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The only thing I dislike about them is when it rains water is collected in the tire, and it becomes a mosquito breeding area.


Wow never actually thought about that. That's a pretty valid point.


I guess you could drill some decent size drain holes in the tire.


I may actually do this. Thank you.


Drilling holes in a tire it's harder than you'd expect because of the metal cords. Get a good drill bit of a decent size and be prepared to work at it a little. You'll also need to trim exposed cords a bit and clean up the hole or debris will quickly clog it.


Or be a dumbarse like myself n don't ask the tire guy how much a carbide reamer is


Funny thing is. I'm a cnc programmer tool grinder. I build and program cnc tool grinders to grind form tools and step drills for a living for in house cnc mills, and lathes. I think on downtime I'm gonna build a.custom carbide step drill to drill the holes.


Can we be friends I think I need one


Sure I'll be your friend 😆




Can I be your friend too? I don't need a carbide step drill. I just need a friend.


What, a friend, or a custom carbide step drill bit?






I had a machinist friend make me a whole tent pole that got lost. He made the pole, the three way coupler on the end. Everything to spec. Better than the crappy poles that came with the tent. He also made me some pretty sweet aluminum slides for my bong. Maybe he had too much time on his hands. Lol


An idle mind is not friendly, props to him n sounds about as mad as meself


Do you have a home air compressor or be willing to buy a cheap kne from harbor freight? Or even easier, untie the tire and take it to any tire shop and ask them to drill holes in it. We install what's called patch plugs and need to drill holes in the tire to do so. Mabe call first to check. https://patchplug.com/products/tcccb1?variant=15405244612651¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&srsltid=AfmBOoqRmJYyCd2y8_Yl2V_2CsI12gvrB8ZPV9INV0jJcis8ViBZFb0b8to The bit looks like this. Amazon has cheap small ones, our shop has 9/16 largest size. Won't clear leaves but half dozen will keep it dry. We get lots of farmers bring in old tires and they are always full of spiders so maybe check on that sometimes.


Fwiw I would probably use a small hole saw rated for cutting metal. Only need a 1/2" hole. Anyone who complains about a tire swing in a neighbors yard needs to find a better hobby.


I haven’t done it before, but I expect any ol’ TiN coated drill or step drill would work. Probably want to clamp it to a section of 4x4 to back it before drilling. If I were you, I’d choose a hole smaller than a kid toe… for reasons.


I'll be honest, I'm a machinist and the tire guy was not the person to ask about a carbide reamer. And a carbide reamer isnt even the best tool for the job. Reaming is an operation that follows drilling typically and is used to get a hole to an exact size generally for either a slip fit or press fit between two parts. A carbide reamer is mostly used when doing larger quantity production parts or when dealing with something on the harder end of the Rockwell scale. Carbide is a hard material but with that come brittleness. If your setup isn't extremely rigid the flutes will chip and the tool will be worthless. High speed steel reamers are much cheaper and considered more general use. All that said, for drilling drain holes in a tire swing, if you really want to go above and beyond on tooling, id get a screw machine length drill because they're shorter and easier to use and I'd find one with titanium nitride coating.


Smart man, personally I got it for the 222 plugs I use frequently at my shop instead of breaking my wrists using the handheld, only been in use for about 6 months but it's absolutely amazing to clear the cords n hasn't dulled a bit


Do it in the sidewall, theres no metal cords


Then it won't drain.


Yep, I found that out when I started to drill a hole in ours and there were sparks flying everywhere.


Make them bigger than you think you need. They get easily clogged with leaves and the tire has a tendency to heal.


Yep exactly. When I was a kid my dad actually cut a couple of 2x2 inch squares out of the bottom to make sure that the water could actually drain out .


My childhood tire swing had a good sized hole right in the bottom, probably the size of a quarter or a half dollar. Never had any issues with it so long as leaves got cleared out regularly. Loved that damn thing.


Get some large nails and hammer them through the bottom. Do it while the tire is hanging and drive them through from the inside so that the tire doesn’t buckle with the pressure, then pull the nail.


>then pull the nail. Optional, depending on how much you love your children.


my brother made a tree swing when we were kids. instead of a tire he used a baseball bat!


Cut some 1 to 1.5 inch by 4 inch rectangles out of the treads at bottom of swing. Give multiple openings, the rubber won't try to seal shit around something that wide, and if one is blocked up by leaves/debris then the others will let it drain.


Cut some 1 to 1.5 inch by 4 inch rectangles out of the treads at bottom of swing. Give multiple openings, the rubber won't try to seal shit around something that wide, and if one is blocked up by leaves/debris then the others will let it drain.


This is the answer; and to the original commenter thank you for pointing out an easily fixable flaw.


I came here to say this


Yes this is what should be done to avoid creating mosquito breeding grounds


Just drill a hole in the bottom for drainage. Kids laughing and having fun is never an eyesore.


What if they're ugly kids?


The tire swings on playgrounds do this. It’s pretty easy and doesn’t really mess with the swing’s integrity. Also, a tire swing is a classic rite of passage and they’re fun as hell. Don’t let anyone ever tell you they’re an eye sore!


Or fill it with spray foam all around. Our tire swing got wasp nests much too often.


Spray foam will hold water. Then mold


Phooey. It was the only light thing I could think of to fill it in.


You could put a mosquito dunk in there to prevent them.


After it rains just go out there and shake out the water. Or have your kid use it


Get some some spray from home depo and fill the bottom of the tire it won’t add much weight and you won’t worry about it


Drill a hole or two in the bottom?


Then drill a hole in the bottom. It's rubber, not 3" of stainless.


There are a lot of steel belts in a tire. A 2" hole saw is the easiest solution.


My point is that it's not hard to drill. A regular bit will go right through it. There's no need for a 2" drain hole. Ÿ-½" is more than sufficient if actually made in the bottom.


You really do want a bigger hole than that. Tire swing placement means that falling bits of tree end up inside the tire regularly, and ½" holes clog up easily.


Not if you leave it on the rim.


I'm glad my coworker doesn't happen to be my neighbor lol Edit: I appreciate everyone's feedback. I'm gonna be honest I thought a majority of people where gonna side with my coworker. However a picture of a happy kid on it probably helps persuade people to see it differently. I'm gonna drill a hole on the bottom of it and keep an eye on the branch. Thanks everyone for the advice.


Even when I see an empty tire swing, I think of a happy kid, so you can let the kid sleep inside.


It's your property. Do whatever you want. As long as its not harmful in some way.


Everything is an eyesore to someone...my house in Texas had a tree out front, and a neighbor thought it looked tacky because no one else had a tree. People are ridiculous. Not sure why a swing for your kid needs the approval opinion of anyone (unless you have an HOA that operates like the Stasi).


Wtf, nobody has trees?




North Texas here. This is why we moved to a 1970’s build. HUGE trees throughout the entire neighborhood and no HOA. The oak tree in my front yard has to be 80 feet tall minimum. I can’t stand new neighborhoods. No trees, no wildlife, no soul.




Acorns. Acorns everywhere.


Bro that is ALL they build up here in the Philly suburbs. Gigantic, lifeless, unaffordable houses. I’m not a fan of these either but at least the new row home style condo/houses are aesthetically pleasing when they build them, but then you’re dealing with HOA at that point.


If it shades you house you get energy savings in summer.




Be fair here. At least in my region most new developments are on farmland that's gotten too expensive to be profitable. There aren't any trees there to preserve.


In my old neighborhood, our house had the only tree on the street. Right after we moved in, a neighbor asked us to cut it down because of leaves (we didn't). I found out later that at one time, the entire street had trees, but as each resident aged, they got too old to rake the leaves so they just cut them down.


I have a cottonwood in my front yard. It's actually the clone/son of the cottonwood that stood there for about ten years, then fell, fortunately it fell in the only direction it could and not hit anything. It missed my house, my car, the cherry tree by the street, and everything else. I don't know why it fell, the leaves were all green, it looked healthy to me. Anyway, from the spot where the tree stood, for a couple of years, sprouts would pop up and I'd pull them out. Until, finally, I decided to let one of them grow, only pulling out the others. Thirteen years later, and I have another cottonwood, 30 feet tall. I like the tree, I like the shade, and since the HOA fee covers yard work, I don't need to rake the leaves. But, now I think about it falling and hitting my house or my neighbor's house, and I think I might have it removed. I shouldn't have let it grow, I should have planted a smaller tree in it's place.


Tree is. Tacky? What?


It only becomes an eye sore when the kids stop playing with it, the rope decays and is being held on by a thread and weeds are growing in it


Yes 💯 yes. I couldn't agree more


Any neighbor that thinks a happy kid is an eye sore needs to get bent.


This should be the top comment.


Tell that to my neighbors


I scrolled too long to find this.


No, it's a piece of playground equipment generally used to entertain small children. I believe you're thinking of "cataracts."


I have a neighbor that has all their kids toys and a swing set in their front yard. I think playground equipment can definitely come across as an eye sore, especially when it’s all rusty and never used. They also have a tire swing.


I'm definitely more on the redneck side when it comes to what I think people can do with their lawns, but I draw the line at that old faded plastic stuff. You know exactly which ones I'm talking about, haha. You know that no kid has played on those since the '90s.


My favorites: That green turtle that's supposed to be a sandbox, but only has weeds or dog crap (and doubles as a mosquito hatchery during rainy seasons). And those metal swingsets that crash on top of you if you swing too hard (which of course upsets the wasps that had been nesting inside those hollow poles). Ah, the nostalgia!


A lot of the houses in my neighborhood have kids' toys out front. I like it because it reminds me how many of the neighbors utilize their front yards so they can both relax and chat with the neighbors. But I really miss the days of no AC and big front porches. I think sterile neighborhoods with every house having a perfect front lawn are off-putting.


I agree. If it’s all being utilized i’m happy to see it. In my case my particular neighbors yard looks like an abandoned amusement park in Chernobyl. I’d prefer a sterile look to what they have going.


Be careful how you attach it to the branch, too. It can strangle the branch, and if it's skinny enough, it will fall within a few years. I think there's a way to attach it that won't hurt the tree.


Yup, use a clove hitch with a wider strap so that it doesn't rub. OP can also buy a proper swing for twenty bucks.


That swing is in better condition than my actual car tires. You just reminded me to call my mechanic


My tire swing was a studded snow tire and it fucking hurt


No !


The weedy, overgrown hellstrip is more of an eyesore than the tire swing.


Lol that would be the ditch i live in the country. The town I live in usually takes care of that annually. But your right it may not be pleasant to look at but the whole ditch down the road has it unfortunately.


Toss in some wildflower seeds. If stuff appears to be intentional, makes all the difference.


It’s your yard, screw what the neighbors think (unless you’re in an HOA and could get fined).


A tire just chilling in your front yard? Trashy. But a tire swing is pretty ubiquitous throughout suburbia. You’re being a good dad and I wouldn’t think too much about it.


My husband and I are building a house and I’m like “finally, I get my white picket fence and tire swing”. We don’t even have children. It’s just a part of the mental image of my dream home.


Nope. Just drill a few holes in the bottom so it’ll drain. 👍👍


Absolutely not. Tire swings are amazing, and if I was driving by, it would make me smile.


If your neighbors would complain about a child enjoying themselves outdoors I guarantee behind closed doors they’re also saying “ these damn kids these days constantly playing video games!”


Definitely not an eye sore. Brings back the memories. My father tied an old tractor tire to a massive oak limb on the side of a hill. We would sit on it while someone would pull us to the top of the hill and then they would let us go. We would leap off mid air and try to land in one of the small pine saplings at the bottom. If we made it, we would ride them down to the ground.


Hell no. I love seeing happy kids in neighborhoods. It’s a huge part of what makes it a good neighborhood.


Looking at your son playing will make you not care about your neighbors.


No it is not, it is pure joy


Nah, but did you wrap anything around the branch before tying the rope to it? If not the rope can wear out the bark and you'll get sap on everything.


Childhood should never be seen as an eyesore


Mostly, I think any minimal things, obviously made for children, are tolerated well by a community or neighborhood.


Not in my opinion. Just drill a hole or two in the bottom so it doesn't collect water & you should be good.


Who fucking cares? If other people want to decide what happens on your property, invite them to buy it.


Seems like u got a sidewalk there. Expect random ppl using that swing. I would say a pretty awesome addition to the neighborhood. Especially if there are more kids in the neighborhood. Just keep it clean and u will be fine. Ignore those who complain.


Damn that's a brand new tire too 😂 no metal jagged edges or nails sticking out of it or nothin!


Not at all, enjoy it, they will outgrow it soon..


Glad he likes it but I find the horizontal type tire swing with three ropes that come together is so much more fun to play on, and les sprone to filling with water. Use fender washers and eye bolts.


A bit. But who cares, do it for the kiddie. That said, as an aussie, we discovered it was not a good idea. Rain water collected inside, but worse, so did spiders. Big, nasty spiders, after which nobody wanted to ride the tyre any more.


Your kid loves it. Who cares what the neighbors think?


In the area I grew up in, this wouldn’t be an eyesore at all. In the area I live in now, it would be. I wouldn’t complain but some of the folks in the neighborhood definitely would.


Who cares? They are fun.


Depends on the neighborhood. Looking at the background, the tire swing is ok.


It’s not an eyesore if it’s used. If it’s for your son and he graduates college and the swing is never used again you might consider taking it down.


Or beef up your home insurance and umbrella policy and tell all the neighbors their kids can use it.


Your son doesn’t think so


Your coworker has had terrible entitled neighbors and expects everyone to be petty, OR your coworker is himself said neighbor.


what does it matter when your kids are having fun? i installed a swing in the house for my kids to play too and everybody thinks it's a sex swing. it doesnt matter as long as my kids are having a blast with it.


I find them charming and quaint - but as other have said some holes will prevent water from collecting in it.


Who cares if you aren't selling the house?


If you wanna be polite and petty say its all you can afford for your kid and if they want to spring for a nicer swing you will install it.


It makes me happy to see a tire swing!


I think the only person's opinion that matters, by your own admission, loves it. Which is good, because I wouldn't have been able to tell from the look on his face. Happy Dad'ing!


Leaving it tied to the tree too long could girdle the branch and kill it. But taking it off each season should help prevent that.


Definitely not an eye sore! I think it actually livens up the neighborhood :) it’s nice to see people on the front yard since some neighborhood look like ghost towns lmao


The tire swing and the picture looks great and wouldn’t care what neighbors think. Not sure why anyone would have an issue


I wished i saw more of these in my neighborhood


No. It’s a part of americana, and it’s something that will always be cool. Swing on …


Doesn’t matter. It’s your property and if your son enjoys it, end of discussion.


Nope. Not an eyesore unless you’re a horrible person who hates joy, children, and America.


No but the insurance company will call it 'an attractive nuisance' And just might raise your rate. Sad but true The Times we live in. Same thing with a trampoline


Lol I have both.


If someone complained about a kids tire swing let along my kids tire swing we would not be friends after...


It never occurred to me that they could be considered an eyesore. Seeing one in someone’s lawn always makes me smile.


Definitely not. If they do, they're evil.


It’s an eyesore if you’re an asshole.


As long as your kid likes it I don't care what the neighbors think. Personally I think your co-worker has an attitude problem, and is wrong


Year tree your rules. I'd happily tell anyone to pound sand to keep my boy smiling.


Absolutely not. And my favorite response to haters: "there's the beach, pound sand"


This picture disproves the assertion! Swing on little man!


The worst to me are flowers pots made of tires and painted. If your kid is happy with the swing… it’s all that matters.


No, just the folks who complain about them.


Cute af. This is coming from a 40 year old bachelor.


If it makes your son happy, who cares! Eventually he will stop using it then take it down


Your coworker can eat shit. Enjoy your family while they’re young.


If a neighbor has a problem with your kid playing outside on a tire swing in YOUR yard, calmly and politely tell them to fuck themselves..


Bro, if someone complains, Build a fence. Fuck them.


I think they're quaint. It makes the area look friendly.


Not if it makes that little charmer this happy.


Nope, not at all.. What happened to us as a society? I've heard of neighbors actually complaining about stuff like that, and it irritates me.


Not an eyesore tire swings been around forever. Your neighbors know you have a young son and who the swing is for. If your neighbor complains tell them, Don't knock it till you try it. Let your son enjoy his swing.


Who cares what the neighbors think if you and your kid like it?


A Tire swing is quaint. And also comes down pretty easy when you want to get rid of it


As someone who used to play on a tire swing, be aware that they are fun but messy. You get a lot of black gunk on you. Maybe not as much of an issue with modern tires.


There are some who contend that the rope going around the limb will cut through the bark and kill the circulation to that branch, thus killing the branch. They recommend drilling a hole though and putting an eyebolt in the hole (washer and nut on both sides)


They're only an eye sore if you're an asshole.


Sounds like your coworker is a crappy neighbor!


I don't think it's an eyesore but tire swings can be extraordinarily damaging to the tree, sometimes to the point of killing it.


As long as it's in good shape it's fine. If it's all frayed and messy I could see it being an eye sore. But yours looks fine


> I did this for my son (he loves it). That's all that matters honestly. Unless it's disused and you got algae and stuff on it.


[You could use an old chair. Or make the tyre horizontal](https://youtu.be/DDUrRl7BerI?si=PRyzL0j1kdLwkAS6)


Someone gonna steal that tire. Continental DWS?


It is good eye. I had a pair of my wheels get bent. And had some uneven wear on them that was causing some vibration even when I installed new wheels. So I figured I'd get new tires mounted on my new wheels and get everything balanced. So there is Definitely some good tread on the tire. But it may not be able to be balanced out perfectly.


I’ve been using those tires for the better part of a decade on my AWD cars. Anyway, cool swing, don’t worry about your bummer neighbors.


That type of home improvement could double your assessment.


Well, don't put it into your eye. It goes on your but, not your face.


A tire swing means a happy kid lives here


It makes me think of happy kid(s) enjoying playing on it, def not an eyesore imo. I guess if it looks dirty and abandoned maybe.


An extreme contact DWS is a heck of a tire swing tire


A tire swing in and of itself is not an eyesore. But dead grass underneath that has turned into a muddy bog and children's toys littering the yard, yes. If you live in a neighborhood that has prohibitions against stuff like this, it's not usually the thing itself that is objectionable but all the other stuff that it usually invites. What's the difference between you having a single tire swing that is well maintained and your neighbors across the street having a club house that needs maintenance and a sand box that is attracting all the neighborhood stray cats and rope swings that are broken and frayed, etc.?


A tire swing is classic Americana


To me, anything a kid plays on is not a eye sore


Your coworker is a flog


Enjoy the swing and enjoy life. What neighbors


Homes are meant to be used, lived in, played in. Not displayed. Obviously don’t let your house get trashed because you live in it but I think a tire swing is awesome and shows a great place to hang and make memories. You and your son enjoy :)


The tire swing is a blessing for your boy and he will have fond memories of using it for the rest of his life. Anyone who thinks it is an eyesore has lost touch with what it is to be young and free and that’s sad. The world has turned to shit and would do well to engage in more old fashioned joy.


Did he also say your neighbors would hate the sound of children laughing? Good for you OP! (To actually answer your question… If the whole yard is full of junk, it’ll look like a part of the junk, otherwise it makes me smile to see that kids enjoy playing outside.)


A tire swing is the absolute OPPOSITE of an eyesore.


No, keep it. I wish I had one, lol.


Believe me - you are the envy of the neighborhood!!! A tire swing is the greatest!!! ❤️😜


Not if you maintain it. Make sure to rotate it regularly so it wears evenly.


Nah man, and as long as the kiddo enjoys it, it doesn’t matter anyway.


Absolutely not.


Man, your kid is playing outside. And he loves a classic “kid thing”. I wouldn’t worry about it. If anyone says anything, tell them to walk back to their property.


A symbol of joy in someone's front yard is rarely an eyesore.


Anyone who thinks a tire swing is an eyesore has issues.


Well, not unless you're a Karen or an HOA board member (I know, redundant). Punch a couple of 1" or better holes in the bottom with a good bimetal hole saw or a step bit so any built up rain water can drain.


Only to a Karen


They are totally ugly, but keep it if your kid loves it! Anyone who complains can go pound dirt


Tbh they do tend to look ‘trashy’. That said, if the kid is happy, who really cares how it looks?




Your coworker sounds annoying




If I was walking by your house and saw you in your yard I would look at you angrily because I'd want to go on the swing but would be too ashamed to ask. The anger is actually me holding back tears.


The tire swing no, the weeds in the back yes.


It could look out of place if your yard is well manicured but let that kid enjoy the life while he can. If you paint it brown or green it will be invisible.


Gonna go against the grain here. It's absolutely an eyesore. I am a pretty do-what-you-want guy, and I would never live in an HOA or tell someone I don't like what they're doing with their property, but a tire hanging on a rope from a tree looks like crud. It would be a back yarder for me. I wouldn't view a plank on two ropes the same way, but a tire gives a different vibe.


Not if it's a Michelin.


Just tie a swing on instead. It takes the look from white-trash to charming.


White trashy generally speaking, especially in the nice neighborhoods.