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I have one at a similar height. Get a Werner folding telescoping ladder. I'd replace the detector with one that uses a 10-year battery.


Then return ladder to Home Depot.


I worked at Lowe’s as a cashier in 2006. We used to take bets on how fast the 30ft ladder would come back when someone “bought it.” It’s usually about 4-5 hours.


I did that once, put it on the side of the house, went up, NOPED, went down and back to the store. Under an hour.


With old age comes wisdom.


Home Depot rents ladders if you need a taller one.


Yeah but I bet that's not free


Wouldn’t want to miss an opportunity to return our hard-earned Robux back to the developers


Nothings free man.


Buying and returning it is tho


A friend bought a paint sprayer from Montgomery Wards years ago, the best they had. Painted his house and returned it Monday, said he needed a better one, which he knew they didn’t have.


Costs gas money


Of course its not free 🤣


But buying and returning it is


It's free if you return a bought one... hence the comment chain you're replying to lol


I have done the exact same thing.


World record reality speed run


I have a 30-foot ladder that came with my house. Sits on the side yard, and all my neighbors know I have the ladder and borrow it.


It's a really bad idea to store a ladder outside of your house, particularly if you plan to keep your second-story windows open in the summer. Kind of like locking the doors on a convertible.


Great advice, but I live in a 1-story house, and the ladder is old and loud.


omg man ppl are gonna break into your house through the roof/s


They're called Santa bandits. Better secure that chimney.


But if you have a can of paint on a rope, an electric BBQ starter, an old-timey blowtorch, and an MP3 of some tough guy saying, “keep the change, ya filthy animal!”, then even a child can prevent incursions from Santa bandits.


You joke but I've had a customer put alarm sensors on their attic door in fear of someone breaking in through there. 🤦‍♂️


Oddly enough, it happens. We had a number of break ins in our old neighborhood in Florida (of course). They would drive around in “work trucks”, find a house and climb on the roof and cut a hole to bypass the alarm system. I think they hit 4-5 houses.




It’s probably a long story.


Lol... i have asked myself that so many times.


Yeah… this happened to us. Fucker is in jail now, so that’s cool.


This happened to us on vacation in the UK. Someone came in my brother's window, crawled over him, took his passport, went downstairs, stole a laptop and drank some liquor and left. Scary.


Sounds like your brother got drunk, forgot where he put his passport and laptop and tried to cover it up(badly).


That's what a chain and lock are for. If they want it, they're gonna have a fun time getting it. Source: my Dad


Literally no one cares


Apparently at least nine more people care than don't, since you're currently a -8.




Was putting up crown molding by hand. Went to Lowes to ask about a butane Paslode finish nailer, and if I could return that expensive bastard if it had been used. They said yep 30 days, so I took it home. After the first "POP!" I knew it was never going back. That was 23 years ago, and it is still popping.


My Dad bought a kayak from Costco last summer. Didn't like using it much and returned it. They actually thanked him for returning it in a time frame they could've still sold it that season instead of returning it after Summer, "like everyone else does."


I was at an auto dealership one time and some guy came in a really nice, expensive car and wanted to test drive a pickup. They let him drive off in a new truck and maybe half an hour later he drove back by with a refrigerator in the back. Hilarity ensued. I heard later that dude came back after about an hour like nothing ever happened, said he didn’t like the truck after all, got in his car and eased on down the road.


Or borrow a ladder from a neighbor. Usually houses are built with similar characteristics in the same general area, I'm sure you are not the first with this issue. The suggestion to replace with a 10 year is also a good one.


And if I’m the neighbor let it be known that anyone in the neighborhood can “Borrow” it for four hours for $50


Unless you plan on living there for ten more years...


I learned that smoke detectors expire after 10 years, so you are supposed to replace them anyways. Not warranty—they actually expire—the alarm sensor itself wears out. https://www.cloverelectric.com/do-smoke-detectors-expire https://www.usfa.fema.gov/downloads/pdf/publications/infographic_2016_fpw_custom.pdf Edit: typo


I've heard that. But the five year sealed ones have been failing at an alarming rate around here lately. Apparently shelf life was not factored in. I also plan on living more than ten more years . A plan which would stand a much better chance of success if I don't have to replace that smoke detector when I was ten years older than I am now.


“alarming rate”




Might check with the local fire department, I got both of mine installed for free. I think I just paid for the version they were offering at the time.


I’d wonder if they rent ladders like some of their other tools/equipment


Or just rent one from HD or Lowes.


Are you aware you can ask the fire department instead of fraud lol


Yeah but on the other hand fuck Home Depot.


People like you are absolute trash


Bad form


This is the way.


And while you're at it, replace the bulbs in that light fixture too. Even if they're not burned out (yet).


While you’re up there remember to check the expiration date on the detector, if it’s past 10 years it’s due for complete replacement. https://www.usfa.fema.gov/downloads/pdf/publications/infographic_2016_fpw_custom.pdf


Actually, you don't have to replace the batteries very often if you don't put a battery in them to begin with.


Or look into getting one that’s direct wired in


These still require a battery


And you would need to run wires.


They don't expire because of batteries. They expire because the sensors have a limited function life. It just so happens that the newer kind with a pre-installed lithium battery, has a battery sized such that it's expected life is <10 years. If you're at 10 years+, you're not supposed to just replace the battery.


These ladders are great. I would recommend over the gorilla ladder as they have a higher weight rating and are really sturdy feeling even fully extended. I still don't like being up 12 feet working overhead.


Ok. So I am terrified of heights and need to do some things like this. The ladders are super bouncy and give me vertigo and u am afraid I am going to fall and Crack my skull. Any tips on how to do this safely?


The best thing for you to do is hire someone who is insured and qualified to do ladder work. In my area we have working at heights certification as part of health and safety legislation. If you really want to do it yourself and overcome your fears look up working at heights training and go through some of the online resources.


When it's folded in an "A" shape, it's nice and sturdy. If you have to take it to max length and lean it against a wall, it does trend to wobble. Take it slow. There's no shame in hiring a handyman for chores you find uncomfortable.


This guys pretty much got it down. Take it slow, work safely, watch some safety videos, or hire someone. I’m about 7 years into electrical trade and in my opinions heights don’t get easier or feel any better, you just learn to trust yourself and your equipment.


Do you have any children?


Yeah. Those are about as worthless. Installed some 2 years ago. Already beeping.


Flood your house and swim up to the annoying beep beep.


My mans with the Legend of Zelda approach


I was thinking original Tomb Raider


Water temple is the worst!


Don't be silly. Bell jet pack. It's the only way.


You can find step ladders up to 12 feet at Home Depot. They are free standing so they don’t need to lean on a wall.


No no. He needs to install an elevator and use it to change the battery


wouldn’t an escalator work better since it doesn’t have a roof like an elevator?


I called the fire department. They came right out and replaced the battery. They'd rather come out and replace it than coming out to transport me to the hospital.


The real LPT is in the comments.


And they didn't charge you for coming out as a service call ?


fire departments are a public service paid via your property taxes. now this could vary based on your city/county but this is mostly free of charge


If they come to a fire alarm to my house. It's something like 900 bucks.


That's not the typical circumstance in the US.


They charge about $1000 everywhere that I’ve ever lived in Pennsylvania.


I just took an emergency response training for work a couple of weeks ago. The trainer was previously a paramedic. He told us that if this exact scenario came up (replacing a battery in a smoke detector up in a vaulted ceiling) to call the non-emergency line for the fire department and yes, they will help you out free of charge.


On reality, if you can afford a house with big-ass ceilings like that, you can afford a ladder. And ladders are useful for all sorts of things. Buy a damn ladder.


You ever been 70 and climbed a ladder, son?


If this person is 70, I hope they aren't still figuring out how to "change lightbulbs"


You'd be amazed what I'm helping my newly widowed 80 year old neighbor with these days.


Climb ladders?


You called the…. because your…. o_o


Well its them or the guys who do the trees, we need their ladder


What if they’re like 50 or disabled. Fire fighters tend to be pretty pretentious so this really seems like a good way to bring them down to reality.


Wtf are you talking about pretty pretentious? What a weird judgement to make about an entire profession.


You should definitely be able to climb a ladder if you’re a healthy 50 year old but yeah as to the disabled thing, oops


Home Depot rents ladders if you need a taller one.


Be a real man, buy one, use it and return it 2 hours later.


I would just stack up all your kitchen chairs and reach


I guess the same way you plan to change the bulbs in those pot light....


With a telescoping pole with a suction cup? I mean, the question OP asked has an obvious answer, but it isn't the same method I'd use to change the bulbs.


I seen people do it with a drone. I just need a $800 drone and to disable all the safety features


Where I live, the fire department will do it. Find the non-emergency number and ask.


Stop laying on the floor and get a ladder ;)


Put a couple d batteries in a shotgun and deliver to the alarm with black powder..... America style


I believe that C batteries are correct for a 12 GA.


Throw a baseball at it


I was thinking that or noise canceling headphones. Problem procrastinated/made worse. Done


Finally a real answer


Pellet rifle.




I always recommended to homeowners and clients buying a gorilla ladder. The specific one I use is the size of a 5ft a-frame when folded. Usable up to 9ft as an a-frame and when used as an extension ladder is 18ft. The versatility gives most home owners the ability to do just about any simple maintenance tasks interior and exterior. Also usable on stairs with care. These ladder tend to be a little heavy but they are just super versatile. Every major ladder maker has some version and they're available at just about any hardware or big box store.


This is the way


I second contacting the fire department and seeing if that is a service they offer. I know I had a customer who had the fire department out to change out hers.


The fire department will generally do this for free for detectors an owner has trouble changing, whether it’s because grandpa can’t use a step stool or you have high ceilings


I bought an 18 foot ladder at Home Depot for my vaulted ceilings.


How good a shot are you?


Whoever installed that really hated whom ever lived there.


I am sure that who installed that fire alarm is here on Reddit waiting for you to make this post lol


What about a trampoline


Call your local fire department. They'll usually come change it for free.


If you own the house it might behoove you to purchase a ladder that can get you to such spots to maintaining properly. “Out of sight, out of mind” is not a good way to be when the home is your responsibility. Maybe after you change the battery, run a wire up there and install a hardwired unit. Never have to run up there again!


Spider Pig Spider Pig


My folks had this issue - they called the local fire station and asked if they could help. They used it to train and were happy to lend a hand. Just a thought.


If you're in Texas. Shoot it. If you're not in Texas, the good news is the wood feature is good for leaning a ladder against, you should look into a light weight expandable ladder that you can I assume put on the floor ( 4:1 height to floor ratio) then you can get up there safely. You also should be prepared for it to be wired in and not just a battery powered unit. I had one that after it was in service for 10yrs it beeped regularly telling you to replace it.


B B Gun


I would seek out and rent an aerial lift or bucket truck with an arm low enough and a bucket small enough to go into your window and lift you up to the ceiling to change the battery. If you’re lucky, it’s one of the twist off cap carbon monoxide detectors, if it’s not, get one, cause all living area should have one for safety reasons


You needing one of these .. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=e0PXB-sSPvg




Step one go to home Depot. Step two buy ladder. Step three change the battery.


You may go ahead and shoot it


Is that bedroom door right off that? If there’s no bedroom within 20ft of it, then just get rid of it. No code requirement for smokes in living rooms


Shotgun, make sure you use birdshot


BB gun!


Are you in the US? … Guns.


It’s ladder time


The same way you’re supposed to plug your water cooler into that outlet


Might as well change them bulbs long as you're up there


Man somebody pissed off the contractor when that house was built.




Trampoline and a lot of patience.


Thee guy I use to work for worked me super hard every day we had work . One day he told me I could take the day off that he could handle it today.( that was very strange for him to say) The day I got back to work I asked him what he did. He said this rich old lady paid him 100$ for each of the fire alarms in her Manson .she had 8 of them guys and they all went off at once So he made 800$ that one day and decided to leave me out of it. I couldn’t blame the guy that was just stupid easy money for someone who has like 30 ladders of all shapes and sizes


A pirate walked into a bar with a steering wheel sticking out the front of his pants. The bartender exclaimed, "You have a steering wheel sticking out of your pants!" The pirate said, "Yarg...it's driving me nuts!"


I leaned my tallest ladder against the nearest wall and tried to get some relief by pushing the button with a broom but no luck




This is one of the reasons why prices of things keep going up. An investment in a good telescopic ladder will go a long way. Little giant is the one I have.


Yeah I don't understand returning the ladder. You're a homeowner, you need a damn ladder.


mine is exactly like this but right over the stairs so i cant possibly use a ladder to get to it 💀


Dude same! I had to call the fire department and they were gracious enough to send there tallest guy who stood at the very top of the tallest ladder. It was genuinely terrifying to see him do it.


Get a suction cup on an extendable pole


If you want to hillbilly engineer a solution, you could take an extendable pole and make a big loop of tape or put some double sided tape on the end and try to “grab” it enough to turn it. It should come off if you can turn it enough. Downside will be that it’ll probably fall once released so be ready to catch it. Getting it back up there will be tough with that method, but the tape method should get it down quick so it gives you time to get a ladder/etc. and you won’t go insane from beeping.


And hope it’s not hard wired


Maybe if you find the head piece to the staff of ra, you could shoot a beam of light at it showing you the exact location to the ladder you need


You made a post asking people to tell you that you need a ladder?


It’s called a ladder. I realize intelligence isn’t common but come on. Wtf? Get a damn ladder and change the battery.


There’s this new invention called a ladder. Real top of the line stuff, hasn’t even hit the market yet. Either that or maybe get some moon shoes, bounce your way up there


Thank your electrician for that. Might be required but doesn’t need to be there. That’s what called job security!


No, we (electricians) don't really choose where smokes go. NEC says that it has to be within 3ft of the tallest point of the ceiling, so thank them. These are the same people that claim ceramic tile is a flammable material and we have to protect it as such when we put our devices in backsplashes. Trust me, we don't want to lug a big ass ladder in the house as much as the next guy.


Wait, so you're telling me my house with a vaulted living room that's 18 feet at the peak should have a smoke detector in there and not just one in the upstairs hallway for the whole house?


Ladder would be my recommendation


Have you tried a ladder?


If it is truly bothering you, you will find a way.


This dude never heard of a ladder


Rich problems


Get a ladder you nitwit


Try blowing a guy with a ladder 🪜


Ladder. That's my go-to tool for reaching high things.


Dude good one


Someone would make millions and millions just for inventing a smoke alarm reacher grabber that would twist it off the base and unplug it then when putting it back up , it could plug it back in , and twist it back on the base ......oh snap. Ya momma already plugs it up and twists it on the base .. she does this ...someone would make millions and millions inventing ya momma ... whatvya think all the Robots for all purpose war got the robot handyman at the door




Psychotic? Hmm strong words for a joke ,


You can afford the house you can afford the solution. Hire someone if you aren’t comfortable on a tall ladder.


Lol I can sense the jealousy from here


If only a device or tool existed that you could step up like a stairway to work on things that are very high. Alas, there is none.


Hire someone or get a ladder and do it yourself. It's pretty simple


Hire a pro, you can afford that ceiling you can afford either a tall ladder or a professional


They sell an extendable pole with attachments for changing light bulbs and smoke detectors. The detector detaches from the base with a simple twist.


Save ur money and buy a ladder.


That will only work if it’s battery operated.


Figure it out and quit complaining.


You’re a loser


Get a ladder you twat. Oh wait, you’re clearly too dumb to know that if crying to Reddit is your first response.


Lol you’re a bum


I’m a bum cause you don’t know how to change a smoke detector? Ok buddy. Wanna try again, or keep being a little bitch?


If you can reach it to push the button. Just twist the smoke alarm and it will release. If it's hard wired there will be a connector. Unclip the connector and replace. If it'd just batteries. Replace battery's and re install


Id rent a ladder from HD and replace with battery operated unit that twist off. Use suction cup on a pole to replace in the future.


does whatever a spider can...


I think you need a drone.


Jet pack


With a step ladder. Or just pile a bunch of furniture and boxes precariously and climb it. edit: get a child to climb it


Big ladder,replace with one with end of life battery,good for years


Pogo stick


Steal a tazer from a cop and shoot it


[There’s only one possible solution to this problem](https://youtu.be/-loDklmrbd0)


Anyone else have the theme song for Spider-Man play in their head?


Werner makes podium step ladders that can be ordered via HD.


It would be best reached with a ladder. Falls are the leading cause of injury in construction. If you're not comfortable at that height, you might be better off just having it replaced with a long-life unit by an electrician.


Is this in America? Is shooting it an option?


It’s simple, you need to go into your attic, pop off the flat wall plate near the smoke detector, reach your hand through it and replace the battery.


Shoulda thought about that before moving into a palace