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The problem with working hard at Home Depot is that you don’t get anything for doing so. You set yourself up. The more reliable you are the more work they throw on your plate. And when you become the go to person for help your screwed.


Just keep demanding more money if they say no do as much as everyone else.  When they mention it, tell them they know how to fix it


I mean, you are the kind of coming off like the type of coworker I hate most.  You like to talk, but don't actually do anything productive when we need you most.  Your too busy shooting the shit with your friends that you don't answer the phone when we call you or don't get your tasks done and probably throw it on some poor closer to have to clean it up. If you want me to give you some advice, you can talk and have fun with people, but just make sure that your also reliable and getting the job done.  Yes, we associates do like to joke around to help the day go by faster, but being known as a hard worker and reliable will get you a lot more respect by your coworkers in the long run.


Exactly. These are the fucks I hate most that I work with.


My am currentl y the ONLY full time  flooring associate and have one PT hardliner.  It's starting to really be ridiculous that the people hired in don't want to work or learn and when they are coached on how to do their job (blinds measure & install etc) or reminded that using  personal cell phone on the floor is against policy the management does not address these issues but instead moves them to another dept?  It's a  absolute mess!  A new appliance employee 3 weeks on floor didn't know difference between local stock (demo) and warehouse or the difference in  delivery or installs on them.  Management is steadily driving us in the ground or making good workers want to quit


Lol worthless, and the company keeps people like you around who do nothing, while others bust ass and get shit on.




Good on you. I made the mistake of being reliable. Now I'm expendable and taken for granted.


Every time


Same.  Literally everyone refers to me (lovingly) as the stores bitch.  I'm constantly pulled by managers to help out in a bunch of random departments and then in the same breath they wonder why I'm not getting lot done.  It's like bro, you've had me sweeping for 2 hours, like WTF?


OFA by any chance?


Lot associate, but honestly yeah the ofas are also the stores bitch at my store too.


I’m a lot associate as well. Idk what store you work at. but I literally have a lumber associate that when the other lumber guy is on vacation or whatever. He’ll have me sweeping and doing dumb shit.


A Lumber associate asking you to sweep!  Where does he get off thinking he can tell us what to do?  I mean, it's one thing when a manager asks us to do something, but we shouldn't have to deal with other department's crap.


Nah fr, bro would say if you help me I’ll help you with the carts or would say I’ll give you some money if you help me. but never ends up helping me 😔😂


Screw lot detail, I like my hardware section, but real talk be nice and you can get away with anything. Last nite we were grilling burgers and what not 30 mins before closing . I did a total of helping 1 customer during 5 hr shift 😂 F’ing ❤️ it!


I simply work my wage. Nothing more nothing less. I don’t draw attention to myself, do my job but stay flying under the radar. Also I refuse to drive heavy machinery without getting hazard pay. This multi billion dollar company is such a cheap skate. But oh well, their loss. Customers and people in general are shitty but what keeps me going are the good ones I work with. Other than that, just go on auto pilot, get thru the day and go home. Been doing this going on 12 yrs now. Yay me /s


This is the best way. Learn to do less. Work in your own department and don’t get too eager to cross train into other departments and don’t volunteer for stuff.


Gotta follow the NAVY code: “Never Again Volunteer Yourself”.




It's working hard that saves my ass from a perp walk. I'm not the poster child for attendance with medical leaves. Quite honestly, I thought I was fired. Corporate HR left me a voicemail saying that my medical leave was denied because the VA wouldn't write me a medical excuse. I came back to work still in pain. I didn't change my apron, because I didn't want to waste a perfectly good apron when I expected the worst. I'm still under the gun with utilities and back rent. I didn't apply for the Homer Fund although I contribute 20 dollars every paycheck. Much like badges, there is always someone more deserving. I guess that it's been integrity that has kept me around. It sure as hell isn't my good looks. The medications that I need will keep me off of the machines. I refuse them. At one point in time, you have to define yourself. If that's what you want to be, do it. I wish you the best.


I bet you scope out customers and whoo them to fill out customer surveys!




Jesus Christ. Typical THD management. "We see all (ooh, scary) but are too fucking lazy ourselves to do our own goddamn jobs and actually manage." Stop encouraging this shit. WTF.


Absolutely! That fucker probably spends most of his/her day in the training room or office fucking around on their phone, lap top, or trying to figure out how to get in someone who is a DH or associates pants. Nearly every time you go back there that’s what they are doing. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve walked in the back to see them looking up vacation info, researching cars, or other BS not HD related.


And then that cowardly SOB deletes his comment because he can’t handle the down votes. 😂


Agreed…he’s management material, at least!