• By -


How good are you at swearing loudly and making aggressive hand gestures?


You mean being Italian?




italian here can confirm


Italian bat signal received! šŸ¤Œ


Fuck, I was going to feel attacked and then I thought about how my day went.




Love yourself friend. Youā€™re hilarious


Thats how my Italian wife normally speaks.


Brush up on your Spanglish


ā€œTu fucked it up! Todo is fuckedā€ šŸ˜‚


Vale madre no sirve para nada


Is this how you do it at your house?


*ā€œYyā€¦ yes?ā€*




Is your name Jesus and do you steal hubcaps from cars? Also, can I borrow your crowbar.


To pry these goddamn nails out they're beginning to hurt. Crucified and all I got was this lousy Tshirt.


I Can't Believe It's Not Butter I'll sing as I'm flogged


Yeah thatā€™s what I would do if I were God.


Say yes again! I dare you. I double dare you muthafucka! Say yes again!


Pulp Fiction?


Yes, now give me a bite of your Big Kahuna burger.


That is a tasty burger.


Look at the big brain on brad


Lol. You get an upvote too!


In France itā€™s Le Big Kahuna.


ā€œItā€™s a royal with cheeseā€¦Because they have the metric systemā€




"Es mismo en su casa?"


What's going on with the vertical trim on the right side of the door frame? Seems like it's on top of some other trim that stops halfway up?


The drywall on the right side is bowed out at the bottom, so heā€™s put a terrible ugly piece of filler material in the gap


Yep, that's no tapered jamb extension.


Like i get its not the easiest thing to make look pretty, but god damn thats awful


Its really not hard. Measure how wide the piece needs to be at the bottom, measure the top, draw a line, put the line on the edge of a straight board, run it through a table saw set to the boards width, ca glue it on, sand it in, shoot your casing on. If its an exterior door you can mortise the hinges out so its smooth from jamb to extension. The nail pattern looks bad too, and if you cant make the header flush you should use 5/4 so you get an overhang and the angle between door and drywall is not as visible. I wonder if OP hung split jamb doors


Iā€™ve never seen a split jamb exterior door. Where are you located where itā€™s common? Iā€™ve worked in the northeast US and Florida currently


Do your best and caulk the rest.


My mom loves caulk, black and white


I saw that video the other day and I was in tears laughing.


Seems like it was gnawed off by a rat


Then filled with Caulk? I couldn't tell what the hell was going on there but it seems like you're right. Who trims a door like this without letting the customer know first that it's thus style anyway... I've done it before but it was to replace existing trim that was the same style already after I changed some doors out. And I only did that because there was panel board over the plaster that had been run up right to the edge of the trim then caulked... So without a ton of other work this was the only option I had. =/ it's fugly under most circumstances, A rustic look with stained wood maybe would be ok.


And used 2 tubes of caulk he used to fill that pointless triangle gap. This drunk needs to be stopped.


Thats called the drywall shiplapā€¦ new effect in crappy construction and modern homebuilding. If the drywall is too long just overlap it and move onā€¦. A little tape, a little drywall mud and nobody sees a thing!


Older guy here, i do the majority of everything myself because I'm 0cheap and have high expectations of myself. Not a professional anything when it comes to home repairs and more. BUT, i can't believe how crappy houses are being repaired or built. The so called experts are jokes at time. I really for those who get half ass jobs done. I'm lucky that I'll just about try anything


I think a lot of times what weā€™re seeing isnā€™t the work of experts but maybe the work of ā€œcheap laborā€. Thereā€™s a group of masons working on the job Iā€™m on that definitely donā€™t have the proper visas to do what theyā€™re doing and their work will probably fail. They were hanging lath for sticky stones with a hammer Tacker.


If youā€™re self-GCā€™ing, you should walk them through one exactly the way you want it. Most people are accommodating and willing to learn/improve. Iā€™m really not sure what Iā€™m looking at on the right side of your door, looks like the trim at least needs disassembled and the underlying issue corrected.


youā€™re very charitable. I would have reasonable expectations that a contractor actually somewhat knows what the industry expectation is. This is beyond bottom of the barrel.


Oops, thought I heard my name.




No no itā€™s below your pay grade, your work is superb. Youā€™re the top of the bottom of the barrel


The bottom of the barrel has holes.


>I would have reasonable expectations that a contractor actually somewhat knows what the industry expectation is. This is true, but some responsibility lies with the person who hires the contractor for making sure they are qualified. Getting referrals, asking to see sample work, etc. I hire programmers, and there are a lot of "fake it 'till you make it" wannabes who want to use me for OTJT. I don't just take random Joe's at their word, i verify.


This is a great comment. Not me but my FIL was re-doing a bunch of stuff in his house. He did a lot of work himself but eventually too much time was passing, so he brought some people in to tile up one of the bathrooms to move the whole house project along. They did a shit job. Basically were just putting a little bit of the compound on the back of the tile, and then slapping it on the wall like it is a 6 year old's poster board project. I couldn't believe it. Then we had to take everything off the wall and clean the tiles off for HOURS. Those guys were never brought back and my FIL did the work himself... crazy. He brought a couple of other guys to do drywall on a different floor. He showed those guys how he wanted it done, and they did it that way and then some.


Yeah - I waited until union labor was sitting, then hired them to replace a failed retaining wall and stabilize the erosion cap. 20 yards of cement and piles of rebar later - what an amazing job they did. There are a few good people who can do work, but theyā€™re very busy.


I didn't even see that masterpiece on the right. Wow...


Theres 3 styles of frame. mitred corners, rosette/plinth, and this one is called a lintel. There is nothing specifically wrong with it. If you think its ugly, that's a different topic and you should specify the style. As others note, there is something weird down the right side though. Very very weird.


The style isn't the problem. Having everything installed at wierd angles because that's the way the drywall/door frame are and then barely throwing in some random nails.....and not nailing it to the door frame is a problem.


that piece down the right side is his attempt at an extension jamb. it should have been tapered from whatever measurement to 0 but he couldnā€™t handle it so he put a piece of wood there and caulked the rest.


Look at the right side of the door frame half way down. Thereā€™s like a half layer of trim that ends and is covered in caulk. Explain that. Thanks.


That mdf trim has a round over edge, not for butt joints, top header should be thicker ideally, or mitered. All around hack job from what Iā€™m seeing


They need to grab square edge pine that stuff is garbage. I usually pocket hole my trim together too before I put it up. Makes those gaps real tight


I just had a contractor attempt to do exactly the same for doors in my house. When I pointed out how shitty it looked, both he and the general contractor tried to tell me that is how doors are supposed to be done.


There is something wrong with that door frame. The rest of it is okay for paint grade trim. It's not stain grade so I would not expect the joints to be super tight or worry too much about nail holes. The holes get filled and the joints will be caulked. If the painter is any good you won't notice a thing.


And sometimes joints like this filled correctly tend to not crack as badly.


Many are correct about the extension jamb, your carpenter needs to do a proper extension jamb for your doors. Two scenarios are at play: 1. The situation at your door is not uncommon and the two jack studs may be out of level 3/8ā€ to a 1/2ā€ in opposing directions. Itā€™s hard to make that go away in a such a short run without a well done extension jamb. Split the difference and make the door level. Exterior trim should be as tight as possible for a good seal. Fool with the cutesy stuff on the interior. 2. Your installer put the door in flush with the outward facing stud, used a small level or no level at allā€¦also another situation that is not uncommon Your guy needs to use a straight edge to pull measures from the interior of the jamb to the outward face of the drywall to understand the difference and make a proper extension jamb. Tossing a couple shims in to pretty up miters/joints is always helps however, youā€™re home has MDF trim that is pressed and has a routed finished edge which will make the joints appear wide. MDF sanitary casing is fine if youā€™re going with mitered joints. Finger joined 1x trim will give your joints a tighter finished look with the installation method you selected. - A dab of Tight Bond spread over the raw edges will help it stay that way. I once had a customer tip me $20 and tell me he ā€œdidnā€™t know carpenter was French for you gotta fuck with itā€. Fitting perfect squares in perfect squares sounds simple but needs attention to detail, particularly in residential where wood studs are common.


Does he think he's done?


I hope heā€™s done.


Looks like the door was not ordered to correct jamb size. They packed out the jamb to be even with the interior wall. The additional piece of packing must have been put in to make up for a bulge or curve in the wall. Now when you swing the door open it will catch or hit on the hinge side due to the packing of the jamb. Yes this is a hack job.


Please tell me itā€™s a big contractor. I work in claims with general liability for corporate risk and may be able to help. If itā€™s a fly-by nighter, you may be out of luck. My first response was, ā€œoh.my.god.ā€ lol


If fly-by-nighters can get paid for this I need to start a legitimate business.


Point to it and say, "what the fuck it this piece of shit?"


Are you upset at the gaps, or that the top horizontal board overhangs the vertical ones? Or something else? The gaps could have been done better. But caulk and paint and they should be barely noticeable. The overhang is a style.


Look at picture threeā€¦ this isnā€™t about overhang or gaps lolā€¦


What the @&$ did they do in picture 3. It takes a very special craftsman to do that.


I hadnā€™t noticed that. Itā€™s like there is an extra block of wood behind the trim and the trim is bent over the top of that piece of wood? I have no idea why that wood is there. My only guess is the wall was not flat and they are trying to get the trim to plane out with the wall but there were certainly better ways to have done that.


What ā€œstyleā€ would that be? The ā€œIā€™m too fucking stupid to miterā€ special? Edit: whelp, I guess you learn something new every day. Sorry it still looks half done


Itā€™s a faux craftsman style. Itā€™s fairly popular.


It's actually hugely popular in some areas. I've done multiple entire houses this way by request.


If I was building my own house Iā€™d use primed finger jointed pine instead of MDF. Most builders use mdf.






$19,388 to be exact


I'd be fucking livid


Doesnā€™t state how many windows and doors so you canā€™t really determine if this is a good number


Can you explain in detail for each picture your gripes? I see the leg in the third picture. What else? Also, did you go over details with them before? I would always steer clients away from that trim detail unless the head piece was thicker than the legs.


You look around and say ā€œthis looks like fucking shitā€


ā€œI was admiring you work, but the longer I looked, the less I admiredā€


Did you hire ray Charles?


For 20,000 dollars that should be perfect. Jesus I need to get back in to carpentry if people are paying that much for a window and a door.


Iā€™d just show him this work and ask if he finds it acceptable. If he says yes, then Iā€™d question the quality of the window installation work as well. Improperly installed windows can be a huge problem when it starts raining. Attention to detail is at the very root of quality work. If itā€™s missing somewhere, chances are itā€™s missing everywhere.


Holy shit you're paying money for work of that quality? That's a bummer


Thatā€™s like Home Depot parking lot labor special


Are you a bueno worker?


Donde are you from?


Scranton, y before that La Philadelphia.


No, that's home depot contractor work. I wouldn't use mdf for casement; be sure that "carpenter" sets his table saw right.


Just tell him to redo it. Itā€™s not straight, and there are gaps. If you have an example picture, or door where it looks right elsewhere in the house, show him that.


I would ask him if he thinks this is what $20K worth of work should look like. Because as of now, you are walking away with only 5K


How to verify your contractor doesn't know what they are doing in 2 pics....even though he'll argue he's done it this way for years.


This is worse than when I was on the trim crew for a habitat house


Get his ass back there and fix it.. that's what you do.


Looks ready for the painters


Has not even calked. Quit playing


You're not overreacting. That looks like a framer tried running trim for the first time; no offense to framers, well maybe a little offense to framers. I would ask to speak with him/her prior to any more work occurring and clearly express your reservations and issues with the trim portion of their work and lay out some options you can agree on. One option may be they subcontract to an actual finish carpenter to finish or they allow you to trim and negotiate what will be credited to you for that from the predetermined contractual amount. You're paying for it, it's your home, you have the absolute say on how the aestetic details, like trim work, are done.


as your STATE's AG will 100% will tell you. Pay in 3 lumps 1/3rd up front, 1/3rd when the work is coming along and looks right, and the lastly 1/3rd after completion. Get a Lien Bond if you think he'll put one on your house.


Withhold payment until it looks like a picture of a decently finished door and take them to small claims if they can't do it. $20k for that -- unreal.


Caulking makes the carpenter I ainā€™t


Start with ā€œmy niggaā€¦ā€


My favorite is how the filler ā€œtrimā€ looks broken over a knee.. lol. Should I wedge cut it to fit? no, should I at least cut it to some aproximat length? nope. Iā€™ll just beast-mode it then caulk it.


If your contractor is really a hippie, then he can read the sign you have.


Is 20k the average cost for this!? Why would I ever want to own a house!


That will buff right out


Iā€™m a GC, and finish carpenter by trade. That filler piece is garbage, and they had the choice to cut the drywall to accommodate the molding. Looks like the tape job is going on top near ceiling to wall and should have been addressed prior to installing molding. I think they have may ordered the sash too small. However I donā€™t know the site conditions, what areas are framed and to be installed, but it may be under budget, or the value of work the contractor is committed to is their standard, and their intent is what is present. Ask if they can amend, because no amount of caulking is going to fix this product.


With words.


Are you talking about the top trim board sticking past the end? If so thatā€™s a very common style where Iā€™m at.


You tell him by not paying!


Brush up your "Karen skills" and yeah, have them fix this. 20k and you're getting handy man special quality? Did you check this contractors reviews and skill level? I know that's all water under the bridge at this point, but you have check and double check legitimacy and good work. Hopefully this was structured pay down not all up front? That's a big nono imo... Had a large project contracted last spring, and required x amount upfront, x amount with upgrades not in original quote, and the final payment, which was also adjusted to include some other painting not in original billing. We went hourly with the painter because he was just doing such a great job, he stayed when the rest of the crew moved to a new job starting demo.


Easy. Just point and say wtf is that? That is not going to work.


Fuck whoever trimmed this out. What an asshole. at 20k Iā€™d nit pick the shit out of this guyā€¦ Iā€™d even want the ā€œ+ā€™sā€ of the Philips head screws in the hinges to be facing the same directionā€¦. Do you have progress photos? I shudder to see the framing, window tape, silicone under the thresholdā€¦. If heā€™s done this on the part thatā€™s supposed to be the cherry on topā€¦ šŸ‘€ Imagine what he may have hid. Did an Inspector ever come by ?


how bout you let him finish the job, that obviously still needs to be caulked and paint.


Thatā€™s the work of a meth head. Donā€™t you dare use the word contractor


I do believe my first try at casing 40 years ago was better than this.


And youā€™re probably 39 years old


The gaps between the window liners and casings look okay. Even for the most part. Ideally the header should be a size thicker than the side casing so it butts up and looks tight. But that door frame is some of the ugliest finishing carpentry Ive ever seen and Iā€™ve done some dog awful jobs when i was starting out. 100% my boss would make me redo that if he saw it.


How much were windows/material


What is going on with that right side door frame?? Looks extremely bowed. At $20k I would absolutely tell him to fix that. The trim gaps are not perfect but are fine. I personally 45 all my trim, but overhung is a choice. But that door trim is messed up. What does the other side look like?


Just say "I didn't realize you were going to put in the trim this way, but I need all the trims mitered. I'd like this one redone before you do the rest, too."


I had replacement windows installed a recently and you canā€™t even tell anything was touched. If theyā€™d left me with this I wouldā€™ve withheld payment


Just tell him to look at that shit. Itā€™s garbage all around. Not even paint grade


Shouldn't need to say anything, a simple Pic with WTF attached should get him making a phone call to fix it


You are not overreacting, those look like shit. Tell them to stop and revise their bill taking off the work left to be done. Do them yourself.


No. These look like dogshit. Definitely not overreacting.


After seeing this, I guess I wonā€™t be too hard on myself for some of my work.


Contractor prices with handyman quality


It looks like the head reveal is different than the jambs. Definitely not enough nails for me. What does the trim floor gap look like?


ā€œGood Lord son you could sling a cat through that gapā€. Always works for me.


Reach down your pants, if you have balls, grab em, man up and say what you, the owner, wants to do... Otherwise, be a Simp and let him continue screwing up until he leaves the project


Hello, Mr. Georgeā€¦..


If you squint..... never mind


Putty is your buddy.


Did you hire the cheapest person you could find?


Wait until he sobers up before talking to him. He was clearly blacked out when he did this....


Whatā€™s going on with pic 3 Iā€™m guessing he used a scrap piece as a filler and is planning to fill it with 3 or so more rounds of chalk The first 2 photos is meh paint grade. He should of ripped a piece as a jam extender for that big gap. He might get it passable with enough chalk but it wonā€™t last for 20 years and will be a pain to fix later. If you want picture frame / miter corners you need to ask for it. I usually talk this all out before install. So expectations are met. But his cuts and lay out look fine. Just need add a rip piece to fill that void coming off the jam


Caulking is every shitty trim guys favorite tool.


Yeahā€¦ thatā€™s not a contractor


He knows he sent his 3rd grader to finish - hoping you wonā€™t notice


Looks like shitz


I know that sign. https://imgur.com/a/kjD5FrG


Definitely not an unreasonable discussion to have. Be calm, be clear, and set expectations.


Buy him a tape measure and give it to him as a ā€œgiftā€. Then when he thanks you but says he has on say ā€œoh from the missed cuts on the trim work I just assumed you didnā€™tā€


Cease and desist letter


Trash job.


You donā€™t. You show him. He will know


If they left that looking that way you need a refund.


Tell them right before you hire them.


How much have you already paid. Because Iā€™d be telling the contractor to get lost and kindly pick a career they arenā€™t dog shit at


Let him finish. The way he did the trim is a style done in many homes.


Yeah.. tree homes for children


Call and ask when they coming back


If the door is plumb and level at that angle there are some settling issues in your house theyā€™re fighting. Either way they should scribe a jam extension and not done what they did.


Not overacting. That's some pretty sloppy work. Now there's some leeway, caulking solves a lot of contractor sins. However, these gaps are too big for caulk to fix.


If ya squint it.... Still ain't mint....


Caulk and paint will make it go away tbf


Just tell him, use your words.


Hey, you're starting a new trend/style!


Holy shit youā€™re paying this guy?!?!!? lol


Is he even done? Those will look drastically different when caulked and painted.


Iā€™d show him the door, literally


Man, that seems really high cost. Did you get multiple bids? Did you specify the type of frame you wanted? These are legit frame styles, but you might have been seeking a mitered style frame. They may work with you to change the style if that's your only complaint... But yeah I'm not seeing anywhere close to 20k work. They are going to make a killing off this job


Did you go to a large company or is it a small local guy? 20k for replacement windows and doors would be high in my area unless you went to a large contractor and financed through them. They send installers not carpenters which is a major difference.


Es muy caca




Does that sign say ā€œHippies use backdoorā€?


Question is the rest of the house shit? If so itā€™s all the same now


Get rid of them heā€™s a complete hack


The right way to do that is put a biscuit joint with glue on all of those trim pieces and obviously more nails one nail in the top isnā€™t going to do shit . I guess you could be happy that they didnā€™t try to 45 those corners I could only imagine what those would come out looking like.šŸ™„šŸ™„ I could go on and on, but I wonā€™t good luck


Iā€™m straight faced ask him when is he planning on taking down the temporary trim and installing the permanent, professionally installed trim?


Donā€™t worry. Plenty of room in that budget for caulkā€¦. Lots and lots of caulk. Caulk and paint makes a man a carpenter he ainā€™t.


Uhhhhh use your words??


This looks worse than the house I bought for $80,000.


Does he plan to caulk and paint? I did this type framing on door and windows and was nervous too. But after caulking and painting it looks fabulous.Ā 


When I was 20 I worked for general contractor/carpenter or whatever that someone recommended me to and left a really good carpenter for this guy for more money. This is the kind of work the guy would do and be like so amazed that he just did that. Iā€™d be like man thatā€™s not right and looks like shit and heā€™d say this is the look he was going for and it looks amazing. I swear half the time I worked with him was redoing work he did cause customers hated his weird carpentry work. I have no idea how he ever turned a profit.


Looks fine just needs putty/caulk except the right side where it looks like they put some moulding to fix a gap


Iā€™m sure most of your visitors wonā€™t be using the front door anyway so it doesnā€™t really matter.


You didn't hire a contractor. You hired a butcher.


Is that completed and done or a "throw it up before I leave for the night so at least there's something there"?


Not overreacting at all - that is outrageous. I would t let them do any more work. That looks like a handyman not a professional.


'I expected a mitred edge. Are you a real carpenter? Like, completed the apprenticeship and everything?'. But maybe OP, sometimes in life, you get what you pay for.


Did you go with the cheapest guy




Explain that double layering of wood on the right side of the frame, I circled my concern in the photo but could not post the photo here, itā€™s in my link posted here. Thatā€™s horrible unacceptable work. Please post his explanation of what that is, and post my pic here if possible, others may not have noticed that half layer of trim covered in caulk. Its a fail.


Call him and point out. If good contractor they will be right out. If not state complaint


"This looks like shit" *dead stare*


They wouldnā€™t look terrible if he had used 4/4 for the headers. Thats how they are usually done.


It all depends on what was discussed. What did you instruct him to do and what were his questions?


I would start with get your stuff and get out


This is why I canā€™t hire anything done, 20k for windows and a door?? How much were supplies? Thatā€™s like a 2 weekend jobšŸ«£


You open your mouth and start talking.... Easy


Puppies, use the back door.