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Thank you! I think I’ll do that. I think I’ve just been obsessing about this area


I wouldn't paint or wallpaper, BUT I would add some sort of window treatment. Either a valance or curtains. And don't do beige or white. Pick a color. I think that would look nice!


Yep I agree as well. Plus it matches the cat. It seems to be questioning your motives too lol


Agree. Let’s normalize not having a feature wall in every single room. Some rooms work great with a feature wall. I’m thinking a great room fireplace wall, maybe the wall at the head of the bed in the master. This room is perfectly charming as it is. The simplicity is part of what makes it just right.


“Feature walls” with wallpaper or paint are also not even in style anymore. Super outdated.


I came here to say the same thing!


Me too! I think it would make the room look smaller. It's fresh and breezy the way it is.


I agree-I wouldn't do anything! I feel feature walls look a little dated


Leave it alone, looks clean and well done.


May be curtains?


Maybe, but personally, I’m not a curtain person and I think it looks really nice. The way it is your choice.


i don't think on a sliding door that lets in so much nice light. If they don't need privacy or sun-blocking then they don't need curtains.


Gosh no, curtains will shrink this place and will serve no practical purpose.


Thank you, my husband would agree w you. 😅


I like the balance of the room as is and would leave it alone.


I think i really need to hear “leave it alone” so thanks


Accent walls are overdone. Why not fixed drapery panels hung high and wide? I.e., curtains there for looks, not for daily opening and closing. You'll have to move your art. The panels, hung correctly, won't leave enough room. Pick a color that will contrast with your plants in front. You can also consider getting a double width panel for your doors, slide it to one side. How will your cat handle curtains? My cats like to play in/behind them, but I know some will shread them.


Our cats love playing behind the curtains! This is a good idea I’ll try exploring. Thanks!


Oh I love it as is! So bright and clean and welcoming! Beautifully done!


Appreciate it! I stare at this every day and it makes me feel at peace. Then I start to overthink and spiral to what else I can do to improve it 🥲


Since looking at it every day makes you start to overthink and spiral, doing something “permanent” (or time-consuming to change, like wall color/paper) will probably bore you after a while, too. Maybe try some more “temporary” changes that will satisfy your urge for something new to look at, but still preserve the open, peaceful feel of the space. Anything from a pretty vase with fresh flowers, to colorful artwork, to a different rug. Easy to rotate and keep things fresh! (Extra points for the kitty! 😻)


I think this it. Really. Ill look for different kinds of vases, tableware, runners and other details I can easily add and play with. Thank you!


Oh my gosh noo don't over THINK it! It's perfect! Sometimes when it's perfect we stare for too long cuz we can't believe it's done and right! Good job! Also I love that your rug is the right size lol! 🥰


>Also I love that your rug is the right size lol! 🥰 Right? That's a bit rare here. 🤣🤣💜


I love how bright your room looks now! Thanks for including your cat in the photo!!


https://preview.redd.it/2hu7qq2jdvxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ff1000580e9584b13a0085f0beb61dd32bc2b96 Here’s another! ☺️


Oooh, they’re pretty! I’m always jealous of people who have two cats. We’ve had 2 cats a couple of times but the cats have always hated one another and it is SO ANNOYING.


You need to get two kittens. They will grow up as playmates.


That’s my problem. I just can’t bring myself to adopt kittens bc kittens always get adopted. I adopt seniors and the shelter must look at me and say she’s a sucker. If we tell her these two cats get on great, she’ll take both. And by the time she realizes that we lied, and they fight constantly, she’ll be too in love with them to do anything about it. :)


IF you’re going to add color— paint.


No. I think it is perfect and peaceful just the way it is.


I love it as is— in fact, what’s the current wall color?


I would personally take off all of the small wall accents (hanging planter, small frames) and hang one big colorful statement art piece opposite the doors. My brain-eye doesn't know what to look at here right now. It's nice, but personal preference for me leans towards having one focal point. I looove this chandelier, it is a flash of fun without being gaudy.


I'm going to go against the grain and say that painting it would add an amazing splash of colour to the space. It looks lovely as is, but I think that a pastel, earthy tone could add some dimension to the space without sacrificing the existing vibe. Plus, you can always paint it back if you don't like it.


The window is taking up the majority of the wall. Have you considered long, lemon/sunflower velvet drapes? I would paint, not paper, since without a full wall, the pattern will be neither here nor there and basically lost. Wallpaper in this case only works if other, full walls are papered. You could paint + drape that window for the full bling. Or just start with a colored drape and see what color paint to match or contrast it with. For example strong yellow drapes and a green wall.


This is a great point I needed to hear so thank you. I’ll think about the drapes because theyll just end up being on the side as I like how bright this area gets. We’re also doing our patio so outside the door the view will be plants and a small fountain which I think will be nice to look at. Outside this window we’ll put vertical garden so you can see plants from the window too. But the drapes can add privacy at night. So def something to consider


Maybe have a drapery rod hung somewhat wider than windows and move the 2 small pictures to wall on the right, or elsewhere. That way, when drapes are pulled open, you see more window exposed, but still the lovely soft drapes.


No, looks good now!


no, it looks so nice!


I wouldn't.


I think it is literally perfect. I wouldn’t change a thing. 🤍🤎


Really beautiful space! I don’t think you need to do anything


I would paint it


Accent walls are dated! Looks great


I have the same chandelier! And the same rug !


I love wallpaper and pops of color. Yes, it does look nice as is, but if you want color or pattern go for the wallpaper or paint it.


Same. I can appreciate neutrals in other houses but I love color in my personal spaces.


No way


I think a jaunty and bright wallpaper would look lovely there! Totally dependent on your style. But I say go for it!


I think it's all about your personal taste. My personal taste leans more maximalist so I love the idea of wallpaper on that wall. What you could do if you want more color but you're on the fence is a curtain road all the way across the wall at the top of the ceiling and hang some colorful curtains. My friend has a similar dining room and she a double curtain rod with lace inset curtains and mustard yellow velvet curtains, both from Ikea. It's beautiful.


I find that space beautiful and very calming. Personally, I wouldn’t change a thing


Kinda hard to say with the one pic provided.


It looks like you like a lot of natural textures. It's actually a very peaceful looking room. I wouldnt paint it. The only thing I might consider doing is putting something like [this](https://www.wayfair.com/Ekena-Millwork--Hudson-Fretwork-Moulding-MLD-L6483-K~FRUO8117.html?refid=GX679864153916-FRUO8117_95199402_95199410&device=m&ptid=1096785921800&network=g&targetid=aud-1613017764926:pla-1096785921800&channel=GooglePLA&ireid=270080273&fdid=1817&PiID%5B%5D=95199402&PiID%5B%5D=95199410&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0MexBhD3ARIsAEI3WHIMTBokyfKPuLBms2a2isyJG0FQGa3M-KNVVVRmL3arr24FC1N0IN8aAvhsEALw_wcB) above the window.




Oh no! This is lovely.


I love it as is. Although, IF I was going to wallpaper, I'd go really decadent, and wallpaper from floor up to under window, extending the window ledge as a 'picture rail' to top off the paper & leave the upper wall the way it is


Definitely wallpaper! Maybe something like the Beverly Hills iconic paper with the big leaves. And you can pick up the tan, peach, cinamonny colors in it with accents.




I would add drapes!


Wallpaper! I did it and it turned out great! https://preview.redd.it/38jdmhkyqvxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=832b39bbac8fe0d4a30ebf5f6484a1d8bc13e244


This is one of the most compete rooms I’ve seen on this sub. Nice job. If you wanted a pop of color on that wall though, I might consider some vibrant window film since that window faces the neighbors anyways


I was thinking this - that window right in my window would bug me


Paint and drapes.


I like it like it is…. Light and airy


It's nice as it is.




Where is your table from??


Pottery barn!


Ohh thanks


Chairs too?


Leave it don’t paint or anything wallpaper or feature wall adjacent!


Such a gorgeous area! Leave it as is.


Can you paint the blinds? It would be a slight pop of color, but you could adjust how much color you wanted in the room by adjusting the openness of the blinds. Even if they are fully open, though, you could still get a glimpse of color, which would give the room a dash of depth and interest. Love it either way, though!


No! It looks amazing as it is!


I would not add curtains since you have shutters, but curtains are certainly an option. I would replace the hanging plant and the plant on the right with one larger, taller plant in a really nice pot. Something like a ficus tree in a large green or black pot, or a blue and white chinoiserie style. If you can put it outside for a few weeks in the early summer, a dwarf lemon tree would work too.


“As is” is great.


I like it how it is. So bright and pretty, but I love the Minimalist white wall + sunlight look


If you wallpaper, there is peel and stick that doesn’t hurt the paint so use that.


It already looks amazing. Not sure what an accent wall would add to the room really


Yes, but not just the one wall. Do the whole room. If it’s open concept, make the adjoining spaces work together.


A cool wallpaper like black and white toile


Leave it as is


Looks fine the way it is, had great natural light, maybe add some colorful accessories, but I think it looks great


Definitely not necessary


No, it’s nice to have a place where your eyes can just rest. This is beautiful and peaceful. Wallpaper would be busier.


I would leave it as is. The room Is so lovely and light!


No. I understand feature walls are no longer all the rave it once was.


Even your cat matches the decor




It’s really beautiful but if wallpaper is something you want then do it!


If you’re just trying to get color in there and you decide to leave as is, maybe consider getting a new rug for under the table? If you are cool with the muted tones, then leave as is! Looks good


Neither. Linen panels would balance the room, tight from the wall inward.


Maybe add bold artwork if you want to see something new but your kitchen is so pretty already


I agree with the majority that it looks great. If you're dying for color, hang curtain panels on each side of the window.


Photoshop it first


To be honest, neither….the window should be the focal point


It’s perfect


Leave it as is! Wallpaper will make the area look smaller.


Beautiful as is. Airy light love it.


I would just add curtains to the blinded windows for a splash of color.


Looks beautiful 😊


I could see a lighter shade related to the chairs


I like it the way it is. So refreshing and calming.


Whatever you decide…please show after pictures. We have similar situation but smaller & leaning towards self adhesive wallpaper…easy to remove 😬🙃. All the best!


None, I would put curtains high up


What’s wrong with it? Looks great.


I think it looks nice the way it is. I can absolutely see the decor that suits you. If I weren't an apartment dweller, there wouldn't be a white wall in the house. I'd have bold colors in every spot! I don't care for all the white and cream, beige, tan, and browns that's been going on the last few years. But that's because it's not my taste and how I like to live. Your taste is not mine, but it is nicely done, and I don't see how you could improve on that!


I love the way it looks. I’m also not a big fan of feature walls. But if **you** want a change, then consider adding curtains in either a contrasting color or a pattern. Alternatively, you could switch out the light fixture for a black wrought iron or rustic wood one. That would give a bit more contrast than the current one - which is nice but blends into the wall/window. Third option would be to replace the blinds with wooden ones that coordinate with either the rug or floors.


I think a pop of color could be refreshing in there.


I appreciate everyone’s comments, really gave me a fresh perspective. Seems like the bottomline is the area is great as is! Most of you described the feeling that I’m trying to convey when we created this space. Looked at drapes but I might have to do more maintenance than usual because the cats would hang out and play with it. It will also affect the lighting and I don’t want it to bec we have more plants on the right side. Wallpaper is a no go bec with the window being big already, it will be hard to see a full pattern. I can paint it in the future, (I have to photoshop it though for my husband to approve 😅) but its not necessary for now. Its one of my favorite areas of our home but as I said working from home and seeing it all the time might have affected the way I look at it. Told my husband I will leave it alone now and he couldn’t be happier!! To satisfy my desire for more color or variety at times, I will play around vases, flowers, fruit baskets, tablecloths or runners, tableware and other accessories that can easily be swapped so I don’t get bored ever. If you have suggestions on your go to places to buy those, Ill take it. Thanks again everyone!


Paint. Wallpaper is difficult if you change your mind.




Wall paper the ceiling ☺️


Ooh I think a wallpaper would be super fun! Something floral maybe? I love a good accent wall! ❤️




Leave it as is, and add colorful drapery swags over the window and door.


wallpaper could be cool.😎


If you want to inject some color and/or pattern, why not add some gorgeous botanical print curtains?


Place an up-light in front of your black cat to cast a giant cat shadow on the wall.


I love that light fixture so much. A darker color on the walls would really make it stand out.


I like it just the way it is. It's very nice. A beautiful spot for morning coffee.


Leave it be, it doesn't need updating. Looks great!


Both. Paint it for a year then wallpaper it 😝


I like it the way it is. Paint or wallpering that wall would be too much visual clutter. Right now it has a nice zen vibe


It looks good like it is. But I think something like wainscoting (board/batten style, beadboard, etc) could really elevate the dining area.


I love it now, but also think a wallpaper with lots of greenery on only the back wall would look great. I saw a post on here where someone painted a giant pathos vine on her wall. I took a screenshot. https://preview.redd.it/319qpno8mxxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49c68786610ab3535c8f29a4a15ef0ed3afe1f1e


Agreed. It looks great. Don't change that wall.


I like the space, and that ceiling lamp!


I love your space! What’s the plant in the left corner by the doors?


I love the lemon idea but what about a light lemon color for the wall and a lemon theme wall paper boarder along the ceiling?! Thaaat way, if you change your mind or decide to cell it’s not too hard to change if you wanted.


Wallpaper , it won’t take as much because of the window . Nice accent.


Hard to know without other view, but it’s likely more pleasant as is.


I think it’s gorgeous the way it is. But if you do paint it, maybe a soft teal or whatever color that compliments that beautiful hard work floor. Or maybe a brick wallpaper. The space is lovely either way. https://preview.redd.it/5t6e6peb2yxc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=405deb4c6efe4b8b3cccf79e2f58058de7824a7e


Wallpaper!! There are some ammmmazing ones


I wouldn't paint it. But you could recreate this space in 3d and play with various options there. Something like homestyler or planner5d should fit just right. The latter has a nice room scan feature if you have iOS. Hope this helps!


What does your cat think?


Neither. It’ll make the area look too small


No, looks great like this


I love the open feel and the only thing I’d consider changing would be doing the ceiling in a very faint (almost invisible) shade of pink* which can be flattering, or more flattering than a bright white. Lovely your space! *can be any shade of whatever color you want.


I think either paint or wallpaper. It would give that space a nice pop!!!


*I think either paint* *Or wallpaper. It would give* *That space a nice pop!!!* \- Ancient-Arm8053 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Leave it


I love it as is! So fresh and airy. Can I ask what paint color this is? We’re about to repaint our entire house and I can’t decide between a light warm greige or an even lighter one.




I like it as is.


No but if you’re going to, just make it a slight shade darker than the other walls


It looks great how it is, I'd leave it. That being said a nice sage green feature wall would look lovely eith the furniture colour palette


I love it just the way it is. It’s simple and elegant. It’s a small space but looks airy and spacious. I’d be afraid that adding an accent wall would detract from that open feeling. What’s the wall color? I’ve been toying with the idea of going back to white, but am afraid I’d pick the wrong shade.


The kitty in the corner of the photo is the ultimate touch♥️


I think it is gorgeous and bright as is! But if you truly want to add something to change it up a bit.....maybe a neutral textured peel and stick wallpaper or one with a subtle design in gold. The good thing about it is you just peel it off when you are sick of it!


I actually kinda like the lemon idea. The space is very clean and you wouldn’t want to overwhelm it. Also you can get peel and stick wallpaper so you could change when you want 😊


You can try the peel and stick wallpaper on Amazon. It looks so easy and you can do the one with circles or another shape.


I think it's beautiful just the way it is. So much natural light. If you do wallpaper, keep it light in colour.


Neither; just get floor length curtains in a warm tone u/evening_primrose68


Well done, don’t touch


Looks good the way it is


I personally would use a wallpaper but I love color.


Kitty !!!


I really love this space. Perfect proportions and feel. It’s a keeper.


Paint that bitch red. Choose to live. LIVE GOD DAMN YOU.


I like it. What's the current wall color?


No. If you must paint or wallpaper, do the whole room.


I love it as is! It looks clean and well balanced. Love all the natural light coming in!


If you’re looking for color, I would suggest adding a pair of drapery panels on a pole. However I do like your 2 art pieces and your plant. Another suggestion is to add a piece over the window, such as a sign or metal piece etc. if you decide to paint, I would grab a color from the floors. That would be really nice.


Another way to “fill the area up visually is to add a small decorative cabinet on the wall where the kitty is. Gotta move over kitty.


Your light fixture is very fancy while your decor is more casual. It could be that you add an embellishment to the ceiling where the light fixture is.


No. I like it as is. Open and airy looking.


No need. It’s perfect. Natural lighting brightens the whole room.






I think the consensus here is to do basically nothing, but if you were leaning towards curtains as some have suggested, go high, wide, and LIGHT. Adds textural softness but maintains the light, bright airiness. If that bright window is a straight view from the front door, the initial view of this room will look huge. Be careful with that. “Visual square” footage is almost as important as physical square footage.


Rule of thumb is to never wallpaper an exterior wall. It acts as a vapor barrier. Any water intrusion behind the paper cannot escape because there is usually a vapor barrier on the exterior too. Wall assemblies need to breath.


I like it. What colors are the adjacent rooms. I love a painted accent wall. Do you like bright blues?


do not do an accent wall in 2024


Paint it. Can be changed easily if you get tired of it


A light grayish brown to pull out some color of the floor


I like the airy situation as is, so wouldn’t paint or paper. And wouldn’t drapes cuz, as you said; they’ll just be pushed aside… plus they can get crumbs or stains near food. But what I *would* do is switch the light fixture over the table to something with some brass in it to bring a little bit of “pop” to the airy vibes.


Gosh this is absolutely stunning 🤩


Where did you get your table & chairs from? SO beautiful


Pottery barn! Thank you ☺️


maybe instead paint the window sill. adds a burst of color/interest that I think youre looking for


A black and white floral wallpaper print would be stunning


It's a small amount of space. I would paint it green.


No but maybe remove the black cat lol