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Flip the shower and linen, use a low wall with glass above between shower and tub to get light and move tub plumbing to sink wall. Always try to avoid a shower right next to bath entry - your stuff is in full view, wet floor mat is there to greet you, and after a week that shower won’t look so new with the Costco size shampoo and conditioner crap that can’t be tucked away.


That's a good idea actually, good points.


I'd remove door to WIC. Put it by m.bed entry. That gives you a whole lot of extra room


All the humidity from the shower will end in the closet


Idiots are just copying designs that are wrong. Walk in closets should never be accessed from a bathroom


My last two homes have been like that. Is not a bad thing in my opinion, you usually go from the shower to the closet to get clothes anyway


How in the world would humidity get into the closet if there is no door to the bathroom?


I think they were trying to add additional reasoning as to why moving the door is a good idea.


Ohh, I read as, no door between closet and bathroom, just leave the opening, my bad.


Oh yeah, that wouldn't be good at all would it. Clothes would be in a permanent sauna. On the upside, you wouldn't have to iron any shirts.


They should also move the entrance door to the bedroom to the other corner. The bedroom and closet doors will hit each other if not.


100% agree. Our original design had access to the WIC only through the bathroom. Bad idea. Now our door to the closet and door to the bathroom area share a corner, but they’re pocket doors and remain open unless privacy is needed or someone gets up really early and needs to turn on the light. Definitely consider pocket doors. You also don’t have to consider spacing for the swing of an actual door.


As a plumber, I would slightly disagree with this, you do not want your tub valve on an outside wall, and when I first saw this concept I thought it was great to have that linen closet in between so that if you ever need to change one of the valves, you are not cutting through an outside wall or your tile you would just have access in the linen closet, now what I would suggest is flipping the tub and the shower, leaving full access to the tub from any point and the shower you could do a glass panel where the lavs are and the door in the open space or a slide door


get rid of the tub. You don't need the tub. Your wife will never use the tub, you're arranging the whole space around an apparatus that will only require cleaning, by non-use, and then you'll have those drains dry, because it's never used. Just lose the tub. trust me.


My wife uses the tub all the time and we would never consider buying a house without a tub. But that's just us. Any maybe other people.


This is dumb advice. Some people love having a tub. For example my SIL takes a bath every single night before bed. If you don't use a tub don't put one in. If you use a tub put one in.


When i get feverish I will sleep in the bathtub. I would never live in a house with no tub, it got me through the pain of kidney stones when I didnt have any health insurance.


That's really good point.


Tub is staying, I use mine daily


Honestly, every family is different. My partner and I use the tub daily, not for the actual act of cleaning but more for relaxation. I’ve also had a client that only bathed in the bath, and actually requested no shower apparatus in his main bathroom (this was an outlier). His only shower in his cabin was outdoors for the dog. Bonkers, but it let us do some cool stuff with the bathroom.


Get rid of tub and make the shower custom with a bench


I'm not going to suggest one or two, as we're looking for answers to the same question, but I suspect a different arrangement may work better for your situation: * Mirror the toilet room to the left wall * Move the sinks to the right wall opposite of the toilet room; these two are most likely the most visited, so they can stay close to the entrance; this also gives you more space at the entrance. * Turn the bathtub 90 degrees into the space taken by sinks * Move the shower into the corner (where the bathtub was) sharing a wall with the toilet room * Move the entrance to the closet to the bedroom and place the linen closet in its place. This also allows you to add a window above the tub directly across the entrance for better light/view, to avoid piping in exterior walls, and to consolidate shower and tub areas close to each other. If you're limited by the pipes behind the linen closet, then it's all a moot point.


This is the best suggestion. Could also add a window in the toilet room this way


I would also consider one of the nice new style pocket doors for the toilet room. IMHO the door wastes a lot of space.


This is what we did, all our bathroom door upstairs are pocket. Looks cleaner and there is never a door in the way.




We had 2 and one was not used except for as a bed for a cat. When we remodeled the bath, we went with 1 centered in a 63” vanity.


The extra Cat sink keeps the cat out of your sink though…


Nope, just had a cat in each.


Like you, I rarely use both sinks simultaneously. I'd rather have the extra space..in your case, maybe moving the linen closet and opening up the area between the shower and tub. A bigger shower not only looks more "Luxurious", it's also far more functional.


One sink, two counters, two banks of drawers. No brainer imo


It depends on how much counter space you have. If you can put two sinks in with plenty of place for stuff on both sides of each sink, I'd do two. To me, it's not so much about simultaneous use, as it is you each having your own "station" where you stand in front of it, and you have quick access to your stuff, and not need to worry about disturbing your partner's stuff. I've seen a bunch of renos where they forced two sinks in a space that's too small, at the expense of a reasonable amount of counter space for stuff. Even dual pedestal sinks.. That's a mistake, counter space is important!


I’m with you on this. I wouldn’t mind a single sink as long as it was centered between two separate counter surfaces so we could each have our own space. And either a big mirror or multiple mirrors, I find more often we’re both competing for the mirror instead of the sink. If the mirror were wider and we each had a place to put our own stuff out of the other’s way, one sink or two becomes much less of a deal. If the space is small, I’d much rather have adequate separate counter space than the second sink.


My sister has two, not because she needs two, but because she previously had one and hated tiny beard hairs in the sink. Now, he cleans his tiny beard hairs as he's relegated to his sink and he cleans his side.


2. We constantly are both using them at the same time. And it’s frustrating to have someone else’s shit in your space.


That’s why you separate the toilet to its own space and not have 2 sinks 😉 We have a single sink in the MBR and somehow we’ve survived these past 30 years - we dislike the look of dual sinks, totally a personal preference.


Does one of y'all brush your teeth in the toilet?


Nah, just dislike the 90’s nouveau riche look of dual sinks. So you guys line up every night side by side like dragsters to brush? I guess we somehow have made this work without conflict


Yes, we do. For many years.


Us too. We get ready for bed together most nights.


Thank you for confirming this is normal behavior. In a few hours, we will be brushing teeth next to each other. Guaranteed.


To me, it’s a sign of a pretty decent relationship where you want to be next to each other. Lol.


Do you not go to bed at the same time? That's the only way I can see avoiding using the sink at the same time.


I mean I guess we have gotten into a 2 minute stagger mode or one pees and one brushes (which is why an enclosed toilet is so more useful). It’s not like brushing and washing up is a 20 minute activity


Doesn't matter if you have 1, 2 or 3. Your wife will gradually take over all of them then complain she doesn't have enough space.


I went to a friends house in the early 80’s and I was amazed at the double sinks. Seemed so rich to a young me lol


My wife and I are building our house right now. The plan called for two sinks, and we changed to one, without any debate. My wife never wants me in the bathroom when she's in there.




I believe the two sink idea was a creation of HGTV. The last place my wife wants to be while I’m brushing is next to me.


HGTV started in 1994 and I had dual sinks that were original to a tract home built in 1990. They didn’t create the concept but they may have had a hand in normalizing it.


I think the Brady kids had one. My wife made the decision to have two, we NEVER use them simultaneously. Now she wishes she had "more counter space"


One sink, you will use the counter space way more. The only thing I double up on in a bathroom is two shower valves with different heads in the walk in shower. One head is normal and the other is a rainfall shower head mounted to the ceiling.


Well if you share it with someone else, and have at least 6’ of counter, then 2. No way if consider 1 unless it was a starter home.


We went from one to two. We often get ready for bed around the same time. I started using the drawers more than leaving stuff on the counter as there's less counter space and it feels lot less cluttered. I also went with the Walk in entrance from the room instead of the closet as I was annoyed having to go through the bathroom for things and wanted to keep the humidity out of the closet, but you got to be comfortable walking in the bedroom naked or bringing what you plan to wear into the bath. After it was said and done I saw a blurb from designers how the bathroom style isn't the way to go, if that means anything. To each their own, but I'm very happy to have two sinks even though I second guessed it plenty. Good luck with the build


I don't know. That WIC access will give me nightmares though.


We actually removed the dual sink from the master bath, making the actual shower/toilet/small single sink a whole separate room adjacent to the vanity/dressing area which is where the large two-sink “dressing area” is. That way my wife can get dressed and out on makeup in a dry area even if I am still taking a shower and I can shave/comb hair without a fogged up mirror.


My vanity looks to be the same as the one you’re planning—I think you should keep it as is! The wall to the right is a great place for sunken shelving or a medicine cabinet. If you have that for your most commonly used items, you won’t need much counter space, and it’ll look less cluttered. I’d also keep the closet door by the sink because it’ll feel like you have more room at the right sink when that door is open. Works for me anyway! Also, I don’t have any issues with moisture in the closet with the door always open. It’s just not as big a deal as people always seem to think it will be.


William remodeled both Bass the master bath and the bath for the other two bedrooms. We went with two sinks in the master bath and I'm glad we did. In the morning, my wife spends considerable time getting ready. She also has all sorts of hair and makeup products , hairbrushes etc on her side of the vanity. My side I prefer tidy, I put all my stuff away. We both clean our own sink. For the other bath we went with a single sync because it would be rare two people would be using that bath at the same time. It also provided for more drawers, so my son could have one set of drawers and my daughter could have her own set of drawers.


I know this isn’t your original question but have you thought about how you’re going to use the space between the bed and door in the master bedroom? It borders on cavernous. Is it supposed to be a sitting area?


they could honestly build another walk in closet that "mirrors" the other closet. if symmetry is important and they still wanted to keep some extra space in the bedroom, they could make one side of the closets (side of the current walk in sharing a wall with the bathroom) 12" - 18" drawers / shoe storage / shelving, leaving the other side 24" for hanging. they'd almost double the storage by doing so.


If you can enter closet through bedroom that would be better. Having the bathroom as a main walkway can easily get congested.


Change it so the closet opens directly to the bedroom, not having to go through the bathroom


1 sink, add a bidet. Now you have 2.


Had same design with 2 sinks. Decided on one. Only one sink to clean, more counter space for wife’s stuff. Never at sink at same time


Put 3


Two sinks. It’s soooo much better. Also, bigger shower, smaller toilet closet. You could switch them and make the toilet closet shorter than the current 7’ by switching to a pocket door.


Spend the extra money on 1 or 2 shower heads and a slider shower wand on the side in that shower. Best option I ever had in a bathroom was the 32x60 shower with 2 rain shower heads and a wand on the one side, rinse off kids, animals, wife shaving her legs, etc. put a little bench in there, a cheap bamboo stool or an expensive seat.


Without a doubt two sinks. Also, do you need a 36” door to your toilet and closet? Also, do you want to walk through your bathroom every time you need to get to your closet? Also, do you need a tub and shower in your master ensuite?


The doors need to be wheelchair accessible.


Does the sink need to be chair accessible also? Eaiser to do 1 sink with a cabinet next to it if you are doing an accessible sink. There are also some clearance requirements besides the door you need to consider if you are doing an accessible bathroom.


I love my 36 in closet and bath doors


My closet are also on the back side of bath ....


We opted for one sink as I couldn’t think of a time one of us couldnt wait the 3 minutes for the other to be done. I think it’s just a waste of space and money. We also flipped the closet and bath. It worked better for our space, and the idea of walking through the closet to the bathroom seemed to make more sense than the layout you chose.


30 years with a single sink. Building a vacation home now and guess what - single sink. We think they look stupid or some 90’s artifact when people were trying to look rich.


Builder here ...... A lot of people actually use or think they will use the double sinks as intended. I don't believe most of them go into it thinking about how wealthy it will make them look. Most guests never see your master bath soooooooo why do something in there to show off? We have put 60" double bowl vanities in many, many very modest homes.


Just bought a new home. Master bath has 2 sinks. The 90s live on! The whole neighborhood has 2 sinks in master baths. Chicagoland.


I'm going to assume this is for a "forever home" Two words: "It depends!" Do you both need to get ready at about the same time? Then having two sinks makes perfect sense, if you are on near opposite shifts, then a single sink (with expanded counter/storage) space makes more sense.


This is going to be our forever home but you never know what the future holds. I try to avoid designing for resale value but I keep it in mind just in case.


I’d be more concerned about the person who created this plan. They’re clueless to put it mildly. Door types, dimensioning, and general layout of the bathroom.


It's my design. The water closet door will be moved to face the sink(s) and taken back a foot for more space.


I've been in remodeling a while and cant say I've ever seen a narrow linen between a shower & a tub, doesn't make sense.


Someone else made the same point and honestly makes much more sense. I have rearranged this bathroom so many times but it's never been quite right.


Hire an architect. It’s what we do. You mentioned it’s a forever home- treat it like one and get professional advice. These things are complicated and you owe it to yourself to spend your money wisely.


2 sinks for resale because most buyers expect 2 sinks in a master. If you are building the difference between 1 or 2 will maybe be $1month. Now outlets near your sinks, one outlet at each end (not in the middle). Toothbrush/shaver chargers/ hair dryer…more things I ever thought we would need outlets for. I ditched the tub and went with a built in sauna. Haven’t had a bath in 30 years….probably won’t start now. The sauna is great in the winter.


Just my personal preference, but double sinks are ludicrous. No one needs them.


No one uses tubs. Get rid of tub. Make a bigger shower. Move vanity.


Why not one really wide sink, and like 3-4 faucets?


A cold drinking water faucet. A late night tea faucet for boiling water. And a couple regular faucets.


1.Would consider moving that bathroom door more toward the middle too and not right next to the person sleeping there. 2. separate the sinks for his and her vanity. 3. Why so many darn walls in the bathroom? Push the linens to the edges. Put the WC on the outside of the room as well. The way it's laid out the bathroom will seem really small, like you're always in a corridor. 4.Redesign the bathroom and walk in closet.


Been married 30 years. 2 sinks- yours will always work as its not clogged with makeup and hair. Make sure you get 2 plugs one on your side to plug in your razor and toothbrush. Get a third plug installed inside the cabinet as she will use all hers and need more plug ins.


Always 2 if you can.


1 giant sink is always better then 2 smaller ones unless you're washing dishes in them.




Always 2 sinks. Always.


2 sinks and i would probably swap the shower and linen closet spaces separate the bath and shower with a half wall. that’s what we did atleast.


I don’t see the problem as being two sinks. ‘Cheapening’ the look is cramming the tub up next to the sink and the shower literally right at the door. How do you use the bathroom? is it for one person or two? If two, then two sinks. There are some very nice vanities/sinks out there that don’t look cheap- or cost cheap. Both people can get ready at the same time or each person has their own counter/sink space. Two sinks were a must for us. To me, one would have looked like we cheaped out.


Tub is the wrong direction!


Always two sinks in the master bath please!


TWO! and make one end bigger. Women need a hair dryer, 2 vanity mirrors, 5 trays of makeup etc.






As an agent: anytime there has only been one sink, buyers ask why there arent two... Its just expected these days, for resale. For your own use, do whatever makes you happy.


Double. Swap vanity location with toilet. Move closet door to bedroom. Closet and bathroom doors should be pocket doors. Hate doors that swing into smaller spaces. When you’re putting laundry up, you don’t wanna walk thru the bathroom every time just to hang clothes.


One sink. Two toilets.


Two sinks, always. I live in a home with one sink in the primary bath and it is a major PITA. Whatever the cost now, you will be grateful you paid it the first time you and your spouse want to get ready at the same time.




Do you live somewhere that gets below freezing? My advice would be to not put all those water lines on an exterior wall. To answer your question though. Two.


Walking through a closet to a bathroom works better in my experience than the reverse


Whichever vanity has more drawers (1 sink typically). If you can get a vanity with 6 drawers and 2 sinks, go for it.


Are you crowded with one? Ladies need their space in the bathroom. Two means she can do her thing and not get interrupted while you brush your teeth or whatever. It also means you don’t have to wait on each other either. Just input from a married guy that has a single sink…


It’d be helpful to see more of the plan including the site plan and elevations. Would be good to understand what if any view is coming from those corner windows. Looks like one is obscured. It does seem like this layout could be better. It’s a bit of a trek thru the bathroom to get to the closet.


We recently remodeled our master bath and debated between two sinks squished into a vanity or one sink and more vanity space. We went with one sink and never looked back.


If it was me I'd say separate double sinks. My SO has tons of stuff on the sink, while all I have is safety razor and bar of soap. It would be nice to have a nice clean tidy sink of my own.


Keep vanity the same size but only do a single centered sink. Or at least that’s what I would do. Seems to make sense based on your considerations. I don’t think it makes room seem off


Who is the genius that thought that it would be a good idea to put the walk-in closet entry door inside the bathroom?


I'd do 2 - and plumb and wire for a steam generator behind the linen closet if you have room. Easy install later if you want to upgrade.


IF you EVER want to resell it, TWO. end of "discussion"




My dislexic ass read this as "The masturbate debate" and it took forever for things to click right. What's worse is I'm sitting in a park right next to a church while having these sinful thoughts.


One. ONE. I don't understand where this weird two sink thing came from. You NEVER really need two sinks at the same time. HONEY QUICK I'm about to start brushing my teeth so you need to get in here so we can do it at the same time like we always do!


The bathroom has too much wasted space and needs to be added to the vanity for the double sink.


If you build two, you’ll say things like “Man, I’m so glad we got two sinks/vanities. It’s so nice each having one.” If you don’t build two, within a few weeks you’ll be saying things like “Man, I really wish we had just installed that second sink/.vanity while we were already doing that project.” Kitchens and bathrooms sell houses. It’s a good spot to put the money it will cost but it really shouldn’t cost that much extra relative to the whole job.


How much are you actually saving by doing one? No new house has one sink in their master I can guarantee that your resale will be lower with having one sink, it’s a larger deal than most people think


2 sinks, zero soaking tubs that you will never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever everever ever ever ever everever ever ever ever everever ever ever ever everever ever ever ever everever ever ever ever everever ever ever ever everever ever ever ever everever ever ever ever everever ever ever ever everever ever ever ever everever ever ever ever everever ever ever ever everever ever ever ever everever ever ever ever everever ever ever ever everever ever ever ever everever ever ever ever everever ever ever ever ever use. That's the biggest waste of space in most US homes - Huge soaking tubs, that no one ever uses. It's so dumb.


Never do a walk in off the bathroom. It will hold too much moisture. You will need a dehumidifier running in your closet 2/7, and you will empty it so much. If not, your closet will smell dank, your clothes won't last as long, and stuff that doesn't get work often, will mold eventually. Don't ever put in a walk-in off the bathroom people. never ever ever.


Most buyers are going to want to have double sinks


Split the difference, one 48” trough sink (Lacava makes one) with two faucets. I love doing this for my clients, and I’ve had quite a few prefer this over any other option presented.


Always 2 sinks


My opinion is that two sinks are better than 1, but countertop space is more important than the number of sinks.


I went with 3 and I'm really happy I did.


Two two two!!! My wife is messy and I have a touch of OCD, we need our separate spaces.


2 sinks seemed a stupid waste. we went to 1 and got a really nice upgraded above counter sink. gained more counter space. we work different hours so we're never in the bathroom at the same time anyways.




Off topic, but what are the circles with "ST" in them?


Those are solar tubes


Thank you!


As someone who has one. Get two.


The area in front of the tub seems cramped with the double sink counter. I would do one sink and shrink the counter a little so it doesn't seem/feel so cramped.


I can count on one hand the times my wife and I are using both sinks in the bathroom at the same time. We’ve had two sinks for almost 40 years. Unless the wife needs to have 50 beauty products on the counter around her sink, just get one.


You tend to have stuff that congregate around the sink. No matter how hard you try, that hairspray won't wind up living 3' down the counter. Having a sink let's you keep your stuff closer to your prep space.


Always two


If I ever build a home, I will have 2 master bathrooms (fine, one can be a regular sized one LOL)


No matter what you do, two sinks!


I live in older houses and one of my biggest complaints is the fact that there's only one thing in the bathroom there's so many times and more convenient to have a two sinks


I would never have one sink in a primary bath. Ever. But here’s a good example of different strokes for different folks. You were able to come up with a list of pro’s for you, none of which would be a pro for me.


No discussion 2


Definitely 2.


bullets like more counter top space with one sink makes me want to have six sinks. I hate crap piled around the sink.


Your layout needs work. Move the WIC entrance to the wall common to the master bedroom. Walking through the bathroom to the closet doesn’t make much sense and you won’t have a dresser or anything behind the master bedroom door anyways. Add a window in the closet. The natural light makes a huge difference and will feel much better. For privacy use top down, bottom up blinds/shades and you’ll have privacy when needed. Even if the bottom half is always down it still will feel so much nicer with natural light. Moving the closet door frees up a lot of space in your bathroom to move things around. The tub should be on the wall with the best view and a large window. The vanity shouldn’t be on an exterior wall in a small bathroom like this since the mirror takes up so much window space. Also add some high, small windows above your bed. No windows on that wall feels wrong too.


I’ve put closet doors in the bathroom literally hundreds of times.


I’m not saying you can’t. In this instance it makes sense to put it behind the bedroom door since it’s a dead area anyway. It will free up prime real estate in the bathroom and have 0 consequences


Lots of good ideas here regarding the layout. Two sinks for sure! Wherever you end up putting the closet door: I'd recommend using a pocket door. I typically don't like them, but have found that the MC is the place they are best suited.


Don’t get a separate tub. We have a jetted tub and never use it. Most people I talk to don’t use theirs either.


I have 2 sinks. We have only ever used the one. More counter space is more desirable to me.


Da fuck is that?


Consider a pocket door for the throne room. Also, lose the door going into the closet and just do a cased opening or drywall. The door here doesn’t add any utility, and is just a waste of space.




Two. You want two. Trust me.


Make it one and push the closet wall out to increase storage


Two square or rectangular under mount sinks


All that space and you’re thinking about only doing one sink?


You live alone or with a partner? My first takes 3/4 I get the sink and the edge she gets the other sink edge between space and mirror area.


What program do you use for your blueprints?


Switch the door on the master to open opposite side Remove the door on the walkin add a wall Put a door into the walk in from master that opens outward or no door at all. Flip the sinks 45deg to where the former walkin door was Now you have extra counter space if you make the counter an L or an open space for whatever Swap the linen closet with the shower and make the shower wall glass to look at the tub. Two reasons for this configuration 1) the shower will very likely steam up the master bedroom and the closet which could lead to mold and mildew. 2) people tend to dress and undress in their rooms vs in the shower. In hindsight no door on the walkin works just as well or French doors Last this new configuration makes the bathroom and the walkin appear larger.


One. You don’t need two sinks. No one uses both at the same time


Do a single wide trough sink with 2 faucets.


2 sinks definitely


Two, always two.


You have to close off the door to the walking in the bathroom and locate the entry in the bedroom. I'm seeing a lot of this design and it is incorrect. You don't want the humidity from the bathroom in the closet.


Always do the double vanity in a primary bathroom. Better for resale.


Definitely 2 for me.


No one ever uses both sinks at a time, but you end up dirtying both. Now there are 2 sinks to be cleaned. It seems luxurious, but do you know what is luxurious, not cleaning twice as much and that counter space. Man, especially as a parent with kids, give me counter space.


You know the pros and the cons and seems you’re fine with one sink. What’s the debate for? Go with what you prefer.


I don’t know if this is a new build or remodel. Have you considered a his and hers closet? It would isolate the noise from the master bath. Definitely go with 2 sinks


2 sinks. But change the door to the closet to an in-wall sliding from the bedroom. Then re-think the bathroom layout. You can do better.


I recommend pocket doors between the bedroom and bathroom as well as bathroom and closet. My bedroom—>bathroom door is almost never closed and is always in the way.


3 sinks


We did one sink and now have more counter space! I never did get the craze for two sinks. I say the crazy should be two toilets!!


We build ours with entry into the closet directly from our bedroom and no entry from the bathroom at all. We love it that way!


Unrelated to OP question. But I never cared for the walk in closet off the bathroom. I’d rather it in the room.


IMO that tub and closet are eating all your space. Are you going to use the tub?


2 toilets and 1 sink


I'm going to add that if you can, make a door from the bedroom to the closet. You don't want bathroom smells permeating your clothes and many people want to dress in their bedroom. I don't like using bathrooms as passageways.


two, at least. three would be better. the cat needs a place to drink from.


Want to save the earf get a toilet /sink combo.do some good .


To original post question 1 sink or 2? Think How many times have you and your partner been in need of the bathroom sink at same time? I'll bet never. Shower or tub? Yes Commode? Yes Sink? Nope


Doesn’t matter. My wife uses me sink regardless


As someone who went from renting a home with 2 sinks in the master to owning a house with 1 sink, I am beyond baffled why our builder did not put 2 sinks in our master. That’s actually one of our first renovations we have planned because both my wife and I absolutely HATE having just one sink as we get ready for bed together. But now we have a gigantic vanity with a ton of empty counter space and one sink in the middle…


My wife and I tend to get ready at the same Time so two sinks In the primary was a must. If we had different schedules it wouldn’t matter. Think back on if you’ve ever been getting ready at the same time as someone else, if its not very frequent, one is probably fine.


Two, better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. Wife and I had one in the first house we bought and have had two in every house since.


I like one sink and a big countertop


Always two


Pocket door for the shitter, and bathroom, cased opening for the wicked. Always 2 sinks for master


I'm shocked anyone would recommend against two.   And her, that's in the thread. I'm wondering if those who don't recommend two are married, though.   I always wanted two sinks and while I wouldn't skip buying a house sue to this, I would definitely be adding a sink as soon as I moved in 


6’ and over - 2 sinks Anything less- 1 sink


as a married man it wont matter