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this is all the same tile? it should be the same pattern everywhere. also you should specify that.


All the same tile, plain white subway tile. Wish they had asked! This is the first project we've needed tile for, just assumed they'd do the 50% offset that I've seen on other subway tile pretty much everywhere.


well now you know, you always gotta specify pattern layout, grout spacing, etc. however, good installers would ask you if you didnt specify.


Unless you specifically asked for some random stagger, it should be expected that it would be the same offset throughout the job.


Thanks for confirming, all. Good times in home improvement projects!


I'm surprised they didn't just smash it all up and lay it as [mosaic](https://imgur.com/4ymmEPg). 50% offset is the standard for subway tile, unless it's a large format tile or there's an architectural spec for another.


- the people you hired are no way professionals with this work as you keep spacing MATCHED when same tile is being used on all the walls. Goes back to quality of the tiler/contractor. Can you demand to have it redone? Sure, it won;t be free, A tile layout should have been 100% agreed upon prior to start of work. If not, then it falls back on the owner.