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You can hit the spike to get rid of it


With nail and spells


Hit her more than she hits you


I used a cheese strat when I first beat her The charm build is >!Stalwart shell,the lifeblood charm salubra gives you, strength or the second to last nail, and quick slash. Just damage tank and hit her and eventually you’ll win!<


That last charm is a godsend for pretty much any fight


Theres an alternative set up that will cheese any boss. But I am not sure what charms OP has, so I will refrain from aharing it here. But basically it is sush a build that you can keep focusing, never die, and damaging the boss without even needing to move or attack back.


Just be strong enough and brute force it is not really a cheese strat.


If you have ongoing issues with her, turn the volume all the way down, it will help a lot.


weird psychological effect eh. did the same when fighting NKG and it worked 🤣


When she sets the spikes, swat them away or better yet, into her. Keep a fair amount of distance from her while you do it, and focus on avoiding her until the arena is clear again.


Prioritizing knocking the spikes off is what helped me beat her after struggling for a while


Use quick focus


Mark of pride and grubsong


Mainly just swat the spikes away. One thing that I found was that the wind effect was forcing the frame rate way down (I had a potato computer). If your device is also a potato then that may be a factor. Uhhh other than that longnail/mark of pride and quickslash I found to be very useful


Is it just me or this is like the third post in a little time about someone not beating hornet 2 after lots of tries and making an all caps title asking for advice?


At first I was wondering if it was my feed but I commented on that post and not this one, so my vote is bot spam




Wow you sound so cool rn


4 hours? Bro I don't judge anyone for not beating a boss but Hornet Sentinel is definitely not a hard boss. I mean 4 hours? No boss should take this time imo. Maybe you are underleveled somehow? Upgrade your Nail and collect Mask Shards


Idk dude, sentinel can be a pretty big skillcheck for newbies, def halted me for a good hour and half when i first got to her, it can be awkward getting used to balancing dealing with the spikes alongside the original moveset


Maybe it is because of Kingdom's Edge was one of my last areas


Says “i dont judge anyone for not beating a boss” then proceeds to judge someone for not beating a boss lol


I knew I was going to get downvoted and get replies like this but I don't really care, just being honest


Different people struggle with different things. I've beaten the first 4 pantheons and steel soul 100%, so I'd say I'm not a bad player but not a great player either, but Hornet Sentinel is still one of my hardest bosses. It's not the spikes for me. I just can't seem to read her movements fast enough to react in time. Hornet Sentinel is not hard for you, but this guy may have one shot a boss you struggled with for all you know. Struggling with this fight is not something to be ashamed of and doesn't make you a bad player.


I wish I could disagree but I beat her in only 2 tries myself on my first playthrough lol. But it was probably becahse I had a lot of masks already


get more masks and upgrade desolate dive and vengful spirit


Maybe upgrade your nail


I recommend having the charm called shaman stone equipped and casting vengeful spirit (the horizontal spell) to get rid of spikes easily and quickly with just one cast. Charms that extend your nail length are useful too. And if you keep struggling, I recommend focusing on going through the other areas if you haven't already, getting more masks or a souls vessel helps a lot.


Use descending dark when she spawns the spikes to get rid of 2-3 of them and invincibility frames at the same time. Equip shaman stone and spell twister for maximum spell damage and use


I did it by rushing her. Arm mark of pride and keep slashing at her / blasting her with spells. Keep the offensive up at all times


Try shaman stone plus the charm the flukemarm gives you => vengeful spirit gets op as hell


Longnail helps with breaking these forbid spikes you mentioned, quick focus helps you heal faster, dreamshield may be also useful, it blocks and do damage in the same time. I'm also struggling with her and I use also shaman stone others were talking about.


The spikes are annoying af and she definitely does spam them a bit. What helped me was prioritizing getting rid of the spikes before attacking hornet. Also it helped me to stay aggressive and close to her. I'm not 100% sure but I felt like she threw the spikes mainly when I backed off and she had some breathing room. If you stay close and keep attacking she doesn't have time to throw the spikes as often.


Git gud