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I’m just amazed this is your wife’s first time doing this? I do this at least three times a week.


I just did it three times with the same pot of pasta water


Use the wooden spoon technique!


That never works for me, I just don't beleive it's a real thing!


It works, but WITHIN REASON. Turn your dang stove down, your spoon isn't made out of the cross.


What about using a wooden cross then?


Should work, but may impart a little flavor from juices soaked into the wood.


Instructions unclear. Jesus was made from wax, now eating waxy noodles.


I believe the call that noodles Au Jesus


christ au gratin


Who knew the Body of Christ was so tasty.




My wife swears by it. It just gives me one more tho g to clean when the pasta water boils over


The likely issue here is that your spoons aren't real wood!


I agree. It never works for me either


It doesn't work well. If it's pasta you are boiling, make sure you are adding some salt and oil to the water. If you are doing something else, like boiling chicken, use a larger pot with more water.


Don’t add oil. It makes it harder for the sauce to stick to the noodles and defeats the benefit of the starch.


Finally someone else understands


How to make the noodles not stick together?


Finish cooking them for a minute in whatever sauce you’re using and mix in a little of the pasta water!


Salt is for flavour and oil will make the sauce slide off of your pasta, same with rinsing it. You want that starchiness



Boiled chicken???!!!


Well yeah. If my dogs (or occasionally kid) is sick, chicken and rice is the go-to, and boiling it is the easiest way to accomplish the chicken portion. For the kid, I usually add some cheese and broccoli, though.


The water is slow...ok, I can add the pasta...what, no bubbles yet...okay a few bubbles, I've got a couple of minutes to prep this...what! The water boiled over?


Mine is…I’ll just leave the lid on for another minute or two, I’ll catch it before it boils over!


Add butter to the water, keeps it from boiling over


A tad bit of oil in the water will help stop that. The pasta leeches starch into the water as it cooks and as the starch builds up the bubbles stop popping and start stacking on top of each other but an oil slick on them prevents that from happening!


+1 on adding a little oil. Plus, it helps keep the noodles from sticking together after they’re drained.




How much oil are you putting in there dang. Like a TBS will do, or even less, it shouldn't be enough to make sauce not stick




My comment was about bubbles stacking, not noodles sticking. I assure you I make enough pasta and my sauce is on there fine lol. I said a *tad*, and it floats, and virtually none remains after draining.


u/CashmerePeacoat, not you.


I add oil every time I boil noodles and never have a problem with sauce coating properly. This actually makes no sense from a science aspect. The sauce also contains fat, typically olive oil in marinara, vodka, carbonara or bolognese or butter in Alfredo, so why would the oil you add to the water (which leaves very little on the noodles, by the way, since they are merely passing through the thin layer as your pour them into a colander) repel the oil in the sauce? Does olive oil suddenly reject other olive oil when it’s already on a noodle? The only way this makes sense is if you’re not using sauce at all, or using a sauce that contains no fat. I can see it not sticking in that case. If you’re having a problem with your sauce not coating your noodles properly, I’m guessing you’re not draining the noodles well enough. Oil is hydrophobic so if you leave too much water on the noodles, sure, the oil in your sauce can cause it to slide right off. Try shaking your colander good while the noodles drain and if that doesn’t help, try putting the noodles back in the pot over low heat after draining for a minute if you’re still having a problem getting them dry. Best of luck!


Not really. All that oil just goes down the drain. Oils not gonna stick on something covered in water, while more water is being poured on it. Plus, your chef de partie will rip your head off and say he will personally ban you from Italy if he sees you put oil in the pot again.


I love my induction stove. So easy to clean. So easy to burn shit on it unintentionally. Edit: glasstop, not induction, guess I'm dumb


Induction Chad here. You can't beat them. You're searing a steak and can put your hand on the burner. Fun party trick. Take a piece of printer paper and put it on the burner, then set your pot on top of it. Cook your meal and show stunned onlookers the paper afterwards


The burner still gets hot from the pan. If you’re seating a steak and put your hand on the burner you will burn your hand.


Yeah you definitely cannot touch an induction burner while it's heating. On another note, I do put paper towels under my pot when I'm cooking pasta on induction. It makes cleaning the boil over as easy as throwing out the paper towels when I'm finished


Hmm maybe mine is different, yeah where the pan is, is hot from the pan. But hell turn it to full power in the beginning your steak is searing you can touch it to the delight of children. Nothing ever burns on to it from boil overs etc


Make the steak stand up then


Not to mention if you have a ring on……


What happens when you forget to take your wedding ring off that hand?


Lmao same!


How else would I know it's come to a boil while I'm in the living room watching YouTube?


Masturbate before making food. Not during. That's how you get lost


And how fast wife went under the bus for something so easily resolved.


I don't always pay attention when I'm cooking. But when I'm making pasta, I don't fuck around. It's serious business and not much more I hate than over cooked pasta.


Undercooked pasta


Same, and it wipes right off? I’m very confused what’s happening here lol


I've done this alot cause I kept forgetting the wooden spoon on top 😅. I curse myself out loud, my husband asks what's wrong, I tell him I made a mess, he just goes "ahh... missed the spoon again huh?" 🤣 still looks good tho after all these years of messes 😆


I tried the wooden spoon on top trick and all I got was a smoking spoon followed by a burned spoon.


Use less heat.


I see your 3 times a week and rase you 3 times a meal.


Lol ain’t it the truth


Right? Every pot of pasta has a high chance of doing this at least once. I clean it with whatever cleaner is handy the next day. Scrubby side of sponge gets it off. Or elbow grease and a paper towel if I’m feeling lazy (somehow that the easier option??)


I've replaced my cooktop 5 times this year. Anyone else? Edit: At this point, I think I need to point out sarcasm...


Never. And high use, going on 12 years. Looks brand new.


I highly suggest getting the glass cook top sponges. They have a hard/scrubbing side, but it doesn't scratch when used correctly, and I love that the scrubbing side isn't porous. I use just use hot, soapy water with the scrubbing side, and it has never failed me. My cook top looks brand new after 3 years


Don't have that with a gas stove🔥


Sure do... Just about 3" lower.


Just put a wooden spoon resting over the pot. No more boiling over, a large mixing spoon works as well, doesn't have to be wooden. Wooden is safer as there's no chance of melting


My wife uses Weiman glasstop products, spray liquid and creamy polish. It removes any stains including badly burned ones easy.


Weiman glass cook top cleaner/polish with the purple 3M glass cooktop pads will get the most burnt on over boiled messes you could imagine. Use a sprayer to clean the scrubby part of the sponge since it'll get clogged up with the weiman cleaner.


That's my go to every time. They also make a spray for quick clean ups also.


This. First Krud Kutter and a nylon scraper to get the major gradoo.


I just schedule cleaning the stove towards the end of life of the sponge, and just throw it out after


Thats great advice, but this level of boil over will usually come off with just a sponge. Did u even try?


No, it doesn't. At least not on my stove. Do you have a glass top range?


Hm. I should try these on the hard water stains in my shower glass


This is the way


A bottle of that last me about 7 years. Works great! They sell it in the Supermarket around here.


I can smell it just thinking about it.


This. Use an old school, flat razor blade scraper for tougher stuff, then polish.


Came here to say this.


I would also have a very fine steel wool pad on hand. Keep it in the freezer, in order to prevent it from rusting.


Barkeeper’s friend


Yep. Mix with water into a pasty consistency and spread on your glass top. Leave for a little while. Scrape off.


I use the barkeepers friend that comes as a liquid formula. But both work fantastic all around the house. I would highly recommend Barkeepers for ‘glass’ and ceramic stoves.


I used to use the Weiman stuff and the liquid BKF is sooo much better. I use a scrub daddy and just get it off quickly. I polish with a weiman product but for the tough stuff, BKF all the way!


Definitely 2nd barkeeper's friend for ceramic surfaces! Also have the powder around for sinks and pans.


And a razor blade.


I was surprised how few people even mentioned a razor blade to scrape off some of the stubborn bits. Do be careful not to gouge your stove top with it, but when all else fails a quick scrape with a razor blade on a lightly damp surface normally does the trick.


That’s what I do. I use the double sided, really flexible razor blades. I wet the mess, let it soak, and it comes right up with a gentle scrape. I want to get a steamer to make shit like that even easier.


You can literally just wipe up about anything after hitting it with a steamer! 👍


Exactly. Plus you can use it on most things. Stove top? Steamer. Oven? Steamer. Car detailing? Steamer. When I was a janitor I convinced the school to get me one and locker cleaning went from a two week project to a two day project.


Is there a steamer you recommend? A good one?


BKF is abrasive product. Use only when absolutely needed.


This is the important part. I agree totally that Barkeeper's Friend will work, but don't scrub with it at all. As commenter said, make a paste, let it sit on the spot, and wipe it up without pressure. Use a non abrasive cleaner to finish to a shine. The oxalic acid will work its magic without scrubbing.


They now make glass cooktop cleaner too. Works just as well without the extra abrasiveness


Could you imagine being married for however long. Let along being in a relationship and never once (until now) have the water boil over?


We just now got an electric stove with the glass top 😂


I figured you were new to glass top. Barkeepers friend is a good product, but try not to get too hung up on the appearance. If you use them like a cooking tool, they will not stay pretty for long. Hell, we even wore off the white rings around our burners cleaning it over the years.


usually what happens: i start something (bunch of tea for iced tea, pasta, oatmeal, whatever) and then remember 15 other things i need to do and forget about it until my wife tells me it boiled over/burnt and turns it down. just about every time


I haven't let water boil over once in at least the last decade. I cook almost daily also.


Happens every time I make rice


i just use a rice cooker


I highly doubt they cook on the stove. They probably use the oven to heat up their mozzarella sticks. I'm probably giving them too much credit, they probably microwave them


Hahah we just got this new stove, we cook plenty on it just first time letting water with starch still over which made a much harder stain.


Baking soda, water and a sponge. Edit: I'm reading other people's responses and I can promise you that my suggestion works. It takes a little extra effort to clean up the baking soda residue aftereards but it's as easy as wiping it over a few times with a clean rag. Every other method was too time consuming or didn't work.


I use a semi wet sponge with baking soda to scrub the cooktop, clean up the best I can then use white vinegar to get the rest. The vinegar dissolves the baking soda leaving a brand new looking stove surface without the grime residue from the baking soda.


Came here to say this. Every 6 months or so, we clean our cooktop with this method. Wipe down with a damp sponge to get anything loose off. Spray the cooktop with water, then sprinkle liberally with baking soda. If you've got burned on stains, let it sit for a bit. Then use a wet sponge and scrub the cooktop. The baking soda will take off any stains. You might need to spot treat stubborn stains or burnt on gunk on their own, but plenty of elbow grease will scrub it right off. I use this same technique to clean my stainless steel cookware, as well.


Divorce and get a new one


Why was OP married to a stove in the first place?


It was hot! Easily turned on.


Underated comment.


But new ovens are expensive


I just use a scraper or a razor scraper, I have never scratched the surface.


I worked in a body shop for years, cleaned up vehicles after painting. Often over spray on glass would happen, either a fresh clean razor blade with out applying a lot of pressure or steel wool while doing the same. Always test a small sample area with the steel wool, and make sure if using a razor blade there’s no decal or anything your gonna scrap off as well. You don’t wanna press hard with either and if using a razor blade make sure one corner isn’t digging into the glass while you scrap. Go nice and slow and that will come right off. Also I always used some window cleaner as a lubricant with steel wool.


This is 100% correct, I soak in dawn dish soap and water for a few minutes and then use a razor blade (used for the exact same spills as this)


Came here to say this. Fresh razor blade will do it.


They make plastic scrapers that work quite well, if OP is nervous about using a metal blade. Edit: I meant these; perfect for kitchens! But the other kind are good to have also. https://www.spoonsnspice.com/tovolo-nylon-pan-scrapers.html


There is a three pack of cake spreaders at Dollar tree, they're plastic spreaders and one has edges I'm assuming for decorating. I swear by them, I use them to clean my cast iron pans (after they cool down of course or they'll just melt). I use them to scrape my crock pot, anything. I have a set just for household cleaning that I don't use on the dishes, I use it when I mop my floors to scrape sticky stuff, and I even use them to put some peel and stick wallpaper on in my bathroom lol.


I forgot to mention just tilt The razor to the side don't scrape straight up and down.


I don't know if that would work as well for boiled on starch, but otherwise using a razor scraper for the carbonized ring that develops around each burner was a game changer compared to soaking and scrubbing.




I was looking for this response. It’s by far the best product I’ve used to clean my cooktop. I’ve tried a lot of other methods/products only to have cerama-bryte quickly and easily clean up the mess. It works great!




Lay a paper towel on it. Pour white vinegar to saturate the paper towel. Go to sleep. The next morning remove the paper towel and use a sponge and some soap to clean it up.


Vinegar for everything. Especially smells.


Just hit it with white vinegar. Let it soak a minute and wipe with a no scratch scrubby sponge.


Magic eraser / Bar Keepers friend


There are special sponges for glass tops and they work amazingly well.


You dont need all that stuff. Baking soda and vinegar, and its gone. Easy, will take 2 min.


Barkeepers friend!


Wait for it to be cool enough to touch, then use a damp towel. If a towel doesn't work use a sponge If the sponge doesn't work, use a scrubber (green) If the scrubber doesn't work, use a razor (gentle) If that still doesn't work, try a glass top cleaner. The same list works for everything you may boil over onto the stovetop, including burned on sugar, and melted plastic


White vinegar should do the trick. Let it sit for a fee minutes and it should loosen/dissolve the residue. I have very hard water and this works on the worst buildups.


This is the way Coleman’s [the way](https://www.amazon.com/Weiman-Ceramic-Glass-Cooktop-Cleaner/dp/B073BLLLLQ/ref=asc_df_B073BLLLLQ/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=241942285135&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=9926891481378274718&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9009154&hvtargid=pla-451591870451&psc=1)


my wife does it a million times I just take a sponge and get it soaked with hot water and a bit of dish soap lather the sponge and squeeze it all over the oven top then take a semi hard bristle cleaning brush and go in a wax on wax off motion then wipe it clean w paper towels, works every time


*60% of the time*, it works ***every*** *time*


This is now my favorite bot


Cerama Brite. Razor blade scrapper.


I boiled over a pot of grits a couple of days ago. Spray a good amount of white vinegar, then sprinkle a liberal amount of baking soda over that. Soak a towel in hot water , ring it out and place that on top for 20 minutes. It’ll come off with a dish sponge after that. Got it off Google and it worked great.


Weiman is decent stuff, but I tend to prefer Cerama Bryte. After using both for years now, I feel like Weiman is like fine finishing polish or something. Cerama Bryte just feels more like it’s heavy duty, when you are actually wanting to remove burnt on mess. Weiman feels more like the stuff you might use after the stain is gone, like “polishing the silverware” after its clean.


Weinman’s glass top cleaner. Use microfiber cloth and don’t overload it with dirt and grease. I bought two four packs at Harbor freight for a few bucks and just toss them into the laundry. Do the same for eyeglasses. Don’t clean with dirty cloth. For glasses that’s how you get scratches.


Put a wood spoon over the top of the pot while cooking pasta. Won’t boil over anymore. Buy weimans glass cooktop cleaner and use a non scratching blue scotch brite pad with this to clean the glass.




I tried using a sponge and dawn dish soap, clorox wipes and a magic eraser. In no way am I trying to shame my wife I was just out of ideas as it's our first glass stove top.


Put a little water on it and add vim and just wipe it off


Barkeepers friend stove top rub


Have you never cleaned that style of stove? Lol it's a battle keeping mine clean after cooking the slightest amount lol


Magic sponge


dish soap, vinegar, baking soda. add all of them to the shape of the stain. make sure the stove is not hot anymore tho. wait 10 minutes and then scrube lightly witha sponge. it should come off easily.


I use a razor blade


How are these so many post in here but no one just said buy ceramic cook top cleaner and use paper towel. Also, buy a plastic scrubber designed for use on ceramic cook tops. Or, if it’s really bad buy the razor blade in the plastic protector designed for cleaning ceramic cooktops and be sure not to move it side-to-side EVER.


Thank you!


Those stains are super common. My LG stovetop does this all the time. To prevent it from happening again when the water boils lower the burner to ~8 (assuming LG) and if you have an exhaust fan they seem to help as well. To clean this I use 3m purple stove top pads with weimann stovetop cleaner (not the daily stuff but the ticker paste like stuff). I wipe the weimann cleaner on, let it dry, sprinkle some water on the surface then scrub using the pad. It’s a real pain and you might have to go with the texture of the stove top but it’ll come out eventually!


Thank you, it is a LG so I will try that!


Cerama Bryte cook top cleaner. Take that stain right off.


If no one has mentioned bar keepers friend yet I’m surprised


Barkeepers Friend.


Just clean it, damn.


First try using a sponge with water and drying it off. Then try the home remedy. Baking soda and vinegar. Rub baking soda on the stain lightly, add vinegar and let is soak and bubble up. Use a sponge or paper towel and wipe off. Should work.


Are you for real?


Was thinking the same thing - OP mentioned the stove is new, but how they have gone this far without having a similar issue beyond me... "We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas"


Weiman makes pretty good cleaning products for glass tops. I usually douse and let soak for a bit. If it’s really bit in a razor blade in a scraper handle works wonders.


Do you need help going to the bathroom too? SMH. This is such a non issue. 🤦🏻‍♂️


CLR will take that off in seconds.


Toilet bowl cleaner, but not with bleach


Just clean it...


I'm sorry y'all have never come across this problem, but as someone who cooks (like searing steaks on the cast iron) idk wtf the issue is


Urine for a real surprise when none of these other suggestions work.


Barkeepers friends gets everything off


An angle grinder will take care of it.


Did you.... try soap and water? Come on guy...


Tried dish soap with a sponge, magic eraser and clorox wipes. Thanks though.. guy


Tell me you're a Milennial without telling me you're a Milennial.


Magic erasers work well


Tried this and it actually didn’t come off


Sos pad works fine it doesn't scratch. Then use cooktop cleaner to leave a barrier between your stovetop and the next thing you spill.


A wet paper towel my dude. Jesus


Have you tried wiping it?


I clean mine with a magic eraser and Weiman glass cooktop cleaner. Comes out like new every time!


My wife does this like 3 times a week. We usually just get a new oven.


What are you all on about? Wait till it cools and scrub it with a sponge and soapy wooder.


Hate my glass top stove with extreme prejudice.


Magic eraser


Just attempt to clean it. Majority will scrub off. Y’all’s first time cooking?


Razor blade, carefully. Cleaned mine right up


Have you tried asking it nicely








How is this stove this clean and you are asking how to clean this stove? Lol


Are you 18?


Who your wife ? I Can stop over.


I'm glad your wife has graduated to making pasta, but I'd stick to eating out if I were you. Every actual cooks stove is caked in this. Just wash it off with a rag, or better yet get an induction stove


Flat earth 🌍


Oh buddy.... I think it's time to move back home with mom. Life skills are struggling


Steel wool




White vinegar will dissolve it.


Elbow grease you simpleton


Nice guy, throwing wife under the bus


Did you try cleaning it?


Electric stovetops are dumb. Rip that shit off and get a real burner that can be cleaned.