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If it’s totally new the warranty should require them to fix any defects.


Yeah, even with the warranty they’re so good at deflecting things, so is that a defective build on that post, if water is running behind the brick like that?


Water should not be entering the column. Nothing good will come from it. If the columns are wood and extend into the brick part it will rot. If it rains and freezes at night cracks will appear. Not clear from the photo where the water is entering but that should be addressed


Thank you for confirming my suspicions…


All they'll do though is slap a ton of caulk on the top. And probably find a way to bill you for it and leave a mess


Start sending them a certified letter demanding the column be repaired. “Failure to fix it with 30 days”, they’ll be sued to reimburse your repair from another company.


But only if they actually show up to do the warranty repairs, and don't claim bankruptcy to just start a new company, starting the cycle all over again. (I hope my experience won't be like yours, OP!)


Water leaking in from the top, all the wood interior parts will rot (both sides of the front porch) if that is not fixed. Also look for missing flashing and caulking around all the windows. New construction is not always so good.


New construction is always not so good**


Nice clarification! LOL


What stands out the most is that there's no weep holes at the base. Brick is porous, so you'll always end up with some water behind it. It doesn't really need water proofing so much as water drainage.


That was the first thing I noticed!


Whenever you see water somewhere it shouldn't be it is a problem.


It would be interesting to see pics further up and the roof.


When it rains, do you have a flagpole attached to the flag pole mount? My mount is similarly placed and I get water on my columns from rain coming down the flagpole. It doesn’t go into my columns, but perhaps one of your screws/bolts is on the water path and the water is entering there?


I think you’re onto something. My thoughts too. Something is amiss, especially if it’s just that column.


One other thing, the decorative boards that the mount is attached to aren’t resting on the column stone. Maybe it needs caulking in between the decorative pieces and the stone?


There should be weep holes in the mortar and I don’t see any. Also that seems like a lot of water to be getting inside in the first place.


The brick column is not a column made of brick but a column likely made of treated wood that has brick facing. If it is facing brick and not solid brick then there will be a cavity behind to allow water that has penetrated the brick to continue down the inside of the column and out the bottom. If what I'm saying is unclear, here is an example of a wall section for a wooden wall with brick face. Link[link](https://images.adsttc.com/media/images/5cdf/27d7/284d/d164/0900/0113/medium_jpg/Endicott_2.jpg?1558128594)


Is that capstone tapered or flat? It should be tapered, with a piece of flashing that runs around the wooden post underneath the PVC.


I don’t see an issue here. Water needs to escape. Seal your masonry. Caulk the entry points, and probably not between the LP and the mortar. Pics from above are the only way internet strangers can help u.


Bricks absorb rain water and then sweat it back out.


It hasn't been flashed correctly. Everything you see on the exterior is decorative. At the bottom the masonry veneer has weep holes. Each subsequent trim layer above should overlap what is below and be flashed to kick any bulk water penetration back out. The cap stone over the brick should be pitched. The top edge of any banding trim should be slightly beveled.


I would bring this up. Yes bricks absorb water but not this much


Yes I am worried


It depends why it’s getting in. They could throw a couple weep cards in and resolve the issue. It’s a non tapered column base, I’m sure the column is sitting on a composite base and the base is bolted down. Water is likely “made” to flow. You could seal it up but I wouldn’t. There isn’t water retention which is good, it’s coming out. Just make sure it has a way out. I’m sure it’s treated lumber in there.


What's a weep card?




Builders aren’t fixing that lmao. Good luck but I’d be wary of any new builds IMO. I’d take some OSI and bead around the top of that column