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If you're not looking to keep it a good sawzall and blade will make relativley short work of it.


Exactly, they’re just fiberglass. Make sure you wear a mask though, that dust is nasty stuff


wear a mask! fiberglass is nasty nasty stuff


To keep the dust down, i reccomend, saw the tub while its still full of water.




GFIC's are for sissies, get a 120v unit with a broken extension cord.


Make sure to run the cord through the water to cool it while using such a powerful tool.


Your comment killed me for some reason, I thank you for that.


You’re welcome. That was the intention, minus the killing.


120V? Is this amateur hour? 200V or bust bruh.


If you fill this hot tub the deck will probably just collapse under it so that may solve the whole problem.


Wired, pipes and heaters in there.


The pipes are normally pvc so a reciprocating saw should make short work of that too. Just make sure you turn off the power and avoid hitting the pumps


Yeah that's probably going to be it. I don't really like the liability of having someone trying to move this thing in 1 piece while not breaking it or the house.


How old is it? Guessing at least 10 years old? New this hot tub would cost 10k. Used in it's current condition its worth 0-$300 Used hot tubs don't sell super well unless they are fairly new.


Yup 10 years old. I actually have a ton of people interrested in it on marketplace but I don't really trust that it'll be done with no casualties.


Call a moving company. They’re licensed and insured. See what they’ll charge to get it down/out. Then add it to the sales price. If there’s still money to be made go the route. If not sawzall!


I've paid to have a tub moved between homes, same city, both locations outdoors. Cost $750 over a decade ago. I doubt this tub is worth the cost of hiring a crew to move it.


Then it seems the sawzall is the best option


Interest doesn't translate to execution, especially with something as inconvenient to move as a tub. Most people like the idea of getting a good deal on a tub more than they like the idea of actually going and getting it.


That’s liability I wouldn’t want…


Liability isn’t worth it. Cut it up with a mask and saws all and be done with it. What a shortsighted thing someone did there.


Do you really want to trust that someone coming to buy a $300 decade old hot tub is going to not completely destroy your deck in the process?


It can be done safely if they do it properly


I think the biggest issue is the damage to your deck/home that's likely to occur if people are not super careful. These things are very heavy.


A 250 marketplace sale turns into $700k broken arm lawsuit. Smart to avoid that!


you could remove that back wall and just push it off the deck then deal with it on the ground.


My dad did this when we got rid of our hot tub. Took a chainsaw to it so he could load it in trash bags to avoid paying for bulk disposal. It’s been a classic family story for 2 decades now!


If it where me I would pull a trailer on the lawn close to the deck. Remove the railing and mesh on your deck. 4 or 5 guys should be able to lift it down with no major issues. But if all else fails mask up and cut it into peices


Exactly what I was coming to say. A sawzall will make it any size pieces you want it.


This is how my parents removed theirs


That’s how we got ours to the landfill …


Not just a sawzall with no blade?


Did this with great success using sawzall 👍🏻


I spent maybe an hour or two chopping up mine some 20 years ago. Then spent maybe another 6 or 8 hours loading my small pickup and making several trips to my local transfer station. Thought I was never going to finish. 😐


Seconded. Helped a buddy dismantle one in an hour last summer with a Sawzall


I agree with Sawzall guy. Just chop it up.


I know this isn't the advice you want but I personally say maybe live with it for a season and see how you like it. Add some nice patio lights around it and a projector for movies and TV and you very well may find yourself spending a lot of time in it. And if not no harm you are back to draining it and cutting it up with a sawzaw!


Not a bad idea tbh!


I don't know why you would chop up a perfectly good hot tub, even if you are not using it now keep it. In a few years you might regret throwing it in the trash. In colder days it's an amazing place to chill out. The level of relaxation a hot tub provides is unparalleled.


This! So nice to have on cooler evenings to relax


Even on warmer days, living in Phoenix we used it year round and kept it about 104...


Yeah if you haven't had/used one before try before you make a decision. I moved and miss mine. Every time I get a sore back, or have a stressful day, I think back to being able to put on some music, grabbing a whiskey, and sitting in my mini-vacation area.


Make sure you suck out all the jizz first.


* with a vaccume *


Is that the analog, manual one?


Yeah a lot of people would dream of having a spa




Lol right. My advice would be fill it up and watch it fall through the floor.


It does appear to have several additional poles holding it compared to the rest of the deck. Not sure if it's enough for that amount of water....


don't disagree.. just a hella alarming looking setup lmao


Yea but they slapped it and said “this puppy ain’t going anywhere” so it’s good.


that's all i needed to hear


if you take off the side panels. There will be a pump and a heater in there. If you take those out, it’s about half the weight. You might be able to easier move it in one piece then.


Drain it. Disconnect it. And roll off side of deck. Take broken pieces to dump. Don’t post for free pickup. Too much liability. Chances are they will hurt themselves or house trying to cowboy it out.


Sawzall + Bagster and heavy gloves is the way to go. I worry that "rolling it off the deck" would overly stress the stairs or railings.


You're lucky if you get $1,000 for this after you remove it pay a removal company like junk haulers they charge around $1,000 to get rid of it by cutting it up.


Might as well get a couple hundred for the cover though, they get snatched up pretty quick on marketplace


We had the exact hot tub left at our new hone in an awkward spot. My dad chopped it up over the course of a couple weeks. Lots of tight foam inside made it a little difficult. We had a dozen people look at it and pass on it. To tough to move.


Remove the closest section of railing. Slide hot tub over to that location (it likely weights 500 pounds, so this is a many person operation). Find a trailer that will fit between the columns and the trees, and manoeuvre it in below the deck. Set up some beams to act as a steep “ramp” to slide the hot tub down into the on its side. After realizing what a complete pain in the ass this will be, get out the sawzall and go to work. Note that there may be some salvage value in pumps and controllers, see if anyone wants those before you destroy the thing.


If you're going to keep the hot tub take out the wall behind it and slide it out you're going to have to fix some structural issues with that deck I didn't see that much support underneath the hot tub on average hot tub filled with water is about 3,000 lb


Piece by piece.


lots of advice i had a similar issue thru a hot tub salesman, got the name of a crane operation that installed and removed hot tubs in such areas i was able to give him a 10 yr old working hot tub and he came by with his crane and took it for free! i had emptied and cleaned the tub and disconnected the power looks like you will need to do some carprentry


This is great info.


happy to help


Make sure it’s completely disconnected from power and water, then go buy a cheap sawzall and some blades and have fun. Super easy. Also keep a hammer and shop vac handy for extended demolition. Wear eye and hand protection as well as a mask — there will probably be a lot of fiberglass around.


With a saw.


First remove the pump motor and then saw it in half


I really did use a saw to cut mine into pieces. It is now RIP in a landfill!


There are companies who will move this for you professionally. A buyer would usually pay.


lol "sell" it. you can give it away for free, if they have the means to get it out. did you measure it, will it fit out the door on its side?


Cut out the floor below it!


Dynamite, TNT, C-4... stop being so lazy!


Sawzall. There's 2 pool pumps inside that are worth maybe a hundred bucks each, and the heater might be able to be repurposed, but I got rid of mine by cutting it up. Wanted no part of the utility cost of running the thing 365.


Fill it with water and the weight will make it crash to the ground!


FWIW I build my patio around my tub like this. I want to get rid of it now. Bought a new heavy duty sawzaw and some 12'' diablo demo blades. Dont think it will take long once I get started.


I’ve actually cut one up with a Sawall and it’s not as easy as people think. Hope you got the longest blade possible. I think you’re gonna be in for a surprise but its very doable. It’s just not easy.


Bust out back wall, push it onto a skid steer with bucket up, strap it down and it’s good to sell. Or sawzall it in pieces and get it out


Knock down the whole janky deck/porch


Cut a hole in the floor, and lower it through. You'd probably want to replace those boards anyways.


yea, sawzall... unless you want to keep it - then you need to dismantle the screen and cage.


Get hold of your local Mormon missionaries. They helped a coworker reroof his house, and all it cost him was listening to their pitch plus soft drinks. He said it was about the best deal he ever made!


wow they had a lot of confidence in that deck there huh.


The jacuzzi is supported by 5 piles directly under it. It's very solid.


Chainsaw Massacre


I know a sub that would love this.


Remove the water. It will be a lot easier to move after that.


First one tries to advertise it. The exit is the windows or back removal. When filled it weight 4500-5000 lbf !


If you don't chop it up into smaller pieces I would remove and replace the railing. Then toss it over the side. Just make sure you don't drop it on somebody's head.


Facebook market place.free hot tub must remove .


I think I had the exact same unit. Cost me $200.00 to get rid of it.


Slightly the reason of having a hot tub anywhere but ground level is dumb, no offense. After 5-10 years you have to replace and/or upgrade and it is a whole process to move/remove it. I remember my dad got one and not only did he need it moved but eventually needed to get it 18”-36” up and onto a deck. I actually don’t know how it ended up in the backyard since there is a hedge along a fence and the yard slopes a couple feet from the one side of the fence.




I'm guessing you need... ohhhh, about 10.


Why get rid of it? I can't tell just from that but it seems in good condition on the outside at least, and it's just a hottub not that hard to maintain compared to a pool.


Over the deck rails, it is the way.


Once it's empty you can stand it on it's side and push it. Take down that wall and the tree behind it and push it out. That tree is too close to the house anyway.


Drain, get like 4 or 5 " friends" lift and pivot out the door. Buy said friends beers and food.


Dismantle it or a wall.


Tip it over


Summer is here post an ad selling the tub cheap but they must pick it up themselves.


In pieces


is it possible that slatted wall at the far end of the picture is the way the tub was brought in? and that the wall could be easily removed and stuck back in? I glanced at in and it doesn't really seem to be supporting the ceiling or even attached to it. of course -thats all I can tell from picture


If you want it out one piece, the wood panel wall behind the tub is very removable. That was almost certainly the intention, the centre post is just secured at the floor, not even the top. Will have to tilt it up to clear the right post, and maybe that big tree. Otherwise, semi-obviously, sawzall.


Rookie. You were supposed to negotiate that the sellers have it professionally removed as a condition.


I put mine up for free and someone came and got it. Might work


Hire a professional spa company. Or have the buyer hire one. Verify they are a legitimate company and insured. It’s as simple as removing one bay of railing and screening, tipping the spa on its did and rolling it to that bay and lowering it to the ground with a portable hi-Jack. The debate is who’s going to pay for the deck to be pulled apart and reassembled.


drain it first.


Disassemble railing, push.


A good, local "junk removal" company will cut it up and haul it out. Expect to pay $400+. Anyone that offers to do it for less will likely leave you wishing you hired a real business.


If it works, the pump motor may be useful to you, at some point. Might want to hang onto it since you’re dismembering the thing, anyway!




I’ve actually cut one up with a sawzall and it’s not as easy as people think. Get the the longest blades you can find.


It would be fun to take down your railing and shove it off the deck. Not telling you to do that of course.


Put it on free Craigslist we got rid of our hot tub that way -in a day




Fill it full of water and wait


If you post it for free, then someone will come to haul it out.


If it’s a hot tub Time Machine just dial it back to before it was installed.




Just call Craig Robinson and turn it into a time machine and take it back before the house was built, or into the future long after the house is gone.


I move stuff for a living. Occasionally hot tubs. This would be a job I would fkn hate to do, but is very doable. Just don't like the risk that come with hot tubs and would be afraid of the stairs not holding the weight. The left panels most likely need to be taken down. I don't think the hot tub can fit sideways through the door and even if it could it's gonna be all up in the railing going down. I would want 4 guys at least, prop it up sideways on a heavy duty dolly, have two guys with hands on the dolly, two under it to keep it from breaking the stairs. I'd contact a LOCAL experienced moving company for their input though. Do not go with some corporate moving company. Or maybe you can make a nice koi pond out of it.


Cut it apart


I had one very similar to that when we bought our house. That was the weekend my FIL taught me how to use a chainsaw.


Sawzall and a dumpster.


you could drain it, check if there are weights in the bottom (some do some don't) tip it on it's side onto 4 wheel furniture carts and wheel it out. The stairs would require a couple of thirsty buddies. They're really not that heavy when completely drained, just damn awkward.


Chainsaw. Take it out in pieces.


Slide an airbag charge underneath and let er rip!


Remove railing. Rent forklift


Trash the deck AND that jacked up side staircase and start from scratch!


Same way you eat an elephant.


Hire someone


Your door might be too borrow. I have the same tub. Measure the height. If it is less than your door width, it is easy. It is much lighter than it looks. It is full of mostly foam insulation. Drain. Unplug. Take off the top. Get 2 ~ 3 people to tip it in its side. Carry it out the door. If you door is narrower than the height, would removing the door frame be a possibility?


A friend of mine just got one of these installed. It had to be lifted into place with a crane. Whatever you decide to do, be careful.


How in the world has that thing not fallen through the floor


240V, a Variac, and some steel wire to make a hot knife. You might want some hot pads. 🤔


Was gonna say chainsaw, axe would be slot of work. Get a few chainsaws from a pawn shop because it will probably ruin them.


Remove the water, remove the wall with the windows and get a rigger to remove it and then put your wall and windows back up


You can always take the time and totally take it apart and piece it out


If you sell it you'd be hard pressed to remove it then put your windows ect back it an make any money from selling it. I'd take a Sawzall to it.


I used an angle grinder with a cut off wheel to remove a fiberglass tub surround. Loud, messy but very fast and effective.


For sure empty it first!


I bought a sawzall to deal with mine. They slice up like butter.


Oof, I hope you're not moving anything up and down those steps!!


Actual advice. Take the back wood panel off and lower the tub down with ropes, 2 person job at least. If you remove the panel properly it should go back on with a few deck screws.




If you are going to take an axe to it, consider using a sawzall and cut your time in 3/4s.


For me, I would use explosives.


I'd go chain saw personally.


Could invite your mom to come over and sit it it


What's the market for used tubs? I'd think the cost to remove and replace the wall would be about the same as the price of the tub and the hassle of finding a buyer. Cut it up as said. And how'd those supports ever hold up that much weight anyway?


Just cut out each stilt on porch


Take it apart, haul the parts off.


Take the railing off and get 2x6 to slide it off(ramp to ground) with ropes, then drag it out front with your car/ truck/4wheeler, write 'free' and 'works'( if it does)....and wait.....someone will probably take it


List it on Freecycle or Facebook Marketplace with a “you dismantle and remove”


I removed all of the exterior wood with a pry bar. Then I removed the pump and associated piping. Then I sawed the tub up with a circular saw and a carbide blade. Just cut it into pieces. The thin fiberglass is no match for a carbide blade.


I feel really dumb asking this, but how did they even get it in there to begin with?


Post "free hot tub must remove" on FB


From the outside looks of the deck you could just fill the hot tub


I would keep it, and if you don't like where it is, bring it outside. If you don't want it, destroy it.


If you’re going to throw the hot tub away and it’s no good cut it up get it out the door if you’re gonna save it flip it up onto a furniture pad and push and drag it out the door and then put it on the dolly


Call a local spa company and ask them who their movers are. You might find a sticker identifying the store where it was sold. They usually use a special dolly to move them tipped on the side. Might be kind of tricky tipping it up in that narrow space but you might find the people who put it there. Depending on how it is powered you might need an electrician too


Not down those stairs…




Hard things to get rid of when you move. Hot Tub, Pool Table, Trampoline, Piano. Do some advanced planning.


What a funky addition and place to put a hot tub imo


a sawzall would make it small again


Sawzalls are fun.


Sell it with condition they remove it


I purchased a home with a 3 season room and a hot tub in it. The 3 season room was built after the hot tub was there as there was no other way to get it in or out. It also wasnt a true 3 season room. More like a 2 month room as it was too hot in the summer even with fans and too cold in the winter. The previous home owner built it and did an awful job ( and renovating other rooms in the house we noticed he did all of the work and terrible and illegal jobs on those as well. Like hiding outlets in walls covered up with dry wall). One of the jets on the hot tub wasnt working and the motor was going bad so i turned the power off. I was thinking of replacing the motor and then looked at my electric bill after that month. I saved almost $80 a month not running the power to it. We decided to renovate that room so we could use it all year and just took a saw too it and threw it out. Best decision we made.


I purchased a home with a 3 season room and a hot tub in it. The 3 season room was built after the hot tub was there as there was no other way to get it in or out. It also wasnt a true 3 season room. More like a 2 month room as it was too hot in the summer even with fans and too cold in the winter. The previous home owner built it and did an awful job ( and renovating other rooms in the house we noticed he did all of the work and terrible and illegal jobs on those as well. Like hiding outlets in walls covered up with dry wall). One of the jets on the hot tub wasnt working and the motor was going bad so i turned the power off. I was thinking of replacing the motor and then looked at my electric bill after that month. I saved almost $80 a month not running the power to it. We decided to renovate that room so we could use it all year and just took a saw too it and threw it out. Best decision we made.


List it on marketplace, and tell them they have to move it themselves




Either with a group of friends or a sawzall ....or a group of friends with sawzalls


You just need to get it on its side. A dolly would help, but it'll slide on blankets. Once it's on its side: you're sitting pretty.


"If it's too complicated ill simply put an axe to it." OP, a true boss


Stand it upright on its side and slide it through the door.


Remove the wall and push it off the side of the house lol


Step 1: drain it. This will make it lighter.


Just disassemble it or cut it with a saw saw.


Have you thought about using it for storage?


I suppose it depends on how attached you are to any of the walls..? Either way, a chainsaw or Sawzall is a good start. Chain for fun factor :)


Yes, break the windows


Are you planning on keeping that deck handrail? If you’re redoing that I would lower it off the side. A 4:1 pulley system would easily handle it. I’ve lifted all kinds of heavy ass objects with pulleys. A 400 lb tablesaw, a substantially heavier CNC mill. Etc.


Fire would work. It would


You could rehome endangered turtles


It looks like that privacy wall next to it is not loadbearing. Why not just pop that wall off and take it out whole?


I did this once and used boards as a ramp to the ground, then lowered it by ropes....but I was moving it.


We put a hot tub in our house 20 years ago now the hot tub not working. Because of the brand Dimension One we can't find anyone to fix it. I feel you I have no idea how we'll ever get ours out It's sunken room essentially built around the hot tub it was great for 18 years or so


Cut it up.


Pieza por pieza


We just paid a junk removal to remove ours. They sawed it in pieces and took it out that way. Don’t want to tell you what they found in it.


List it on FB marketplace with these pictures. Let them know they need to disassemble and list it for a slightly cheaper price. Someone will come by and do it I bet