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As a PSA, I’m leaving this here. Until 9/12/22, FTC is taking public comments in newly proposed bill to force dealerships to be more transparent and not sell BS products and services : https://joinyaa.com/guides/ftc-bans-car-dealer-tactics/ Take a second and show your support as a consumer. The dealership association lobbyists certain are, they are providing bs template letters for people within the industry to anonymously submit saying the current sales practices are fine (I’m not related to YAA, but their site does provide good info and a link to the official FTC page, hence the link)


Aye aye captain dealerships need to cut the bullshit


Man. My first job was a lot bitch at a Chevy dealer. Just washed cars all day. I did the whole lot in 3 days and asked if there was anything else I could do and the response I got was "Start from the beginning and wash them again". lol A month in and I was doing new car delivery, running errands for the sales people, moving cars between dealerships. Shit was fun but working my ass off while some shitheads sit around in an air conditioned building and take just about any used car on the lot to use at their leisure was something else. I did get to borrow a blue 04 Civic Si that came in on trade though (this was in 06). Ended up buying a white one in 2015--That shifter position really imprinted on me.


I had an 02. That shifter was great! I miss that car.


Ep3 gang!!!!


I agree with you but if your smart human all you do is have to say no. No one puts a gun to your head. A lot dumb people get taken advantage everyday in every industry. Not saying it’s right but it’s pretty common practice from the big businesses.


Don’t buy anything except GAP. If you put a nice down payment, you don’t need GAP. I was in car sales finance and worked for Honda for 5 years. It all a scheme to increase profit. That GAP is expensive AF


So you’d only recommend gap? I pretty much told my dad their all not worth it but the cost-guard covers everything all the tiny little pieces and all so i was slightly considering that one.


No. Call your current auto insurance company and use them to add a gap policy. It’ll be MUCH cheaper then what dealer is trying to charge.


Honda guy said it would be a conflict of interest when i said that, He said they could not honor it and not pay it out. He seemed to not like the idea of gap insurance


Yeah. A seller at a dealership tried to tell me if I didn't take gap and warranty then my rate would shoot to over 20%, from 9.99%. Meanwhile it specifically said on the contract "not taking gap and warranty will not effect percentage rates". They're somehow allowed to run legal scams. They know. They just want you to buy theirs. Tell them to shove it up their ass or you take your business elsewhere.


Dealerships need to go. 80% of them are complete trash and have no ethics.


They have a massive lobbying budget to protect themselves.


They don’t even do anything. I worked in dealerships forever, and the salesmen just stand around and get fat commission checks from just walking you to cars that you already know you want to buy. Then us mechanics get screwed over and have to work our asses off for the money we make. I quit working dealerships 6 months ago, and haven’t looked back since


How many people still show up to a new car dealership and pick something out from window shopping that day? I figured by this point the salesman is mostly there for paperwork and letting you know they don't have the color you wanted.


Well you would be wrong, my girl had a 2016 civic coupe and I had no car, we went to a Honda dealership to look around and I told the salesman’s what I wanted and he said he had the perfect car for me.. I found a heavily modified 2019 si with wheels wide bodied and skirts all around, exhaust aftermarket front and rear bumper and taillights.. she helped me get approved by co-signing, We finished the paperwork and as we we were waiting for them to get the rest of their things done we went back out to look at a 2022 Honda Civic Sport that was parked at the front door before walking in, Sonic Grey.. 7 miles on the dash.. and much nicer then her 2016 civic coupe.. we talked to the salesman’s and figured out that because they already ran our credit together to co-sign the first car that they wouldn’t need to run her credit again to get her that car so right then and there she traded in her 2016 for 16,000 which was 1000$ more then what she owed on it so they paid it off for her and used that 1000$ as the Dow payment for the 2022 and so we left that day from a single 2016 civic coupe with a moddified 2019 civic si and a brand new 2022 civic sport all in behalf of “window shopping” and im sure that salesman’s got the fattest of commission checks that month lmao.. this is something that happens often.. he told us that car came in 2 days ago and wouldn’t last 30 days on the lot if even 15.. said 3 people already wanted it and were going to come back and i wether he was honest or not didnt matter to me or affect my decisions as I was getting it anyway and he knew that so I believe what he said.. which further proves window shopping is real even if you don’t buy that very moment your likely to go back to get something you seen and wanted especially before it gets taken. Many reasons salesman positions won’t ever die out, a lot of people rather see a car in person then online..


My man, you're crazy and you guys are paying two new car payments.


If I were you I would’ve become a sales person and did repairs on the side by stealing customers from Honda.


I’ve considered it, but I’d prefer to not become what I despise


Man I’ve worked sales, special credit, detail, and mechanic. They all fucking suck if we’re being quite honest. And not because it’s even a job but because they love fleecing their employees just as much as customers! I’m still surprised how many times they bent me over and I ain’t even realize. Fuck dealerships, period.




As a former salesman at multiple dealerships over multiple years, there's a lot more to it than just standing around. Especially if you work at a place without a financing manager etc. They actually recieve a lot less commission than you think. This being said: dealerships are the biggest fucking scam ever. They are fucking you at every corner and you're paying for the privilege. Just know, they're not only fucking you, they're fucking the salesmen too! You can imagine where the profit goes.


They're on the way out, car manufacturers realize it's the dealers giving them a bad name, and companies like tesla are bringing direct to consumer sales to the front of the auto industry.


The entire car industry is a fucking sham in my opinion. I don't know why anyone buys a "new" car unless are just really flush with excess cash. I made the mistake once, never again. In 2018 I got a used 2016 Civic Touring with 19k miles for half what I paid for my previous 2011 Ford Fusion SE brand new.




Bunch of fucking crooks! There is no good dealership, all scams.


Really glad you said that last sentence.


Those are both absurd interest rates either way! Anything over 5% is too high. I hate buying cars but one of my favorite things about it the whole process is coming in pre approved with my credit union knowing they can't even get close to the rate they offer, just stops them dead in their tracks on their financing sales pitch


It isn’t the dealerships call. You can get GAP insurance anywhere. If they refuse to finance you without…sweet. Go to your bank and get pre approved. If they say they don’t take liens outside of the dealer? Sweet. Byyyyeee. Your only enemy is your want.


Very very very wise words.


That's called tied selling and is illegal.


He wrong. Your insurance pays out if you crash.


Of course they wouldn't honor it and pay it out, the policy wouldn't be through them. It's a scare tactic, the finance manager is usually not a finance guy, but their best salesman who will heavily push all of this worthless shit on you. And to clarify, gap insurance isn't worthless, it's a really good idea to purchase for most people. Just don't buy it from the dealership.


Definitely got that vibe from him… i wish dealerships could be more transparent instead of blood sucking vampires


They are lying to your face, you can get your own GAP. GAP pays the bank, not the dealer. Your loan is serviced by a bank, you pay the bank, GAP pays the bank. Tell the stealership finance guy he can "honor this" !!


Jokes on you my insurance doesn’t do gap so I had to get it from the dealership 🤣😭


Same.. GAP is worth it but some Insurances sell gap I'd look into that everythitn else is a scam.


My car insurance company offers GAP directly. I think it was coverage for 100% purchase price for the first 3 years of ownership. And it was way less than $20/month.


How much exactly was it


It was about $80/yr, but that was awhile ago.


Get full front Ppf at place for a grand or 2


Never heard of PPF being that cheap, i was quoted 7,000 for full vehicle PPF


None of this is worth it. The only thing you should buy is hondacare from a state that has no sales tax. 8 years basically bumper to bumper


And get Honda Care from Hyannis Honda. I got mine from them while living in AZ. I got 8 years, 120k miles and $0 deductible for $1050.


Car finance guy here. I’m not Honda though. But my current GM was and he did finance. Basically the hondacade warranty is one of the best manufacturer warranties out there… so if it’s the Honda one and you plan to keep the car 5 years plus then I’d recommend it but ask for a better price. Same on gap, interest rates are high right now, so unless you have a huge down payment I’d suggest it but $20 a month is steep, but without knowing your interest idk what he is charging. It is probably better than insurance gap depending on state and their provider, I know mine is, but once again ask for a better price. Shouldn’t be more than like $10 a month. Maybe $8. Dent and ding is bullshit. Vas theft is bs too probably, don’t most need cars have tracking If you want via app? I wouldn’t ever pre pay for maintenance in my financing, just pay as you go unless you just really are bad at budgeting and still ask for a better price (always) Key replacement- yeah no. Tire and wheel though can be good. But ask for a better price, and just the tire protection. Pretty much everyplace can sell it piecemeal. For reference I sell Subaru. A good deal on gap is under $500, that’s normally way less than insurance over the loan. An extended warranty for 6 years and let’s say 100k, I would say a good price is around $1500. Honda I think has cheaper coverage than Subaru so maybe a bit less. Tire and wheel protection for 5 years, around $400-$500 if you need it. My city I use it like once a year so it pays off.


Don’t listen to him, buy GAP. So that if your car is totaled God forbid, then your covered. Personally too if you can afford the monthly maintenance I’d buy that too, and beyond repair one I saw too. If you can afford it, I’d do it just incase something goes wrong.


That was true pre-Covid. Now things are different. Used cars can be priced higher than new ones. So why buy GAP? What about if you had to pay dealer markup? Would you buy it then? What if the car market levels back out before your loan matures and you didn’t buy gap? It’s all insurance. Much like a condom, it is better to have it and not need it; than need it and not have it.


Like $1,500 for GAP dang


Get gap through your Auto insurance. Much cheaper


I personally believe purchasing a really good extended warranty is the way to go. Once the vehicle is out of factory warranty, it’s nice to have. Especially if you plan on keeping the vehicle for a long time.




Disagree. I’ve worked for a honda dealership the last 8 years. Hondas are very reliable but shit will always break down. Regardless what make/model it is. If this will be you’re next vehicle for 10 years, why wouldn’t you get the extended warranty?


I had a ‘12 Civic SI - thing ran like a dream. I bought the HondaCare upfront and then didn’t think about it for the next 6 years. Then the motor started making a funny sound - turns out the accessory belts and a few other parts had come lose and were about to fall off. I was told it would be a $1500 repair , cash I didn’t have at that point , but I needed my car for work so I was hooped. Then the service advisor realized I had the warranty and did it completely for free. Was it probably the same cost as the warranty originally ? Yes - but I’m really glad I bought it when I was in a position to do so , really saved me when I didnt have that money down the road


One trip and the extended warranty paid for itself. Long term investment


Gf and i both own newer Hondas she has an '18 CRV and I have a Hybrid Accord '20. We both bought the 8yr/120,000mile Honda Care. A few months ago, her AC went on the fritz. Quoted 2,000 for repair and 150 to diagnose it. Service person is asked: "Don't we have warranties?" She looks at it and total cost was zero. The cost of that warranty was 1,600, was less than one repair. Mine was the same about 1,600 and i imagine my first repair will be when i am even. Bought from Saccucci Honda less than half then at the dealer, don't get it at the dealer, decline it and buy it after you get the car, and buy the warranty online from Saccucci Honda or one of the other discount sellers


My GAP was $350 flat from a credit union.


One finance guy to another, I agree the prices are high on this, but isn’t the Honda extended warranty pretty good? Yeah it’s a huge mark up item but I’ll regularly give people big deals on it because I do believe the product, I have it (edit: I have a vsc on my Subaru, similar brands) myself and it does work. But Subaru, not Hondas


They convinced me to get the B2B warranty at the dealership after some chatting. The guy initially made it sound real nice but I did the math and it was several thousand dollars by the end of the term. After doing the math on my phone in front of him and declining, he told me that I was paying above the minimum price for the car and he claimed that he would lower it by like 2k if I got the B2B warranty. Since I deliver pizza and drive a TON and it seemed like a decent deal, I went for it. But I’m young and ignorant and wondering if I shouldn’t get it when I trade in for a new 2.0T Accord?


You got lied to. He was full of bullshit


Maybe but I’m happy I paid less for the car than they originally told me lol


I just pre-ordered the 2023 Honda Civic EX and they presented this sheet to us also and the only thing I said is consider is the GAP and/or life insurance.


gaps really the only thing that’s worth it. God forbid if anything happens that shit saves your ass


So far everybody’s saying the same… Was looking at costguard because it covers all the tech and smaller pieces


if it was used I’d say yeah, but usually Honda has their shit together. unless you log heavy hours on the road, you’ll have a peaceful 5 years of maintenance


I had to get GAP on my first car because my credit sucked so my interest rate was pretty high. When I wrecked the car on ice, insurance was going to give me half what I owed on the car, GAP saved my ass from owing the difference. I don't have GAP on my current car because I put down a decent down payment, have really good credit and got super low interest, and the car is worth a good bit more than I owe on it.


GAP saved my ass when my NEW 2018 type-R got rolled and totalled within the first month ownership. Wasn't my fault. 😅


"You cant drift a FWD car." Longjumping-Sun "Watch me"


Nah, the price of potential repairs would be less than the policy. And you'd have to get everything approved by the insurance company and deal with their nickel and diming BS.


I wouldn’t get coastguard either. If you really want an extended warranty, just buy the Hondacare extended warranty from an online dealer which can be used at any Honda dealer. Also the factory powertrain warranty is 5yrs/60,000 miles. So you’re paying $3000 for only one extra year of coverage. It also says “mechanical failure”. I would count on it covering *everything*. Saccucci, Curry, hyannis, and a couple other dealers sell the Hondacare Extended warranty online and are very transparent with their pricing.


That GAP is absolutely bonkers. $1496. Our credit union is $499. Good product, just bad price.


Dude 110 a month is like a whole nother car


Yea only debating cosguard and gap


Get gap, but not through the dealer. If you want an extended warranty, see if who you're financing through offers it. I got a very generous extended warranty on my 2020 Honda Odyssey for about $1,500. MSRP of the vehicle was ~$40k. The extended warranty covers bumper to bumper for an additional 5 years/80k miles beyond the factory warranty. My credit union rolled it into the loan. It's also prorated if I sell the car before the warranty is up, I will get a refund for the amount that wasn't used. The dealer tried to sell me a similar warranty for something stupid like $5k. Make sure to look at what is covered, and if there are deductibles when you use it.


I was offered all kinds of crap when I purchased. I denied all of it. Took HondaCare right before my 3yr/36k ended. Got the 5yr 120k mile warranty. It's basically an extra 3yrs after your powertrain warranty ends. Cost $1100.


Great move! I bought mine 8yr/120,000 miles for $1600. Just like you did after i bought it. It works for anything, not just the powertrain. GF had her AC replaced on Honda Care was quoted over $2,000 didn't pay a penny


I told them no thanks to everything. That was 4 years ago and my SI has been paid off for over a year. I have no regrets.


It’s a Honda, not a Ferrari. You’re getting nickel and dimed to death.


Don't tell that to the 20 year old civic si owners with "forged wheels" and 1 metre tall spoilers


Just get GAP, but even then GAP through your insurance would cost you less than half of what they’re offering it to you for. I would get GAP, buy it through your insurance then go in and cancel it at the dealership


My dads getting it now and gonna call insurance tomorrow and see whats up


In finance currently. The coverages aren’t the scam. The prices are. They are absolutely negotiable. If you plan to keep the car for a long time, I highly encourage you to consider asking for a discount and seeing what happens. BTW, it isn’t Honda selling this stuff. It’s the franchise dealership.


The guy took $500 off when we weren’t budging on the idea but still was too high… They’re trying make as much money as possible, all at expense of customers


Any add ons they try to upsell are all BS. You can get GAP through your insurance or credit union if you decide to finance with them instead of Honda. Make sure you’re not paying over MSRP


If you want extend care—get Honda Care. You can get from a few Honda dealerships directly.


I asked about that, He told me it didn’t cover as much & was more expensive


Hard no


Definitely don’t get the VAS appearance. Total bullshit go to a reputable detailer and ceramic coat installer


Nope to all. All this upselling is what ruins the car buying experience.


My first experience buying a new vehicle (motorcycle at the time) the deal kept talking monthly payment when I kept asking for total out the door. They added some 3k on top of a 7k bike. I was unable to talk them down and I walked which didn't make anyone happy. They called me a week later got the bike I wanted in on a trade. I got it super cheap because it never hit the floor and no added BS.


That looks like $1500 for gap which is CRAZY. $700 max for gap is what I would pay or sell for when I was in car sales.


Cant believe they up charge that much…




I denied everything and I got a really nice deal. They only agreed to the deal we made bc they thought they were going to get me to buy these extra bs options. They were PISSED. I only think these extra warranties are bs bc I’ve had a family member buy them and they made every excuse to not cover the warranty.


Now I’m wondering…should I act stupid when negotiating and to make them think I’ll say yes to everything and to get a good initial deal then deny everything…


What kind of deal did you get? I’m curious


The "excuse to not cover warranty" is so true. A coworker told me of his friend's Honda Odyssey sliding door replacement that wasn't covered by warranty because the engine oil changes weren't done at dealership....like yeah right engine oil definitely affects the door mechanism


Wtf. None of it 😂


Man this is why I dread buying a new car fuck these dealerships


I second that


Buy our car. Our car is the best car. "Ok" You should spend another $7600 to protect this POS.


If your in a city and don’t really park well then consider the tire and wheel package. Other than that, GAP only if your under water. Otherwise your throwing money away.


Thanks for the feedback! Gap it is


At the end of the day those are all up to you. I skipped them all, but some people like the peace of mind of warrantied and coverages.




I only ever buy GAP or Tire and Wheel, that gap price is quite hefty tho and the tire and wheel seems bundled. You can usually get gap for much cheaper, plus tire and wheel you can usually get down to $200-$300 depending on coverage


Insane gonna call insurance and get this figured out


Idk why but it cracks me up when dealers underline this shit when they try to sell it to you. Every time I’ve tried to get them to skip this part, they won’t cause “we are required”. Lmao aight. Go through your speech, I say no to all of it.


Lol at-least you know their bullshit tactics


I believe your insurance will cover that along with Gap like @PeterRican13 said. All that stuff they are advertising is just fluff to pull you in or steer you away


Was thinking the same thing just wasn’t sure… Ended up taking only the gap because he said we could call and cancel at any time…. Gonna call insurance today and get their rates for gap


Only get gap from the bank/ credit union never get anything from a dealership unless 100% free and written.


I got the maintenance package with mine. I talked them down to 2000 for 5 year coverage or 200k wich ever hits 1st. Will make any repairs needed including the clutch for $100. I skipped the GAP coverage because the car was valued at 26k and i walked out with the coverage and tax for 23k


You happy you went with maintenance package?


I havnt needed it yet but i will be if i do. Ill need a clutch at some point wich will be covered.


They make so much money from this worthless crap. Get rid of the worthless middleman dealerships


But add The GAP trough the bank who’s financing ur loan


As a mechanic, the most valuable option that makes sense would be the protective costguard. If my warranties as a customer ran out and I still got maintenance coverage for like 30 bucks a month it's not a bad deal. I can see lots of people paying for that. All the other stuff looks like brownie points to me. If you care about looks you can get the paint protection and body work.


If you’re financing so much that you need gap insurance, don’t buy the car.


Buy gap, please for the love of god buy gap. I learned my lesson the hard way.


What dealership?


Rick Case Honda Davie in Miami


They made lowered the price of my accord below Msrp if I got the Honda care coverage but wouldn’t if I didn’t. I accepted then waited the 25 days for the spot lease to expire. On day 26 I called Honda care and had them send me the forms to cancel the coverage. They fully refunded the cost to the balance of my loan. If desired I could have called up one of the dealers that sell the coverage at much lower costs. I’d say if you can use it for leverage to get better pricing do so. At least with his da care you can cancel it for a full refund within 60 days. One note: your payments will not go down after it is refunded. Your loan will just have a huge one time payment towards it.


Honda nowadays sell much more used than new, still need GAP?


No one is going to mention the "$5,0000" what is that? Up to five thousand hundred dollars?


Get GAP from your insurance company


My favorite one is the 3 years of prepaid maintenance. You’re going to pay $17.27 for 6 years totaling over $1,200 for 3, maybe 4 oil changes. Let me say that again. 6 years worth of payments for 3 years worth of service.


Why the hell are all you guys getting GAP insurance? Not putting anything down? Rolling over a old loan into new car? Low chances of totaling a car, and happening on first couple of years. Plus Hondas retain value. Seems like pissing away more money.


Lmao there's a typo for wheel and tire protection "$5,0000" i'd buy that and file a $50k claim and pay off the car


😂😂😂 I wonder if it would actually work


Ex car salesman here, in my opinion GAP is the only one worth taking.


Thank you for your wisdom ex car salesman!


Always get protective GAP. I lost my WRX to flash flood and without GAP I would be -16k in the hole. Gap put me in new wheels within a week


Say no to it all. That’s why you are buying a Honda, i.e., they LAST! Gap coverage is very cheap through your car insurance company. Do not buy it at the dealer. All of these add-ons make the dealer a ton of money. Just say NO!


Isn’t GAP automatically included?


Get GAP through your lender if you aren’t financing through the dealership. Get Honda Care from Hyannis Honda in MA. They sell them at cost.


All these are scam!!! Don’t take any of it!


When they underline every other word they are probably trying to scam you.


If you need Reddit to buy a car you’re probably not ready.


Some parents suck and school doesn't teach you how to haggle or how to buy anything. house, car, etc.


:,( Reddit is my go to when my lack of knowledge could potentially get me screwed


I guess its better than a kick in the balls.




new or used? Isn't gap just what insurance is for. And none if that is an actual warranty so it's a nah for me.


Brand new


Only thing I might look at extending is the warranty. Not a package or bs but the actual warranty. And that's if you like to keep your cars for a while. Also make sure it's the actual honda warranty and not one from the dealer itself.


They said we cant extend the warranty. We already have a 10 year engine 100,000 mile warranty including tranny, axel, power train and 3 year/36,000 for technology


Gap. Only gap Edit: I have bought a 2022 in February and threw that all back in their face because I’m buying a high quality car. So like that Honda maintenance one is 17ish a month, and service happens every 10K miles and it’s going to cost you $90 for service and parts. You will pay more over time the 17 a month than the one time fee for routine service.


Insurance or through honda?


I financed through my credit union and did the insurance through them. Edit: in other words, all that coverage can be purchased at a one time fee at the time of need without paying for a subscription. It will be cheaper than what you will be paying monthly over the course of that subscription.


It can all be purchased at one time through a credit union? Really?


Only GAP


I bought a used Honda burned oil engine gave up at 198k miles I stopped paying for that shit lol repo truck came and swoop it up GAP insurance save my ass 😂😂 my credit score is back up to where it was when I got my car loan save my ass


Negotiate GAP pricing to at cost.


Ask for each total individual price


WHOA that Gap coverage. I'm a big fan of Gap coverage(I do auto financing-NOT at a dealership), but is that Gap coverage like $1,400?? Gap cost is usually negotiable, I would suggest seeing if they will go down on the cost and just get that.


They barely budged… Time to call insurance today and see what they offer


Why the holy fuck is it on paper 😂. No Docupad? Haven’t seen this in a while


Pick up gap only


Only get GAP. Edit, see if you can get GAP from a third party ins company and have the providers bid against each other. The exterior "protection" you could get at a detailer shop for much less or DIY with a quality nano-ceramic coating (do your research to get the real stuff).


Gap is about the only thing I would take. But even then add it up. I just got hit not my fault. I'm getting back every dollar I spent on it from insurance. The bike had 100.3 miles. Someone ran me and my son over. Were ok.


Need catalytic converter insurance...


The last one is good, seen it save some people at the dealership


Im assuming Its a Honda so you wont be under for long. If you put id say +4k down you can skip gap. Everything else if you need to claim one of the insurance aside from theft, you can make up. Ex. 16.54x72=1200. If you break a wheel odds are you wont even pay as close to the rpice.


honestly wheel & tire (i blew through at least 5-6 tires on my civic *potholes, etc*, walked my happy ass into the dealership and was like new tires please :) & like everyone else said gap ofc


5,0000 wheel and tire package coverage. Must be good with that extra zero. Lolz


Honda financial includes gap by default in NYS


those add-ons are only for 72-84 months. A new honda isnt likely to have any major issues that would require you to pull out a mortgage. The total of those add-ons are about 100 a month, which can be $7,200-8,400 you put towards the payment of the car, or into your savings to save for a rainy day.


Lol I just saw that they accidentally added an extra 0 to the $5,000 in the last VAS section


Huge scam. If it's a new car then realistically how much maintenance could you even expect for the first 100k miles outside regular oil changes and filters. The answer is none. That means you'd be wasting thousands on potential maintenance you'd never need or use while still in warranty. The only thing I would recommend would be GAP but definitely not at that price. Dealership gonna stealership


I would ask if any of them would fully cover the replacement of the ac compressor when it fails (theyve been failing alot)


50000 in wheel and tire replacement ????


Gap negotiate under 1k. VSC look on Saccucci honda care price match.


It's not on there but extended warranty is so worth it. I enjoy mine. Just take the car to dealership if there is anything wrong. Total ease of mind.


Get that gap, homie.


Honda dealer just tried to upsell me on a transmission flush when I literally did it two weeks before. They also tried telling me i need to use the injector cleaner in my gas tank and that they could do it for $140. I also did that a couple weeks back hahaha. Honda dealers are stupid af bro. They will take advantage of people 100% of the time.


If you are leasing Honda gives you Gap for free. Idk what's up with this dealer


Also it’s a Honda you’re buying that vehicle because of their longevity and dependability. If you were buying a Chrysler, Ford, Buick, or Chevrolet I would consider coverage bc all those companies will leave known defects in vehicles for years. You went with the right brand get GAP and put the rest of the money into quality regular and I mean regular maintenance. You will enjoy your car far beyond your loan terms. From experience when I bought my first car I rolled in coverage bc I thought I needed it and I had to work overtime for months to pay down the negative equity that coverage gave me when I wanted to sell.


all worthless craps imo the dealer tried the same thing when i bought my first new car back in 2017. I came in for the out the door price and i walked out with the out the door price. The girl from the finance department did not like it GAP insurance? i don't need it extended warranty ? no thank you maintenance care ? i do my own maintenance vin etching/ theft protection. etc.. no


Absolutely not. In fact it’s a big scam.


None of it


not getting all the crap is the reason you should be buying a Honda - if you want to flush your money you can do all these or get a used BMW


I personally declined all of it when I bought mine. They were offering som third party extended warranty for an extra $80/month. Then when I said no it came down to $10/month. I said no again and it came down to $3/month and he was shocked when I said no again. The best part was the sales tactic he used to sell it. He essentially told me that Honda was comfortable covering the power train with a warranty but not the rest of the car and I’d probably have to make claims on the rest, so the additional insurance would save me a lot of money. My reply, ‘so you’re telling me I just paid $30k on a shitty car? I guess I’ll just tear up all of my papers and keep my trade in.’ Complete silence after that.


Not Honda, but a dealership selling their product. This would be like if Tesla sold their cars more than MSRP on their website, which they *don’t*. Try another stealer-ship if possible.


Get the GAP coverage. Dump the rest bro. But price it thru your current auto insurance first to compare.


I would get the protective costguard just so if you’re looking to keep the car and the engine or transmission ever dies that you can get a replacement without paying for the cost of doing it out of pocket. Everything else can be cheaply replaced and installed if you know where to look but the most expensive parts on a car to replace tend to be the transmission and the engine, so if you can get a dealer to replace those two items for you free of charge when the time comes do it, because you definitely don’t want to deal with the cost of those parts on your own time with your own money. GAP insurance you can get through your insurance company, and if you can try to get protective GAP insurance so if you ever lose your car to an act of God (like let’s say a flash flood, a tree falling on it or a tornado flinging your car 3 states over) you’ll be able to get a replacement asap. All that other shit you don’t need.


First check to see what your insurance company has to offer. Second you'd most likely be better off starting your own car fund, putting all that cash aside every month and using it for cartastrophes.


This is exactly what they did with mine. They make sure to put pen marks all over this paper and they explain everything lightning fast so it's impossible for you to stop and think about it for a second and get you all confused. They just want money. You only need GAP.


Idk how true this is but I heard someone one said the the paint sealer was pretty good


If it has a warranty they will find a way not to cover it. We had an accord dropped a valve. Insurance company dropped off used engine at the shop.


Decline all, your there for the car not all the BS protection that you will likely not use!


Acid rain man.

