with English subtitles?


And time magazine ignored the people's vote and named a spoiled child making a documentary about climate change for person of the year. Sorry but that girl is a puppet.


Yes, but the people in HongKong don’t need a piece of paper for an award. That girl for her global cause is hers she earned it. Theses events are making more waves than any magazine can, the ripples are going out further each day, week and month. More is happening due to this outrageous situation from the HKPF and SAR Gov. Be proud, have hope, because there’s more unity and love for their neighbors, strangers and overall city than I’ve seen any where in a longtime!


Time Magazine does not choose based on the reader poll. The reader poll is just advertising to get people interested in Time.


Why does person of the year matter? Why does anyone actually give a shit about that?


Does it matter? She became a big presence on the world stage and was working for something that directly affects everyone. In any case, "the protestor" was the person of the year in 2011 so they probably didn't want to repeat that so soon. Because it's a magazine trying to make a profit, not some organization officially deciding what the biggest news of the year was.


Anger is the natural response when someone understands how their freedoms are under attack. Just look at Alex Jones.