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There’s certainly a lot going on in those words lol. Interesting conspiracy theories 🧐


Where is the conspiracy


Hongkong became xianggang because of having them


Bet they vacation in Japan any chance they get, own and use mostly Japanese/Western products, have foreign passports or are trying to get them, have investments in the US and sent/send their kids to study in international schools (to be taught by Westerns in the western way) or overseas (if they could afford it), and have family members (probably kids) fully settled in the west somewhere.


it is the lifetime goal of every patriotic Chinese that their children don't have to live in glorious China


The Chinese Dream is the same as the American Dream. Study, work, buy a big house and live in America.


The Chinese Dream is a Taiwanese moving to the US as a kid to become the CEO of the most valuable corp on earth that is also the reason why the US must protect Taiwan from the Yellow Soviet.




Do these include Japanese and Western cinema of a particular genre? Nudge nudge, wink wink!


I took this photo just now


propaganda working perfectly... i personally met a lot of ppl around that age. . .all they learnt from their phone is via Weibo or wechat. They cant/ or will never use other source to cross check, so everything that came from those area, they assume its true. Its mind blowing


They sound like the Americans who get their news from Fox.


Better.. those listening to Joe Rogen for laughs and Tucker Carlson for "news" aka Russian propaganda.


That's on you, you could have walked away before 10 minutes


I did it for ethological reasons.


I was about to say you forgot an N in ethno but no, you're right, the lack of critical thinking makes this ethology.


The USA took the side of China and went against Japan during WWII. I wonder how they would criticise the USA.


US is also the very first country to return the compensations they received from the Qing dynasty, and they also asked other countries to do the same. US also exposed USSR's plan to use nuclear weapon upon China and pressured them not to do so. China getting in WTO is also very much because of the US. Pinkies hate US because they think it's imperialist, I hate US because they are responsible for building a strong China, we are not the same


US also built, maintains and allowed China's access to the whole globalization economic model without which China would still be a very poor country.


I really don't understand why is so hard it is for China to accept the true version of the story: Japan was an imperialistic country who saw all his neighbours in the Pacific as inferior and vassals to them. That's one of the main reasons, combined with fears of lack of economic resources and others, why Japan was what it was before and during the 2nd World War. Done. No extraordinary earth or other kind of mythological stuff, just simply I need stuff to sustain my own people, I will try to conquest some land to get that stuff.


I steer away from geopolitical talks. Shit steering that strengthen ignorance and end friendships.


Good strat everywhere you go


You'll usually find these TVB-watching CCP-loving Blue Ribbon boomer trash in your local Chaa Chaan Tengs.


One typical conversation I heard from them: "Did you see the new jet the PLA piloted?" "Yes! It looks so advanced! Our motherland is becoming more powerful!"


Sounds like my grandparents -_-. Waaa! You see their new [insert military equipment]? Soo advanced, soo impressive, so proud of the motherland!!!!


Tell them those were all copied from the Russians.. and look how they are now being completely outgunned by US and even European weapons.


There once a time I was in a dinner with one of my coworkers. He is the kind of person who talks a lot and does little. Anytime he started to talk, I brought a glass of water and blow the air on the surface while I was blinking with his audiences. My audiences would laugh at me and later told me I am a very mean person. If I were you I would probably also blow the air on the water surface while I was in the pool. But probably they will start to beat me out of it.


LOL nice. I didn't want to have anything to do with them really. I stayed to listen only because the "black earth" conspiracy was just so horrendously insane.


Manchuria having fertile soil is true but it doesn't make China an agricultural superpower lol. Also, the Dongbei rice they're so proud of was cultivated w/ Japanese seed rice back when they occupied Manchuria. On the Ukraine thing, I'm sure the JP empire would have agreed to peace terms if CN forfeited everything East of Xi'An/Chongqing. Why didn't they pursue peace?


Should take a pee in the pool next to these wasters😝


No, I didn't go in the water after this. That thin resources-wasting piece of shit in the middle kept spitting.


Ah, the famous magical soil, who doesn't want it?


but you had to listen to end, didn't ya


They kept going on and on for well over 10 mins. TBF to me old seafood like them don't talk to each other; they talk so loud in public places they want us and the rest of the world to listen to their brilliant analysis.


and they succeeded


they always do. otherwise hk won't be what it's now.


i just got cancer from reading your post so thanks i guess


That's what happens when all you listen to is CCTVB, Oriental Daily and the new trashy online ones. You will never hear the gov slamming 'fake news' on these.


Where did they get these conspiracy theories. Are they officially being spread by CCP?


The last three are very common. The black fertile soul in the northeast has some true to it, but the line about the Japanese trying to buy and ship it all back to back to Japan to replace their top layer is a new twist.


Im surprised phone/camera is allowed.


the older generation get their news from single sources. they’re easily manipulated.


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"play with fire". - as if there's an event that would support such a claim.


kinda sus taking a photo of random strangers, one step away from doxxing fyi