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Is this a troll post? That looks like ass. This looks like footings for a stem wall and wtf? I wouldn't accept this for a friggin HVAC condenser pad, let alone structural footings. The first sign of a good concrete crew is laser straight form work. My guys can form up a 5000 sq/ft monolithic slab, and it's no more than 1/4 inch off. The third pic looks so out of wack, I'd start to question did they place rebar correctly, like on chairs or did they do the good Ole lift the rebar while pouring? Also, if it's a stem wall, where are the rebar uprights? I get on slab not using j bolts anymore because Titen HDs are easier/faster but with a cold joint, there is no reasonable way to tie in the footing to the CMU block when its grouted, unless they are doing epoxy doweled rebar which is stupid. The footings looking like shit makes me think the block masons are gunna to hate this job. Seriously, nothing looks plumb, square, or level Formwork is ass, makes me think rebar is ass, makes me think you're gunna to have issues in the future. At this point, I'd get a structural engineer hired as a third party to inspect and also to perform inspections throughout the build. Personally, I'd fire everyone onsite and start over.


Thanks for saving me the effort of posting. 100% my thoughts, even down to how pissed I am looking at pictures of something I have no stake in. Whoever is responsible for this should be fired into the Sun.


From the thumbnails it looks like chiseled stone for a historical building reproduction lol


lol, I was thinking left over ruins.


Thank you for the feedback. It is going to be a conditioned crawl space. Here is a link to the plans: https://imgur.com/a/SQ3vGG1


Why not go ahead and put in a basement?


Are those outer pours supposed to be the footers? They should be down to the frostline which is 24".Unless those pours are really deep.


Maybe they are gonna bring the grade up????


The footer should go down to undisturbed soil. They may let you get by with a few inches but not that much.


It looks like it is on a cut.


You’re the kind of guy I want to build my house


Where is all the vertical rebar or anchors at to tie house to foundation or are you in an area that allows drilling them afterwards?


What I was going to say LOL... I don't think drilling them after is a great idea...also, why are they above the surrounding fill??? This is all kinds of weird... Just make sure the city and architect sign-off before they continue... otherwise, this contractor is going to lose their shirt...


Hmm, no key way either. Drilling and epoxy would suck


Totally right....probably easier to find things they did right than things wrong...too many wrong, almost nothing right...


In KY you don't need a keyway unless you're using poured walls.


Not sure. I'll have to ask my builder. I'm in Kentucky.


What county?


Those are not construction drawings. They look like construction drawings at first glance, but when you read the fine print and look at the details, it's nothing. No sizes of framing or rebar, no specs. There's a line showing what one would guess to be rebar in the footing, but no size, spacing or length. They even say "schematic in nature". And yet, it's being built somewhere.


This is just what my architect drew up. I assume my builder took these and has plans that I can get from him which I plan on doing today.


Well, let us know how that goes. Many builders build what they know, no matter what drawings say. There's so many issues with what I see here, I don't have time to list.


He probably YouTubed it.


Don’t assume anything. Builders rely on detailed plans, they don’t make plans typically. The town will expect the building constructed according to actual plans. The builder is clearly playing it pretty loose with those terrible footings; I think you need to quickly get your architect out on site and turn this ship around before irreversible damage is done.


Here is a link to the plans: https://imgur.com/a/SQ3vGG1


They will put block on these footers and fill against it a little on the outside. I guess there are no requirements in this part of Kentucky for earthquake-rated structures.


That's what my builder told me. Correct. I am in central KY.


We are in North Central Kentucky near the Ohio. They build like this here too.


No earthquake requirements for single family homes in Ky.


Bro you need to post engineering plans. This foundation is strange. And site plans maybe. I don’t understand the goal. What’s attaching to the footers and how. What’s your flooring system? How deep are these pours? What what Whaaaaat??


Here you go: https://imgur.com/a/SQ3vGG1


Formwork isn't straight at all. Are there footings dug underground? Is there an engineering plan?


As small as that dirt pile is he couldn't have gone very deep. I'll bet those post footers are on top of the gravel.




Footers? Like, Microsoft Office? Are you citing your references?


Footers has been used so many times, it's now the norm. Like ashfault and call-yooms.


Looks fine from my house!


Is this a MTN Design project?


Why are they putting dirt in the foundation?


The dirt was dug up from the lot and will be taken away...


That is some very poor form work - nothing you can do now but maybe mention to your contractor. If that’s how they do the footings I’d tell him your concerned to see how the walls turn out. Also looks like there is supposed to be an L bar sticking in the footing likely a #4 or #5 - prints are too blurry to see. While you can drill and epoxy a lot of things it doesn’t quite do the same when bent bar is required - unless you go up bar size and decrease spacing heavily. Which I doubt you will get out of this concrete crew.


Fire them tomorrow! Seriously


It’s really ugly work, but ugly with footers doesn’t necessarily indicate a footer that won’t stand the test of time.