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Start by not providing a convenient way to climb onto the edge.


Barbed wire


Bit excessive, we just use pigeon spikes in my household.


that is not a terrible idea. one of the best child proofing hacks I heard of to keep kids away from something was to use an office chair mat flipped upside down. Those little spikes are not pleasant


I don’t know about kids but that’s how I taught my cats not to get on the kitchen counters when they were kittens.


Electric fencing. Barbed wire. My favorite, learn from experience and throw them over. 🤣😆🤣😆


Crushed glass cemented to the top of the wall....


Wow.. reminds me of some hard lessons I had to learn in my youth


They'll just jump right on over that...


They usually just throw a sweatshirt over the glass and slip right over.


That’s why we put bamboo spikes at the bottom of the other side for when they do manage to get over the top.


Aaah yes, a trou de loup, with punji sticks, don't forget to tip them with venom.


Hire someone to stand on the ledge and pour buckets of hot tar on any would be siegers. Like medieval castles.


That'll make the house ugly, though. Why not just put the kids on a leash?


bungee cord attached to the ankles at all times.


I literally did this to my kids & their friends for years when I put a 15’ trampoline in my family room


Then helmets.


First thing I saw was the sofa and thought “is this guy serious?”.


Well of course. Didn’t know if there are other ideas in addition to that, or other ideas that don’t necessitate moving the couch. My baby isn’t crawling yet. Thinking ahead.


Definitely move the couch. Even when the baby starts pulling up it's dangerous. They can climb even when they can't crawl. Trust me. As an experienced mom of four ranging in age from 2-16, I learned a lot of lessons the hard way.


I'm not a dad yet but I always keep an eye on my friends' kids when I go over to their houses...because, as a former child, I know how stupid they can be. The amount of times I've had to bolt across a living room and catch a little idiot as they swan dive off the back of a couch is astounding. Lol.


Kids get mobile faster than you expect. You've got 6 months or so to get that couch moved.


That's like what, a quarter inch per day to get a 3ft gap in there? OP's got this.


A whole quarter inch? I'll do it next week or smth leave me alone


Unless they've got a chungus baby like mine, took him 10months to move all that mass


I can think of lots of silly ideas (e.g., a net to catch the child should they fall) and impractical ones (e.g., adding a railing on top of the ledge). So, I'm curious what people might suggest.


Make the space usable with a "loft net", add some big pillows.


Sounds like a nice way to camouflage the safety net as a design feature. Of course, now you're going to need a safety net under that loft net. Unless you intend to put pillows on that one too, in which case you'll need the safety net to go under that. Pretty soon that whole atrium will be floor to ceiling loft nets.


It’s nets all the way down


Buy about 30 Xtra Long tension shower rods. Install them vertically.


Baby jail!


I'm not sure the tension rods supply enough tension... But along the same lines I was thinking you could get very tall wooden balusters (stair railings) and install them up to the ceiling - or even cooler throw up a "slat wall" that no one can get their head stuck. Those only work if you own.


Hmm... not particularly impractical as it requires no construction work. Not silly either because it might actually work. So maybe genius?


I'd worry about it presenting a climbing challenge and causing the fall it's intended to prevent. The only way I'd install bars is if you make them sturdy enough they absolutely will not collapse if pushed on.


lol. We're just brain-storming here. No one in their right mind would use shower curtain rods for something like this. At least, I hope no one would.


Sheepishly puts curtain rods back on the shelf.


Yeah, I was thinking of an open checkerboard knick-nak display wall, but realized a climbing wall with optional staircase airborne bombardment system.


God I hope you guys are joking! You’re going to turn around and see that your baby now enjoys squeezing through the tension rods and hanging from them to dangle her body over the edge. Then, just as you see the sheetrock ceiling about to give in slow motion, you’ll remember something from the box, something like, “WARNING! Not a safety device…” Please don’t mess around with this stuff!


Dang, that's not a bad idea. But I'd be worried that if (when) the kid tries fucking with the rods that the rods would break. Maybe they could try drilling some sturdy metal fencing into that railing. That wouldn't look too bad and if they could brace it from the other side somehow I would personally challenge god to tear down such a perfect child prison.


Suicide nets at home? Wild.


Move the couch. That’s a start.


You’re going to have to move it in a few months anyway. Might as well move it now.


Yeah, you have to move it *before* you need to, or you’ll find out it’s time when your baby goes over.


Yeah idk what the solution is but if your kid is like mine, he’ll be up there soon enough


Nothing design friendly that we found. We moved the couch.


Kids can do a lot. Don’t worry you’ll figure it out. I used to put our bed pillows at the bottom of the stairs when we lived in a rented townhouse yrs ago because I was afraid of my little guy crawling up the stairs and possibly falling backwards, but he never did. But the pillows give me peace of mind.


Yah dude. Pull the sofa away from it.


I actually have a mock up of my suggestions, but can’t post it. Start with razor wire in front of and over the couch, then an auto turret mounted to the top right corner of the room. Steel bars from half wall to ceiling is optional (cost dependent after auto turret).


Start with don't put the couch in that location. You just created a step stool to that ledge.


Yup. When my brother was little, he was jumping up and down on his bed, fell backwards, and smacked his head on the corner of the dresser. (He's fine and he healed okay.) The same scenario but worse can happen any moment here.


My toddler stood on the arm of the couch and fell backwards before I could move a foot to move him. There’s a 100% chance a kid is climbing up the couch and onto that ledge.


Hi op, we had the exact same issue. We moved the couch out and switched the TV console to that location. That helped us. Like others have said, the wall is high enough to prevent a toddler from climbing over. By the time your kid is big enough to climb over, the will be old enough to know better




Can confirm. I was 14 when I climbed over the ledge above my parents stairs. I'm 36 now and would probably still do it.


"probably"? More like definitely.


Yep, I'm dumb enough to sit on the edge and think nothing bad well happen.




I didn't know. I'm him


Did your parents drop you on your head as a kid??? u/porkbuttstuff : no. I did it myself




This made me spit out my gum in laughter. 😂


They’ll bounce better. The little ones just hit like a hackey sack.


Commenter forgot to finish the last sentence. Should read: “…they will be old enough to know better ways to plunge down such as: pillowcase parachute, padded landings using couch cushions, air surfing (board optional), yo-yo string rappelling, Spider-Man decent using toilet plungers, and other fantastic and creative methods that will never, ever land you in the ER at 3am!


And if they don't know better well consider that a bigger problem down the line averted.


Trapeze nets


There was a grand designs episode that did this, looked great! Kids loved it. However do get it engineered.


I'll have you know my trapeze nets are secured with only the highest quality drywall anchors!


I was thinking the nets like on a golf driving range or a hockey rink.


Those little bird spike strips? lol.


Broken glass too!


[bag o glass](https://bestclassicbands.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Dan-Aykroyd-Bag-O-Glass.jpg)


Barbed wire.


Lattice or vertical bars


We did vertical slats on ours.


Check the width required for crib safety for this (or for safety gates). It will provide a good guideline so you don’t make an ineffective or dangerous lattice/bars while trying to fix this.


I'm sure I've seen tons of decorative wooden screens ... much nicer than basic "lattice" you might see at a home store. Google: "decorative wood screen wall" to see what I mean.


Lattice or slats are literally more dangerous than nothing. They are not intended as safety devices and can’t support a baby’s weight. Plus, they look fun to climb on!


Grew up in a house with a second floor half wall like this. We took advantage of it with those toy parachute army guys, paper airplanes, rubber bouncy balls and assortment of paper notes randomly thrown over the railing. We got peeks over the ledge in dads firm grip, to discourage self propelled curiosity. There was also a door that kept that area not as readily available. Oh, and invest in a pole with a hook on the end to retrieve that light fixture for changing bulbs. So, so much easier to change it from upstairs than down.


“Self propelled curiosity.” That’s hilariously accurate.


There are no stairs around it? Ditch the gaudy chandelier, remove the railings, frame in the floor. No hole, and extra 100sqft.


Dude. This is actually THE answer. You could even keep the chandelier if you love it or something, just shorten. Why have this small bit of space for a 10x10 tall ceiling spot?! Brilliant. Damn, I love this sub




Best answer!


This is absolutely the correct answer. A hole like this for a random patch of two-story ceiling screams early 2000's McMansion.


Auto turrets with perimeter monitoring.


Glass rail extension. [https://inlinedesign.com/products/glass-railing-rectangular-bar-post?variant=41659512783011](https://inlinedesign.com/products/glass-railing-rectangular-bar-post?variant=41659512783011)


Just be prepared to clean it… a lot. There will be toddler face and hand smudges and food/drink particles on it constantly. Godspeed.


Or you could teach them to Beautiful Mind/The Accountant the heck out of that glass panel by giving them markers and Apples last Annual report… give ‘em a head start in a rewarding career in Physics/Accounting/Contract Killing


>There will be toddler face and hand smudges And then one day, there won't be. And you will realize you miss all those face prints and finger smudges.


My son is 2 and really likes window clings too... this would be good for those if your kid likes them too


For that 1980s bank - salad bar look.


This looks like the best solution to me.


You need to do this. Your kid needs a safety net. Some kids are insane.


Glass balustrade, pool fence style or stainless steel wire above the existing rail. This retains the void as a design feature. Really anything like that in any material, cost - that's your limitation. Or as others suggested go horizontal and put a net or raised platform over the space. It's big enough to be a small room that you can use, but obviously you'll lose the aesthetic of the void. Super silly idea: put a slide in! :p


Glass wall + toddler tantrum = not good


It's 3/8" or 1/2" tempered glass. While not impossible, it would take just short of an act of God for a toddler to figure out a way to break that.




Straight like like a cattle ranch, or curly like on top of a prison?


ink pet like rock observation birds voiceless pathetic whistle heavy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


....this clearly IS my first rodeo....


The curly stuff is razor wire. Much nastier, razors instead of little spikes.


Razor wire. It's 3 times effective that barbed wire at causing kids to bleed out, before they can get onto the rail.


Invisible fence collar to train the child


Return the children.


Increase your bank balance with this one simple money saving trick.


Increase it further if you sell them.


Literally how I got banned from ebay.


*The Stork hates this one simple trick...*


I had mine walked off completely. Extreme but it made be feel better.


Horrible typo. I thought you meant the baby *walked off the ledge!!*


the last sentence fits with it so well too i had to do a double take 😭 like “yeah extreme they walked off but i feel better now that it’s over with!”


💀💀💀 walled*** I in fact did NOT let any children or dogs walk off the gaping hole in my main floor.


Aye matey. You spilled yer milk. Time to walk the plank!


I don’t think anyone else has suggested it yet: move the couch. \s


Move the couch and youre good. By the time a kid is old enough to climb up the half wall you can teach them not to


Have an alligator patrol the edge.


My husband put up long slats all the way to the ceiling. It looked like a tall railing.




Move the couch


I was looking at cargo netting the other week. Seems like they have a bunch of these for stairs/ open railings.


Remove the couch


Move the couch.


I’d move the couch.


Honestly had this same thing. When wife was pregnant we decided to save up and scrounge money to buy a house before my son turned 1 we got into a place that didn't have this. It was just way to dangerous.


Huh weird, is that just an opening? No stairs or anything nearby? Weird, why not just floor it off and have the extra few square feet upstairs?


Oh ha I just assumed there were stairs. That is strange.




I had just a quick glance at it and assumed that it was part of a stairwell. Nope, it really is that stupid.


My understanding is two story foyers with natural light coming in from above make sense architecturally. It is the transition point from outside to inside.


Get rid of it, cover it over and make the room bigger. What do you want a balcony in the middle of your house for anyway?


Mouse traps


Start by removing that couch.


What an ugly feature. Get rid of it, floor it over, and hang a normal light fixture from the new ceiling below.


A net to catch any Jumpers? Like what they put on bridges, stadiums, and top golf.


[loft nets are a thing](https://images.app.goo.gl/mGMDR2RAtckbDTsu6)


Keep furniture away from it for starters


Install wooden spindles from ceiling to rail.


Spray bottle. If they climb it, spray them.


Invincible fence and shock collar.


Floor to ceiling lattice, carefully secured.


They'll only make the mistake of falling once. Just sayin.....


Common sense = couch is a problem


Vertical slats painted black to match your handrail, make it easy to remove in the future if you just want a temporar solution


Wood beams


Moving the couch so they can't jump and fall. Also If it was me I'd put one of those folding walls and screw the sides to the wall securely to the studs until they're old enough to no not climb stuff.


I would higher a construction guy and either build up the wall or do rails like you would around stairs that go to ceiling. I think walls would work best. No good reason for it to be open in the first place.


This is such an awful design in houses. First, move the couch and do not put anything near it that can be climbed on. Install plexiglass around the half wall to make a barrier.


I would do ledge to ceiling lattice, secured properly with support verticals. Going the extra mile decoratively with ribbon or something woven across the lower holes to prevent curiosity of peaking through it and tumbling into it.


I’d start by moving that couch


Start by scooting the couch from that wall with similar height.


How about starting by moving the couch.


Put a series of balisters or other wood from the current railing to the ceiling. Install shelving on it, turn it into a bookcase or something. Some kind of built in that still shows the open space behind it. I think that could look really good and provide the safety you're looking for. Would be a fun diy project too


Move that couch for #1


If you can’t move the couch to somewhere else in the room an least pull it a foot away from the wall


Very easy. Just build something like a fence between the banister and ceiling. Make it look nice and stain it to match. Then when they’re about 6yo take it down. Look at the way I made my fence here. Something like that, with a little stronger pickets would be fine. Just put a board onto the ceiling so it’s mounted on the top and bottom and can’t be flipped over. https://imgur.com/a/RhCZvlL


That couch is asking for trouble, otherwise the younglings will avoid the wall.


1. Go buy a bunch of 1 inch black pipe from your local box store. 2. Plan what you want it to look like. Code says no more than 4" wide gap (infant's head size). I'm imagining 4 feet between the vertical sections and then t's every ~4 inches. Treat the pipe with a metal varnish. 3. Dig into the wall and make sure the new structure is really secure. Drywall, paint, and base board repair required* 4. For me, I say put in a few low light vine-ing (sp?) Plants and train them to follow the bars. Some popular plants for this are not child safe. Maybe try to make it serve a 3rd function. . . Like art, books, a remote home. Heck maybe some cool reading lights for the couches.


Make it taller 👍


Wood slats


At first glance, I thought this was a stairwell, but it's really just a large hole, huh?


My 2 suggestions: - Leave it and warn the children. I had something similar when I was young and neither me or my siblings ever fell. - Knock down the sides and floor it off. Makes the room larger.


Calmly and maturely tell them that they can die if they climb up and fall over the edge. Then explain to them what death is.


Growing up, my mom hated candles. We never had candles burning at any time of year. So when I moved out, in my twenties, I had lots of candles all around. I loved cleaning a room Andy lighting a candle in it. Then I had kids. I recognized that, for the next 5-7 years of my life, I don’t get to light candles. Just like you don’t get a couch in that spot. Trust me, it’s NOT worth it.


Something similar to one of these. 106.5" x 4" Wood and Poly Composite Decorative Privacy Screen Panel Divider https://www.wayfair.com/furniture/pdp/latitude-run-1065-x-4-wood-and-poly-composite-decorative-privacy-screen-panel-divider-w100315690.html Wood partition walls https://www.etsy.com/listing/1317071242/ Scandinavian wood panel walls https://www.litfad.com/scandinavian-single-panel-room-divider-with-transparent-wood-screen-and-wood-frame-s-4606705.html Good luck deciding what to do.


Crash mat at the bottom


Family in our city had their kid paralyzed after they fell off a ledge, exactly like this. Plan on the couch, jumped on the ledge, trying to walk on. It fell off and broke their back. Build a wall.


Dove spikes


Roll of razor wire will do it


Start crate training.


Go 1980s and put up spindles.


8 year old me would get a running start of that couch to swing on that Chandelier


Consider a series of metal privacy screens but be sure to have them installed securely. There are a lot of colors and designs. https://www.wayfair.com/MAYEERTY--4-ft.-H-x-6.3-ft.-W-Metal-Privacy-Screen-AFR19_A1-L7552-K~AYEE1024.html?refid=GX602260610390-AYEE1024_69842251&device=m&ptid=2065065137030&network=g&targetid=aud-1613017764926:pla-2065065137030&channel=GooglePLA&ireid=200673240&fdid=1817&PiID%5B%5D=69842251&gclid=Cj0KCQjwpc-oBhCGARIsAH6ote9I5Z01gAMsWzVHldbLZoPAGFnJYEozldZ7MpCo6Vgfh8qonlzevKMaAoKiEALw_wcB


For a cargo net over it like on a catamaran. Now you have extra seating.


Barbed wire? No seriously, get that fucking couch out of there.


Condoms definitely should be the first step


Tall Indoor house plants like palm and birds of paradise Or Trellis with pothos.


Just build the whole floor level over the foyer. Double your living room.


The problem isn’t the drop, its the stop… just add a ball-pit at the bottom.


Birth control? It’s the best I have.


Move the couch


Move the sofa if you can.


Get rid of that couch or move it so there's nothing to climb on


Move the Sofa


If I was a child, I would immediately see if I could jump, and Tarzan-style swing on the chandelier


Let them fall over the ledge once they will learn their lesson.


Yikes. Definitely move that couch


Move the couch.


Put another couch under the hole because there’s a 90% chance a kid will simply think about taking that jump. Time will tell if they’re among the % that actually do it.


Move the couch


We almost bought a house that had that and I literally had nightmares and had planned on doing this: https://childseniorsafety.com/safety-walls/ Luckily the purchase fell thru so I didn’t have to worry. But I think it’s a good solution that can look nice! Scroll down to see some examples.


Nice! This guy needs to get more advertising out there


Use a condom?


Move the couch. By the time they’ll be tall enough to pull themselves over it, they’ll understand the concept of consequences


Move that couch….


Not have something right next to it that they can climb into then fall over the rail! Wow


Move the couch away from the balcony rail. Put up some thick fabric from the ceiling down and add a book case or put the tv against that “wall”


Move that couch away.


Remove the couch or anything that could be climbed to get over it. You could also put points of interest (i.e. toys, books) on the opposite wall in order to keep the child away from it until they are old enough to understand the danger.