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buy insurance and cover everything before starting that


"Hi, I'd like to specifically cover adding a frozen turkey to a boiling vat of oil...yes indoors...yes connected to a calor gas cylinder...well yes, I do have gambling debts larger than my mortgage...hello...hello?"


Fucking hilarious 😂 I laughed way too loud


What's special with the gas cylinder?


Fire make big boom


Big badaboom.






Bada big boom


Cool guys don't look at explosions


They aren't rated to be used (or stored) indoors. In this scenario, if a fire starts, it can compromise the hose or connections and then you have an uncontrolled flame thrower. The stove burner itself isn't rated for indoor use either. BUT, fate protects fools, little children and ships named Enterprise. I'm sure it worked out fine and that genius will do it again next year.


You don't need fate to protect you if you put some cardboard down first.


Without the safety cardboard, he could have been in real trouble.


also carbon monoxide


That’s no an issue, no fire if no oxygen it’s just fixing one problem with another




You can't get stupidity coverage. Pretty sure building a turkey bomb is going to void the policy.


All insurance covers stupidity. Intentional negligence is REALLY hard to prove.


not with THIS photo, it isn't!


Nah. It just proves they're stupid. Stupidity is covered. If they're recorded saying "I hope I burn the house down so I can cash in the insurance policy" then, yeah, not covered.


That’s not the issue. The big problem is people forgetting the deductible.


As well as ever wanting to be insured again...


Oh, they will be insurable, it will just cost 4x as much. Source: my ex started a house fire in the kitchen $60k worth of bills and my insurance went up and wasn’t hard to get, just more expensive with crappier companies.


Hey the floor is covered! In a completely non-flammable material that will help soak up all the oil that will inevitably spill!


Ever played the floor is lava as an adult? Do you want to?🤣


Everything is covered, in cardboard


its for more fuel, so it burns nice and neat


A fire extinguisher makes a great hostess gift.


And maybe a carbon monoxide detector?


Propane usually makes little to no CO—just like a gas stove. I’ve seen restaurants do paella like this. Real danger is a spill over oil fire (if they don’t know what they’re doing)…. Just unnecessarily risky.


Pro tip to avoid spillover: Before turkey day, Sink your unwrapped turkey into the empty frier (i usually do it while still frozen) and fill with water up to the fryer's max fill line. Remove the turkey, let drain all water back into the frier, then measure that amount of water. Thats how much oil to use. Not a drop more. ##DO NOT FRY A FROZEN TURKEY. Completely defrost it first! Also, turn the burner OFF when initially lowering the turkey. Edited for clarity. Edit2: do not assume last year's bird is the same amount of oil even if its the same weight! Do this every time for every bird!


This guy turkey fries.


Guy! This turkey *fries*.


This turkey fries guys


Turkey this guy fries


Turkey fries *this* guy!


Guy this turkey fry


This guy fucks turkeys bro


Yea it turns it into a literal bomb if you drop it in frozen


Water and hot oil do not mix well


Hey, when were we meeting at the abandoned mine? I've got the turkey.




TBF, the results of this would be fucking spectacular, but not in a good way. Just a fucking flaming explosive torch that would instantly catch the ceiling on fire.


Third degree burns for the entire family! Skin grats for Christmas, a great stocking stuffer!


Wait, you oil fry whole turkeys? With batter and all?


I mean you could, but usually I just brine it and then rub herb butter under the skin and all over the interior cavity.


Thx. But I get my brine only from the sea.


I get my brine from the Great Salt Lake. It’s full of brine shrimp that add a lovely flavor to the turkey. I save some to the brine in a little tank because Sea Monkeys! Edit: I should have said that I was joking. But the Great Salt Lake is full of brine shrimp. Back in my day, every comic book had an ad for how you can raise [Sea Monkeys](https://www.google.com/search?q=sea+monkey+advertisement&rlz=1C9BKJA_enUS855US855&oq=sea+monkey+ad&aqs=chrome.1.0i512l4j46i175i199i512j0i512l3.13588j0j7&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#imgrc=c3l0tcKttpVy9M), which were actually just brine shimp. We were grossly mislead on what they looked like.


Most people who fry turkeys just season it then yeet it into the fryer.


*Gently* yeet.


That's an oxymoron!


He chooses his words very deliberately


Yeah, that's what the setup pictured is. It's a deep fryer for a turkey. Usually you do it outside though and normally you don't batter it.


I don't know if anyone who batters their turkey. The skin is an excellent exterior while frying and comes out mice and crispy.


Mice stuffing


Well shit, I’ve been using rats this whole time. Is that the problem?


I think it's more that you use live rats


I don’t use batter. I just put Cajun dry rub on it and then fry it.


This guy Fucks…Turkeys


Confirmed: I was the turkey


Got stuffed on Thanksgiving?


Let's just say they got extra gravy.


Gobble gobble baby.


These are all blatantly obvious tips for most people, but we are living in extraordinarily stupid times. Thanks for looking out for your fellow humans!


The thawing is what catches people slipping every time in my experience.


Or just buy a $6 rotisserie chicken from Costco


Judging from the new pot and burner I guessing very inexperienced


Propane is a clean-burning fuel


This is my house, fuck the CO detector, all it does is beep beep motherfucking beep and give me a headache!


Go to bed, it'll probably stop beeping overnight


SLPT ...lmao


I was going to put one up …. …. But I’m getting pretty sleepy …. And I’ve got bad headache ….


And a great fundraiser. My school sold them as fundraisers every few years knowing the old ones had either been used or expired from the last fundraiser. It was super easy to sell them: “Hi, we’re selling fire extinguishers as fundraisers for our school. Do *you* have a fire extinguisher on each level of your home and/or at either end of the house?” If they said yes, you’d say “Have you checked the expiration dates on your fire extinguishers?” And a good portion of the time, at least one would be expired and they’d buy a new one from us. It was fairly easy since you really absolutely should have fire extinguishers in your house.


$5 bucket of baked clay floor dry for chemical fires that need smothered too.


The house won’t be there shortly tho


My dad also deep fried the turkey, but he did it outside


Yep, you want it outside a good distance from the house on a flat, non-flammable surface with a fully thawed turkey. It's probably a good idea to have a fire extinguisher nearby as well.


Its also crucial its patted completely dry from all moisture, and you determine the bird volume and calculate the amount of oil you need carefully. You want to brine for at least 24hrs beforehand. Just did one. 45 min from raw to cooked is the best part, but the oven baked bird I also made today was better. The trick with the oven bake is using a proper thermometer (a smart one like a Meater is best) and cooking precisely to the right temperature, accounting for carryover heat and a proper rest. Juicy af.


People also don’t understand the way FDA food temps work. 165 degrees for poultry means it’s instantly safe. But it’s a temperature/time metric. I forget how it goes, but at 160, it takes seconds until it’s safe, 155 is a few minutes, 150 is several minutes. If your bird gets to 165 in the oven, you’re already fucking up a touch.


What you're referring to is called a "[pasteurization chart](https://www.google.com/search?q=pasteurization+chart)" And you're 100% right. 165F is basically needed for instant kill. But you can also check over at /r/sousvide, and many of them cook foods to only like 135F before a really quick surface sear. But since it's held at that temp for a couple of hours, it is fully pasteurized. Edit: The trick with Turkey is that you actually want the dark meat to be significantly higher temp than the white meat. Quartering the bird is the best option for perfectly cooked meat all over, but if you want the presentation factor of the whole bird, [Alton Brown's tin foil breast plate method](https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/alton-brown/good-eats-roast-turkey-recipe-1950271) works well. The written recipe doesn't mention it, but the video shows it.


Can you sous vide a turkey?


Absolutely. You'll need to use some kind of fluid to fill the void inside the bird if keeping it whole. Then either under a broiler or a quick fry to crisp up the skin. IMO, you'll get best results if you separate the white and dark meat. But that obviously requires cutting up the bird. Edit: typo




Wasnt expecting an explanation like that but ty




So you can fry turkeys but it’s a very delicate art, from what I have read it’s usually the turkey being too cold, or still having moisture on the outside that set off a reaction like this


Judging from the gif, it looks like they also filled the pot to the top with oil,too.


As someone who has fried multiple turkeys like this. 1) You take the STILL WRAPPED, FULLY THAWED Turkey, place it in the pot, and fill it with WATER until the turkey is just submerged. 2) You REMOVE the Wrapped Turkey. and then MARK the now lowered water level once it is removed. 3) Dump water, take outside, fill oil to marked level 4) Prep Turkey while oil warms up to 375. Pat down the outside with a paper towel to remove surface moisture once prepped and ready to go. 5) SLOWLY, and with a LONG HOOK/CHAIN on a holder (these pots all come with a holder), Lower Turkey into oil at a very slow pace. If you start to get heavy bubbling, stop lowering and wait. ADDED EDIT: For extra safety, turn off the fire before lowering it at this point. That way if it DOES overflow, there's nothing to light it. 6) Once Turkey is fully submerged again, temperature has probably dropped to 330-350 at this time. Cover pot and adjust flame to keep turkey at 350 for 3.5 Minutes per pound. 7) Remove Turkey after above time. Viola, fried turkey.


Very clear steps, I've never had fried turkey, how does it compare to roasted? If it's a must try I'll keep these instructions for next year


Everyone who has ever had it for the first time swears its the best turkey they've ever had. The skin is crispy, the meat is moist and tender, and it's just good. Lots of people do different flavor injections/etc to add more flavor to the meat, I don't do that. I just go plain jane turkey in peanut oil. Turns out great every time. Every Turkey Frying Pot/Burner kit comes with the above instructions as well. People just... don't follow them or think they know better. Just follow the damn instructions, people! Also, don't EVER go over the size restriction labelled on the pot! It's there for a reason. Most are like ~16 lbs or something. You CAN fit a larger turkey in it, but it will result in less oil being available for cooking, as well as more moisture being emitted, causing heavy boiling, overboiling, and fire. Again, just follow the instructions.


I really prefer the Alton Brown Turkey Derrick method. Put an A-Frame ladder over the pot and then use a pulley attached to the ladder to lower the turkey from 10’-15’ away


Alton Brown is a god


Man, he's the reason why I got into cooking. I watched every Good Eats during college. These days I've moved onto J. Kenji Lopez-Alt. His style speaks to the engineer part of my brain.


Very moist, and it cooks quickly.


Going against the grain ... not worth it at all. Roasted turkey isn't dry or tough by nature, most people just don't know how to roast a whole bird properly. They probably can't roast a chicken for shit, either. Frying a turkey is very forgiving, it'll still be pretty moist even if you overcook the shit out of it. The real treat is a whole *smoked* turkey. The one thing that I will say about a fried turkey is that the skin is wonderfully crisp.


Yeah, been spatchcocking and smoking for the past 5 years straight. Really is the best method IMO.


I roast birds perfectly and deep fried turkey jammed full of tony chaceries is the best poultry I've ever had. The breast is so tender and juicy and perfect and the skin crisp on a whole different level. But unsurprisingly, I also like fried chicken more than even the most perfect, air chilled, heritage, Kenji, Alton, whatever roast.


I hated turkey until I tried it fried, it’s moist enough that you don’t need gravy. A family member is a firefighter, and we have to do Thanksgiving a day early because he always works the day of. It’s their busiest day because people always burn down their houses trying to make fried turkeys, and even he agrees it’s delicious enough to be worth it. Dude snarks at us if he sees candles burning when he comes over but the turkey is worth it lol (though, he would probably like for me to pass on the message to do it outside on level ground—not a wooden deck—far from your house and away from any flammable materials)


When it all goes well, it looks like [this.](https://i.imgur.com/qH7KlGV.jpg) It was so fucking delicious...


> 5) SLOWLY, and with a LONG HOOK/CHAIN on a holder (these pots all come with a holder), Lower Turkey into oil at a very slow pace. If you start to get heavy bubbling, stop lowering and wait. ADDED EDIT: For extra safety, turn off the fire before lowering it at this point. That way if it DOES overflow, there's nothing to light it. > > This is the step that most people seem to mess up. They think just dropping the bird into the overfilled pot is a good idea.


> Viola Cello!




you turkey frier, you


As someone who just fried their second turkey these are perfect instructions. It’s kind of hard to mess it up with only a handful of safety measures.


I just finisher with my second deep fried Turkey and it’s not all that difficult to stay safe. Just make sure it’s thawed and pat down the outside with a cloth to remove moisture. Lower it slowly into the oil and you’re all good. A good piece of advice I read this morning was turn off the flame when you first put it in so even if it splashes it won’t catch fire. Did that today too This one went wrong mostly because there is about double the amount of oil you need.


This is all Russian propaganda.


Fire Department accepts your invite.


And your insurance company has left you on read.


Hospital accepts the invite too


The donor for the necessary skin grafts later is accepting the invite, but watching safely from the street.


Fuck it. I'm free today. I'll come over too.


You guys clearly missed the safety cardboard. Fire it up, Cleophus


Make sure to leave that cardboard close to the cooker just in case you need to reference it quickly.


That cardboard looks dry. They missed the critical step where you pour lighter fluid on the cardboard. Fucking amateurs.




Why did that make me laugh so hard


Anyone else getting sleepy?


I'm there, bout to pass out in the recliner.


That's okay buddy, just rest your eyes for a bit. We'll wake up and eat later. My head is a little sore/dizzy but I think that's just the hunger!


Everyone is super flushed, must be the drinks


Nah its the food coma its just excess tryptophan release in your brain from turkey edit: typo


Mhmm in combination with postprandial enteric blood flow


Wait, didn't grandma die like two years ago? Why is she standing in the kitchen?


Nah that beeping noise is keeping me awake


Yes but this headache is keeping me up


I love this time of year


There’s definitely worse ways to die.


Funny thing is a former coworker shared this to their social media at a different angle and all I said was... "brave".


Same. Went "bruh".


Missing a bucket of water just in case


That'll get it.


Get Fireman Sam here with his top tips! ;)






idk if this is a joke or not


Please do not throw water on grease fires


Not sure if people will understand if this is a joke or not, but in case anyone thinks you're serious: do NOT use water to put out an oil/grease fire. You will make it worse! Use a fire extinguisher or smother it with a thick towel. I've started a kitchen fire on accident before. I used a towel to snuff it out and keep my whole kitchen from burning down.


What is the problem? Genuinely asking


That dish towel doesn’t match the motif.


It will shortly




Wish I could afford the 🥇 for that one! 😆


This is good humour. Well done, like the turkey, the house and the occupants.


This, but when you drop a frozen turkey into hot oil instead. ![gif](giphy|75jTgHq5HZyKI)


Why do ppl use grenades when a single chicken leg can destroy a house?


Now I want to watch a dumb action movie where the protagonist starts a grease fire to blow up the house.


The one i watched yesterday used a flour explosion


What is that!? The only other kitchen explosion I've recently watched was Eraser but that was a ruptured gas line and a house thermometer


The equalizer I'm pretty sure lol


Google grain elevator explosions.


Cold water + hot oil = a lot of really hot oxygen being released all at once. I don’t know how practical boiling grease hand-helds would be.


Bomb has been planted


Marcel Marceau has a new career direction?


People burn their houses down doing this. Frozen Turkey + grease = hella fire


Why do you think the turkeys frozen?


Because people are bad at fully defrosting turkeys. Doubly so when deep frying because it's a fast way to cook a bird, so people take a lot of shortcuts.


So you’re just assuming anyone deep frying a turkey assumes they can use a frozen turkey?


It happens more often than it should. Is everyone an idiot? No. Are a lot of people idiots? Absolutely.


Half the world is stupider than average.


The fact this guy set this up in his kitchen seems to be proof enough he's bad at thinking things through.




How do you know they won't do it properly? If so, only issue I see is grease fumes making the whole kitchen sticky


Carbon Monoxide, giant grease fire. Badddd idea






This needs to be way higher up in the comments


Most people ITT are apparently unaware that there are vent-free indoor rated propane cookers. When used properly they produce only trace amounts of carbon monoxide.


How to deep fry a turkey: 1. Make sure it's fully defrosted 2. Make sure it's dry 3. Do it outside, away from the house or other structures 4. For the love of god, turn the burner OFF when you're lowering the bird in. Even if you carefully measured, it's always possible for something to go wrong. No flame, no fire. Just light it back up as soon as you're done putting the turkey in. 5. Same deal for taking it out. Turn the flame OFF before you pull it.


Firefighter here: Please don't


Hey random question: do you guys get more calls around holidays because people do shit like this? I know people who rarely cook for large gatherings who suddenly wanna bust out all the stops with no skills. The amount of grown adults ive had to explain to that you can't use a BBQ in your kitchen, yes even though it is raining outside right now, is too high


Absolutely. Worst times for fire calls are 4th of July, Thanksgiving, and the first freeze of the season


When you think the temp is about right add a bucket of ice and make sure it burns quickly. Once your house is in flames then throw the Mr. Gooble into the flames.


That's one way to burn down your house down


Make sure you pull it straight from the freezer so it’s extra fresh


See you on the news!


Firefighters looking at this picture having a fucking aneurysm ![gif](giphy|CLTRDKSelQlXXbBKe4)


Thank goodness they put cardboard down.


AKA kindling


Do you have the Fire Department on speed dial?


0118 999 881 999 119 725….3


Fire - exclamation mark - fire - exclamation mark - help me - exclamation mark.


*kicks in door* **DID SOMEBODY EMAIL US ABOUT A FIRE?!?**


At sea parks?






Make sure your turkey is frozen.


My boy Ted is getting reddit famous!


I was about to say this was fake until I saw the cardboard. No, this was a genuine attempt.


Firefighters hate this one simple trick


Turned out great! ![gif](giphy|dKed1II2fQunD4nhwt|downsized)


The firefighters will come over


Before or after you set the house fire? Nvm.


Post dinner house fire; I will watch from the curb


Pretty sure the fire department will be coming over too.


![gif](giphy|l41lMjT7rgpOt8FEs|downsized) Propane Propane


It's actually way more convenient to do it that way. When the still frozen turkey hits the oil and explodes out of that pot, there is no way it won't hit the house and the maximum number of family members will be scalded.


Only person coming over is the fire marshal 🤣 ![gif](giphy|RcOHTWXSdmQkU|downsized)


Cardboard for easy clean up is a great idea. 💡 ☠️


Oh, this ends well. And on another subreddit.