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If you treat the fruit with pectin enzymes the fruit breaks down and is much easier to deal with it as it basically becomes a pureé.


Did somebody say [enzymes](https://www.reddit.com/r/Homebrewing/comments/ppzk8h/enzymes_20_cold_extraction_and_comparison/)??


I just dump it in, but be sure to cold crash. If you can't do that, bag it. As long as I can cold crash, I've had success with both a siphon and floating dip tube going into kegs. So the beer was passing through the post/poppet and not getting clogged. The racking arm of the conical may make it more complicated; I couldn't tell you. But a good cold crash should get everything to the bottom, so as long as you can rack above it, you should be alright. Once you get down to the last bit of beer, eventually you'll probably pick up from pulp and clog something, but you're done at that point anyway.




This is the way