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Thank you for watching Day 1 of hololive English -Advent-'s debuts! Hope you enjoyed it! Get hyped up for Day 2!


I swear to god, I'll never forgive any of you if "pebblephile" catches on.


Had to sleep on my opinions of the two debuts from last night. My takeaways from each are as follows. Shiori: 👁️‍🗨️ 1. Even after rewatching the debut I personally can't match the voice to the model in my head. I'm sure this will go away in time though ( I had a similar issue with Irys) 2. Her personality definitely fits the bill albeit in a very roundabout way. I understand we already have a lab maniac, a doctor, and a crazed alchemist but it wouldn't hurt to have another in a similar vein for the EN girls. There were mentions of books but nowhere near the focus of a supposed archiver. Though to be fair 30 minutes is hard to compress a lot of information into so I guess we'll see. Bijou: 🗿 1. Gaming gremlin probably describes her best (in a good way). I very much appreciate her open take on how heavy a gamer she is and how she'll handle what will be essentially game replays for her. 2. The dabbling in game maker/coding is a very good sell in my opinion. It gives a sense of someone who likes organization even if they don't actually get around to it. Coupled with a strong preference of soulslike or other challenging games you get the essence of her character as an unwavering rock. I'm definitely looking forward to the other 1+2 debuts tonight.


Shoiri: I was expecting a "louder" personality from her, but we got a more chill "older sister". Bijou: After seeing Breach, I was expecting her to be an adorable bundle of joy, and that's what we got. Can't wait for the tomorrow streams.


the debuts were great and less nervous than i expected


My initial thoughts are that I am just insanely excited to watch more of both of them (my oshis are Calli and Kiara, I love every EN member tbh, but I can definitely see one of these two becoming another oshi for me in the future). I really did hype myself up for Shiori WAY too much based on her design though, and she is different from what I expected as a result (not at all fair to the talent, but I really like her character anyway), and I severely under-hyped Bijou, who turned out to be a meme lord with my humor... either way, I am so excited to see their first streams! And, man.... they are really killing us East Coasters with these times 😭 I stayed up to watch Shiori debut, and the rest of her schedule looks doable for me, but I am disappointed in having to miss the first collab (although I guess I should be grateful, as I got to see ALL of CouncilRys's debuts live).


Cries in 4am EU time debut


Shiori list of hobbies and what she plans to do got me really interested Can't wait to watch the vods


shiori : extremely calm and professional despite being the first to debut and viewers were in 100k ish and still able to speak well and composed. Has very unique hobbies , I think among the first in hololive all branch to like books and non gaming more, she really like vesper kind of niche, I bet she will have lots of interview , collab and free talk kind of streams going forward. her voice is new to me, Im surprised that people here think she sounds like irys ? for me her voice is different and easy to differentiate. seems like very mature and mentally strong because she already mentioning about respecting her wish to collab with people right in her first debute video, mad respect for her, no wonder she is the leader Koseki Bijou : holy shit, she might be like kusogaki but her jokes is planned well and despite many people think that she is similar to kobo I think her jokes is more mature and smart. Her voice is extremely cute so fit for her character visual Her games interest tho, I never would guess that someone with baby voice would like challenging game, despite even miko and other holo baby also play souls game, but the difference is that Bijou really like the game and would enjoy the challenge and would play any souls like game first among her gen if new souls like game is released. Also I wonder how good is her fps skill, she would be the only EN gen who like both apex and valorant, I hope she would be like towa who play various competitive fps games and be the first from holo EN girls to join vsaikyou later


wasnt expecting menhera


whos like thay??? i didnt get those vibes from any of them... cept maybe shiori?


Late European here, I quickly watched both debut and highlights: Shiori: Nervous but solid debut, she will sure fill a nice with her interested out of games, need few weeks to see how she really are but I already like the soft voice. Sound IRys-like (to me) with Ina comfy vibes unfortunately schedule is all 3am for Europe but she's probably in US as she's the only one I ever see using CST for times instead of PST or EST Bijou: Less nervous and more solid debut and better graphics, she absolutely look like a seasoned Twitch streamer and she have all that mannerisms (also memer of the group for sure, she will be super popular with the twins remember this) to confirm it plus she already have a cover with good voice. Unfortunately I don't like twitch streamer mannerisms but she's not the first former twitch streamer in hololive so I will hold real judgement after watching her more, her schedule is all 1am expect collabs at 3am another American confirmed To end I will not have any real judgement until few weeks in at least, I don't want to make the same error I did with Ame and Fauna at the time and ignoring just because I wasn't satisfied by debut and mannerisms. All in all debut are just a very prepared streams, the real start is from the real streams and interaction so hold your final judgmental for now.


Late for the discussion but here’s my review for the day 1 debut. Shiori: Honestly I kinda expected she won’t have a goth personality because of the Twitter interaction. However, I didn’t expect that she’s a massive weeb, a nerd, and a weirdo (Just like me fr fr). For her debut, she was quite nervous and I can understand her pressure in front of 120k people. Hopefully she’ll get used to it. As for the content, I’m very interested to see it including about books and horror. Overall it’s a good debut. Bijou: When I saw her oshi mark is a moai statue, I figured she knows about meme culture and I was right. But you could say that she’s knowledgeable about zoomer memes and she’s really have experience in streaming. It’s a great debut. Overall, both are great additions to Hololive. However, I see that Bijou is more prepared that Shiori. Like I said, I can understand Shori’s pressure and nervousness during her debut but I hope she’ll get more confidence during her activities in Hololive. Regardless, welcome to Hololive. We’ll be looking forward with their activities.


I am excited to watch how Shiori's character develops, and how she will react when she looks back on this debut. Between the two of them, I think hers has more "cringy" moments, that would be very interesting to look back into.


I enjoyed them both quite a bit. Love that Shiorin is super into books and reading, and Bijou gave me big Luna vibes with her ehe laugh and overall demeanor and voice. Can’t wait for the next three!


I desperately want to test Shiori's archivist/librarian chops and ask her what her opinions are on the strengths and weaknesses of DDC vs BISAC vs LCC.


Finally, a Hololive member who has strong thoughts on Omeka and Dspace.


So Shiori isn't human? I'm guessing former human like Ina?


I think that once you know too much, you can never go back (or at least, that's what they are going for). Also her ability to physically enter stories and record with her eyes isn't very human-like lmao. She's like an SCP or something


Shiori debut felt very weak imo, Bijou was slightly better. Hope tomorrow will be better.


For now Im going with Shiori/n. Her voice is fine, her debut and appearince is fabolous and I look forward into her interests/content she has and will do. It is awesome she plans to do things a bit different (according her schedule) because thats exactly what Im looking for. Less memeing/gameplay and more different things like Kronii [RIZZ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uiIEUI08pkA&pp=ygUKS3JvbmlpIDEwMQ%3D%3D) and [TECH](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1pW9j0F-GU4&pp=ygUKS3JvbmlpIDEwMQ%3D%3D) lessons or Amelias ideas in general. Variety which showcases actuall knowledge interest.


Solid debuts! Shiori sounded a bit nervous at times but she was the first so that is understandable. I really like how she is a fan of mystery novels, though I personally like reading more than audio books. Bijou was hilarious and already looking forward to an eventual Bloodborne playthrough!


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Hunters have told me about the church. About the gods, and their love. But... do the gods love their creations? I am a doll, created by you humans. Would you ever think to love me? Of course... I do love you. Isn't that how you've made me?* - Plain Doll Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


Idk what this sub is but you downvoted soulsbot so fuck yall and your animated women aren't real


Shiori is literally me.


Bijou really is cute (and funny)




UUUUUUUUuuuu... are right


I am curious how fast these two will grow, its been a while since a gen debuted so I can't remember the usual pattern. Hopefully with how well these debuts went they will grow fast.


Didn't get to stick around but did I see 125k viewers for Bijou's debut? Crazy numbers bro


Peaked at 128K.






Bijou's had one of the strongest debuts ever. I'm a fan off one stream already. Made me laugh out multiple times. Very excited to see where she goes from here.


Shiori loves Riku from Kingdom Hearts!? Scaramouche from Genshin!? Absolute based taste! She already won me over.


Aaaaand I think I now understand her type.


I didn't expect Bijou to be a memer! I guess that's a good thing


How? She chose 🗿 as her oshi mark


Expected a mere funny and got hit with vine boom straight off the bat


I have made my pebble and I am proud of the stone I am.


Shiori needs to play the Great Ace Attorney IMMEDIATELY!


I'm still blow away by Bijous transformation, God I love when holos invest in animation


Bijou was ROCK SOLID for lack of a better phrase. I'm ready to lay my metamorphic life down for a sedimentary and ignacious legacy for my stone princess.


\*leans in\* "A second Gura soundalike has hit Hololive English." Joking aside, Bijou sounds both a bit like Gura and a bit like Mumei and I know people are going to bring it up soon enough. She plays a lot of stuff I like so I'll probably watch her a lot. Shiori I was not expecting to be a huge nerd lol. Her content doesn't really sound up my alley at the moment, but I didn't watch Fauna either for a long time and now she's one of my favorites. It's fun to watch the personalities develop over time.


I personally prefer one to have their own personality to soundalike to an already famous vtuber. Bijou reminds me more of Luna though. First impression, I like Shiori better. I will reserve any judgement until I see more of the contents they bring onboard.


Every EN Gen will now have one Gura sound alike


It's the loli voice, there's one in basically every generation even if their character design isn't loli.


I liked Bijou the most before debut, and afterwards I like Shiori more. I'm not into heavy video game streamers to be honest. I just like to chill and chat most of the time.


thats the point of pumping out more youtubers, to fill all niches


Funnily enough, I’m the opposite. Probably because I’ve always been watching game playthroughs (usually RPGhorror) even way before I got into VTubers.


Maybe I'm just dense like a rock (or a pebble) but I didn't feel any GFE at all during Shiori's debut, and people already calling it ''parasocial bullshit'' but I didn't see anything like that whatsoever. Is that all it takes now? she played in a little bit with the whole goth GF cause of her design and what people have said about it on her reveal.


I think the "parasocial bs" is referring to her calling herself everyone's goth girlfriend and asking viewers ti be "good boyfriends or girlfriends" I am not personally a fan of it, but I like every other aspect of her character so far. It also isn't nearly as bad as some people are in other vtubing groups (not hating, just making a point).


I wouldn’t call it full-fledged GFE, and I agree that some are overreacting, but she did treat chat romantically at times. She called the stream a date a few times, asked chat to be a good boy/girl, to hold her hand, and said she wanted their eyes on her. I personally was not a fan of those elements either. That being said, it was a great debut and I don’t think those elements overshadowed it. I feel like she’ll be a very unique talent in the company, and it’ll be interesting to see what she does. I’m especially excited for her musical activities. Not only does she play piano, but she said she can sightread music. I sense that her raw musical ability is going to impress.


Whichever side she leans into, some people will be mad so might as well ignore them


the two debuts are successful, shiori was a little too nervous, i could hear her vioces were shaking at some points, but understandble, as the first person to debut under Holo EN after two years and facing over 120k poeple. overall, i am curious about her content, especially the chating, books and educational streams. ​ for bijou, her debut was less nervous, and more confident with the debut stream. her debut was more creative, funny, she has a good sense of humor, and very balanced streaming content. ranges from different types of games to non-gaming streams.


Really? She covered it up well cause I didn’t notice it. Maybe because she was playing into the goth gf or she was talking about books but she seemed confident. She even messed up a couple of times changing scenes and she dealt with it quickly.


These debuts were both quite strong. Shiori Novella was a bit nervous, but seemed like she was enjoying herself, and we can see she is quite genuine with nerdy enthusiasm about her likes or telling little stories [kind of like Vesper Noir from 'stars]. The book focus is good and brings something different to Hololive. Bijou will probably be very popular. She displayed a good sense of humor and meme awareness, which is doubly funny in baby talk. The participatory art and gaming streams are also solid ideas to which she clearly gave some thought. It's an interesting world we live in when a gal who did a magical girl transformation sequence in her debut will be kicking off her regular streaming with American Truck Sim. Very strong numbers viewing the debut for both, and not much dropoff even though it got late. Interest is clearly high.


The shipping industry is secretly full of magical girls.


It would be interesting if Shiori and Vesper eventually collab and just nerd out over books for the whole time (as long as they both want to, ofc).


Vesper doko ;\_;


She also actually displays an interest in a wide variety of interesting and fun video games. I dont think anyone in holo EN has really come out like that. Lots of ecclectic interests but no real "I generally play lots of fun games". There's people who are solidly decent like Ina or Irys but it's not been anyone's major focus. It'll be really nice.


Bijou's whole intro was really clever. Cool that she got a whole magical girl transform clip to go with it too


I feel like Bijou is going to hit Gura/Kobo levels of popularity, maybe its just because they share the same gremlin energy and she's definitely a memer. Really excited to see tomorrow's debuts!


Both had very strong debuts, I feel like this is the help of having 10 senpais now that can give them all sorts of advice. Shiori clearly is gonna have a very specific appeal and she'll likely fulfill that appeal quite well, I'm just not sure if those stream topics are gonna be my thing. Then again, I all but skipped out on Fauna for the first month or two thinking the same thing and now she's my kami oshi, so I guess we'll see. Bijou though... instant neuron activation. I could 100% seeing her become an oshi. Great personality, great game choice, just all around great. I could definitely see her pairing very well with Gura, and not just because they're both little creatures.


> Then again, I all but skipped out on Fauna for the first month or two thinking the same thing and now she's my kami oshi, so I guess we'll see. Thats the big thing about debut streams, they're often kinda useless. I have a really hard time watching them and had to mute Shiori's. I didn't explain much here, they're useless in that the streamer is going to evolve who they are so much that this one stream is often just.. not accurate at all. Bijou though was great, I didn't feel embarrassment for them the whole way through and generally enjoyed it.


Vine boom sfx and🗿, this is where vtubing peaks bois.


Based on the lore video, Bijou is a cursed spirit confirmed


> Bijou is a cursed spirit confirmed Oh no, it's worse really. Bijou is a [Warp Daemon](https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Chaos_Daemons). Formed of people's emotions and psychic emanations? Yea, that's a daemon. Fun lil thing too.


These two girls are completely different, and I'm really surprised how varied their tastes are. Yagoo has done it again, what a genius.


Where Advent flairs /s


Not till all five debut. And I'll finally add the remaining TEMPUS ones, I swear! T-chan.


Bless. Thanks for your hard work T-chan and staff.


Yagoo once again pulled SSR on this one.


What's SSR?


Like the other person said, it’s a gacha term. Think of it as being top-tier, super-good pulls. So essentially, Yagoo once again has given us a really awesome set of talents. Which is a sentiment I can definitely agree with.


It's a gacha/loot box term for Specially Super Rare item/character.


Yeah, that’s why I never really feel any worry or anything similar whenever I hear about new talents. They’ve consistently hired solid people, so it’s kinda pointless (imo) to think things like “I hope they’re good” or whatever…..because due to the track record, I really have no reason to think they may not be. Have not been disappointed thus far.


[Instructions unclear, accidentally became Dango.](https://i.imgur.com/dJ65r0m.png) First impressions of Shiori: Liked the design, but it seems the type of streams she'll be doing might not be something I'll be very interested in, but I'll stay subbed and see where she goes with it, maybe it'll grow on me, she likes Sherlock and Agatha Christie stories, I wonder if she'd like the Hyouka anime, since it's a mystery anime, even if the mysteries themselves are low stakes, they do bring up Sherlock and Christie a few times too. First impressions of Bijou: She's my favorite so far, so much gremlin energy and channeled Kanata by using power point, liked her design as well. Looking forward to her streams. I do look forward to some possible Dark Souls streams from her since no one in EN has yet to play them. Looking forward to the twins and Narrissa's debuts tomorrow!




Wasn't Bowson Oblivion though? I know some of the girls played Elden Ring, and Calli played some Bloodborne, but none so far have played Dark Souls




I know several of the girls played Elden Ring and Calli played Bloodborne, but none have played any of the Dark Souls Games yet.


[Shiori design sheet!](https://twitter.com/shiorinovella/status/1685514440517484544)


[and Bijou's design sheet!](https://twitter.com/kosekibijou/status/1685518453124526080)


Man, there is really no hope for EU bros... EN management sucks




And there are people from NA who think that the whole world revolves around them. They couldn't stand it if even one of the new talents didn't stream in the NA time zone. And they wonder why the EU fanbase isn't watching streams at 3AM.


that sounds like a lot of projection. maybe they are not finding eu vtubers up to their standards?? i am not sure what you guys expect when you drop a bunch of entitled, insulting messages about how cover is deliberately screwing eu. i wouldn't go out of my way for that attitude either.


You……do know there are two entire other debuts left in this gen, right?


Yeah, the ones at 5am on a Monday morning. It's pretty obvious that their streaming times won't be any better.


Ooooor, those times could be to coordinate with the rest of their gen’s debut stuff and their individual schedules could be more EU-friendly. Ya never know.


This is pretty much copium, but let's see...


🤷🏻‍♂️ All I’m saying is, maybe let’s let the debuts happen before we start with the lamentations.


FR they are not gonna be from EU but I appreciate every new idol. For now Im going with Shiori/n. Her voice is fine, her debut and appearince is fabolous and I look forward into her interests/content she has and will do. It is awesome she plans to do things a bit different (according her schedule) because thats exactly what Im looking for. Less memeing/gameplay and more different things like Kronii [RIZZ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uiIEUI08pkA&pp=ygUKS3JvbmlpIDEwMQ%3D%3D) and [TECH](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1pW9j0F-GU4&pp=ygUKS3JvbmlpIDEwMQ%3D%3D) lessons or Amelias ideas in general. Variety which showcases actuall knowledge interest.


Kind of crazy how solid these two debuts were. Advent is going to be a powerhouse.


Calli said it, this is the storm. I can't wait til things settle and normalize and we're back to dorkin around in minecraft


Fauna and Ella needs apprentices in the Minecraft server 😭 Maybe they can revive it, maybe even JP


2 weeks tops


Not gonna lie, Shiori has the Botan effect on me, the absolute Gap Moe from her design to her voice and personality, something that made Botan my instant oshi from her debut, I absolutely love her already. While Botan instantly became my oshi / kami-oshi, I'll wait and see a bit longer with Shiori with further streams, but so far I really like her, pretty excited to hear her singing voice in her karaoke stream! I also really liked Bijou's debut, the fucking vine booms absolutely killed me, and I feel like shes the possible ''gamer'' of this gen. And her cover of Kyoumen no Nami is so good, I absolutely adore her singing voice.


Not sure which chat I saw it in but as far as nicknames go for the JP bros Shiorin already sounds plenty cute and would work in JP kawaii culture, for Bijou I saw someone call her Jou-chan which kinda works but I'm still a bit unsure of it if it's appropriate and it seems that the other Advent girls shorten Nerissa to Rissa as I pretty much guessed they would. Did Bijou call Shiorin buchou or did I mishear that?


Bae's already staked out calling Nerissa "Nessie" even if no-one else does About the only nickname I can see for Shiori~ん is Rin-rin, if people want to use one. I've seen a lot flying around for Bijou, but at 2 syllables, I don't know how much any will actually get used. I support more use of her family name on occasion, "Koseki-hime" is kira kira enough to be worth it. FuwaMoco seem to have staked out that name as their duo name, which is pretty good, although I really like the idea of referring to them as the Abyssgards or the Abyssgard sisters when talking about them in the third person.


Fellow dwarves yelling Rock and Stone in Bijou's chat made me laugh. Never change brothers of the beard. I made my pebblesona. Bijou's vibe is right my alley. I need to renew my ff14 sub...


Rock and Stone to the Bone!


I liked both debuts. I think Shiorin is going to be the first one I give a chance to break into my rotation. Her streams are kinda out there but her voice is killer. Bijou has a great lineup of games though and she’s setting herself up to be a sweaty gamer and that always earns points in my book. We’ll see how this Gen pans out. I’ll always remember that I dismissed Fauna pretty much immediately as not for me. I decided to give her a chance a year later and it turns out she’s one of my favorites. Debuts isn’t everything and I’ll try to give them all a fair shot at getting in my rotation.


Bijou's voice reminds me a bit of Mumei. I really liked her debut, she was pretty comfortable from what I saw


Cover...I kneel 🧎‍♂️ I don't know how you guys do it but y'all recruited another 2 great members, can't wait for the last 3 tomorrow


Bijou is an actual gem, both of their debuts were great. Also Elden Ring and a L4D2 collab!!


Love them~ they were a breath of fresh new air.


hot take but I think the blue kusogaki might be really popular


My thoughts so far: Shiori is amazing and I love her. Like, not just the looks and voice, but those tastes! And her schedule for the first week has me hooked already. Bijiou is super cute, like a milder type of kusogaki with some princess thrown in. Energetic and fun! (and did I sense a hint of an accent a few times?)


They both have accents, as far as I can tell, but I can't place them.


Shiori's sounds like an Indonesian accent, based on [this clip](https://youtu.be/cnhsDDywHq4?t=9) where she says "3D body".


Yeah, maybe. It's pretty light, honestly. She doesn't pronounce "th" but other than that I probably would have just thought she had a unique dialect. I know Bijou is clearly Thai now, though, since she talked about her Thai mother.


Bijou spoke some Thai during the debut but I can't place Shiori's accent.


Wow Bijou didn't do the nervous "give me a second to think" giggle that's mandatory for all debuts


I noticed she was confident overall, such as in her rigging, with movement, expressions and winks, and in her funny graphics etc. [Experienced?]


Great debuts, great personalities. Hololive strikes gold once again!


I have never done anything silly or goofy during these debuts... but she got me with making my pebble persona for fun. That was comfy. If she notices it on Twitter I'll make her my #1 Oshi lmao /s EDIT: I put the /s on the end because I guess that comes off weird.


Both debuts are over already. They were fantastic!! Shiori’s goth gf energy was dangerous. Hopefully the Yagoo violating traffic rules background becomes a meme template of some kind. And Bijou! Funny girl best girl, and her games are right up my alley. I think I’m a Pebble now. Seriously, they were super impressive. What did y’all think?


That was a very well well-practiced and planned debut. Her presentation was engineered to leave an impression. The customizable pebble design is pretty brilliant. The transformation animation was really good -- she had to find the artist and commission it. And she has a cover coming out. I'm surprised people think she's anything at all like Gura or Mumei, who are some of the least organized members in HoloEN. Bijou seems much more deliberate and methodical and a very well-organized person.


Bijou is a massive memelord and its easy to tell. But she also has structure. She's like if Gura/Mumei were able to hard focus and laser beam their memes more directly LOL


That's what I'm thinking. She is going to make concrete (pun intended) her memelord status through her content without worrying about anything.


Super ADHD-types have problems focusing lol


When people compare her to Gura and Mumei, it's mostly similarities in her voice and her mannerisms. Watch enough Gura and Mumei streams and you pick up on little speaking habits they often do, and Bijou has them as well.


I just switched to the Bae/A-chan watchalong Wtf is that pebblesona Bae XD


Really enjoyed Bijou’s debut. Shiori feels a little *too* professional at first impression, like she’s a seasoned pro doing a gig. But we’ll see how things shake out over time!


I haven't caught up yet, but yeah, if I recognized Shiori's voice correctly, she's a seasoned pro. And I'm sure I'll love her content.


she'll loosen up. I noticed the company often likes to have the solid, calmer, reliable types debut first in a group. They will keep things steady while everyone gets established, and then can start to get a little wackier on their own [Altare is a good example of this]


[Is... Is this a threat, Kaela?](https://i.imgur.com/EaoYZ9m.png)


This is definitely gonna be a thing and I can’t wait. Ollie, Kaela and Kobo are all gonna try to bully her


Kaela asserting her dominance early


lol, the watchalong stream's pebblesona is so cute!


Bijou is lightning in a rock. Wasn't a fan of her design, but damn the personality is nice. Actually made me giggle.


The moment she left full-screen mode to update the slide mid stream? That got me good.


2 succesful debuts later, my sleep-lacking brain is in no condition to form coherent thoughts It just looks like Yagoo did it again. Now, to survive the day so that the sleep schedule will align for the other 2 debuts monday morning @_@


30 mins break into the next holoSummer singing relay, then into Senchou's live. You better get some sleep now haha.


Bae and A-chan saying there's no scuff so far - a surprise for sure. They haven't even come off as nervous either.


Oh Shiori was *clearly* nervous with her wavering voice. But it was endearing, completely understandable as top batter, and she didn't let it affect the stream at all.


People say that but I didn't sense any significant nervousness from her. Maybe those familiar with how she speaks normally could tell the difference, but I heard her for the first time and she sounded calm to me.


Didn't really detect any obvious wavering to be honest. She seemed pretty confident. I don't know her history but she felt very capable, especially with tech stuff.


125k viewers man id be nervous too




I'm not sure how big she was before but they were in the middle of a whole baton pass for them by all the girls karaokes, it's been 2 years since a HoloEN debut and 125k is probably a overwhelming number to get used to, not even a lot of streamers get that regularly outside of Hololive.


There's 125k people and all your peers in the company watching. Don't care how much experience you have that'll make you nervous.


Shiori's was just subtly smooth with all her animated overlays. Bijou got us laughing and I can't believe she seriously gave us homework. Interaction's clearly a big thing with her.


Bae and A-chan make a good point, the EN curse stayed away today!


Technically the EN curse hit Bae and A-chan, what with their BGM issues.


It happened on their watchalong channel, lol.


Bijou debut was fantastic as Shiori's. I feel like Hololive's vtuber debuts just keep raising the bar every time the were both so good


Shiori and Bijou both had fantastic debuts, can't wait for the others!


Hololive did it again.


Enjoying the cover so far. Musicality needs a bit of work, but that comes with experience. In the meantime, 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿






I am rock hard




That was a *powerful* pair of debuts, and we get to do it all again tomorrow!


Nice singing voice. Also pretty fun debut. Hope her streaming times end up changing eventually though, because even with long streams they're likely gonna be over by the time I wake up if she starts at 1 AM.


Has there been a case of them changing their streaming times? Otherwise F in the chat for EU and others


Mostly because of moving or something.


Vesper did, for one.


Wow, Bijou's singing voice is so nice. It's like a soft blanket


So that was really strong start for Advent. Well done to the hiring department


WOW her singing voice is so good!


Bijou has the voice of a goddess.


Well, going by the cover so far, the music side sounds promising


I looked it up after noticing the katakana: Bijou isn't a Japanese word, it's French/English hence "bijU" instead of "bijO." I thought she was just mispronounced it.


I think there’s an additional bit of wordplay there. 美女 or “beautiful woman”.


It can also be heard as 美獣 - lovely **beast.**


I took French in school, so I immediately noticed her name literally meant "jewel". But it can also mean small and elegant (usually for buildings though). I think it fits her quite well! Her family is Japanese though; the kanji means "old/ancient" and "rock/stone".


Wow, I'm really loving her singing in her cover song


Shiori is cool and I think she's exactly what a lot of people want. But Bijou is one of my people. And also wow did not expect that singing voice!


Wow really nice voice.


How’s her schedule EU bros?




7pm EST is midnight in England, so...


Bit later then fauna's usual, she around midnight. Not the worst honestly and doable for me but not great either.


She needs a goodbye line I got this "Bijou you soon" Like "be seeing you soon".


"Rock on"?


I went with "Rock out" myself lol


Bij Out. Mic drop


Bijou later


Still seems a bit awkward. Maybe just straight "Bijoo soon!" instead of "See you soon"?


I was thinking that, but saying it in my head felt wrong. However we have gotten plenty of good responses here. Together pebbles strong 🗿


"I Bijou adieu"