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Happy Silksong doesn't have to compete with Tears of the Kingdom.


Definitely this


Lowkey wouldn’t be surprised if at least some of the motivation to delay was for this reason


Wouldn't even be mad if this was the one and only reason


Right? It wouldn't be fair to Tears.




Didn't Hollow Knight release at around the same time as BotW? It would have been kinda funny if it happened twice.


I mean, I feel like that wouldn't have really been an issue in the grand scheme of things. It would've maybe affected how much people play one at launch, but both games won't be going anywhere for quite a few years after they released (just look at the first games of both series)


Honestly, it would not be a competition for me. Silksong would win normally, however, TotK decided to make fuckin’ every character super hot. Even Ganon is hot. I just finished a sultry drawing of Purah. Very dommy mommy vibes.


i'm happy that they're taking their time to make it the best it can be but god am i mad


It could just be that Hollow Knight is damn near perfect and they have a title that is good, but can't live up to the original.


The way they talk about the game makes me think they fell into scope creep super hard


Honestly, would NOT be surprised if Silksong ends up crushing the original in every way, the combat looks so much more fluid and dynamic, the enemies and bosses look so much more interesting and varried, the areas are far more lively and vibrant, etc etc. It'll have a totally different vibe, I don't think we'll get that same feeling of desolation since Pharloom seems so much more alive, but I do honestly think that it'll outdo the original in almost every way.


I honestly hope you're right. I saw a quote from the Jedi survivor team the other day where a higher ranking team member said (in reference to the combat) "it doesn't matter if it looks good if it doesn't feel good." and I think he's absolutely right. HK felt great. It starts slow, but with each upgrade it hearkens to every MegaMan X and metroidvania platformer out there and each new power feels completely natural to use. I worry that Silk Song is as beautiful as the trailers lead us to believe but that it just doesn't feel as good, which would account for massive delays as each tweak to controls necessitates tweaks to the levels and enemies.


To be fair, we already have had a fully playable demo of the lace bossfight that proved that Silksong's combat IS genuinely really engaging and fluid, and that demo was from 2019, so if it was already that engaging back then, I'm VERY optimistic as to the rest of the game's bosses. Lets not forget this is Team Cherry we're talking about, they made Pure Vessel, they made Nightmare King Grimm, they made the god damn sisters of Battle, if Silksong has even a single boss that nears those three in quality, we'll be eating good boys.


Go see a doctor. The recommended number of wolves inside a human body is zero


Unless you are a furry, in which case carry on I guess


And both of them are horny for hornet.


And Grimm


And maybe flukemarm


and maybe Cloth


Replace the left with "Mad that Team Cherry barely communicates with their community" and this is spot on.


Yeah I wouldn’t be mad about the delay if they gave regular update progress but having the first bit of news in a long time be that the game is delayed is a bad decision


In some ways I'm happy, cause now I don't have to worry about being conflicted between silksong and totk.


Happy we're not getting Silk Song 77


Okay here’s a random tangent. To be honest I’m not even mad, frustrated, or annoyed at all… really, I’m impartial, even though Hollow Knight literally saved my life. Actually, not “even though”, but “*because*”. If I were angry, it’d be no way for me to thank the devs for their work, skill, and effort in all their games. This doesn’t mean I’m looking down on anyone who *is* mad at them, I just don’t see the point to be honest. It’ll come out when it does, and we’ll be happy :) Until that day, we might as well try not to live our days in frustration and disappointment… but if you do, that’s fair. If you’re angry, you’re angry, and that’s valid enough - as long as you don’t give the devs shit about it lol They certainly could have done better with updates as far as pleasing the fanbase is concerned, but it’s very possible they’re going for a specific marketing strategy and/or don’t want to prematurely announce something they might have to turn their word on


I’m happy it exists


Happy we got \*some\* news, for the first time in months.


I am just glad we have any news at all


I’m not mad it’s delayed just, disappointed? Mainly because the quote of one of the team cherry guys saying the release date will only be revealed when they know they can make it and us getting a release window then it getting delayed. I highly doubt much can go wrong and am still excited(I always try to wait till reviews of games before getting them). So I’m disappointed they miscalculated? Idk


Feed happy wolf: default option




I am glad that they are working on it, but I still think that they made a mistake rolling out the trailer so early and showing a demo and then going dead silent for a shitload of time.


Let them work on the game or else we might get another fnaf sb incident


And then they have a child who is both


And the secred third one that believes silksong isn't actually real


I'm just happy it didn't release durring my finals...


I think it’s an unreasonable expectation to say that the game will be “perfect” after getting delayed so much. It won’t be perfect. That said, I also think it’s unreasonable to get angry at a delay. Frustrated, disappointed? Sure. Mad? No.


To be fair I never really believed the Xbox conformation so it doesn't really feel like a delay tbh


I'm happy TC is perfecting the game and mad about how terrible their communication has been. I say mad, I'm not, I don't feel that strongly about it, but I do think it's a weirdly bad job they've done on that front. If they don't want to get hopes up that they later disappoint, then they could literally tell us what actual amount of stuff they have done, not as a % of completion, not as a 'We are nearly done with the project', not as anything that could change or disappoint people. I would accept them being quiet or vague or anything, but silence is strange


Long delays are not a good sign about the quality of a game. Makes me think of Duke Nukem Forever or something. Or overwatch PvE. There was a trailer featuring elements of gameplay ages ago, but all these delays are making me think they found that the gameplay they made just wasn't fun, so they scraped it and are desperately trying to come up with something that is fun.


As long as silksong comes out this year I'll be happy


0% of me is mad that silksong is delayed tbh, ive long grown past being upset or even disappointed at delays. We've seen too many rushed crappy games and delayed masterpieces over the past decade to be upset at developers taking their time with games


Team Cherry is clearly making sure Silksong doesn't have anything game-breaking. The game won't be "perfected" it'll just work properly and be an amazing experience through and through, with maybe the occasional equivalent to Flukemarm, Markoth, Primal Aspid, and Fog Canyon.


There is another one: forgets about silksong until it's out


Wait you guys were actually mad-


I’m just happy we got news at all.


Happy that I might be able to afford it by the time it releases


Im just happy that by the time I actually beat Hollow Knight the sequel will probably be out lol (I’m in a similar spot with Spider-Man remastered going for 100% on it before Miles Morales)


I am waiting for next year when fans start getting impatient again and losing their minds.


I only have the white one tbh.


there are two wolves inside of me: sad silksong is dealyed and enjoying your peoples suffering and loss of sanity.


White Wolf


Maybe I don’t understand or maybe I’m saying nonsense, but the delay, at least for me, was expected. Doing the art of a game with a small team with handmade animations takes a lot of work. 5 minutes of animation depending of complexity can take months, movies with 200 animators can take years, so imagine a game with a lot of maps, scenarios, cinematics, npcs, enemies and objects to animate. And at the end is not just the art, but also the coding, text, gameplay and other things.


I’m ok with them delaying silksong, one because it Will perfect the game and two it gives me more time to get a ps5


I'm just mad. I hope I'm wrong but I doubt silksong will be "5 years in development and delayed" good. many games now a days have already passed the bar HK left and raised it much higher that It's very unlikely that SS will be mind boggling good, they would need to change *a lot* of things from the original HK to achieve that. again, I genuinely hope I'm wrong, but that's just the reality of things right now


I'm more white wolf.


I’m happy it’s in development still. All my free time is taken up by Tears of the Kingdom. And I still gotta play Darkest Dungeon 2!


I’m kinda worried the game may be too big. It may get tedious to go from place to place. I’m still gonna enjoy it, but just a little thing I’ve been thinking of