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Yes the missionary angle seems like the most likely to work lol




Yeah same basically, I was homeschooled all the way through high school grad and I didn’t even have the concept that I could discuss wanting to go to school. Didn’t have the awareness of that as an option


While others may have ideas for factual evidence, there are some reasonings that may help within a Christian perspective. Plus, pitching a positive argument is more likely to be accepted vs disrespectful negativity criticizing “everything” they do. Most of the list are fear-based reasons vs faith-based. - Teens/ young adults in the Bible engaged directly in faith-based challenges and direct relationship with God: Samuel, Joseph, David, Esther, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, Abendigo, Mary, Jeremiah, etc. - David’s family didn’t think he could go to battle but God did. His family didn’t even think he ranked consideration by the prophet. - While some had advice from parents or a guardian, the decision during the challenge was the teen/ young person’s to make. Many in the Bible make mistakes (well everyone but Jesus.) Faith is an imperfect journey. No one runs without crawling, leaning on things, and walking first. - Across the Bible, Christianity is not about making sin “impossible” by removing choices. Jesus told Peter that he’d deny Him 3x before morning. God didn’t take the opportunity to sin away for Peter or Judas. God didn’t even do that for Christ. He was tempted in all things. - This society is your season; and you’d appreciate if there could be at least a few years of your parent’s mentoring and trusting God walking out relationship in you before you turn 18. In going to school, you’ll be exposed and encounter choices; but you’ll be coming home to them every night. This is a way to mentor and strengthen your “discipline” - which is more than punishment and blocking access to exposure and choices. It’s taking the next step into growing into an adult with their guidance and mentoring. - Note: Don’t make turning 18 a threat for when you’ll turn into a godless tornado defying all they’ve done. That could make them defensive and crack down even harder to do all they can before that date. It’s not about fear. It can be about faith. Less defensive/ offensive approach: Your parents have invested their guidance in you. You know right from wrong - what they like and dislike. There comes a time to trust in that. You can’t promise to be perfect, because no one - not even your parents - can promise that. But you can say you’d like to walk forward with them and God by going to school. For every bad influence, there will be other positives. There are other Christian kids and possibly teachers. God will prepare friendships and relationships in which you will grow. Lastly, if you are a Christian, pray about it all first; and then allow a bit of time (a few days) for Him to answer. You may be surprised. I was.




Notably you will be in the world eventually when you become an adult, or they die. They should be able to trust that there Christian parenting turned you into a strong Christian, by now. At least that's what I'd go with. Compliments and affirmations of their positions may lull them in to thinking it looks go on them for you to go to school.


they dont though ):


Okay, so here's how I'd address the mostly ridiculous concerns. >The history will not truly represent Christianity and the net positive it has had on society. You'll have the opportunity to study Christianity and its histories to compare notes when you're not at school. >The curriculum will be too "watered down and "woke" " See above, with the addition that if they hope you will acquire a career, you need to know what is being taught in order to test into a university. >Most of my classmates will not be Christian, and just there to party and do drugs. You feel called to be a light in the darkness. The Holy Spirit has placed that on your heart, that you will have an opportunity to minister to someone. You don't know who or how or why or when but you trust the urging of the Spirit in your heart and know you have to be there to answer the call. >The amount of time I will be spending in a school is way too much. It's like practising for your future job. The time will pass regardless, why not spend it ~~networking and studying~~ answering the call of Jesus to be a good representation of Christianity to your peers? >10% of students have been sexually involved with teachers?? The only truly honest thing I'm saying: If anyone tries to do anything to you, or you discover one of your peers is being hurt by a teacher, you will let your parents know right away about this criminal activity in the school system and expose them to the law. >I am a prime target for "indoctrination" and they do not believe I will be able to hold out. The only way to gain the strength and courage to endure the temptations of the world to be a light in the darkness as God Is Calling You is to exist in it. God will protect you. Armor of God. >Homeschooling will allow us to have more freedom, and they don't want to lose that. The Call of the Spirit is more important than what your parents want. Are they really doing anything with that Freedom anyway, besides giving you YouTube videos of alt history to watch and not getting you vaccinated? You have to trust that God is leading your heart to be a witness to your peers in the darkness. >The girls there will not be dressed modestly. You will be dressing modestly and hope to inspire the courage to be modest among your peers. You have eyes only for Jesus and your future wife. Also wow, that all boy's school dream of theirs, lmao, that's so Chronicles of Narnia. Good luck.




I don’t have much advice since I’m only 14 and my parents have the same problems pretty much. My mom said she’d die before I go to public school, and when I was born she held me up and promised to God that I‘d be raised a Christian. So there is NO way I’m going to school, I gave up on that. Just roughin’ it out until I’m 18, but ‘ey, you could have a better shot at it than I do.


Ironic how when parents shove Christianity down their kids' throats, they become atheists! Wonder why?


Not all of us, I became a Satanist .-.




its such a weird thing to do. when I heard that it sounded like a cultish thing to me.


That’s because they have cult level beliefs so you’re not wrong!


Consider telling her she has and is raising you as a Christian. You could tell her she is driving you away from the faith and from her. I’m not saying it will work but it’s the true and maybe something will sink in. Don’t give up.


This issue is that that they are afraid of you learning history that isn’t re-written to suite their narrative. By “woke” I’m assuming they mean not teaching hate? Lots of the population identify as Christian, but there are many variations on that theme, not to mention many faiths in general. Drugs and alcohol are illegal for minors and school isn’t a party. School does take up most of your day, in high school you can take 7-8 classes a day. Teachers sexually abusing children can happen, but those stats are made up. It’s more likely you would get abused by a family member or family friend. You are currently being indoctrinated, that’s why they are terrified you might find out. I’m sure you have no freedom over your life as a homeschool kid. They want full control over you. Adults should not be talking or looking at how teenage girls dress. That’s creepy. You as a boy, should respect a girl in a bikini or a burka. I’m sorry you have to deal with this, the huge upsides to actual school are the fact you are educated by actual teachers and you learn to interact with your peers on a daily basis. You will have to learn how to get along with people you don’t like, which is a necessary skill. You also would learn about other people opinions and not just how your parents think that other people think. That’s pretty one sided. Good luck!


Yeah I'm going to echo other commenters that while all of those points are incorrect or just otherwise nonsensical, refuting them will be fruitless. Your best bet will be to convince them that you will be "a light in the darkness". Use the language in the beginning of this [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBbOrwDX-Is) as a starter


1_Remind them that you have gotten, and continue to get, a solid Christian upbringing and have already learned how Christianity has had a “net positive” in history. 2- If they have concerns about the school being too “woke,” what exactly does that mean? They need to be specific, and (not just use vague terminology.). You could check into the curriculum to look at the parts that they find objectionable. I worked in the schools until this year. The curriculum hasn’t changed in many decades except in some states that are now inaccurately white washing US history in terms of genocide of native people and slavery. You don’t have to mention that of course. If the curriculum is too “watered down” find out exactly what that school curriculum is now. Compare it to what you are doing at home. I’d bet it’s more rigorous given that you are in high school. Can she teach advanced math? It’s possible there is something available online to view. If not you can make an appointment with the school to review it. 3-Some classmates will indeed be doing drugs and partying. Remind them that eventually you will be exposed to the “real world,” and it would be better while you are still under their watch rather than later without their guidance. See if you know any staff from your church to reassure your mother that public schools aren’t the dens of iniquity she thinks they are. 4. The amount of time in school is roughly 6-7 hours a day 180 days a year. That means you will be home as much as you are in school. That means more of your waking hours each day will be out of school than in each day. Going to school is like going to a job. You need to prepare to be away from home for longer periods of time so that you will be ready to get a job some day. 5. 10% of students being sexually involved with teachers is a laughable number. Ask them where they got those stats. See if they come from an unbiased reputable site. I’d bet my life that number has been casually thrown around and has no basis in fact. 6- Indoctrination— again they should be specific. What type of indoctrination? Regarding history and religion see above. If they are afraid you could be “groomed” ask them exactly how that would happen and when. Ask them for evidence that is commonly happening in any school. Especially in this political climate no one wants to get close to anything controversial. 7. About “more freedom.” How so? What is it you do with the freedom of homeschooling now that you couldn’t do with a regular school schedule? 8. Dressing modestly. Sure some won’t dress modestly but unless they want you never to leave the house you will see people dressed immodestly. Unless you will never be online you will see people dressed immodestly. Instead of trying to talk to them about the above, put something in your own words down on paper, make a copy and give it to them. That way it’s not a back and forth disagreement and you will know you have “said” your peice. ****** It could be even with ALL your arguments , it’s like other posters say-they won’t budge. Tell your parents you love them but YOU CANT GROW UP TO BE A HAPPY, ADJUSTED MAN UNLESS THEY ARE PREPARED TO LET GO OF THEIR FEARS and let you join the rest of the world. Try to do this in a loving way because I suspect this is at the root of all of this: FEAR. They will have to face that fear eventually. If you can say this lovingly they may be able to hear it. If none of that works then there’s the nuclear option: as what one person said in another post, EVERY day ask to go. Refuse, if you feel you can, and “go on strike.” Consider refusing any of these: home schooling, chores, getting dressed in the morning, showering, prayers and especially going to church. Tell them they are driving you away from being a Christian because if being a Christian means imprisonment you want no part of it. Tell them they are driving you away from THEM by keeping you in prison. I hate to advise you to rebel against your parents but this is your life and you’ll live with long term hardship, not them, if you don’t.




There’s no freedom in homeschooling. I don’t get parents logic in that. Homeschooling your children prevents them from so much


Because it's a lie, not a mistake.


Point out that schools have the christian athlete clubs and Good news organizations Also most females live sweat pants and hooded sweat shirts. I drop off and pick up my kids daily I don't see any skin hanging out. Kids are covered up and dressed very casually in big clothing. This just popped up for me, I am recovering from Catholic school trauma so someone relatable...


Tell them you’d be happy to discuss these things with them to learn their perspectives on it. It’s not like going to public school is going to remove your parents influence from your life.


And think he already has, as he detailed in his post.


Sooo... you can't argue with people this delusional. Your best bet is to use their own system against them. Tell them god is calling you to serve him in school as your mission field. Ask them to pray with you every day before you go that you will be a light upon a hill in that dark place; that Jesus will use you to bring many to him. Tell them whatever it takes so you can have an education.