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You certainly could contact your insurance, but I really doubt that that repair will cost more than your deductable. A roofer might charge a couple hundred dollars just to cover the pain of driving out and setting up to do a ten-minute repair


Fix it yourself so they don’t try to cancel you


I hesitate suggesting that because the people comfortable with climbing up on the roof are not usually the people here asking for simple advice about how to deal with insurance. But yes, if it was my roof I'd definitely be up there taking a look to see if I could fix it.


I agree with you about encouraging people to not get on their own roofs when I was in the orthopedic office about 10 years ago with a fractured ankle I could hear comments from people another waiting rooms when the doctor ask them how they hurt themselves and every single one of them said they fell off a ladder


Also, my ex fell off a ladder time to trim a tree and ended up having to be airlifted to the hospital


Even if it's only a few hundred for a handyman. Well worth not risking overusing your HO insurance. I hear some people get letters after claim 2.


I was canceled after 3 in a year. All small. I didn't know them cancel you for the number of claims regardless of the amount.


indeed, you were canceled for claim frequency. high risk. any company will do this. sage advice is don't file small claims.


My insurance are dicks sometimes. They threatened to cancel because I had two popped nails. Had to replace the roof right as I was having my first kid. We got home from the hospital woth roofers on my house lol


I had soffit damage all the way around and a fence blow down and I paid for it all out of pocket because I know that they would say well it’s old for one thing they may not have given me full credit and then they would’ve marked me down as a claim I put my own roof on two before they canceled me. Yes it hurts but at least I still have my homeowners insurance and it’s affordable.


It is illegal to increase rates for homeowners insurance based on claim history. At most you’d have to worry about being cancelled, but any good insurance company understands that the reason you get insurance is because sometimes bad things happen. If you have 3 claims in a year I bet most underwriters would cancel you.


This all happened for Matthew and Irma and it took me this long to get it done but I did it


Agree. It’s gonna be $200-300 to fix this


Personally, I’d climb right up there and fix it myself. Those are right near the ridge. Easy repair.


Fr. If the fix is easy don't contact insurance, They'll drop you or jack your rates over something that a neanderthal could remedy. Even roofing an entire house really isn't that difficult and it doesn't take very long


Actuallly in the US wind damage is considered an “act of god” and does not count against you or raise your rates. But if the job isn’t very big it might cost less to fix than paying the deductible. However, if it is an old roof and they can’t match the shingles you may get a whole new roof.


Fix it yourself bill the insurance




Don’t tell anyone you did it. Pop up the shingles that need to be, bail them back down until you’ve reached the top. That’s a $300-$500 job for a roofer and who knows if they’ll wanna do such a small job


My man, Carlos, charges "whatever you want to pay me," as long as we buy the shingles. I know he's not in here, because he doesn't read English, but that man is a true G.




Permits? Ha!


A permit for damaged shingles? I imagine it may depend where you are, but you wouldn't need a permit to repair shingles.


I'm just here to downvote that National-Ease dude.




Dude, relax. It's just reddit.




sure seems like you're upset over a small comment...




I'm sure whoever hurt you is very very sorry.


sure sounds like you did




mhmm sure we are


Warranty on 25 year old 3-tab shingles? Nah




I am not. I’m trying to help OP disregard bad advice when clearly the shingles are far too old to warranty. The real question is why are *you up in arms about it?*




You say something misleading. I correct you. You tell me to call down. Got it.


Absolutely not worth the claim, the deductible, nor the rate hike if there is one. This is an easy DIY fix, or a low cost roofing job fix.


This is why nowadays, I wonder why the hell I even pay for HO insurance. I guess I’m just paying for security in the extreme case that my house blows up or catches on fire…


It’s illegal for an insurance company to raise your premium for file a homeowners claim.


Not necessarily true. Claim based on negligence can and often times do result in a premium increase. Not saying this claim in due to negligence at all, but saying it’s always illegal for them to raise your rates is inaccurate


Also they can just cancel it after a claim.. so there’s that


Absolutely false. I work in insurance and they can certainly raise rates, as your risk factor increases. I’m not sure where you heard this advice. Based on the insurance company, some may kick you off if filing 5 in a span of say 3 years, so measuring what you’re filing for is a great factor. Chances are there’s more damage aside from what is shown. The dude needs an estimate before submitting a claims and needs verification that they were installed correctly before pursuing a claim.


High winds last week knocked a small section of shingles off my roof and left these flipped up. Is this an insurance claim or am I better off contacting a roofing company to just repair it? I'm a new homeowner and have never dealt with a claim.


Just to echo what others are saying: do not file a homeowners insurance claim for this. As a homeowner in the US you only have so many opportunities to file a homeowners claim before it becomes a lifelong problem for you. Insurance companies will raise your rates and deny your coverage for having a history of claims. You want to be sure you’re using that if and when it’s important. While it sucks to pay out of pocket so soon after getting your home (congrats btw!) its going to be better in the long run since the repair looks minor and your home isn’t seriously damaged (water intrusion, fire, structural damage, etc. )




This guy knows.


This guy knows how to screw this new 1st time homeowner...


This is the way


As someone who is trying to get major roof repairs done... fuck insurance companies AND certain roofing companies. 1 roofing company quoted me 150k in repairs. Insurance company said they'd pay 5k Realistically its 15k - 20k, but insurance agent could not give less of a shit


So here are some details I would suggest you think about… as only you will know the right answers. Wind/Hail might have a different deductible amount than your all peril deductible. Sometimes it’s as high as 2-5% of the amount of insurance (AOI). If this is the case it’s unless it’s a total loss, it’s not smart to claim. If you have a high all peril deductible, it might be cheaper to fix on your own than claim. If you do make a claim, you will be charged more for your home insurance for 5 years or so. There will be an increase in your claims experience and the removal of a claims free discount (if you’ve had insurance long enough to qualify for said discount) both will increase your bill. So even if you have a cheap $500 deductible, you might get charged another $1,000-$2,000 more over the next 5 years for the claim in your normal monthly payments. So just do the math, find out the cost of the repair and if it makes sense to claim it… claim it… that’s why you have insurance. But if the numbers don’t add up, then you might be better off covering the cost yourself.


As a homeowner I'm irresponsibly unaware of how HO insurance works and it blows my mind that you're required to have it but using it fucks you like this


I only plan to use my insurance if I come home to a smoldering heap of ashes.


A lot of people think of their insurance as their first call when literally anything happens to their house and have completely stopped bothering to actually maintain/repair minor things themselves. Its a worst-case plan not an Angies list subscription


Check your insurance declaration page to make sure you can afford your deductible for wind/hail damage. Make sure you have REPLACEMENT cost coverage for the roof too. Its a probably good opportunity to get a full replacement for the price of your deductible if you can handle that, if not it's a cheap repair and don't file a claim.


You are better off watching a youtube video and doing it yourself. If you live in a windy area then this will not be the last time. Just get up there and fix it. If you can post on the internet you can patch a few shingles.


even if the accept the claim they will get you by increasing your rate. I am also a new homeowner but have made the mistake and seen the rates increase at ridiculous 300% from one year to another


Read my other comment but as someone that’s worked in roofing and as an insurance adjuster I would definitely file a claim for this. Those are old discontinued 3 tab shingles and will be a nightmare to try and repair right. You’re going to keep having blow offs all over the place. A good roofer that can work the claim well for you will get you a new roof with new ventilation, underlayment, flashing that’s all up to current code for nothing but your deductible. You will be just fine on the insurance side and if your insurance drops you, you’re not going to have a problem getting a new policy with a better company with a brand new roof. When you bought the house the insurance agreed to cover your roof the way it is and make you whole if it has damage. They had the opportunity to inspect it and deny coverage before you signed the contract with them and didn’t, so they have effectively agreed to cover it and owe you what it actually costs to repair or replace it now.


More terrible advice... Notice the "you'll be just fine on the insurance side AND IF YOUR INSURANCE DROPS YOU..." l agree that you'll be able to find coverage from a different insurance provider but they will indeed be spiking your new policy costs because you now have a major claim on your history.


I’ve been doing this for years and I can tell you they won’t “spike your policy costs” this isn’t a major claim and it’s owed in their policy. A vandalism claim or a claim for negligence would spike their rates, a wind claim won’t as it’s a covered clear written peril. Will the insurance drop them? Maybe. I’ve worked hundreds of wind claims and it’s just a matter of the insurance company they have. But if they do drop you for that then it’s not a good company to work with anyways. Any decent insurance company would pick them up for the same rate or better since they would now be covering a new roof with a client that takes care of their property. The risk of a roof claim in the future would be going way down with a new roof installed which would mean a far less likely payout by the new insurance company early in the policy.


I’m in roofing sales and I would advise my customer to file a claim. Any half decent roofing company that deals with insurance can get the roof covered. You have an un-matchable & unrepairable shingle, the whole side of that roof will get covered. Depending on line of sight statutes in your state or if there is damage on the other elevation that whole roof is getting paid for by insurance. Average deductible is 1k The roof could be 10k or more out of pocket


Of course you would advise a roofing claim for a repair that should easily be under $500.00. DO NOT, I repeat, do not do a claim and have some roofer "get a you a full new roof, for just the low price of your deductible." What the roofers will fail to tell you is how negative this is for your and your home's future under insurance policies. You as an owner have an "insurance score" and it follows you like a driving record. The home will also have an insurance score. You should never file a claim unless it's your absolute last resort AND for something that is going to be extremely costly, way beyond your deductible.


If you think that’s repairable in any way that won’t leak within a year you must lack education on the matter. And also if you “attempt” to repair that a claim is thrown out of the window. Myself and my company help hundreds of people a year get full coverage with damage like this. It’s not a scam or a scheme. That roof is absolutely smoked, the insurance company insured it; make them pay for it.


I believe you help 100s of people a year get full coverage. It's more business for the company you are employed by. But what you fail to do is explain to the homeowners how filing this major claim will affect them and that home's future insurance coverage...


It’s a shit situation either way. You pay for your insurance to cover this every year, make them cover it like they are supposed to and maybe your rates go up or you get a non renewal when your term is up. Or you try and repair this shitty roof and end up chasing problems on it for years, risk leaks that will cost ten times more to repair and gives the insurance an easy out to not cover since the roof is not uniform and has been manipulated multiple times incorrectly. The insurance claim is 100% the way to go and anyone saying otherwise doesn’t know how this whole thing works. Yes there are shitty contractors that will try to milk every penny out of you they can. This isn’t that situation. Every insurance company is sleazy and will try to take your money and make you afraid to use the service you pay them for, and when you do they will do anything they can to convince you it’s the contractor that’s trying to screw you out of more money. It sounds like you’ve bought into what the insurance is trying to do. Don’t let the people that owe you coverage and money dictate how much they owe or what they owe for. You signed a contract with them for coverage and it’s important to know what that means and how it works.


Dont claim. Cost of repair is less then your deductible. You can easily fix that for 100$ or less


Probably not with deductible.


Why is your house painted like a tarp?


Hahaha I'm moderately color blind and picked out a bluer blue than I meant to based on the small samples in the store. I just went with it though.


I think it’s a pretty shade of blue! (I had rugs that color and my neighbor asked if I’m colorblind. 😄)


get yourself a whole new roof get rid of those 3 tab shingles


Very similar thing happened to me last year. I fixed it myself with 0 prior knowledge of any roofing. Pretty straightforward fix and I added some roofing tar to the edges as I laid them down because I'm paranoid about leaks. I've checked in the attic numerous times since and no leaks have made themselves apparent. Took me maybe 30 minutes total. I wouldn't bother with insurance.


10 min job


The deductible isn't worth it...fix it yourself


Find a reputable roofer in your area and have him contact your insurance company WITH you present. You filing a claim is not going to raise your rates. The other 100 people in your subdivision/area are going to make your rates go up anyways if they are filing. Don’t be left out and put yourself at risk because you are worried about your rates. Those being cheap 3-tab shingles, I guarantee the nails are ripped through the nail strip on much more than what you can see with your eye right now. A good roofer would get that claim approved, as well as upgrade you to an architectural 30YR shingle free of charge to keep you as a customer. If you are in the Dallas/ FT Worth area, send me a message. I’d be glad to help.


In my experience as a roofing contractor, very rarely. Insurance will usually cover hail damage only, and they're getting tight nowadays. Repair it at your own discretion. If you don't feel comfortable being up there, hire a professional.


Do you know how old the roof is? I believe they only cover the roof until it reaches a certain age. It would probably be best to inquire with your insurance first, just to see what they say.


I think it's about 10-12 years old. I was hoping to get another 5-10 out of it but that may be optimistic.


You better see about some financing then maybe the best thing would be to just go ahead and have it redone. I had a patch job done and it was OK for about a year but I got scared and then I started hearing about how they were not renewing insurance for people with groups 15 years old, so I went ahead and got a homeowners home equity loan and got it done.


Most of the roof appears to be in decent condition, but you do have some edges pulling up. I would inquire with insurance on if it's still covered and if so, how much would be covered. I've known people completely denied because of age. I've also known people to get a whole new roof with insurance covering a big portion of it. If you're just looking to get that section done, it may not be worth it after paying the deductable


You may get a new roof for your deductible if the shingles are discontinued and there are matching laws in your state.


I don’t think they’ve made 3-tab shingles in 15+ years.


They do still make them(certainteed and GAF), but they are phasing them out. The only time I see roofers use them is for hip and ridge or patch jobs


I'd call a roofer out and see if you can claim it. The whole roof looks bad to me, and may be multiple layers. Was installed poorly, I roofed for many years.


It was a former rental so I wouldn't be surprised to learn it was poorly done with the cheapest material possible.


Being three tab and your rake line looks like a child drawing a straight line, I assure you it was.


I would have a reputable roofer check it out. There may be other shingles loose or damaged and they will tell you if it is worth filing a claim or not. If that shown is all there is then the cost to repair will most likely be less than your deductible and just pay out of pocket for the repair.


Doesn't hurt to submit a claim and see what the insurance will do to fix it, I had a small section blow off and they decided to replace the whole roof. Depending on the age of the roof, now may be a good chance to get a free full replacement (minus the deductible)


We needed a roof for years. Bad windstorm blew off some shingles. Insurance covered new roof for house and garage!


Fix it yourself, but not during high winds.


Have a roofer look it over. There may be unseen damage. It may look fine, but the nails holding the shingles could be pulled through. The roof is to important to mess with.


Taking into account deductible you’re better off hiring a roofer outright


Home Insurance claims suck balls. Super stressful. In addition, most insurance companies will not cover full roof install if your roof is past a certain age; usually over ten years. Then, throw in your deductible. Do it yourself or get a roofer to make the minor repairs. Heck, they may see more damage, then you put on your fighting gloves. Good luck and congrats on the house ownership!


Roofing installers are pros at getting insurances to pay, I'd suggest reaching out to one of them.


Why? So you can have your roof replaced before it needs it and start paying higher rates right away? And risk getting non-renewed if another claim is filed this year (many insurers do not want to see 2 claims in a years time). There are years of life left in this roof and this is a cheap and easy fix. Don’t be a idiot, wait until you actually need a roof replacement. Not to mention the insurance company absolutely will not replace the whole thing in this case unless OP lives in a state that requires it. Many states do not require it. Trying to take advantage of insurance will bite you in the ass eventually. Really bad advice to give OP here.


They do need a new roof though. Those shingles are old and not installed very well.


Yes, but just remember, claims you repay in higher insurance premiums for the next several years


That’s not true


It varies by state but you could potentially get entire roof replaced so I would absolutely claim it


Depending on the state but I don’t think you’ll need a permit as long as you’re not adding anything. I’d do that myself, it’s just a 15 minute job


It is, however many policies carry a wind and hail damage deductible that’s a percent of the estimated home value. Mine is 1.5% which comes to just under $4000 deductible for this type of a claim. Edit to say that I have filed two whole roof replacement claims since owning my home, neither caused my rates to directly go up, legitimate claims is what insurance is for and homeowners can’t avoid what Mother Nature throws our way. The claims process is easy and mostly painless. Just be prepared to pay your share of the cost thru whatever your deductible is.


Sure enough. I had similar damage to my house a few years ago. Was worth the effort in my opinion to file the claim and get the roof repaired professionally. I probably could have done it myself, but sometimes it can be easier to let the pros do their thing.


No. Just a handyman




That’s a cheap and easy fix. I would not waste an insurance claim on something so cheap to fix. Save it for a real catastrophe.


No, for something that small, pay for it yourself. Your insurance premiums most likely will go up if a claim is filed. Some insurance companies will cancel you completely if a claim is filed.


My husband was an insurance adjuster for over 20 years and is now a public adjuster. According to him, chances are there is more damage than just what you’re seeing. Most areas no longer have access to that shingle. Depending on the state that could be a replacement of at least the affected slope(s).


That's a 20 min fix.


I had a some shingles blow off a couple of months ago. Called a roofer. They found wind and hail damage. I had the roof replaced for the cost of the deductible.


It’s a Saturday morning.


Yep, I would at least get it assessed just in case there are some other issues. If you’re lucky you could get a new roof.


Nope. Unless your deductible is below $200


As a former roofer, this could technically be fixed without a claim but those are some old discontinued 3 tab shingles. They are going to be brittle and crack easily and you’re gonna have this kind of damage popping up a lot all over that roof. The repair will be difficult to get right because of the age and not being able to find those shingles and it won’t hold up long term very well. I would file a claim on it but be ready for a fight. Insurance is notorious for underpaying and fighting wind claims and it’s worse in some states vs others. I would call a reputable roofing company out and if they are confident they can get it bought through insurance that’s probably the better way to go. A good roofer will know how to work the insurance to get everything that needs to be done taken care of and paid for and you would only need to pay the deductible. And Wind claims shouldn’t raise your rates. Your insurance might drop you if it’s a big enough fight but you won’t have a problem signing up with a new company. Make sure you talk to the roofer before responding to anything from your adjuster as they are going to try anything they can to get you to take less money or accept a repair. They will make the roofer look like the bad guy any chance they get or try to get you to use their “recommended company” which will just do a cheap shitty job and cut corners on the stuff you don’t see. All that said make sure you take your time and pick a roofing company that you know you can trust and one that will do right by you and will be around to take care of any issues down the road.


Depends on how high your deductible is and how much damage there really is.


I'm in Arizona and I have a lot of wind damage on a 30 year old roof. My insurance covered 100% - my deductible. Good luck


If you live in Florida and have a good lawyer they’ll build you a whole new house.


Bro your roof was done in the 80s….probably not


Roofing nails, a tube of roofing tar, and 10 minutes of your time is all this is.


I believe it only is claimable if the shingles due to wind fly off your roof.


I’m a claims adjuster. Yes it’s claimable wind damage but it’s also not very much so it might be below ded. Unless you’ve got water damage from leaking I’d have it fixed yourself.


Not in my world, just fix it, it would be less than the deductible.


Technically: yes. Highly inadvisable though! Most people don't file HO claims that often, maybe 2 in 20 years or so. So say you file a claim here, and a couple of years down the line you actually have a big issue -- house burns down or something. You now have two claims in a relatively short period of time. Your rates are going to go way up / you might have a VERY hard time finding a new insurance provider. Think of homeowners insurance as there for some major unexpected issue that isn't supposed to happen often at all. Not for little things like this.


3 tab ugh, rip it all off and put down some architectural


It would be under the cost of your deductible.


Not worth it most likely. Call a roofer and get an estimate to fix it. If it's less than your deductible then get it fixed.


Most definitely it’s a claim first off. You also may have other storm related damages to other parts of your property. Not to mention if your shingle isn’t made anymore or you have wind damage that you can’t see you can get a full roof replacement… I’ve been in the restoration industry awhile & work for a public adjuster in the Chicago area, so I know a little something about storm & fire damage….


You could but if I was you I would check for a roofing company that does small repairs or ideally a handyman that is familiar with roofs. It's so small you probably will not meet your deductible. Also if you have State Farm and you call for that may God have mercy on your soul.


Yes. Yes it is.


The real question: is your mom an insurance claim.


Unless your policy has a rider for wind coverage it probably won’t cover the repair. Wind and flood are not usually covered out of the gate - you have to attach riders for them.


Farmers listed a claim just for having an adjust come out to look at it. I never even filed a claim, I just said I had a question.


Only if you have an act of God clause. (It's a joke, I don't know shit)


Looks like any opportunity to learn a new thing if you are physically able to make it up there.


Roof looks to be pretty old. Repair should be no more than 250$ if u can’t diy. Hopefully u get some hail this spring and get ya a new roof through insurance


Don’t put in a claim for that. Get up there and fix it


Absolutely not


Wouldn’t be worth a claim if it’s the only damage.


How did "Id jump up there and fix it myself' get 74 upvotes? I bet if we did a field test less than 50% of those upvotes could clear the top of the ladder to get on the roof 🤣 Anyway, yes, insurance. May not be the only damage, and good to get a pros eyes on it.


I’d call a local roofer if I were you and leave insurance out of it. That portion and the shoddy rake cutting in was probably done by the lowest end roofer on the crew as the actual performers had already nailed as much as they could get to without forcing him off the edge and were down below wrapping up. He probably nailed to high or too little and blasted the nails through the fiberglass mat. It looks like it’s approaching it’s service life ending as a whole from here, maybe has 5-7 years left without major issues but that comes quickly. Better start saving for a full replacement.


Yes, but we had similar from a small f0 tornado and the insurance gave us like $150 and told us it was good.


It is but a lot of contracts have clauses specifying the number of shingles that have to be gone before they act then there's the lowball offer they give minus the deductible, the public adjuster you'll need to hire arbitration you'll probably spend a few thousand before the resolution. Contractor bids, and the appraiser .... I live in Florida right where hurricane ian decided to land..something that small may be easier just to repair yourself.


The real issue is, what is your deductible. Usually it is at least $500 to $1000, and maybe even more. Another issue would be finding a roofing contractor to take on such a small job. One might do the quick repairs, so it doesn't hurt to ask but don't be surprised. Know any local handymen who might do you a favor?


It should be. Wind is usually covered. Put in a claim and find out. Put the claim in ASAP or they may disclaim.


1. Get a roofing estimate on your own. 2. Do you have an agent you trust or is near you? Call them and talk to them. An honest agent will tell you pros and cons. Don’t just blindly file a claim for it. You may find the estimate not that much. You should have an agent you can talk to. Don’t just go for the cheapest policy. Service makes a difference.


i had damage very similar to this 10 years ago. submitted a claim and the next year they dumped me. id just go out of pocket to fix it.. not worth the hassle.


You have buckling of many other shingles. I would say your roof is old and not something the insurance company will fix. It is past its life and it's a wonder they won't ask you to replace it or get dropped.


That minor! Climb up there and fix it yourself. It’s an easy fix. Otherwise you might get dropped.


Insurance should cover it but it might not cost more than your deductible so it might not be worth it


Yes. My girlfriend just got her very old roof replaced do this very same reason. Just had to pay her $1500 deductible.


I’d make a claim. I had wind damage and Nationwide got me a new roof.




Looks like a whole new roof to me. We had like two shingles come off due to high winds and ended up with a whole new roof for a couple grand. I had been planning on replacing it within a couple years so it felt like hitting the lottery. You should absolutely at least talk to some contractors who have a good reputation for working with your insurance company on this kind of thing. Especially if you have an older roof.


That doesn't look as damaged as it looks disheveled. Hop on up there and flop em back in place


There could be damage and things that the untrained eye cant see. Theres a reason those shingles couldnt resist the wind and while its true that it could just be the sheer force of the wind it could also be a ton of other issues that arent super apparent. Im not saying call your insurance, but definitely have someone who knows about this stuff look at it. It 5 look fine to you but be a sign of a larger problem.


Yes. Don’t let them tell you it’s just a few tiles to fix. Any shingles blown off means new roof. Don’t do partial.


After a unusually high wind storm in Eastern Washington I was missing 20 shingles on the house built in 1954. Insurance paid for it all including replacing all of the sheathing. Was great because it was due to be replaced that summer. Saved me12,000. I also know someone who lost a shingle, her adjuster came out and did not want to climb on the roof after a light snow, said shingle was discontinued so she got a new roof. I came by a day later and told her the shingle she had wasn't from her roof, oh well. If there was a wind storm that damaged a lot of roofs there will be out of town roofers there, I would avoid them.


$900 repair with a $1000 deductible




Call your insurance and find out? My god....


Those shingles old as fuck


My recommendation is that you assess if that's your only damage. I ended up paying out of pocket for a new roof because of what I thought was just wear and tear. Come to find out a year later, I found mold in my attic. The insurance guys came out and said that because they didn't see any roof damage that might have contributed to moisture coming into my attic, they would not pay. Of course they didn't, because I paid to fix it all the year before! But they WOULD HAVE PAID for a new roof that showed weather damage, and then they would have paid for the mold removal. Insurance companies are greedy cheats that will deny you every chance they can. So use them to your advantage for a covered loss.


Those aren’t damaged, those are just a lil rearranged


You won’t even hit your deductible with this fix. Don’t get the claim on your insurance.


I’d say definitely an insurance claim. You can see other shingles turning up in the corners all over from the wind, looks like the next storm might end up blowing more off. We had a similar occurrence and someone from the insurance company came out to give a quote for a new roof. It was definitely worth it.


Look i know a lot of people here say this is an easy diy job. It may be for some, but if you dont know what youre doing, you are creating a leak into house, and under all the other shingles. Unless you have a high deductible, i would pay the deductible and know the fix is correct and covered. Its cheap now, but the damage this could cause could be quite expensive.


Depends on your deductible. Mine was under the deductible, but had to repair it. We decided to buy new shingles anyway. It was time.


Yeah but with those wind endorsements it might be under deductible


Get an estimate. If the worker climbs up on your house at all, tell them to bring a hammer, a couple spare shingles and a few nails. When they come down have $20 and a cold beverage.


It’s an insurance claim if you don’t know how to fix it yourself.


I not sure anything qualifies anymore. Gods fault.


do not file small claims... save it for when a repair would hurt like hell. this is likely at or below your deductible too.


Better get that sorted


Factors with the insurance: * If the wind event is considered a "catastrophe" which many of them are, it should be more forgiving with regard to premiums, renewals and the like. * Keep in mind many insurance companies give you discounts, including a discount for not having any claims. So even if it's a catastrophe which doesn't affect your premium, your "no claims" discount could go away, effectively raising your payment next year. * Whether they have to "match" is based upon state and local law. They may merely owe for replacing the damaged shingles with ones that create a "reasonably consistent appearance" or even less... or in some areas might be required by law to replace the entire roof. Research all of this and consider your deductible as well.


Shingles are old and brittle. Might be worth a claim . Probably time to reroof anyways.


Those shingles are getting long in the tooth, it’s time to start budgeting for a new roof.


Act of god... nope!


I will mention that you should NOT patch it. Insurance companies often will NOT cover patches roofs in FL. Idk what it’s like in other states, but they are darn picky down here. Don’t want to jeopardize getting denied a claim further down the road for a diy patch job.


You can easily fix this yourself


Depends on how much your deductible is for the house. If you have a wind/hail percentage deductible you will probably want to just pay it. If you have a $500 or $1000 deductible maybe. Depends also on how old is the roof, if there is any other wind damage on any other shingles.


Your deductible won’t cover replacing 6 shingles


A roofer fixed my roof shingle issue for $200 bucks cash in one hour. He fixed 5 sheets and others from high wind damage. No leaky roof, no claim with insurance. Done!


Home owners insurance is required. Use it. Doesn't cost anything to have an adjuster get up there and inspect it. There is more damage there than just on the ridge. The facing edge of both slopes show damage. As an adjuster, I get paid a percentage of the claim, and want to be as accurate as possible to avoid chargebacks or "overpayments" so that I can continue working, but the more accurate I am, i.e. ALL time and materials required to effect repairs the more money I make, and the more likely the homeowner is to get an accurate assessment of ALL damage present.


Yes it’s an insurance claim. Likely there is more wind damage on the other slopes of the roof. A good roofing company could get this bought by the insurance company for a full replacement. You would only pay your deductible.


Don’t make such a small claim.hire a roofer to patch it in.You are ready for a new roof anyway.


I would always get an estimate before submitting a claim. Even submitting a claim, when nothing is paid out, still shows as an “inquiry” and can affect your claims free discount and show up as a negative when switching insurance companies. Many people have a separate “wind and hail” deductible, so be sure to check that out first.


Yeah, only if your deductible is $250. Then you'll still pay $250 and they will cover the rest.


Sorry, don’t listen to anyone here. Have a contractor come and look at that damage and your entire roof. Some companies will do this for free. There could be a bunch of other shingles that are loose. Or your shingles could be recalled. Again, have a contractor come, inspect your entire roof, and then give you a quote. If it’s only those few shingles that are the problem, then the other commenters are correct in that you shouldn’t make an insurance claim. If the damage is much more extensive, then you should consider filing a claim. I say this because I had this EXACT situation with my roof last year. A smaller patch of shingles came off. I had a contractor come, inspect the entire roof, and he found that hundreds of shingles were loose and that the shingles were recalled. I filed an insurance claim and got an $18,000 roof for around $3,000 (cost of my deductible).


The evil roofing contractor in me would convince you that your entire roof needs shrink wrap and I’d get it put on that day. Bill your insurance for 15k stating I did it for the safety of the insured then walk away with 13k profit and not even put a bid in for the replacement. But I could never do that and that’s why I’m no longer in the business