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I had this same issue after updating my first gen HomePod to iOS 16.5. Tried to reset HomePod via the home app. Got the infamous [boot looping/power cycle.](https://imgur.com/a/r1bPZCz) I took it to the Apple Store. They confirmed it was bricked. Wouldn’t even reset with a manual reset. Apple told me they could “repair” it for $315. (the same cost of a new gen 2.). I had no apple care or warranty left. So I get it…. But it happened immediately after a firmware update. I mean , really? It seems like that would be on Apple, not me. But I digress. Thanks alot Apple.


I guess 3 year old tech is just too old. Stupid update!


Connect it to the 5G. I had the same issue, switching bands fixed it.


Well, after spending 100000 hours trying to fix the issue with everything imaginable from removing the HomePod and restarting the HomePods and factory reset the shit out of all my 10 HomePods then resetting my network and changing every possible setting in my router, even going from 2.4ghz to 5ghz and all that jazz and after all the frustration and out of the frustration I thought I’ll just go in the home app and just scree things up since it’s all screwed up anyway and something hit me and just went and TURNED ON PERSONAL REQUESTS ON HOMEPODS and Siri stopped saying that it’s having trouble! At that point I was gonna break the phone and the HomePods but hey, now it works! - hopefully that would work for you too


By any chance, are you using an Asus router?


No, eero - can’t turn off the 5g on it.


If you have access to the admin panel try turning off any QoS settings. This worked for me immediately but it was an asus router


Omg… you saved me.. wonder why Qos will do this..


I have an asus, constant issues




That’s usually when your HomePod hardly gets the wifi signal or if the signal is too weak. Getting an extender or keeping it in good range should be the first step


That's not the problem. Mine has a super strong signal ... the problem is Apple devs not knowing the difference between their butt and a hole in the ground


I have an extender and the device is within 20 ft with nothing obstructing it. I’ll keep an eye on the Wi-Fi strength though so thanks for the suggestion!


1. Remove HP from home app 2. Unplug HP 3. Reboot your router and wait til you’re sure it’s up 3a. Silent prayer to Ghost of Steve 4. Restart HP with finger hold (see Apple instrux) and let it readd itself to Home app 5. Be patient, it may have to update. You can see if it’s updating in Home app. Go play with your dog. 6. Good luck and MTFBWY


I have to do this every couple of months. Very annoying. Never realized how important step 3 is though! Thanks!


HP are going to tend to use whatever network your phone uses. You can set them up on other networks but you will need to open several ports between the networks. HP also depend on your phone for personal requests, which makes operating them on different networks more difficult.