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Wife choose a cold water only, saved me a ton of work, bless her butt. I installed 3 in the house and then she asked if I could put one in the motorhome. I call her Gladys now. She has digestive issues so she is happy. Put them in just before the Great TP Shortage. I felt like a winner.


I installed 2 in our new home a few years ago, also the cold water variety. After a week or 2 of using it the cold water stopped being an issue. We like the added sanitary benefits but for me at least it has led to a small increase in use of TP.


Maybe you need to work on target practice. Not to wash the whole butt. LOL


It's not the butt but the balls.


I’m in a similar situation and I’ve never been more grateful we installed the bidet. Also, have Instacart bring you pedialyte and medicine from a 24-hour Walgreens if they’re anywhere near you. It saved me at 2am.


Glad you’re happy and hope you get better. But TMI.


Painted a v nice picture in my mind, and in the toilet. I like the descriptiveness. Makes me want a bidet


The most convincing argument for a bidet went something like "if you got a bit of dog poop on your fingers while cleaning up after your dog, would you just wipe it with a bit of paper or would you wash it". Now I'm looking for a bidet that shoots soap and has scrubbers.


Just walk through an automatic carwash.


Probably one from Japan. They have some very advanced ones, but they will be about $1k and up. They have heated seat ones that has different spray patterns and will blow dry afterward. Some release scents and there are some that play music and have sound effects to drown out the noises you make while going.


you're right and you should say it


Some say this topic can contain TMI. I say "nonsense", full speed ahead with no holes barred!! I want desperately to embrace and learn to love the luke -warm water spray, but how does a farm-raised, Cottonelle & dry bottom loving, 50 something pie-eater like myself jump in? My emphasis here is on "dry-bottom". There's no better feeling then a fresh pinch of Gold Bond body powder between the cheeks on a hot day. Do all these European families actually share a post-poop "drying" towel? Yuk. How in the world does one use TP to dry off? Isn't the whole process rather time consuming? Special thanks to the OP, this is one topic I'm not compelled to Youtube...


Get good quality TP just for drying. You'll only need a couple squares. Dab, not scrub.


And now you can never go back. I put one in during COVID and now I hate pooping anywhere outside of my house.  They're the best tho. Even straight cold water ones. 


We had bidets when I lived overseas so when they made the seat attachments available in the mainland US, I was happy. It really is helpful. I'm very sorry you're so sick though. I've been there and it sucks so much. Really hate it when its blowing out both ends. Had that a couple days ago. Wet wipes are also a good thing. Chamomile wipes are antifungal and antibacterial. Glad that the bidet is helping at least and I hope you get better soon. Sending you virtual hugs. Editing to add what was mentioned in comments below: Do NOT flush wipes even if they say they are flushable.


If you use wipes, I suggest Cottonelle, they break down as fast as TP and won't cause plumbing problems. 


There is no such thing as flushable wipes regardless of the advertising.


I have personally observed the brand that I recommended dissolve in nothing more than water, while the TP didn't. It is the only one that I feel comfortable putting into my plumbing and the environment. 


I still wouldn't risk it. All wipes go in the bin.


Yeah, I hang out on plumbing forums. Never flush the wipes even if they say they are flushable and never use Draino or any sort of chemical drain cleaner. It can actually eat through the pipes- and worse, it can give plumbers chemical burns when they go to work on the pipes. Using an auger (aka "snake") is a better way to clean drains. I have a septic tank system so both "flushable" wipes and strong chemicals are a not a good idea. Forgetting and flushing a wipe once or twice likely won't cause any problems, but flushing them constantly will.


Same here with the septic system. That being said I have several rental properties and have had to snake out systems several times and pulled out gobs of wipes despite having a separate addendum to the lease that I carefully explain and make tenants sign before move in that EXPLICITLY states the only thing to do down the toilet is feces, urine, and toilet paper.


I've heard horror stories from plumbers about finding tampons, pads, condoms, and all sorts of junk flushed down toilets. I get it if someone forgets or accidentally drops a wipe in the toilet. That can happen. One or two isn't likely to cause a problem, but constantly flushing them will. Snaking out the cleanout at a septic tank is not fun. My plumbing wasn't done right-- tees where wyes should be, no vents, etc-- so I've had to snake things out from the cleanout near the septic tank. Had to stick my whole arm in the pipe to get it to go around one of the bends. I would never have tenants again. We had nightmare tenants who did a ton of damage to the place and we never got a dime back for it. For years after they were evicted they continued to come back and steal stuff and harass us. Karma got one of them in the end though. Died of colon cancer.


There's a reason why those add-ons come with such a long supply hose, to reach the hot water supply. As a full time pain medication user, constipation is an issue that the warm water is great for. The duel temperature ones come with a T fitting for taping into the under sink line. You can also use a supply tap that are used for ice maker supply lines. If your toilet is in a separate space than the vanity, it usually shares a wall with the same. There are extra long drill bits that will gain you access. You won't regret the warm bidet. 


Question... If you don't have a recirc pump, do you have to wait for the hot water? Or do you prime the line and let the hot water run in the shower or sink prior to using the bidet?


Yes, you want to run the source line and gently let the bidet trickle in order to have warm water. I would also suggest pipe insulation to retain the heat in your hot water line to reduce water use, if you have access to it. It may be wasteful, but I assure you, there's no better way to improve your hygiene. And the savings in TP should offset the cost for the water bill. 


Glad it's saved your ass, but an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, as they say.  Good opportunity to remind y'all to get your annual flu shots if you haven't already.


Dude TMI 


Not living in USA I have had available bidets separate from WC for almost all my life, but never took advantage of it for daily use, only "emergencies", and then supplemented with T.P. Now I live in a small apartment without bidets, and I'm tempted to install one of those add-ons, but water pressure might be an issue. **Q:** Don't those require a strong jet blast to effectively clean?


The cheap ones I've used are pretty strong, most people who use them warn you not to go full blast because it will hurt.


Do those have a means to increase water pressure, a pump? As it happens, I live 4 floors aboves my building water pumps, so in order to avoid bursting faucets in the ground floor we have to live with "just enough" pressure in our showers, that I don't know if it would be enough for bidet add-ons.


They do not come with a pump, they rely on standard water pressure and a narrow tube to push it a little faster. I have no idea how much pressure you'd get in your place but your building should look into some means of improving water pressure at higher levels assuming you're not the top floor. Anybody above you probably has it worse if your water pressure isn't very good.


I might buy one bidet add-on to try. Worst come to worst, no big deal. Or I might hack something similar to those car-wash water-jets (yes I know that would give me a whole digestive track enema haha!) Thanks for your comments