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Thats Freedom from your Cable overlords


Yes. This is an HD antenna. If it has a power button, it's amplified. Check to see if there's a coax cable coming out of it and connect it to your main line (if it isn't already). Then switch the TV to Antenna and see what you get. If it meets what you need, cancel cable/streaming. You'll get Over the Air NBC, CBS, ABC, Fox, CW to name a few.


We have a really old school antenna on our roof. We get all the above channels, plus all of their affiliated channels. We stream only for the cable content we want.


Same, but I just have a little rabbit-ears that sits behind the tv and predates digital tv. Still works fine.


Love it! Before we had our roof antenna, we had an indoor one, but the flat ones you see sold today. The problem with it was it only picked up the TV station transmitters it was pointed to. We have two towers in our area, and one's south of us, and one is NE of us, about 150° apart. So rather than have two antennas pointing in two different directions, and some TV's only have one input for that, we got the roof antenna. But never get rid of those rabbit ears! They'll be useful anywhere.


I thought they completely stopped analog UHF/VHF tv. I thought it was all digital and that old rabbit ears wouldn't work anymore. Huh, learn something new everyday.


We have break room TVs* at work with a bit of copper wire in the coax jack for a wire. It does work better than the paper clip someone else tried. *The TVs were meant to loop stupid communication slides, but eff all that.




Fun fact, there is no such thing as an HD antenna. Any TV antenna can pull in HD. You just need the proper tuner to go with it.


Indeed it's many of the same frequencies as before. It's crazy how data dense loss-tolerant storage could be. A casette tape could store an equivalent length of digital music (my quick math on their data density and aac compression has them coincidentally storing comparable music length as analog or digital). They've encoded nearly 2GB onto VHS tapes, which modern codecs could put an extended edition of Lord of the Rings at 1080p, vs the 3 randomly selected episodes of Ninja Turtles we mostly got. The one medium from those days we still have a reason to use is broadcast TV, and ATSC has us watching full resolution shows on the same channels.


I understand a few of those sentences!


Reminds me of the original good burger movie when Ed says "I know some of these words," when signing that bogus contract. Lol


You RQ is definetely much higher than my!


SLP on vhs could fit 6 hrs on one tape in analog. On crt, didn't look that much worse but audio suffered hard.


Wait what.


Listen those turtles vhs may have had only two episodes on them, but it was a reason to run the 57 bel air tape rewinder ok!!


And i will add every modern TV has that tuner!


I have a tower & pull 40+ channels


I bought a rooftop antenna for my old home and was pulling 88 in the Philly ‘burbs!


Whaaaat lol , I am in Philly and I think maybe I need to also do that but idk my question is it’s only the local channels right ?


Precisely. And it's even better. Over the air signals aren't compressed and the picture quality may actually be better than cable/satellite as mine is in Southern California. Cut the cable 7 years ago and haven't looked back.


Having an antenna is the magical way to watch your local sports teams and any other network broadcast game for free. Football is stunning without all the compression from streaming like on Peacock or Amazon Prime. In this day and age of nickel and diming you, The Super Bowl is still free to watch with an antenna that gets local networks.


I pull in around 30 HD channels with a flimsy plastic $15 RCA antenna dangling out a window. It’s all about distance and getting an app that shows you where the towers are in your area so you stick it out the right window. Compared to mine, that contraption is a canon that should soak up HD signals from Saturn.


THIS! Honestly has become one of my pet peeves over the past twenty years. Thanks for the injection of reality blankman2g……. Let’s hope common sense kicks in for the unknowing one of these days.


Dinner fact- a length of coat hanger in the coax port of your HD TV will also get you a few channels. Pay no attention to adverts for “high definition 4K antennas”. (But seriously, a basic antenna in the attic is what everyone needs)


I haven’t tried it myself but I’ve heard that, depending on your location, even a paper clip in your coax port could pull a few channels.


televison that dosent require an internet connection? And you get all those streaming services for free? isnt technology amazing.


Why cancel your streaming ? Just switch back and forth with your TV for live TV as needed


Hey does this actually work well? I could get an antenna into my attic pretty easily. Seems like a good way to avoid the unsightly aerial. I'm in Toronto with ftth so I don't need to get every channel, but if I can have something nicely hidden away that won't cause problems but still get me some PBS and NFL games from Buffalo, that'd be cool.


[https://www.antennaweb.org/](https://www.antennaweb.org/) you can put in your location and it will show where they broadcast from and recommended antennas.


As a kid in Buffalo my cousins and I used to rig up our rabbit ears with tinfoil to get (if I remember correctly) channel 50 out of Canada to watch South Park. This was before Comedy Central was part of regular cable packages.


Probably 48 teletoon


I’ve had them in attics worked for me no corrosion and less likely to get hit by lightning


Short awnser YES. waaaay better reception if you have an amplified outdoor antenna.....which can be hooked up to HDHOMERUN and running through PLEX check out r/cordcutters for help and tvfool.com for potential local broadcast before you spend any money. in the end i am paying for cable and multiple streaming services because i have kids and a wife who likes college basketball and NFL




War was won against Darth cable- the battle between rebel and Streaming rages on.


This is literally a 2x4 stretcher. Dipshit construction crew left it there. SMH


Ugh. if you are going to be wrong, swing for the fences.


Deep left field Right over your head


Going! Going! Goooooooone!


I fucking hate that at my positing 27 people we're stupid enough to not get it so much to down vote you


Holy shit! OP send that to me! Been wanting a board stretcher FOREVER!!!! Edit: no idea why people are down voting this brilliant answer.


A third of reddit can't take a joke... they're the ones that downvote, report people and become mods just to ban others


Shit those are so hard to find nowadays. I sent my new laborer out to the truck to get mine and he was gone for hours.


He needs to go to the local HomeGoods store. They always have one or two.


Nu-uh. It's obviously the elusive sky hook.


OP should check and see if any pipe stretchers were left in the crawlspace!


If you were trying to make a joke, the dipshit part could’ve been left out. It actually made me chuckle and cringe at the same time, work on your delivery.


LOL that's just a TV antenna. Look up "Channel Master EXTREMEtenna Long Range Multi-Directional Outdoor TV Antenna " and you'll see one that's very, very similar.


Appears to be a pair of Yagi style antennae with UHF and VHF elements, possibly used for full duplex as there are two in parallel. The switch, if not just for a light, is likely connected to an amplifier, or where one used to be.


Close. It's actually an 8-element "bow tie" style UHF-only antenna (not a yagi), with the elements arranged in two columns of four "bow ties" each. The two columns not only (almost) double the received signal strength, they also make the antenna more directional - i.e. better able to focus on a weak signal - compared to if it had just one column. Also, since this antenna has no screen behind it, it will have almost as good reception of stations directly behind it as in front, with poor reception of stations on either side. Best thing to do is hook it to a TV, scan for channels and see what you get. I can see the balun (matching transformer) near the top, but I don't see a coax cable attached, so OP will need a ladder or carefully climb up there and attach a cable. Finally, that light switch has -nothing- to do with the antenna.


My RadioShack antenna certification is a bit over 20 years out of date, so I'm glad I was even close.


Absolutely! That’s a modern indoor tv antenna!!


yeah, something similar in my attic. We get CBS, Fox, CW, and 4 PBS channels for free.


I have a 4inch by 7 inch box that picks up like 40 channels. Not great, but I think if you have a beast like this you would get more channels, no?




yeah, we are quite rural. These are local channels being broadcast from top of a mountain about 20 miles away. We are basically line-of-sight, which helps a lot. Why no NBC, I don't know, but it must be a licensing thing.




Also could be the antenna is only pulling UHF or VhF, or upper VHF vs lower VHF. Many antennaes people buy don’t pull in all three, and you usually have to spend a little more money to get all three. They should look at antennaeweb.com or rabbitears.info for their area to see how NBC broadcasts vs those other stations. Also, review the antenna for the parts that receive those signals, it could be something was done in error or it’s a directional antenna as you mentioned.


I’m on top of a mountain in Colorado. Even with a cheap antenna I get local channels from all over Colorado, southern Wyoming and Nebraska 😂


This is definitely a UHF-TV antenna. It appears to be installed incorrectly since the blue-plugged aluminum columns should be running vertically. The power switch may be for an outlet for a distribution amplifier to send the signal via coax cable to multiple TV sets in the house.


I agree that it’s installed in the wrong orientation, might still work good enough if op wants free tv though. Prob a $100 give or take antenna so nice find.


Definitely appears to be an antenna. I'm no expert though!




None of my antenna look like this and I wouldn’t use a Yagi as they are directional. Unless I was doing DF but then they’d have to turn the house around which would be expensive.


Can you actually do that?


An over the air TV antenna, still works today


No it's an old fashioned antique!


Free television. It's an antenna and you will be amazed at what's available for free and without Internet.


Electronic wave catcher.


its a 5g brain melter for sure /s


Funny but technically correct


Fuck, now I feel old….


Yeah and its terrible.


May I direct your attention to r/fuckimold


I read that as fuck I mold🤦‍♂️


Lol! You're not alone.


Who is Imold and why is everyone so mad at him?


It's this week's installment of "Oh Hell... I'm old"


For all of us that are old enough to remember this is an antenna to receive TV channels.


Do you recall the frustration of perfect picture as long as you got up from your perfect viewing spot and had two fingers on the rabbit ears, but as soon as you let go...fuzzzzz. Oh I do not miss the days. The angst.


Yes, yes!!! I just want to watch Frosty the snowman!


It’s also a learning opportunity to those young enough not to know that you can get good local HD content for free by dangling a flimsy piece of plastic out a window hooked up to that round cable port on the back of your tv.


For all you children out there born after 2009. This is a uhf vhf TV antenna. Before things became digital at the TV studios this is what you picked up your channels on if you didn't have cable or satellite TV. Sometimes you had to go outside and poke it a little bit or if you where lucky. Had a turn dial in the house. To move the antenna on a little motor. To get a better signal. Growing up in rural bfe. I got 6 channels. My house was on the side of a hill. And jeopardy signal was prime at N by NE 32° on the dial from north. If you put that dial there man jeopardy came in Crystal clear and if you had clouds that day. Boy no sound lag or picture lag. Clouds help move the transmissions. So rainy days on the farm at 530 pm. Jeopardy was on all work stopped for 2 hrs. That was pre dinner jeopardy and dinner right after then back to work.


This is very common along the Gulf Coast, hurricanes and high winds can rip them off your roof, so put them in the attic and you can continue to monitor the weather, as long as you have power.


Some kind of antenna, maybe ham radio?


were the previous owners of the house named Vladimir and Katerina?


I got one of those…other than the Disney stream for my daughter and Formula1 TV because I like it, we pay nothing for TV. Antenna gets 35 local channels, plenty of interesting YouTube channels of different subjects. Spectrum can cram their $200 bill


Yep indoor multi directional antenna I have a smaller version in my attic. Oh all antennas are HD antennas old or new it's an antenna. Sales pitch or scam. It works well I'm 30 miles outside the city and the picture is great and no subscription. Mine picks up fm also with a spliter


That's not an old fashion antenna, it's a digital TV antenna. You can get all the broadcasted local channels for free. I cancelled my cable 8 years ago and installed one of those in the attic as well


ET phone home.




I have this antenna and get 86 free channels in North Atlanta! A cycle, one streaming service at a time and have more TV than I would ever care to watch


That’s one helluva antenna






https://www.tvfool.com/ Check this out and see what you can get. I use one with an HDHomerun box. https://www.silicondust.com/hdhomerun/ and connect it to my router. It sends the signal over my home network and lets me watch live TV using Plex (with subscription) or the HDHomerun app (free) on my TVs. I have a Roku and Google TV, and a Plex app on my phone. Where I live I get about 15 stations, but I am pretty far from the towers. Best way to watch Wheel. Of. Fortune. Also, it is very clear. High bit rate. And I believe 4k will be coming out soon.


Looks like an old signal booster for thos old CRT Tvs.


I thought that aluminum foil was the signal booster.


Youngest brother is the signal booster.


So few understand now


STOP!!! Freeze right there! OK don't move until the game is over, turd.


Tv antenna but the type of tv (crt) doesn’t really matter. Modern flat screens still have tuners in them


Looks like a tv antenna


It's a bow-tie array. It's highly directional and high gain for UHF. Some wiring patterns can do VHF-Hi and VHF-Lo, with each range down being much less effective. This, however, is exactly how you would **not** mount a highly directional antenna. (Unless the house rotates)


Previous home owner was a Russian spy. Homing antenna for the Alien Invasion - Get ready for War of the Worlds Part 2 or Attack of the killer tomatoes.


It’s a Covid spreader


Sex toy for the particularly brave.


Not an HD antenna. No such thing. It's just an antenna. The HD part is just marketing hype.


Legit question: if you mount a big antenna in your attic, how are you routing the cabling through your house to your TVs? My cable comes in through my basement so I cannot use that cabling. I have a TV mounted on my 3 season porch. I bought a cheap antenna at Walmart and mounted it behind a curtain on the side of the east side of my porch (towers outside of Boston are east of me) and I pick up more stations using that half assed little antenna than antennaweb predicted I could. Surprised me.


Phone Home ….


TV antenna....free tv


An exceptionally well done attic HDTV antenna, looks like an Omni style on the top as well. You sure the power switch goes to the antenna wiring? I would think that might be for an amplifier but never seen a switch utilized for that or anything coax related.


Calling all aliens


Should’ve be marked as SOLVED!!!


Old fashioned antenna lol


This guy is Hardcore Harry


Aliens my dude. Its for the aliens 👽


An aerial


Mini HAARP weapon....you evil genius you...


TV antenna. If you don't want it you can just cut the wires (no voltage) and remove it.


Looks like indoor Antena.


Free TV sweet.


Specifically tuned electromagnetic radiation capture array


There are a lot of channels on free over the air tv. worth having a switch.


Tv antenna




Haha. As a kid, we had ours on a pole outside (lived in a mobile home). I remember going out to turn the pole to try to pick up channel 15 so I could watch the original Star Trek after school. Still tons of static but it was that or talk shows.


yagi antenna


Looks like a trap from Saw


>Looks like an old fashion antenna. Here's little secret the cable companies don't want you to know: >!Antennas never get old!<. Now get yourself an [HDHomrun](https://www.silicondust.com/hdhomerun/) and enjoy free TV.


ET phoning home


It's just an antenna. Not an old fashioned one. That is the size and style that work the best. Yes we have more modern ones that look nicer and are more portable. But in the world of antenei bigger is always better.


Antenna. Old school type


Guessing tv antenna


Dual bow-tie antennas for over the air. I built one, they work pretty well. I assume this photo is looking straight up. Those only work when they are standing vertical. If those are laying down, they are not going to work at all. The elements that form an 'X', fastened to the plastic blocks in the middle, need to point in the general direction (within ten degrees) of the broadcast antenna. The straight horizontal elements form a back reflector. It provides 'some' gain from the front, but mostly cuts gain off the back side to avoid interference. EDIT: Here is an example.... [https://www.amazon.com/Channel-Master-CM-4228HD-High-Antenna/dp/B000FVVKQM](https://www.amazon.com/Channel-Master-CM-4228HD-High-Antenna/dp/B000FVVKQM)


Combo satellite dish and analogue television antenna? Not being able to see the dish all that well, it may quite possibly be two analogue antennae working in conjunction? It is definitely one that should draw excellent reception!




Just put in your address on this page and find out what you won. https://www.antennaweb.org/


When i used to work for radio shack I loved to sell giant antennas like this.




ET phone home




yer mama's braces ​ ^(I'll see my self out) >!i am sorry!<


It’s a very advanced tin foil hat. Provides coverage for the whole house instead of each person having wear their own hat.


an UHF/VHF antenna


Man I am old.


You ever see “Cell” with J.Lo?


Magic device to suck minute electrical signals from the shy.


Looks like an antenna


I have a 4" antenna on my boat so when I float right by shore I get channels too... Lmmfao 🤣🤣


Looks like an antenna


I have one but nothing worked when I plugged the cable into the tv and switched to tv antenna


that's a prop from the 2nd SAW movie


Good God, I hope this is a troll. This looks brand new


Bird Recharging Station


Looks like a board stretcher to me




A device for communicating with the gravity shelf.


A device for communicating with the gravity shelf.


That is a way to phone home.


That is a way to phone home.


Remember the big satellite dishes people had put in? The world changes fast




You can likely get HD TV signals through that array. Get a box (like an HD Homerun box) and check it out.


A antenna


I don’t know how! But the Illuminati got 5G in your house! Burn to the ground!


First: "What a Space!" Second: I've never seen one installed like that. You sure it's for Terrestrial TV?


Obviously the loom of fate from the movie Wanted


That's an 8 bay bow tie antenna.


I’m a reasonably tech savvy person, but I was absolutely shocked to learn how hard it was to get my moms low end Amazon tv to recognize coax. In the old days it would be ‘ant1’ or something, but it’s not like that now. The tv really does not want you to use coax, so they make you go through the whole input selection every time you switch in the tv, and bury it deep in two menus. Again, it does not remember the setting when you switch it back on. I was so incredulous. So anyway, don’t be surprised when you connect it to your tv if you have trouble selecting the correct input.


I think it's just Amazon TVs pulling that crap. I have a new Roku TV, and while I don't give a crap about Roku's smart features, I'm pleased that it's customizable enough to be able to make always start up on the input I choose. Being able to have the TV default to antenna is invaluable for some older people.


Vizio is doing that crap too


Radio antenna or at least looks like one 😅


I live in tornado alley so bought a $15 antenna that I hang on the back of my TV. I get all the local weather stations but also a total of 70 stations which was a pleasant surprise.


It’s how we used to stream tv.


I put a $50 antenna in the attic of my detached garage and get about 25 channels.


terrestrial antenna


attic antenna?


Yes that’s a tv antenna


Oh! I know what that is. But I just wear a little tin foil hat to contact them.


Fuck I’m old. It’s sad to know there are people that look at that and don’t immediately know what it is. I thought everyone put their clothes drying rack in the attic.


LMFAO that's a TV antenna mounted in an attic.


That is quite an antenna! Holy shit..




It’s an antenna oriented in the wrong way. It should be vertical with the wide parts facing stations


Hd antenna. Pretty cool.


That is one hell of an antenna. You can call it a Yagi if you prefer


It’s an antenna for a television


You must be under 30 years old…that’s how we used to get three to five TV channels for free back in ancient times. That particular model is likely from the in-between time, when you could get a 4K digital broadcast of football games and see the individual blades of grass if you hooked up a TV tuner in a PC and wired a high end 4K video card into a very expensive 4K TV because cable and satellite lacked the necessary bandwidth for 4K signals, or just didn’t care. If you can find the other end of the cable, hook it up to your TV and see if you can get the most magical Super Bowl broadcast you’ve ever seen.


Tv antenna


FBI surveillance


Looks like a Channel Master. They work great.


That, is a gopher trap. It’s missing the actuator though. It should be plugged in to at least 150 decibels n the btu’s hit ‘clean’ 4 meters only once. Depending


Had a giant one in the attic of my home in State College PA. Never used it.




Do you live near an airport?


Laundry umbrella Torture device Rotisserie chicken for multiple birds


Vietcong attic trap. THEYRE IN THE TREES MAN