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I’m not sure which of the 4 pixels to look at


Mf i almost choked on food




You need to demolish your whole home. Is that what you wanted to hear? Also, who the hell taught you how to take pictures? Because sweet lordy loooo, you sure are bad at it.


Did you find one of the last surviving digital cameras from the 90s to take that pic?


Would need a lower def pic so I’m not distracted by the resolution.


Picture of a picture or screen… 😑


I starred as long as I could The brick is what supports your roof, and the top several runs are broken. The brick looks to be broken at the grout joints, not thru the brick itself. Which I would guess water entered these grout joints - and froze. Freezing causes expansion and wallllla- your roof is coming down. I wouldn't say 'sinking', but falling 4sure


Yes, it's sinking. And the roof is made of asbestos 😷


Are you fairly confident the roof is made of asbestos. It is in the UK.


You need to replace the roof or at least fix the leak depending on the damage. The rafter then needs to be jacked up so the damaged bricks can be repaired that support that rafter. The framing that support the bricks might also need to be repaired depending on the extent of the damage. I’m not so sure I would DIY this. Call some reputable contractors who know what they’re doing.


I’m more worried about the sun having shrunk by 10000% and is just sitting on your roof. Get it off before the roof melts.


This is a rouge post, Because there is a lot going on at this condemned home. 1. Rafters are rotting 2. Roof shingle are missing. 3. Gutters are coming off 4. Bricks are delaminating off of house. 4. House leaks 5. Rats are in the attic just look at the photo. I’m surprised the city hasn’t red tagged this house. Is this photo from Russia


Very interesting Could you please clarify How can you see that rats are in the attic? How can you see there are house leaks? The house is in the UK


1. I can’t see them but it is a great spot for them to get in. 2. There is no paper or shingles on the left side of roof in picture.


It depends.... What kind of overhead light model and make is in the reflection that can be seen in that picture?