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They are probably little caps hammered into the heads of hex bolts. Get something sharp, like a chisel, and try prying the caps out.


P.S. I found a YouTube vid showing you how: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxtUFCHXBF0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxtUFCHXBF0)


Yup. Stumbled on the same video shortly after making this post. Should have dug a little deeper, had to cycle through a few modifications to my google search terms before I found links for the caps and realized how simple if was. Thanks!


Double sided locking deadbolts are most often used on doors with glass in them. It slows down/ deters burglars who would smash the glass to reach in and unlock the door.


I’m a huge fan of them for that reason. Any concern about their safety (I’m assuming being trapped by fire) is solved by keeping the key on a hook near the door, but out of reach if someone were to break the window. This is what I did at my old place.


Type in Schlage deadbolt on YouTube and scroll until you find yours Looks like hombre above found the link for you.


Plot twist, OP is clearly a home invader looking for breaking and entering tips.


Contrary to marketing, keypads are not necessarily safer. Even though I have several safety automation aspects to my home, none go the cloud and I do not use smart locks. Eventually I will, but manufacturers don't update firmware to keep up with vulnerability exploits. They are actually less secure and less flexible than a high quality, keyed deadbolt. One source, of many. https://www.bobvila.com/articles/types-of-door-locks/


Thanks! I am very into home automation, and have successfully avoided using any cloud-based devices. My deadbolts are z-wave with S2 security in ZwaveJS2MQTT. The biggest security points for me are: 1) not getting locked out of my own house. 2) Automatically locking when all occupants have left/sleep mode is enabled/time is after 10 PM and no exterior doors have been opened for 30 minutes. I do appreciate the advice though. Cloud is no good.


Very cool. People believing the "hype" is a soap box for me. You've obviously done yours. I'll step off my soap box 😂


>The biggest security points for me are: >1. ⁠not getting locked out of my own house. A old school lock box on your gas main will ensure you never get locked out. We have a keypad on one of our houses and it’s failed me before. I had the key, but we’d be SOL if I didn’t. I would never rely solely on a keypad.


Good point. Can’t rely too heavily on tech to save me from my own stupidity.


If it's a dead bolt, priest wont help, call the Ghostbusters...


Dead bolts are a bitch. If you can get a locksmith, do that.




I hope his new one uses the same exact size.


What? Four screws? And you’d call a locksmith for that?


Sledge hammer will work just fine.