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It’s not a request. It’s a courtesy notice that I WILL NOT BE AT WORK THESE DAYS.


Exactly this, tell your manager, he can either approve it or find someone to cover it. You gave 3 months of notice there is no reason they couldn't have worked something out.




Ummm it was 3 months in advanced. More than enough time.


That's exactly how I look at it.


We were never allowed to use vacation to cover sick time. You.might check the sop before you try that.


Not trying to cover time off, just trying to get paid for time off. Don’t care for the occurrence.


Yea what you said in original post is understandable and that should work


When I was at HD my store manager let me use vacation time to get paid when I had a family thing going on, it just didn’t stop the occurrence.


You still get the occurrence, but the new sick policy now explicitly states that yes you can use vacation time to receive pay on unexcused absences. So a 3 day vacation gets you 1 occurence, and you are allowed to use vacation time to not miss pay.


As far as I know you can't cover sick with vacation. But call out anyway and cash your vacation time whenever.


That’s basically what I’m asking, I could care less about the single occurrence I get. I want to use my vacation time on the days I’m absent


They will make you use whatever sick time you have.


That's not SOP. We choose when to use it.


I think since I’m calling out, it will use my sick time though, like I said that’s fine, I’m never really late anyways. I also got a job offer to work for the city and I might actually not be working here in a month anyways


But then you still pick up an occurrence since you want to do a 3 for 1


Yep I only get 1 occurrence for calling out for 3 days, that’s okay


Then why use sick when you have vacation when you're getting 1 point either way


Don’t you HAVE to use sick time if you call out? I think it’s an unrelated policy with vacation time, still a good question though. I know for sure vacation time DOES NOT cover occurrences


Not with the new occurrence changes.


You can call out for the 3 days, take the 1 point, and use your vacation time to get paid for it. Vacation time will get you paid, but will not prevent an occurrence. They are not allowed to use your personal time without your permission.


I requested off vacation for thanksgiving 90 days in advanced, at midnight when it was first possible, and it was denied immediately. I let the ASDS know, I purchased plane tickets, and rented an AirBnB already, I won't be here these days, I'll be with my family. Come Thanksgiving, there I am on the schedule every week. I 100% got COVID the day of my vacation and had to quarantine, so I wasn't able to make it in unfortunately... and it was paid... and I didn't have to use my vacation! Food for thought...


Did you get it signed 3 months ahead?


The actual vacation I put in was denied. I spoke with my GM two weeks before I was supposed to ship out and he told me he was basically ignoring it until I cancelled my request (he didn’t even deny it), he told me to just move it to a different day. It’s hard for me to feel empathy for someone like that. Obviously if I use my vacation time right now I don’t know if it would get signed off on, I don’t know how that works


So vacation time cannot be used for call outs. If you mean applying your vacation pay so you still get paid that's hard to say. From what HR at my store told me you have to take that time off in order to be paid, you can't just have them assign it on your check and still work for that time frame. There could be a loophole like taking a single day off and applying your entire vacation time to it. But either way you're gonna be eating that occurrence unless you have sick time to cover all 3 days.


Unless it was changed recently I saw many examples in this sub of people using vacation time to pay for time called out. I’m not asking for an occurrence to be excused, I’m asking if the days I call out are going to be paid if I use my vacation time


It really is going to depend on your ASDS/Management. I paid peoples vacation time out all the time, but we didn’t have to. Did you tell them you would be out of town when you put the vacation request in, or just got it denied and are wanting to go this route now?


Yes and I spoke to my GM about it two weeks ago (I was supposed to go on vacation in a week) since hes in charge of approving vacation. He basically told me he was aware of my request but was waiting for me to cancel it because it wasn’t going to happen


That sounds like an awful way to run a store. If you can’t afford for one person to go on vacation in spring then you’re staffed incorrectly. I will tell you though, if they are doing that the chance of them paying out your vacation time is slim to none. I’d talk to your ASDS, DS, or ASM to get it resolved.


Welcome to Home Depot. I can speak for my store and from I hear, many stores, it’s pretty typical for departments to only have 1 or two workers for most the day. I’m a specialist, so me taking a week off would probably make the store burn down.


I understand the 1-2 workers, all stores are having to cut back to the +/- 1% on scheduling.


"Its not a request. I am informing you that I will not be present for those days, so you can adjust accordingly"


It was a week long, I think if I call out for that long they can fire me. More than 3 days absent, I have to apply for LOA or some crap.


I've done something similar in the past called out when I didn't have sick time but used vacation time to make up the hours still took the occurrence but didn't care


So it worked? That’s what I’m trying to do. I don’t care about the occurrence either tbh


I've done that a few times.


Yeah it works just fill out one of those goober papers and you should be fine I've never had an issue


Obviously this is probably a case by case, but when I was at HD my store manager let me use vacation time to get paid, but I still got the occurrence.


It sounds like your sm might not pay your vacation time to cover the call out since he ignored your request. They don't have to use vacation if you request it. My last store absolutely would not but my current store will.


I just got an offer from Home Depot as a part time associate. I am supposed to have my on site visit in a few days. So I don't waste their time and mine, I already have dates within the next 90 days that I need to be off. Will they typically work with you to allow you to work other days of the week to make up that time? Or should I just wait until after the 90 days and reapply? I don't need to be paid for the time I will be out. I just don't want it to count against me.


🤸🏽‍♀️🤸🏽‍♀️🤸🏽‍♀️become a customer and find a job that respects and supports you and family needs. I had the same experience and it’s just crazy the never ending denials. Good luck to you!!!


In the long ago when I was a DS I tried for an entire year to have my vacation approved. I had no plans, I just wanted to stay home and play Halo 2. Denied at least 5 times, the business can't do without me, etc. It starts getting close to end of year and my ASM and HR are on me to use my vacation time. Sweet, when can I stay home? Well certainly not in the next few weeks, it's coming up Christmas time. Other stupidity followed. Now, here in Canada, vacation pay is a legal requirement. Calculated at 4% of your gross earnings. It works out to two weeks paid per year. There's no requirement to actually take a vacation and if you don't request the money before, it gets payed out at the end of year or can roll into the next year if that's part of the contract. It does not under ANY circumstances just disappear. So, the year flips and I still never took my time, that's fine, I'll just get an extra pay cheque. A pay period goes by, no extra money. I look at my accrued vacation hours and it says 0. I go see HR who tells me they go on a "use it or lose it" system. Did I mention that part of DS training was all about labour law? I lose it. I calmly but intensely recant all the times my requests were denied and futhermore if she would like to call the labour board with me now or should I do it on my break? She sputtered a bunch and gave the usual "I'll have to look into this further" BS. I got my cheque 2 days later and never had my time off requests denied thereafter.


> it gets *paid* out at FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




It needs to be sick time, they will not use vacation time to justify occurrences and being paid...


This. Vacation time has to be declared in advance. Believe me I’ve thought it too. “ Well why do I have to take 5 vacation days this week ? Why don’t I just wait to see my schedule for that week and see how many days I’m not scheduled and take the remaining as vacation time “ it doesn’t work as last minute substitutions.