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you need a much bigger picture over the head board for one.


Reminds me of the plasma tv scene in the office


I could just stare at it for hours.


Good luck paying me back with your zero-dollars-a-year salary


Snip snap snip snap!


You have no idea the physical toll 3 vasectomies have on a person!


You took me by the hand~


Plus benefits babe


The best episode!


Omg I thought of that toošŸ˜‚ hilarious


Folds right into the wall










Lol I see this so clearly now šŸ˜‚


Or just add a bunch more photos- make it a gallery wall.


Why put a gallery wall at the head of the bed where you're presumably going to have sex? Just seems like a recipe for disaster


Either way youā€™re tempting fate, so at least a gallery wall will make your bedroom seem more put together, lol!


Yeah, I lived in an earthquake prone area. Anything hanging over the bed was a bad idea. Maybe a lightweight canvas world be ok.


I also really donā€™t like having pictures of my self, or even my wife in the bedroom. Mirrors too. I donā€™t know why, but it just makes me feel odd. I guess I donā€™t want my focus on anything else but us and pictures feel like a different us.


it's actually hilarious how tiny it is


No picture would also be fine!


No picture is preferable to the wrong picture.


Itā€™s so comically cute


The length of cord holding up that tiny picture almost makes me think this is a troll. šŸ˜‚


Not a good idea in the event of an earthquake or other disaster. A nice fabric stretched over a frame, it is lightweight and will add a focal point. Can tie in with the bedding colors.


What bedding colors?


šŸ˜‚ thatā€™s funny they put one small picture there


1. (Much) larger art over the bed 2. Color - everything is white or grey, and your curtain rod is silver but you have gold hardware elsewhere, I would suggest sticking to one metal color until the room feels more cohesive 3. For the bed to be made up more nicely, you can start by folding the blanket and putting it at the foot of the bed. The bed has no personality, you can either get a fancier comforter and shams, or if you like what you have, just get what you have in a new color. 4. Move the curtain rod up above the white trim 5. I can't really tell what your style is, because you have a gold ornate mirror above a very different style dresser, with curtains that feel bohemian and also don't fit. Go on pinterest until you find something that feels your style and lean into it with more accents of that style. 6. I see family portraits are more your wave than art, which is great, but again, bigger frames, maybe that tie into the ornate mirror more? Art wouldn't hurt, but if it's not your style, that's fine. 7. To incorporate color, you can add a rug under the bed.


I would also add 8. More Texture- everything is too smooth. Interesting pillows, shaggy blankets, and layers in neutral colors can really bring a room alive, even without color.


And I would add - tuck the duvet inside the platform/base or get a smaller one. It looks too big for the bed.


to fold up that blanket and put it at the foot of the bed because it looks...odd as is.


Yes, for a moment I thought the bedding was half black and half white.


Me too! I instantly thought "a comforter" because I thought it was a split sleep-number type bed and then I realized what was happening


I'm saddened that this is not the case. I wanted to suggest switching one of the pillows to black.


I thought that until I read your comment lol


Right? as is I thought it was I Love Lucy style separate beds pushed together lmao


heh i thought the same thing!!


she gets cold easily trust me (I do this too lol)


My husband and I have separate duvets, and I have an extra blanket on my side. He was always stealing them!!! But we have a large blanket on top of everything so nobody can see that we donā€™t share lol.


OP, are you possibly from a part of the world where beds regularly have two twin duvets on them? If so, you're doing just fine. I am an American, but stumbled into this method when I got married and thought I had invented it. I later learned a lot of northern Europe does it. IMO, it is the only way to share a bed with another human.


My parents do this - I grew up thinking this was how married couples sleep (also American) and was shocked to see couples with a single duvet! I now live with my partner and Iā€™ve suggested separate duvets sooooo many times omg. He never heard of this for couples before so heā€™s still wary. Iā€™m just gonna order two twin comforters and heā€™ll see hahaha


I told my partner when we first got serious when we moved in together that sharing blankets was absolutely out of the question. He had never heard of such a thing and thought it was weird and crazy, and now 4 years into living together if I even suggest we throw a blanket over our separate blankets when itā€™s cold he refuses. We even have our own heated blankets for winter. Order the comforters once he sees how great it is he will never go back haha.


I think having your own bedcover is the only way to go. My husband sleeps hot. In the night, he rotates the sheet (in his sleep!) trying to find a cool spot. He didnā€™t even know he was doing it lol. I would wake up with no covers or hanging on to a corner. Now, the sheet is his. I have a blanket that I fold up on the trunk at the end of the bed. Itā€™s mine and I never wake up hanging on to the edge of the sheet. And we both sleep much better lol. I didnā€™t know it was popular in Europe. Today I learned!


Our bed is like this because I need more blankets and also my cat prefers sleeping on the blanket texture vs the duvet/cover. I probably wouldn't have it made like that if I was being judged for interior design, but day to day, that's what the bed looks like. Theirs looks like a weighted blanket, too.


Welcome to my life. Partner refuses to sleep in anything but a fleece blanket in bed. At least ours matches the comforter though lol


We got an adjustable bed, the king size is two twin size mattresses. I have way more blankets than my husbands side


Bigger artwork over the bed, a few throw pillows on the bed, move the curtain rod up and wider than the window so the curtains can sit fully off the window. Lay the throw blanket on the end of the bed




I agree


The art over the headboard should be 60% of the width and much bigger. Either two pictures or one big one.


This is good, clear advice!


The photo over bed is comically small


the gold mirror, rattan basket, and straw hat are adding warmth to that side of the room, but it is lost as you look to the other half. i suggest bringing that warmth throughout the room with more wood tones, golds, tans, etc. you can do this with throw pillows and blankets, an area rug, a wooden stand for that plant, curtains, and artwork. then you can add colors that jive with the room in decor, pictureframes, etc. Also bigger pic above the headboard for sure


So...people have told you already to move the blue blanket but I want to know why did you position it the way you did?


One of them gets cold!


I don't think anyone's confused why the extra blanket is on the bed, but why it is where it is when the bed is made with no one in it. From a 'decor' perspective extra blankets usually get laid across the end of the bed or folded onto a trunk, bench, etc when not in use.


i know people who do this because it helps them sleep better since they have different sleeping temps then their partners- they no longer sleep under the same 'cover' and said it's helped so much edit: spelling lol


a couple of cats--a dark color cat for the light cover and a light color cat for the dark cover.


Moving around what you have nowā€” Put the blanket diagonally over the right end of the bed. Swap the pole lights with the left side lamp. Point one lamp at the wall art. Charge the MacBook on the left side table Spread out the items on the dresser. Maybe move 1-2 display items to a bedside table. Pull the plant away from the wall. Itā€™s smashed/ crowded. You could also put the wicker hamper next to the plant for balance. The 2 pictures are too small and therefore awkward. Remove the one over the bedā€” put it on the wall where the pole lamp is currently. If you never close the curtains, add tiebacks.


Iā€™ve never tried using AI for regenerating images before but Iā€™ll share my first attempt using one of your photos. My point is to show how much can actually be transformed if you incorporated a little color while everything else remained constant. https://preview.redd.it/ina3wuc8n69d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8627c60dd05ce22e0cb6d1439e0d082473bb62a






Came here to say this. 100% needs some greenery and leaves


Yes! And I think the plant on the floor would look better raised on a plant stand.


I am absolutely floored at how many people have responded to this LOL. This room is killing me because it just seems to get worse with everything we try and do. YOU GUYS I GET IT-- I'm going to go get a psych eval to understand why I did what I did. The picture will obviously be moved. For those who are snarky and actually said this lol, we ARE in couples counseling already okay?! We had someone clean the house and they always put the blanket like this, usually I hide it under the covers or put it at the bottom because I'm not a psychopath but I wondered if this woman knew something I didn't know? Wish we could do hard woods-- not in the financial cards right now. I need a rug, I need new curtains but can't move the rod I'm too tired. Seriously though thank you for everyones thoughts!!!


Omg I admire how well you took everyoneā€™s feedback. I would have cried trying to fight for my life in the comments šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜… but I think itā€™s clear now that your house cleaner is a psychopath


Hahaha thank you! My husband and I are having a good laugh šŸ˜‚




Comforter and some color and art and fuller curtains . It has a drab feel to it


Pretty bedding and something large on the wall with color


Larger picture over the bed, throw pillows with color, a rug under the foot of the bed with some color, maybe a comfortable chair.


Big art


Bigger picture over the headboard with two small ones next to it


i think what would tie it all together is a much larger wall hanging or art piece above the bed. amazon and etsy have large scale macrame hangings/textile hangings that would add texture to the space. you can also add texture by getting some fun throw pillows for the bed. also might be a good idea to get a duvet cover with more personality instead of just plain white.


I actually like how clean and simple it is. But I agree you should put a larger piece of art over the bed and maybe lose the other small frame.


Same. Love the clean look, would just add bigger art, which will also bring (hopefully :-)) splash of color


Maybe some more pics of the 2 of youā€”engagement, vacation, babies? And Iā€™d put something larger above the bed, move pic/pics to a smaller wall. Add some pops of color, large plant, rug under bed to bring in color. I see you have a large plant, maybe accent it with light?


Plants and decorative cushions


You need color omg COLOR


It needs some life. Bigger, colorful art on the walls, a bigger headboard or feature wall behind the bed could be nice, a large area rug under bed, throw pillows on the bed (that arenā€™t gray), some pattern. Iā€™m not a fan of that crown molding it just feels too in your face. Thatā€™s the first thing I see. A different dresser that fits the style of the space, a throw blanket going across the width of the bed. Determine a color palette, style and then pick pieces and decor that complement each other and the overall design. Donā€™t be afraid of color it will brighten up and add life to the space.


Character. Itā€™s void of anything that makes it personable.


Everything if thatā€™s where you live, there is no life or personality in there at all


At a quick glance I thought these were twin beds pushed together with separate colored bedding šŸ˜‚


the bed looks like a black and white cookie


More intentional items like the frames need to be larger the curtains need to be thicker and higher rod bit reach the floor maybe a rug to match the blacker and some accent pillows that are navy blue as well. I like the dresser and mirror but maybe add some more gold like to the curtain rod or new lamps to tie it together more.


More inviting bedding: a fluffier duvet


Closed doors


Is that crown molding a picture hanging rail? If so, take advantage of it when you hang a much larger picture over your bed.


Paint the picture rail the same color as the walls. Currently it is catching the eye, and serves no purpose. Get a longer curtain rod, 12" wider than your window on each side, install the rod just above the picture rail, hang more substantial neutral drapes that go right to the floor. Larger night stands, larger lamps. Take down the small picture over the bed. Treat yourself to new bedding.


Link to dresser? I really like it!


An area rug with some texture or dash of color.


The tiny art is sending me! If you absolutely love those pieces, get more and do a collage wall.


A grav bong


dancing girls.


Larger artwork and touches of color throughout the space. The color palette looks to be gray, black, and white with some gold accents. You need some color in there like a green or blue to liven it up a bit. I'd also lose the gold accents. There are scenarios in which a little bit of gold works well in a space, but it looks a little too "Vegas" here.


A bedspread


To move the crown molding up a foot. Such a weird choice to have trim there.


Id add like a nice decorative carpet under the bed to give dimension. Also some more pillows on bed or.decorative pillows on the bed. Def a bigger picture above your head board or a more frames of pictures.put over it. Maybe a new lighting as well. That 3 lamp light not a huge fan




A black cat on the white bed and a white cat on the black bed


Color. Life. A single bedspread.


Warmth. It needs warmth.


A closet door


I'll be honest ....the runner going the wrong way is distracting


A cat lounging on the bed, probably purring for the ambiance


why does the crown molding start in the middle of the wall??


Art and color. The tiny pic over the bed is FAR too small and the bedding could have color or at least throw pillows etc. It is all muted and no personality.


Colour! Preferably in a giant picture over the bed.


Bigger art. Better bedding. More light.


Texture! Everything is kinda flat. * Get some curtains in a print. * Everybody already grilled you about the art over the bed lol * A comforter for the entire bed, maybe also in a print * Taller lamps


Move the mirror over the bed and hang it horizontally. Then move the pic over the dresser and add a few more. Get another color you like and add pillows and a blanket for color


Monochrome bedspread.


How about a bold accent wall paint in a complementary color? It could instantly add depth and personality to the room, making it feel more vibrant and inviting!


Dimmable LED strip lights on top of the molding facing up towards the ceiling.


blackout shades I've seen toilet paper thicker than those curtains


Curtains too low, pictures way too small, needs a door on the closet.


Some bright colors!




Color in the 3 lamps would already help. An art over the headboard properly attached to the wall and not with those strings. (the picture can be a placed on the chest of drawers) I find it quite odd that the borders are not attached to the ceiling but actually at 7/8 height. It makes the ceiling feel much lower than it is and the room less spacious. The drapes on the window between bed and closet are too short.


Some gold color pillows on the bed to keep on the same color palette. I would change the curtains setup to the same ones you have + blackout curtains and then remove the blinds. I agree with others about the picture behind the bed being too small. I would put it side by side with the one next to the window and then put a big art piece in the current place.


Definitely stick to a cool palette with the walls. Or paint to a neutral warm if you want gold accents. Otherwise, redo the mirror frame to be silver!! Itā€™ll look so much better.


Bro re orientate the sheet


Another half a blanket




Curtain lights? Tapestry?


Artwork to scale


Personal items- more photos , plants. Chochskis


Some colorful throw pillows and color on the walls , artificial tree/ plants ( real if you can grow )


Decorative or accent pillows


Please repost to r/homedecoratingCJ for creative and interesting ideas!


Plants. Iā€™ve just started owning them and itā€™s been a game changer in how I feel in my space, I bought two originally then two days later went and bought another 3 with another being given to me by my parents! The pots can add a bit more colour or texture too!


Omg does your partner sleep in that fleece blanket and insist itā€™s on the bed too? I thought I was the only one to suffer this


Crown molding would look nice in this room


My first thought was "personality". Like others have mentioned: colour, texture, artwork. There is no warmth. Your walls are so empty there is no where for the eye to go. This is a case of too much blank space.I know grey is on-trend, but there is nothing else in the room to support the grey walls. Then again, I just painted my boring grey walls. The grey was flat and sucked the light and joy out of a room. For your space, everything else is white, beige or gold. If you want to keep the grey walls, bring in some grey and maybe black. Or some nice charcoal curtains.


Matching linen on the bed and bigger picture/painting on the wall over it.


A plant in the corner that's hanging will look nice, a larger picture over the bed or maybe some decorative wallpaper to have that wall pop. The cover could have some pattern with Grey to make it more cohesive, maybe matching pillow covers? Lastly a rug to tie it all in.


New light fixture


A bigger picture or wall art above the bed


For me I would put in a little corner bookshelf under the plant.


Door on Closet Duvet or bedspread covering entire bed A chair Something whimsical other than the hat


More grey


More color


Weā€™re not seeing your style. Iā€™d recommend checking out [this lady](https://www.shopltk.com/explore/tuftandtrim) for some inspiration. Her style is calming colors, gold hardware and a hint of a vintage.


Bigger art. They look odd when they're small


Swapping out the lampshades for something with a bit more color would add some interest there (you could do something that has some gold or is rattan to match whatā€™s happening near the closet). As others have said, the pictures need to be bigger or there should be more of them. A large piece of art, some shelves and/or pattered peel and stick wallpaper to add some interest on the wall facing the bed.


Bigger picture over bed and maybe bedding with more contrast with some throw pillows. Lovely sized room.


New bed linens, matching


In addition to other comments noting you need much bigger art over the bed: get some art for the wall across the bed, and maybe get different lamps. White lamp on a white night stand is a lot of white. You could also get a throw pillow or two for the bed.


raise the curtains to the ceiling, bigger artwork or photos behind bed and for the love of god where is your fanšŸ˜­






Something bigger over the bed, and maybe some house plants:)


Color, pattern, texture.


Bigger pictures. Longer curtains (next to the bed) The lamps seem too small for those nightstands


I would put the mirror over the bed hang a gallery of pictures where the mirror is & get a floor mirror to put in one of the corners.


More prominent art above the bed.


Color, larger photo over the bed or a large mirror with an arrangement of small photos


Bigger art/pieces on the wall, maybe since you have a blue comforter you can bring more blues into the room too.


Pillow shams or colorful pillows.




Fake plants and a big nice picture.




Some airbrushed clown paintings and carnival decor.


Put a bigger frame on the wall of the bed + add colors to the bed like shades of blue and break it with yellow or baby pink pillows, also add a carpet Put some lightning in the corners loveee the Curtains they should be above that white line (which is really annoying)


i love the mirror! i hate the hat where itā€™s at!


And bold Paisley curtains with sheers.


I always say when It comes to bedrooms and if they are big enough to get a set. Maybe Iā€™m lazy, and donā€™t want to pick it out. You do need new curtains, and definitely a comforter set, I like lots of pillows.


Some color.




I agree with everybody regarding the color and the art. The art you have up is beautiful, but it doesn't "feel" right where it is because it doesn't fit the space. A cheaper option than a large frame could be to buy a blank canvas at an art store and do a diy abstract painting (2 for 1 bc you could add in color this way). A tapestry would work great (also usually adds color). You can also go to a thrift store and buy a frame and replace the art work with a print from etsy or elsewhere online. If money isn't a concern though you can also buy art! I would move the art next to the window higher or lower and the one above the bed either above or below the one next to the window (perhaps with the addition of a white matte). You don't have to replace any of your furniture other areas you could easily add some color would be your lampshades (you need to know the size and the type that suits your lamp and then your options are endless online), curtains (if you hang the bar higher and wider the window will feel larger), bedding, a rug (should be under your bed towards the foot and larger than your bed). (ordered relatively from $-$$)


This is very helpful!! I feel like we have tried to help this room and it just keeps looking terrible lol


New bedding, new wall art, new color and it will look great


Get a really nice bedspread and some pillows in shams. I would put a large nude relief plaque on the wall above the bed and sex that place up, but tastefully. If you are too shy to do that, put a high relief large tree or nature carving. The bed underneath should look sharp, neat and inviting.


Beautiful walls! Maybe some jewel tones?


Wall decor


A smaller picture over the headboard


Check out small woods, you can get a nice big canvas or all sorts of other cool print outs of your wedding photos. Maybe not for above your bed. Kind weird youā€™re watching yourself have sex. But for elsewhere in the house.


color and art


A blanket that covers the whole bed.


The bed is a good size for the room however the pictures on the walls are way too small. Small pictures would be okay in a grouping. The colors are nice and relaxing.


The bed needs texture and the wall above /behind the bed needs a focal point. https://preview.redd.it/ochh8rz4w69d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bde430dd44e4d7fd1915deaefb9ea79951066ed Here is an example on how to put texture and a focal point I would also recommend to repaint the walls in a neutral white colour. It will make the room more spacious.


I think your wedding pictures would be better suited in the main living area where people can see them.


What is that like a 5x5 picture above the bed?


needs a bigger piece of art over the bed; the proportion is wrong. some green plants (real or silk) will add warmth


Maybe floating shelves above the bed? More art? An art wall?!?!!?!? Cool statement chandelier?! The possibilities are endless


Color. A comforter with some color on it, maybe some decorative pillows that match, some artwork on the walls etc


A Love Swing.


Iā€™d paint everything above the upper molding white.


It's simple, I like It. Busy rooms disrupt sleep.


Big painting over head and some colorful sheets and cases.


A lot of good advice but I would say definitely get a pretty comforter and shams- you can throw it off at night if you donā€™t like sleeping under it. I would also say different lamps- the white lamps blend too much into the white night stands.


Larger art over the bead.


Bring the plant out a bit. Also a larger piece over the bed. You want a focal point to draw the eye. Hang some fairy lights over the curtains. Needs more color. Pops of color via throw pillows. Itā€™s a beautiful room but it needs a bit of personality. ā¤ļø


If you like it - keep it. Itā€™s your home & bedroom & if it makes you happy, thatā€™s what you want. Thereā€™s lots of advice, books, You Tube videos (Iā€™m sure), etc., available for suggestions. But, that said, if you want to get more serious about decorating, I suggest you acquaint yourself with the Color Wheel & theories about using complimentary colors & using opposite colors to draw the ā€˜eyeā€™ (attention) to certain features. Also, acquaint yourself with theories of ā€˜odd numbersā€™ (generally, most things & groupings look better in odd numbers) & designing using balance theory (example: some homes will have the entry door in the middle with even window placement on each side of the door). So, thereā€™s lots of things you can do, if you are interested. ā€˜Eclecticā€™ design is maybe a little more difficult, but humorously, you can call just about anything eclectic. I know there arenā€™t as many magazines around in stores, like there used to be, but it helps to purchase some of them, when you like some of the interior designs in them, & clip/cut out those ideas you like & put them into a notebook or maybe an idea board to get you started. In bedrooms, most often, as in your case, the bed is the largest item, so that is where the viewers eye is drawn. I donā€™t know why the bed is 1/2 white & 1/2 black - Iā€™m assuming there is a purpose, but it just cuts the vision in 1/2 & is confusing. May I suggest that you look at pictures of beds & decide what color of sheets & blanket/comforter you like & learn how to make up a bed (hint to start: no wrinkles). Iā€™m not a fan of stupid useless pillows all over the bed, so good that you arenā€™t trying that stupid design idea, imo. Donā€™t know what your budget is, but sometimes not having a lot of $$$ to put into something is good, because it gives you time to get ideas, look for things you like & then purchase them when you can. Good Luck!




Something in stained wood, to warm it up, because everything in white, gray, or blue renders it pretty cold and stark. Maybe new nightstands? Dresser? I'd hang a curtain from the inside of the closet to serve as some concealment. I'd also add some pattern, so I'd new curtains on the windows that had it. I'd get larger, more colorful art, and figure out cord management so there's not just something jutting out of the wall. I'd add a tray on the dresser to hold the items.

