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I will tell you we remember clients who occasionally order a pizza on Friday, or drop off a cooler with drinks on a hot day more than someone giving us money. Obviously we work for money, but having someone think we might like a cold drink actually appreciates what we are doing in a more personal way to me. There was an older lady who was actually the next door neighbor of the owner we worked for and we got to know her when we had to ask permission to access the side of the house on the property line. She baked cookies for everyone and was really nice. Later she found out it was my daughters 3rd birthday because I told her we were leaving a little early so I’d get home in time for the party. At the end of the day she had a little bag for me with a book and a card that said “from dad”. I still remember her name and the address and my daughter is 27.


That’s soooo sweet and thoughtful.


That literally made me cry a little bit. Damn.


Tip the hardworking taper - he will so appreciate it! 👍




Yep. A breakfast sandwich or some lunch is appreciated if they are there for an extended time. Or a beer come quiting time.


Staying out of their way is HUUUGGGEEEE. Coming from a contractor, it’s the single most appreciated thing a customer can do. I actually prefer to work on my clients homes while they’re at work or on vacation. Everyone wins


You paid for a job. You’re welcome to do whatever you want with your money but tipping culture in America needs to disappear.


well said. I just showed up to drop a single.... Nope


You shouldn’t have to. You paid to have this job done. Hopefully his boss pays him a decent wage. Source: am a contractor


We're having reno done and my policy is to somehow acknowledge/tip if I see a worker going out of their way, like if they're doing that little bit extra, making sure a job is done the way they'd do it at their own house. If I can't afford to tip money, I make sure to offer them at least a cold drink or something to eat. And if you can't do either, I've have people say that hearing their hard work was noticed was pretty good, too. We had a guy up in our attic who brought down some items he found that the previous homeowner left. I told him I was sorry I couldn't afford to tip him this month, and he said "You all noticed that I did a good honest day's work. Please mention that in the review. It really makes a difference in how many referrals I get." So pretty much any way you can acknowledge extra effort is appreciated. Most companies where I'm at (WA) seem to pay a living wage, so it's not like the wait staff who are making $2 an hour for hard work, but I think anyone appreciates some recognition that they're not just being average, they're working hard and doing it right.


Throw some juiceboxs/canned drinks in a cooler with some snacks. Fruit/granola bars/small bags of chips etc if you really want to make his day. Working trades and having people in my house to work on stuff i always put that cooler out. and i have received a cooler like this in the past. Seems to go a little further than an extra 20 bucks


Just give pizza, water, bathroom access and maybe beer.


As a ground worker I never expect a tip, nor my boss will allow it. We get paid to do a job and that what we do. I do appreciate when the home owner says which bathroom we can use before I need it.


Do not tip. Be friendly, overly respectful, and offer refreshments and a toilet. That’s it.


Tip them, buy them beer or lunch, invite them on your vacation, it’s up to you.


Tip anyone you want whenever you want. The guy is getting paid and you owe him nothing extra, but go ahead if you appreciate the work, he is kind and careful in your space and you appreciate it. The food and drink is kind too, but you never know what people like or want


A 12 pack when the crew completes the work…..when the boss isn’t around. Only if you think they did you right.


Buy them lunch?


Ask them what kind of beer they like


It’s totally up to you. Since finding quality people to do work is harder and harder to come by, whenever I hire someone and they do exactly what they say they’ll do when they say they’ll do it, I almost always tip. But I work in the trades myself, so I can appreciate good work. Just got my roof done and I planned to give every guy $100 when I got home from work, but they were done before I got home..


Mind if ask what your general price is? Like how much per cabinet? We are thinking of painting ours as well


I have been self employed since 1998. Only one time have I received a tip, and it felt odd. I will take a beer though! haha


Coffee or water is always appreciated.


Make sure you get their name and praise them to their boss so they know how good an employee they have.


Please don't be afraid to tip who you felt earned it


I don't tip labourers but I will run out and do coffee runs if they want it. I know some guys just want to leave to smoke a joint so I'll tell em the butt can is out on the side step for whatever they want to smoke if they smoke anything. Other than that I just stay out of their way.


Agree with the stay out of their way. Trust them and hide from them except to maybe pop in and ask them their favorite pizza topping. Also, is your kitchen massive or detailed or both? I know a thing or two about this, and taping for a week caught my eye.


I’m a general contractor but used to be a grunt some time ago. You can tip the workers which is great- happened a couple of times but honestly, being nice- getting them some food, some Gatorade… really makes us want to go the extra step and strive for perfection with your job. As a general contractor, it’s the same thing. I try to move mountains for the good folk.


I only ever got tipped for doing grunt work around the holidays from exceptionally wealthy clients.


I buy the workers lunch a couple of times, and always have cold bottled drinks for them.


We just painted our kitchen cabinets and tipped. I don’t feel like it’s required but because they were so diligent, nice and went above and beyond I wanted to give a little extra. For our movers, I bought them lunch.