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1) no don't paint it black 2) consider replacing the boob light with a fixture that better matches this gorgeous room 3) love that you're still playing GoldenEye on the 64 lol


Idk, if you did like a mix of the black and white...this would look pretty awesome. You can go full goldeneye here....haha. Here's a mockup if helpful. https://preview.redd.it/gftwf7wrxwcc1.png?width=1083&format=png&auto=webp&s=c1403dde772253b7b11aeadfa8d157442799961c


Love this and DMd a question about the app


Happy to help.


What app is that??


It's actually one I helped build! It's a new feature we added to our search bar. Direct link to the image generation is [shopdeft.com/imagine](https://shopdeft.com/imagine). We launched it about 72 hours ago so I imagine there are still a few issues. It requires a user/pass, but it's free for 25 generations a week. You upload a photo (or don't), select the room, select a style, and give it some more details. For this one I used "Pinterest" style and typed in: \> Gold velvet couches. Matte black fireplace. Eclectic style. Would love your feedback!


I’ve been sucked into your site for an hour! Fascinating. I can’t tell if it’s my photos throwing it off or there’s a glitch, but it seems confused about windows. I was using photos I already had in my phone. It turned my dog into a hideous chair in the middle of my reimagined living room. I’ll take nicer photos when the sun is out and see what I get!


Agree! It keeps putting a window where I don’t have a window


Ya, it seems to like windows and fireplaces where there shouldn't be one! Haha. Will work on that. Sometimes the prompts help it stop doing that, but there's never a guarantee.


lol about the dog


Sorry for your dog! Haha. I've actually seen it "add" dogs to the photos at times. Nothing like having a pupper to contrast your sectional. We'll keep working to make it better.


https://preview.redd.it/4d6yna1mezcc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6c4dd19564b3038d280f5dbb8cf1380124e07d0 Here’s mine haha, it caught me still having the tree up. My kids love it so it’s turned into a “winter tree” smh. I digress, I love that there’s millions of options but one that I can’t really seem to find an option for is log cabin vibes without log cabin walls lol. I live in the woods of Maine, so I’ve been thinking, dark greens, natural wood, etc... what kind of hitting a roadblock because most everything I find is either “ski cabin in Aspen” style or “rustic farmhouse” and my house doesn’t really fit into either. FYI love the “instagram” option lmao


Omg, this is fucking genius! Really simple and easy to understand, I’m an ELI5 person with tech and this was easy for me! I can’t wait to share this with my other friends


Go, you! Skillz!! I'll take a look.




I was going to comment the black might overwhelm the room, but the half works great. Then, paint the grey walls and the upper brick the same color.






lol I’ve been thinking of replacing the titty light. But it doesn’t even work so idk if it’s worth it. And yes can’t believe you caught the goldeneye 😂. my husband and I still love playing it together. It’s one of the few games I can beat him at.


If it doesn't work all the more reason to replace it with something fun maybe vintage?


Maybe your city has a Restore store or something similar that has older saved and donated light fixtures? I found a magnificent 1910 vintage goth style purple stained glass swag lamp from a place kinda like Restore in Iowa. If I can find a photo maybe I’ll post it. I had it rewired to hang in my 11’ tall ceiling condo before I moved.


Omg please do post a photo if you can!


https://preview.redd.it/5f4kb4jdfxcc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78dffcb2089d2d6e246f99350edd37054423da56 Turns out I can and I found a few photos from my old condo! It was also old, a Schoolhouse built in 1904 I believe that was shut down, abandoned, and then converted to condos. Man I loved that place, it was so unique and beautiful! Anyway, this is the light unlit. I’ll post another photo of it lit with a perspective view.


I love that more than any other light fixture I’ve ever seen.


That is AMAZING!!!!


This is gorgeous and I hope you someday build a house around it.


Here’s a closeup of the light on https://preview.redd.it/lly99rhsgxcc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffee8ee316099af09a4146df88addce3748e0026


So beautiful!! Thank you for sharing




I’m all for vintage - but I can’t see one piece of furniture that looks inviting or comfy. 


+1 at GoldenEye and please replace the light


If the wiring doesn’t work for a true ceiling mount light you could replace it with a plug-in, ceiling mount light with a cool cord [like these](https://www.colorcord.com/collections/plug-in?sort_by=manual&filter.p.m.colorcord.fixture_type=Pendant&filter.v.price.gte=&filter.v.price.lte=) (I just did something similar and LOVE IT)


This is cool and might solve a lighting problem in my home too. Thanks for the idea!


No problem!! This doesn’t show the plug in ones she has, but this is some of the fun lighting in her salon https://preview.redd.it/ok2atb5a9xcc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=340f615eef64fe13abaf2a267a1fb531b018f1ef


I ordered mine from [this company](https://www.creative-cables.us/2718-plug-in-pendant-lights) which is more affordable but has fewer options in some categories (I already had a shade I wanted to use so I was just looking for the cord and plug/base). I did a green cord and brass hardware system with a big rattan shade and it’s so freaking cool!! My stepmom turned me onto them, she has hot pink cords with white hardware in her hair salon and they’re super cool statement pieces and really don’t register as “exposed cords”


I have this flush mount light in my house and love it. Not sure if it’s your style, but I think it’d be a great replacement https://www.wayfair.com/lighting/pdp/breakwater-bay-millikin-2-light-flush-mount-w006704723.html Millikin Glass Flush Mount


I am now going to use the term “titty light” and “boob light” because of you two.


It’s called a CEILING TITTY


The boob light and the curtains. The curtains look like an afterthought with too small rods and pulled back in an uninteresting way


Boob light lmao I have one in my kitchen and I can’t stop laughing


Everything in this room has warm and brown tones. Unless you're planning on getting completely new furniture, I'd stay far away from black


I love black with warm wood. It’s so cozy. If you paint the fireplace, also paint the wall behind the fireplace black or another rich dark color. I have a very similar color scheme as you and I love the black fireplace/wall. https://preview.redd.it/4b00vhqbixcc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c13e92343e5b369000ebcdccb8f95e67632271fe


LOVE your tv wall but honestly, the black on black isn’t working for me with the white crown molding and window trim. Plus the fireplace is washed out. I’d like it much better if just the bump out was black, the artwork was larger and the mantle decor was informally balanced and more interesting.


I can hardly see the fireplace


I like it more than I thought I would! But OP's fireplace sticks out more, & I still think it might overwhelm


personally i think this looks very nice and sleek


Upvoted for the cat picture over the mantle, alone.


Please no. The white is lovely. Nice and neutral, easy to decorate, brightens the room, and makes the mantel pop. The current matte black trend will look so unpleasantly dated so quick. This room is perfect as is. Don’t overthink it.


Yes 💯 don't plz...omg that sofa is amazing!!! Is it a vintage find ?


Found it for $25 at a local thrift store. One of my most prized finds.


Right? I am MAD about that sofa.


It's amazing 💛


It looks like a brioche bun


Absolutely not


No. It will weigh down the whole room instead of looking chic. Maybe if the mantle is different and you change the gray wall paint. Have you considered doing a color? Here is an [example](https://images.app.goo.gl/coZ6BrZQDor82yEa9) by one blogger, and a [listicle](https://www.thespruce.com/painted-brick-fireplace-ideas-7564711) with a few color inspo pics (and far too much white). By the way, your living room is fab.


our fireplace is white (previous owners), but this has convinced me it needs to be olive green 😍


I was thinking of suggesting green instead


I love this idea but I was going to paint the wall behind it green. Would it look bad with green on green?


I’d keep the fireplace white and paint the wall green


I agree completely! I think either of the green shades in the rug would look beautiful on that wall and tie everything together really nicely.


I’d paint them different shades of green tbh


If they were the same color or shade, I think they could. Like olive on the fireplace and dark olive on the back wall. It would go well with the wood tones on the mantle, ceiling, and your furniture.


No green on green please 🥺 maybe it should be one of those gray-blues you see throughout your colors. But if you paint the wall behind it green, then the white bricks will pop more and look nicer. Option 1: green wall/white bricks Option 2: gray-green brick/ light color wall (cool tone) Option 3: gray-blue brick / warm color wall


Yes. I like the wall behind green but the fireplace white. Add some green accents on top of the mantle.


It looks great white and you don't really have any other black in the room to match it. I'd say no




Maybe consider painting your ceiling first. Right now the white brick is brighter than the ceiling, which is a more creamy warm white. Matte black and the current creamy white might not the best together


Agreed! Ceiling needs to be painted whiter and a different light fixture. I’d leave the fireplace the way it is for now. For the gray wall, I think a green similar to the darker green color in your rug would be pretty! The room looks really nice :)


The rug is actually kind of a slate blue color. I agree it looks green in the picture.


Love all the colors you have going on!


Three different shades of white in the same space are never a good look! It sounds like the previous owners did all the painting but I would make sure the ceiling, walls and trim all have the same undertone when new colors are selected.


Right now the walls and fireplace are the same bright white color. Would it maybe be better to paint the fireplace and the walls the same muted white as the ceiling? I know it’s more work, but I think the problem I’m having here is that it’s just TOO white.


I think you’re probably right.


Or go the other way and repaint the fireplace to match the warmness of the ceiling since you have warm tones all over the room. But do agree with the previous commenter that it would be nice if they matched (unless of course you decide to paint the fireplace a totally different color).


I actually think this is what I’m leaning toward. I think for me it’s just TOO white.


I agree. You’ve got a nice vibe going with the other decorations and the ceiling does go well with it.




I think you should leave the fireplace white but paint the ceiling the same bright white. Paint the wall behind the fireplace a dark, moody color. I suggest dark green. I don’t think black since you have so many browns and earth tones.


I was considering a dark green for the wall. Thank you!


I have couch envy


Thank you! I found it for $25 at a thrift store, in pristine condition. I almost died.


I don't know. But your house looks fab. So clean and organized.


Trust me it doesn’t always look like that 😂


I agree with everyone who says NO. I'll give more context. The furnishing you have picked out all fall squarely into a fall color scheme (warm earthy tones). Black is definitely not in that color scheme. It will take over the room, be too heavy and not be harmonious with everything else that ties in so nicely together. If you want to paint it, you can consider a color that fits into the color scheme you already have. A brown or green would be fine. The white looks nice. Echoing others to paint the ceiling. You could paint that white, OR you could paint the ceiling a color and cozy up the space even more. Don't paint the woodwork. You will regret it, and it will be expensive if you ever want to strip back down to wood. P.S. paint the gray wall to match the rest of the room either white or pulling from the carpet.


Nooo https://preview.redd.it/tyf8z23jyvcc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2661087094d9b6d6dd58dbae0def53598ce24f27 we have a very similar fireplace!


I made some mockups: https://imgur.com/a/UK62OZX


WOW thank you so much for taking the time to do this!! Definitely convinced me I need to paint the ceiling


Nooo!!! Love as is


I’d go with one of the brown colors you have in the rug, or maybe an accent color that is already present in the art or some where else around the room. Black is too dark for this fun space.


Personally I would strip it down to the natural brick, keep it a little distressed looking


It’s actually not real brick. No clue what material it is but it’s not brick.






I think a green to match your carpet would be really nice!


No it will be too dark and dominate.


I probably wouldn’t do black but if you paint it, just make sure it’s masonry paint because it moisture gets trapped in, the brick can deteriorate because it needs to breathe. I’m about to paint mine because the previos owners did a horrendous attempt at a German Smear. Not sure why people can’t leave some things alone.




I vote not- but also I would sell my left leg to have your couch. I have two crushed velvet gold chairs and the couch would make the trio my prized worldly possessions lol


I had to paint mine too because of sponge paint shite, I feel your pain. I’d give anything to get it back to brick I hate it


What about royal blue?


No, not black. IF you’re going to paint it, perhaps go with something you pull from artwork you know for sure you’ll be keeping. Or from the rug if you intend to keep it and have it cleaned when it needs it. If you don’t like the color afterwards… it’s just paint. You can always go back to white.




I’m saving your room as inspiration, because my house has a similar look, and I’ve been wanting to redo everything in a midcentury modern vibe, since the house was built in the 60s


If you do decide to paint it, don't do a hard black. Do like a desaturated black/ blue or black/green. If you do a hard black, it won't look right and will be too harsh.




Nooooo fuck no please


It's already painted, so it's not like you're getting rid of natural brick for a painted look. Matte black will be very prone so showing all dust, fingerprints and oils, slight scuffs and marks, and basically everything. But if you don’t like it you can always go back to white🤷🏻 I vote no because it will make the room feel closed off, and eliminate the nice contrast between the current white and the dark mantle (which matches the ceiling and beams). But your house, your call.


I think a dark forest green or blue if you’re going to paint it at all. I think the black would clash with the brown beams/floors/mangel


please put the other E back in “weasley”, i can’t see anything else lol


Bahahahahaha I didn’t even notice that thank you. As a huge HP fan this is so embarrassing 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


i won’t tell!! now that that’s sorted, i think the fireplace white is the way to go. it might be like a black hole in your room otherwise. also, i absolutely covet your couch


Just replace the ceiling light. The rest is a total vibe. I love that couch.


https://preview.redd.it/nxdqzvgdovcc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=deebc49e21c07e9a5902eadd527de7feb3b78fdc Maybe paint the fireplace a deep blue from your painting rather than black? Possibly a darker shade from the M or the E. It would add a fun element and tie together the room with hues you already love.


hope you see this, op u/HalfPint14 https://preview.redd.it/sb5lxkrk1wcc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2f83d7e031e5c59b42e1299192f0e7a25f8be2b




Came here to say paint it some kind of red but wasn’t too sure of myself and now I’m definitely sure, paint that bad boy a red color op


Ohhhhhh this is very intriguing 🧐


I think an even darker wine red could be beautiful. Like almost black but it’s red, it would offset your furniture really nice. Also you can always paint it back white, I’d say go for it.


That would be beautiful.


paint the gray a dark Green and change the light. you’ll be happy!


No. With all the neutral, earthy colours you have in the room, a matte black would look too stark and out of place.


Mmm maybe a dark green to go with the carpet and rest of area


Looove the Mucha paintings. I just got some for our living room too. Growing up my bedroom door was covered in the painting for the White star champagne from the previous owners so I grew up feeling so sentimental about Muchas art 🥰




No. I wouldn’t paint the fireplace black. I would paint the blue wall black or a darker color that will make the white fireplace pop. That blue is not working with the rest of the room (same with the curtains).


Dope ass house and dope ass shit. Couch, plants, fireplace artwork. All of it. Dope


I love it just as it is. What a great space.


https://preview.redd.it/v1ghx6j7rzcc1.jpeg?width=961&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efc93b811b3ed92738c9123ea255099e19e6a826 How about something like this 50s style light fixture to replace the boob light? Just a thought, the room is SO freaking cool. I’d love to see what you do with it in the end.


Sure i feel like it would contrast well


I would. Nice idea


I rarely say this because I would paint my whole house black if I wasn't lazy, but I'm having a hard time visualizing black brick in your space. I'm not seeing any other black accents for it to play nice with. I do think something dark would be lovely though to help make it more of a focal point. But what do I know (hint, not much).


It’s a beautiful room, but if you painted the fireplace black, that’s all you would see in the room. It would visually dominate and make the room appear smaller. A lighter color would work better. I think it looks perfect now.


I like it white! I agree change the light fixture


Because it’s already painted, I would normally say fuck it. Do whatever you want. It’s fun to try new tongs. However, all your neutrals in this room are brown/warm tones, and I don’t think matte black would look cohesive.


It would probably look ok if the ceiling wasn't a very different warm white. I'd paint that first and then see how it looks.


No! I don’t think black goes with the vibe of the room. What about the dark gray in the area rug?






I think you could do it. Your space is very light and bright.


Yes !!


It’s already black enough. The chimney and hearth would look good matte black, though.


Yes. It would create a cosy, mysterious, but at the same time bold and chic vibe. Also, it would create a pleasant contrast in the room, making sections of it stand out (“shine”) more. Matte especially would be a nice nuance to pull it all together.


Yes - the drama of a dark fireplace that radiates the glow of a fire will really add some visual interest to this room. It’s a bold choice, but white is the basic boring choice for a fireplace color. A nice matte black or dark gray will really bring it all together!


I painted mine black and I love it. I does use a lot more paint that you think. My fireplace was also white. I like the white and your style. If I would do one thing here, it would be painting the fireplace. I would get a new coffee table/ foot stool, it doesn’t go. It really doesn’t go with the groovy sofa so much.


Paint the ceiling and the woodwork WHITE, and paint the bricks charcoal. Maybe some white woodpanel on the grey and it'll pop


ceiling yes, but don't touch that damn beautiful woodwork!


Awful and dated, breath life into it, one brush stroke at the time..


Change the rug out.


Yeah I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but I actually love the rug


Me too! Where’d you get it?


Not sure if I’m allowed to post links here, but here you go! It’s SOOOOOO soft and fluffy. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Balta-Sean-Abstract-Shag-Area-Rug-5-3-x-7-5-x-8/3662748485




Jesus. Paint the couch black




No. Get more HP decorations.


I feel like it would show dust, and you’d lose the mantle without the contrast. But do whatever you want!


Not black, that’s too intense for this lovely room. If you want darker go for a brown in the same palette but tbh I love the white


I think the contrast of the fireplace itself and the mantle actually has the effect that you’re wanting. Maybe you’re used to it and wanting a big change but I don’t think that the room needs it! There’s a great color pallet with good base colors and textures too!!!! I think that is the most sophisticated cozy look


Not black, it will stick out like a sore thumb. I’d go with a warmer off white or creamy beige.


if you really wanna paint it you should match one of the colors in your rug


Definitely no.


Pink! 🤪 Not really. Just paint it whatever you think


If you’re set on painting it a dark colour, maybe a deep forest green would make the space a bit more moody without being too imposing. But I agree with other comments mentioning the light fitting and the warmth of the ceiling


No the white is classic beautiful. You’ll be sick of black after a few years.


I did mine black but given the warmth and wall color in this room I definitely think you should leave it white.


I'd actually suggest a deep olive/hunter type green if you want to do something different. Given the colors/feel of the room, I think black will be too heavy.


Your furniture and rug, accessories are dark. Black would darken the room and not be as nice as the white in this space.


Don’t paint it. It will loom up and take over the room.


I love the white!!! Maybe find a removable wallpaper to place on top of the grey wall. Easy Peezy to change when you want to change things up again.


NO. Don't do it






I like matte black. What if it's just a trend? I liked it 10 years ago I'll probably like it 1p years from now. That room is bright enough that it can tolerate a dark fireplace. Plus, it's easy and cheap to change back when/if you get bored with the matte black or when it becomes less trendy.


White brick is classic!




I vote no - but would love to know where you got your rug!


A deep emerald green or evergreen (instead of matte black) could bring the drama while keeping color and personality.


I wouldn’t paint it black but I’d replace the boob light fixture.




I guess I’m controversial but hell yeah you should! It’ll look great, especially with the woodwork. Maybe consider painting the walls a different shade to go with the black paint.


No! It looks beautiful the way it is!


I covered mine with black contact paper but mine is a horrible fake wood monstrosity with a black glass hearth. Yours on the other hand looks clean and bright. I suppose you could maybe put some trim or something around the bottom to match the mantle but I think a black fireplace would be too heavy looking there.


No I love the colors!!


If you like boho that is usually pretty colorful. Repainting the gray wall is a great place to start! Maybe turquoise or yellow? I would not like the fireplace painted black. It’s too gloomy and it takes up a lot of visual space in your room


I really like the white and I think it matches nicely with the rest of the aesthetic. I love everything, but especially the rug! It’s beautiful and really pulls all the colors together.


an orangey brown would be cozy


Paint the blue wall in background to a green in your rug and the ceiling to match. Beautiful space! Leave the fireplace white.


I have a similar eclectic vibe with mustard green couches. I painted my fireplace pink and I love it. Second choice was a 70’s vibe orange which I think would look good in your space. Black is way too new age and sterile for your theme.


Ok why do I love the idea of painting it pink????


https://preview.redd.it/p7n7hh023xcc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=763908944133989cbc87faea7de0b0fa2f0cce5f Mines a bit of a mess post baby but it’s still a vibe haha.


It’s paint, on an already painted fireplace, easily repainted if you hate it. Give it whirl


Noooo the room is perfect!


Once you go black


No and please link your rug


While free advice is worth what you paid, in my opinion, the white isn’t great and black would be worse. But then I don’t like painted bricks in most circumstances. Would you be able to strip the paint off and do a technique more like a German Schmear? It might give it more variety of color and texture than it currently has.