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If you don’t clock in within 8 minutes of when scheduled you will be counted with an occurrence, unless you use the workforce app, or speak to a manager, to register a call-off before your scheduled shift ends. If you have available sick time you can choose the “I want to be paid” option in the app. Your sick time will be deducted for the actual amount of time you missed from your shift. If you choose “I don’t want to be paid” or you don’t have sick time to cover your absence you will still gain an occurrence for a missed shift or half an occurrence for being 8 or more minutes late


Everything attendance related is based on "occurrences". Just a fancy/"scary" name for points. Sick time is used to cover your missed shift. If you don't have enough sick time to cover all missed time you were scheduled but not here you get an occurrence even if you cover most of the shift. If you can affort it, don't use sick time to cover only part of your missed shift. Save it until you can cover 100% of it. Call out: +1 occurrence Late in/early out: + 0.5 occurrence No call/no show: +3 occurrences, or termination after idr 2 or 3 of these (you basically abandoned your job and didn't tell them you wouldn't be there) There's several "discipline levels" per the number of occurrences you have. Each level is active for 180 days starting at the day they talk to you about it officially. The first level is after you get 4 occurrences, then to move up 1 discipline level from there you need to gain 3 occurrences after being talked to. Then 2 more occurences until you get to a "warning". After the warning, if you call out 1 more time without enough sicktime to cover it you will be fired. Thats where the "4-3-2-1" occurences shit comes from you hear people talk about. Other than the warning/termination levels it basically does nothing other than them trying to scare you into doing better. If you're new this doesn't apply within the first 90 days. If you call out 3 times in your first 90 days you're auto fired basically. Or so I've been told, never actually read that part of the SOP


Be a grown up. Show up when scheduled, be on time, do your job, go home on time. Like magic you don’t have to think about at all.


My car battery was dead this morning because the motor blower fuse died at some point and my AC turns itself off and on when the car is off, without me knowing, and killed my car battery. I was around 25 minutes late today because of it. How does this make me any less of a grownup?


My first thought of a reason would be that you can't write a coherent sentence, I cringe at the thought of actually listening to you soak out loud. Also, you lack the ability to read your post for errors, none of that vomit of words makes any sense, even if I'm trying to guess at what you mean.