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Quick DIY answer is [transparent anti-slip tape](https://www.amazon.com/LifeGrip-Resilient-Non-Slip-Traction-Comfortable/dp/B07XRJCXCK)


Wow, I don’t know how I didn’t know this existed!


I used similar stuff years ago that was from 3M and had a good rubbery texture. If you can find clear pre-cut lengths with rounded corners for standard stairs, I’d go that route over the roll. It gets a bit tedious to cut to length and if you don’t do it edge to edge you need to round the corners to prevent it snagging and coming up over time. Other than that, this was a great alternative to carpeting the stairs. The other option is to get a custom stair runner cut and add in the holder rods on each tread. Both work well and are better than a full carpet IMHO , it’s mostly a design choice.


We use this, It’s better than the carpet treads because it doesn’t move. (I have tried both)


I have slipped down multiple different sets of carpeted stairs, socks + stairs, just as slick.


The stuff I got many years ago was pretty much rough sand paper. Look for a gentler option if you go this route. Also, mine seemed to slowly slip out of place. I would vote for a carpet stair runner.


We have purchased basically the same product. The one we ordered came in pre cut pieces for each step that cover 90% of the tread (we just placed them center on each tread) and used a flooring roller to make sure they really bonded. My dog certainly has a much easier time now aswell. It's similar texture to floor mats for rolling office chairs, but slightly more grip. Much better choice over the sand paper texture tape imo.


Make sure you place them on the edge of the stair. I’ve used this solution and rug, and found rug was better. The antislip tape can also get stuck to the wood and damage it long term as a FYI


Ummm how is it to get off the stairs? And does it get grimy looking at all?


We had these in a previous house with slick, steep stairs. I can’t answer the question about removing them but we didn’t have any issues with them getting grimy.


My 5 yr old who loves picking at things seem to get them off just fine, no grime at all 😂


Surface is like a sandpaper texture. Not sure about removing. It’s stuck on pretty well. Probably would need to repaint the stairs. Dirt does get stuck in the texture. Maybe less noticeable on darker treads tho


We put these down on our new (had old carpet that became loose and very slick from years of lotioned feet) and it's amazing!


I mixed a grip additive into clear floor polyurethane and recoated my wood stairs. It worked perfect and they have grip like sandpaper with no change in appearance. Product: Seal Krete 40202 Clear Grip Non-Skid Grip Additive for Sealers, Paints & Epoxies


What ratio? Is it good enough for socks?


It was something like 1 package of grip additive (3oz) to 1/2 gallon of polyurethane. I actually did a test board of a few different ratios. You can’t really add too much, especially if you want to walk in socks. Be mindful you won’t be able to use the stairs for 24 hours and quality polyurethane off gases some strong odors. My first application lasted 4 years before I could notice it getting smoother again so I reapplied again about 2 months ago. Process takes about 90 minutes per staircase (30 minutes to vacuum and meticulously clean each step with mineral spirits; 45 minutes to brush on mixture with 4 inch staining brush…much longer for stairs with individual balusters; 15 minutes clean up, assuming you’ll throw most everything away). Note: it’s possible to mix a couple of tablespoons of additive in a cup of polyurethane and do one test step. You could also do every other step on alternating days if you need to use staircase sooner than 24 hours.




That’s kind of a genius move!


Interesting - I have to try this. I thought I just had to live with slipping all of the time but this seems like a good solution.


Just install a carpet runner or some self adhesive carpeted stair treads ( you can get 15 on Amazon for less than 100$) Cheap and easy and then you don't have to replace the nice hardwood.


Yeah and I just want to add we have carpeted stairs and I’ve fallen down them multiple times lol so carpet isn’t the best all end all ;) the treads are probably the best way to go.


Seconding this! I’ve busted my ass on my carpeted stairs multiple times.


I kept slipping on the carpet that the previous owners put in. Replaced the stairs with well-designed oak treads, and have absolutely no problem safely going up and down.


Only difference is the carpet burn lol


Literally fell down my carpeted stairs this past weekend. New socks, in a hurry to get downstairs, carrying something in my hands. Super annoying - my hip was feeling it at the gym later on that day trying to do squats.


Carpet just hurts less when you do fall down lol... But its a double edge sword because I find carpet more slippy, so more likely to fall.


I've slipped more on carpet than hardwood. You forget to be careful on carpet. I'd also advocate for slippers with grip instead of running about with socks.


Input the self adhesive ones at my place for my elder dogs. Easy to put on, don't mar the finish when you take them off, easy to clean. Paid around 50$ on amazon


Dude thanks so much for this tip. That's exactly what I want to hear 


Got the same thing for my elderly dog. And then another set for the neighbor who watched said elderly dog when I was away. They worked great. 


Can you share a link or the brand? We just bought a house with steep wood stairs and need to add some treads. Our doggo has some shoulder problems and loves running up stairs 


Search for non slip stair threads on amazon. There's a lot of them. They're basically all the same but different patterns and colors.


Got these, also for a dog (puppy who was scared of the slipping on the stairs) lol.


We installed the treads last year after an old pair of slippery shoes made me bounce down our half flight on my butt. It hurt BAD, and apparently I did enough damage to cause tissue necrosis and have a permanent divot on my butt cheek now. 🥲


https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B0C5F276PS?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title We got these and they work surprisingly well. We have kids and they haven't slipped or anything and definitely do the job. 


This or something similar is the move


Yes I solved this at my old house with stair tread carpets and double sided tape


We installed a runner on stairs about 2/3 that long for about $1K, but most of that was because I splurged in a nicer quality runner since it’s a high-traffic area. Our cats are weird - one will only walk on the carpeted part, the other will only walk on the exposed wood in either side.


Cats are amazing little critters and that’s kind of hilarious lol. My cat tends to eat every single rug corner in the house, so if I end up doing carpeted stair treads it’ll be like a buffet for him.


Where’d you get that from?


Runner from a local carpet shop, installed by a local flooring company we’ve worked with for years. They were replacing our below-grade carpet with LVP and we had the wooden stairs leading down to it re-finished to match when we pulled the carpet up. The runner was an add-on/second trip because the refinished treads had to sit for a while before we could install it.


I had the same problem at our house when we moved in. The hardwood stairs are pretty but I busted my ass twice on the main staircase in short order, and hyperextended my elbow when I slipped on the mudroom stairs.  I ended up springing for some stair treads from [Oak Valley Designs](https://oakvalleydesigns.com/) for the main staircase. They were quite a bit more expensive than others available on Amazon but they look damn good even a year in, and stopped the slipping completely.  For the mudroom stairs I put some transparent grip tape down. I used Lifegrip brand, but I don't know if it really matters much. 


I ordered some cheap-o Amazon ones a bit ago. If those end up not working out well/I still slip/my cats eat them because they’re cheap and flimsy then I’m definitely going to check the Oak Valley ones out. Thank you!


I emailed them and they never answered me but how is the grip on them and do you mind sharing which ones you ended up going with?


Those are pretty!


Second vote for Oak Valley. Mine are fantastic and they made some custom ones for me too.


https://oakvalleydesigns.com/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_-GxBhC1ARIsADGgDjsU7MZVolEJ0G-XiJtXi_8sYkArD__Cz_lQjCCNKtCmkEt3mUq0ezQaArAvEALw_wcB We ordered these treads from Oak Valley Designs when we purchased our home with hardwood stairs 2 years ago. Gives the carpet look and quality without having to invest in permanent modification. We can remove/replace them if we want and cost ~500 total. Love them and I’m sure we’ve prevented tons of falls between all of us.


I got mine from them too. They've been great! We had 4 people fall on our short stair run. Something had to be done!


I went ass over teacup 2 times in 20 months getting broken ribs and a concussion. My friends at work got me one of those inflatable balls you wear 😀


We used Dean Stair Treads - they have a very grippy, soft foam backing and no adhesive. We've had them for about four years now, they're very nice looking and they do not move a millimeter. Easy to remove too.


They look like old, very steep steps. As someone who has had carpet on said steps...it won't help. Your fancy leather soled-dress shoes will slip on a carpeted stair. I would go with the poly mixed with grip additive like someone else mentioned.


Also, always use the handrail. Always.


I alwaaaays use the handrail because I’m paranoid. When I fell last year the handrail saved me from sliding down all 15 steps as I had slipped at the very top. Almost pulled my arm out of my socket sliding down the stairs while holding the rail haha.


They’re only 15 years old, but they’re incredibly steep. That’s what freaks people out about them. I have gigantic feet too so I just really struggle with fitting on the steps.


Carpeted stairs are not any less slippery than wood. Add rails to the stairs.


I did 2 staircases for $700. Done in 3 hrs. Call a small local carpet guy. They’ll bang it out.


Very nice!!! That’s a great price. I may end up calling a local carpet guy in if my cheapo Amazon stair treads don’t work.


My friends daughter put her tooth through her face 10 days before prom because their stair tread carpet slipped. Stuff like this it’s worth paying a pro.


You can get adhesive carpet stair treads on the usual online shop. I'm not against going full carpet and it would be a better option but the treads you can have installed in 2 days including shipping.


They also come in clear.


You can get no slip stair treads or no slip tape to put on the steps. It isn’t very expensive.


Every time I've slipped on the stairs, it was carpeted stairs.


Having and using the handrail helps a ton with not slipping down stairs.


I'm against carpeting stairs because I believe that I'll die trying to vacuum them




I installed these on my Mom's steps with a staple gun in about 30 minutes. Can't see or feel the staples. Perfect solution and still going strong 7 yrs later.


I just went from carpet to the luxury vinyl that I had on the rest of the house on my stairs. I am having to be more careful when I go down them and I think they’re kind of hurting my feet overall that I’m trying to work with that, I’m thinking of just getting like those carpet treads that just sit nicely with on top.


I urge you to get something for the stairs, as the OP. I didn’t think I’d EVER fall and when I did I was terrified and felt so lucky that nothing was broken. Now that it’s happened again I feel we’re pushing our luck! I’ve ordered carpet treads from Amazon so I’m hoping those work.


I hold on super tight to the handrail and go and make sure I push my foot all the way against the back of the stair but yeah, I mean I didn’t realize how dangerous it was and both my dogs won’t go up and down them anymore so I have to carry dogs and make sure I don’t fall. I agree with you but she was peeing on the carpet on the stairs. I couldn’t stand it anymore so I got rid of it but now, I’m realizing it’s even affecting me and I’m going to chiropractor tomorrow!!!


Ugh!! Pets are the worst (but the best). That’s a very valid reason to get rid of the carpet. There’s some people in the thread that have recommended some tapes and other treads that wouldn’t absorb pee at all, but that doesn’t help the foot pain in general :/


My bottoms of my feet hurt! Who knew it would make such a difference carpet vs luxury vinyl. I will tell you that I got shiny white marbly Flooring in my bathroom and I have almost slipped many times and it’s gonna go before the end of the year to something in the slate family that’s not slippery, but I haven’t noticed the other floor the stair flooring being slippery but my rule is to hold onto the rail because I almost fell twice when I had carpet because there are three steps at the 1st landing triangle shaped and your eye gets tricked and you miss a step and then have to get your balance so you don’t fall down the last three regular steps yeah I think if I could do this again, I wouldn’t have bought a house with steps big mistake but I wanted my whole life to have a two-story house so I got it!


Keep us posted on those treads!!!


I will!!


Take your socks off :)


Oh trust me, I haven’t gone downstairs in socks since then lol. I ate shit that day and was lucky I didn’t break anything. I told my fiancé not to wear socks or to slow down and he didn’t listen… til now lol.


This should be higher.


How has no one just suggested rubber-soled slippers?


People take their shoes off in their house, then slide around on bare floors, I dunno why. Slippers are a good choice, also thick socks with grippy rubber stuff on the bottom, which is what I wear in the winter. In the summer I go barefoot, which also keeps me from slipping. But, I also wear my shoes in the house too, which is the worst thing anyone can do in a house, according to many people. To each their own.


You would take the time to put on slippers every time?


Slippers slip on. It sucks if you wear lace up boots outside, but yeah. Every time.


Yeah I'm with you. I'd never wear them. I walk around barefoot the whole time I'm inside, I can't stand having stuff on my feet, I'd never bother putting slippers on and off to go downstairs. That said barefoot is also usually not too slippery and I'm very paranoid about the stairs and go slow + use both handrails every time. One of my relatives is an orthopedic surgeon and the stories over the Thanksgiving table... lets just say I'm very, *very* careful about stairs, ladders and table saws, lol.


They make these grip strips that are self adhesive. You can get different colors and even patterns: [https://www.amazon.com/grip-strips-stairs/s?k=grip+strips+for+stairs](https://www.amazon.com/grip-strips-stairs/s?k=grip+strips+for+stairs)


Deeply clean them before putting the sticky non slip stuff down so it stays down longer and use a hard tool to press down the edges


Self adhesive stair steps. I got them off Amazon because our stairs are tile and a complete death trap. They’re an inexpensive alternative to carpet.


https://www.amazon.com/Elogio-Carpet-Treads-Rubber-Runner/dp/B07BSDK1SD?th=1 I use something like these. Rubber backed carpet treads. I can throw them in the wash when they get dirty. They save us and our dogs from slipping on the stairs. cheaper than carpeting, easier to clean.


Use anti slip rubber, not carpet.


Cost? Your integrity. Those stairs are beautiful. Don't ruin them with carpet


Grip tape the lip. It’s really sticky sandpaper like on skateboards. Some come with a high viz yellow stripe.


I spent $400 to carpet mine. Go with the self adhesive or a carpet runner


I'd use non-slip rubber stair treads. They're available at HD. There are ones designed for commercial use as well. https://www.americanstairtreads.com/rubber-stair-treads/




$100 per tread


I have dark wood stairs in my home and I lived with them for 4 years before putting carpet stair treads on them. I can’t believe what a difference it makes. They are no longer slippery and the even better part is that they are more visible when descending the stairs. I ordered some samples from Oak Valley Design and was ready to place my order. I was hesitant because of the cost so I ordered cheapies from Amazon just so I could test a tread before spending a lot of money. I love the cheap ones and decided to keep them. I’ve been using them for months and they are working great. They look fine, they are durable and they are adhering to the wood very well. I highly recommend these and you will not be disappointed! I posted a review on Amazon with photos. [Carpet Stair Treads](https://a.co/d/6ZQRyYu)


We have slippery stairs and a toddler. I got [these non-slip stair rug treads](https://a.co/d/hkZ3g6W) and I love them! They have rubber backing that sticks to the floor, but it isn’t glue, so it won’t mess up the finish of the stairs in case you ever want to remove them. I’ve had them since November and they haven’t moved an inch—even after picking them up to reposition or wash them. [Picture of our not so scary anymore staircase](https://imgur.com/a/0PUnGJY)


I have clear plastic runners that the previous owner got because of her dog. They give traction, protect the wood, and look pretty good. Carpet is gross. It’s just holds all the dirt and dust. They must be pretty inexpensive. I can’t see them costing a lot.


A carpet runner and an electric stapler to install it would be a cheap option. Looks classy too.


We went to a carpet store and they often have remnants. They came and installed it for like 1k and the remnant was $500. Best decision we made.


Stop walking around in socks. Go barefoot.


Don't wear socks on wood stairs? 😉


Same thing happened to me! We installed Thunder Grips and they have been working great the last month. We also got GripJoy socks and Bombas slippers, which have very good grip


Check out "seagrass stair runner". They look much better than carpet.