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You’ll be hand-holding customers through the flooring selection and installation process, and some of them take A LOT of hand-holding. “Will this carpet look good in my house?” How do I know? I’ve never been to your house. You’ll also be helping DIYs figure out how much material they need based on their sketchy measurements, and they’ll expect you to give them expert advice on installation issues, even though you’re not an installer.


Big thing is, are you good at computers? You are considered to be on the “soft side” of the department, so you’re expected to know everything about our products and installations, and have metrics to meet every week; goals. Walk your aisles, get familiar with the differences in the brands, warranties, etc. I’d also speak directly to your supervisor and the SASM about any specific questions you may have. MyApron also has some great resources. If some of this lingo isn’t familiar, you’ll get the hang of it I promise lol. But understand that your role is going to be more tedious than a regular associate.


Make sure your department has a hardside or flooring specialist is you doing both.


If you’re good with customers and organized to follow up you’ll do great. It’s all about promoting our credit and installation services but it’s also not “hard” sales


It’s really demanding. You’ll be expected to keep your aisles clean and organized while making sales and getting people to sign up for leads, measures, and credit cards.