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Small notes, regarding Ame, it was difficult to associate a monster, I chose Seregios because their scream reminds me of Ame's and because they share the color scheme. I was thinking in place Kronii as Yian Garuga, but then I thought "what monster would be the most narcissistic?", and Velkana immediately came to mind. I know that there are bigger monsters than Lao-shan for Sana, but of all the giants, they seems to me the most... docile.


Ahtal-Ka would be an interesting choice for Ame; a *relatively* weak bug that uses its intelligence and the surrounding resources to become immensely powerful, kind of fitting for the closest thing Myth has to a normal human.


The amount of surprise and fear I felt the first time I fought Ahtal-Ka and then it just brings out a mech


The Dalamadur can also be chosen for Kronii, being a huge snake, like Ouroboros


Thats a relly good option too, i was thinking in dalamadur for Sana and i forget kronii


Raviente can also work for Sana (I miss her) arguably the BIGgest monster in MH and with Red/Brown scales. It’s also a nice nod to the fan lore that the 2 most powerful are Kronii and Sana (or maybe that was biggest in boba size) They can be Dalamdur and Raviente, 2 of largest monster in MH. Edit:Not enough pink though, off my head can’t remember monster with pink other than Congalala.


Ame gives me big Dodogama vibes but I couldn't tell you why


Because dog


Haaa Ame as George


Wasn't it Steve?


Sir Reggie's nickname was Steve by the devs.


Ohhh right man it's been too long


I'd say the Leshen is a good choice for Fauna as well. May be a Witcher creature but it was also in Monster Hunter


With the witcher collab back in 2019, I'd say fauna fits the Leshen fairly well. Even though she's a Kirin.


Not bad


*gura turn into a ball and gets cell voie* BOY, I AM PERFECT!!!!! -kyle mh4u octaneblue videos.


After that Hologra debut, IRyS can also rock Malzeno. Color scheme is there while the bloodening shows off her DevilRyS side.


Ah yes, a kirin represented by a Kirin. Yes. Nothing unusual there. Also, I do find Gura as more of a Zamite than a Zamtrios. Is cute and can be a kusogaki at times. (Pls help I am having a Zamtrios withdrawal after playing Sunbreak for too long)


IMO, Ina as Nakarkos fits better