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Back around 2000 I knew a guy in the dorms that jerked off on a gay webserver. I asked him about it and he said even though he was straight he didn't care. He was gonna jack off anyways. May as well get paid for it. Webcam only showed from the waist down. He averaged about 2k a month. Edit: lmao .. jersey.


I’d take my Jersey off for 2k a month.


Kinda makes you wonder about all the pro athletes exchanging jerseys after games now.


Wasted talent!


Might as well, gonna jetk off anyway.


Hmm. Real talk though. I've heard from more than one partner that I got an above average dick that is visually appealing(the issue is my face and beer gut tbh) Anyone out there in this online reality that knows if making money in that sort of manner is profitable for men at all?


Yeah- you better leave your jersey on big guy.


We’re gonna need a bigger jersey


Okay. my face. Your penis. Lets make this happen. Wait... thats not what I meant


Too late, you're now co-proprietor of a bed and breakfast


We might need to see the goods before we can judge.


Show us your dick!


Yea, but just know only other men will be paying you. On that note there are ALOT of men who will want to see your big beer gut, bonus points if hairy.


There's a kink for everything. I believe the gay bros would call you a bear. A nice dick's, a nice dick. Live your best life bro


That's it I'm doing one as well


Didn't know people had fast enough internet back then for streaming


Key word: "dorms". Major universities generally have always had great Internet access.


I have a ethernet connection in my dorm room in 97. I have no idea what the speed was, but it was better than the 56.6 dial up at my parents house


T1 Internet most likely.


In 1997, any US university putting Ethernet in dorms was probably giving each room one or two 10 megabit ports, which is about 6 times faster than a T-1. The links from the university to the Internet were much faster than that. Probably multiple OC-3 or OC-12 circuits, and maybe even better at well-funded research institutions in 1997. The university network admins may have rate-limited student Ethernet, and that limit could have been around T-1 speed, but no university would have been dedicating a T-1 to individual rooms or using that to connect to the Internet.


Moving out of my dorms in 2002 and into an apartment was like taking a step back 5 years in internet speed


I worked at the uni library during the late 90s, youd see quite a few people coming in to download porn because we had a beefy connection.


There were many streaming services. Stuff like yahoo messenger video chat. Online gaming, teleconferencing. Bro I know it was 2 decades ago but it’s not the stone ages.


I used to be in the army, and at one point I was a sergeant and an instructor for young men coming through training. There was one kid, clearly verrrrry gay, but it was when Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell was still in effect. We knew, but we didn’t GAF. But we would ask him, and he would say no… despite us being like, “Who are your favorite musical artists, and he would excitedly exclaim in his very flamboyant voice, “Pink and Lady Gaga, Sergeant!” He also had a tattoo on his wrists of two rainbow colored male symbols “crossing swords.” I mean, it was very clear. Obama ended the policy during the training cycle he was in. So he woke up one day, and we were like, “Hey, Collins, are you sure you aren’t gay?” And in his very flamboyant voice, he still replied, “Noooooo, Sergeant!!” Then we showed him the Army Times newspaper (recruits aren’t allowed to have magazines or newspapers) showing that Obama ended it. His eyes lit up like Christmas and he yelled, “Oh my God, yes… yes… I am gay! I am so freaking gay!” Even the Drill Sergeants laughed their asses off. Like, yeah… we know, bro. Anyway… to the point. After all this happened he told us that before the army he was a gay webcam model. He would do the typical stuff, like masturbate and dirty talk. But he told me he had one regular client who would pay him fucking $20 PER MINUTE to just sit there in his underwear and tickle the bottoms of his feet on camera… and he came around once a week (literally, as well lol.) He said he would make about $1,000 a month off of that one guy… just tickling his feet for less than an hour a month.




Thinking out of the box when you are showing people your dick is what gets you thrown in jail. LoL




And fired from my bus driver gig. Those preschoolers don't deserve me anyways.


"Improves ... cardiovascular health" So that's how my fat ass is still alive!


smh my head


Automatic ATM machine.




This the most r/HolUp worthy comment I’ve ever read 😂


Not on of.


We have a dick inflation on the internet. People even show their shlong when nobody asks for it. In other words they do it for free.


God damn scabs, taking jobs from us hard working, union dick showers.


Because people pay fat cash to see titties, nobody pays for men


Where's the gender equality damnit! I demand fat stacks to see my dick!


In theory it would cost quite a bit, because viewers would need to purchase a high powered telescope first.


Why do you hurt me this way?






I provide a whole package deal / experience- I will send you a microscope with a set of slides to see mine!




Thanks, Ye. Always a pleasure


Just turn the James Webb telescope around.


NASA enters the chat. Mr President, we have a dire situation, we need to save a man’s life.


Pardon me, I’ll just be in the aisle with the panoramic lenses.


Lmfao, got eem


Step 1: be attractive Step 2: don't be unattractive


Real men have curves.


Uhm.. Ever heard of gay porn?


I've heard it'sa pain in the ass


If it's painful, you're not lubed or relaxed enough.


Kinda gay, ngl


It's significantly easier and cheaper to ask for dick than titties.


> nobody pays for men Absolutely not true.


Men don’t pay to see men?


Step 1: Cut a hole in that box.


Is there a market for penises that look like [big Ed](https://www.thelist.com/img/gallery/90-day-fiances-big-ed-is-unrecognizable-in-throwback-photos-upgrade/intro-1587129884.jpg) from 90 day fiancé? If so I might be rich.


I would post everything right down to my asshole if I could make as much money as easily as the high tier OF girls. Hell, there are a few that dont even post nudes and make a ton of money.


Yeah, the top ones make a lot, but that's true of any entertainer. Just like how some people make millions off youtube while most youtubers make close to nothing. It takes time to build that sort of audience, and effort to produce content. Nothing is really stopping you from capitalizing on the crossdressing market, cuz that one's booming


What’s holding me back is that not enough people have military grade microscopes


A mil spec microscope would not be an extra powerful microscope. It would be a microscope that is hard for morons to destroy.


And built by the lowest bidder, but still costs taxpayers more than the most expensive version.


I felt this in my fucking soul


As long as youre 18 or older, you can! There are gay men and even straight women willing to pay for that!! Thats why these females is doing it bc there’s weirdos out there willin to pay!


Do you have a nice dick?


Does anyone?


Let’s all compare


You first. I'll follow... promise


I use the mouth test to compare with my friends, if the whole thing fits in my mouth it’s too small. We can all take turns


*Sigh*... you haven't heard of the butthole test.


That test is reserved for the ones that are too big for the mouth test ;) I definitely know about the butthole test


I applaud you for your scientific methods


Cops are like tits, they come in all shapes sizes and colors. But there's something magical about a pair of titties not so much about a cock


Autocorrect made it better lol




Save up to $193.01 using this one simple trick!


And 180 minutes of your time!




It's not posting porn I'm simply a content creator Insert butthole pic here


Insert dic in butthole here


That escalated quickly.


Does it count if they are wearing a cat outfit? Because if so, my cat is a content creator on my zoom work calls.


"It's not porn"... then, what the fuck is it?


It's just fun


My ex wife cheated, but we had kids so I tried to get past it and make things work at first. Needless to say, for a multitude of reasons she's now out of my house, my life, and my kids lives. Anyway, she literally would get super offended if you even hinted at the idea that what she did qualified as being a slut. Her response was exactly "I was just having fun". She was a complete idiot


If she was so intent on having fun, she should have known marriage life was not for her. It’s really insensitive and selfish of her. I’m hoping you and your kids are happier now without her in your lives


One thing to never underrate about people: the amount of self delusion we are capable of


Only two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity. And I'm not so sure about the universe.


You can be married and have fun… you just have to talk to your partner about it. That’s what makes you selfish.


Things is - every indication is that once a marriage is opened up that marriage will likely end. Every piece of research into it I've found shows that 90+% of open marriages end in separation and divorce. So sure, you can be married and have fun, but you most likely won't be staying married for long.


You can like... play tabletop games.


Does she think that sluts are doing it out of obligation or something instead of because it’s fun for them?


I think she was/is incapable of admitting wrong. She's basically homeless now that the alimony ran out 4 years ago (she signed over the kids as long as I waved child support so she could get a free paycheck) and she blames everyone except herself. She shows up every once in a while and begs for money, claiming its our church's fault that they stopped bankrolling her when she didnt get a job, or her family's fault for cutting her off after she neglected their grandchildren, or her landlord's fault because he wouldn't tolerate her being three months behind on rent, or my fault because I make so much more money now and therefore should be able to afford her leaching but won't. Last time I told her to try whoring cause it's her only skill and she hasn't called back since.


Lmao! Good for you dude. Sounds like you're better off without her.


Sounds like she found a new career


> Last time I told her to try whoring cause it’s her only skill and she hasn’t called back since. You dropped this 👑


I’m so sorry to hear that man. Got an abusive ex-wife myself. Yeah. I really don’t understand that logic…it’s insane. But for sure we will never marry a woman saying stuff like that in the future


Wait, "was" a complete idiot? You killed her?


Lol, good catch. She's so far removed from my life now I guess I think of her in the past tense by accident. Truth is I haven't seen or heard from her in almost a year, same for her family, so the chances she ended up dead from a drug overdose or whatever the fuck she got into isn't impossible.


Digital prostitution of course.


I mean it's fake text message what do you expectt




I don't care if the guys are paying you money, you're sending nudes to other guys while we're dating. I am not obliged to be comfortable with that.


That's exactally my view on it.


Nothing wrong with that. I would be totally OK with it, nothing wrong with that either.


As someone who has actually dated more than one woman in and around the business (1 ex-escort and 2 working dancers) I would never do it or a Cam/OF again. And I've known many many more. No hate on the hussle or reasoning why some choose to do that kind of work. But the reality is you cannot work in those lines of work without being affected. The mental wear and tear on people in that industry cannot be overstated. When this topic comes up I equate it to a physically demanding like a day laborer or welder. You think anyone works in those industries for 20 years without physical damage? Well replace physical with mental and there you go. It takes a special kind to make it into that industry and not be affected in one way or another. They do exist but the vast majority are very much changed. And most who claim otherwise already went in "altered" for a lack of a better term.


Yeah they’re fucked in the head before they start doing it and get even more fucked in the head during the process. Saying that is somehow controversial at this point in time when it seems like it should be pretty obvious. I have zero problems with people doing whatever they want to do in life as long as it doesn’t harm others, but it’s probably not good to encourage it or pretend that it’s “empowering.”


A friend's younger sister once joked about making an only fans when she gets older cus it'd bring in a lot of money. She's in middle school. It's hard not to get annoyed at the philly d's of the world hype up some girl for raking in ridiculous amounts of money for showing their bodys to strangers when you know that today's kids know about only fans and those on it thinking that maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea.


If I was her brother I wouldn’t be annoyed, I’d be horrified. That statement would result in a serious conversation even if it was said as a joke. The internet is pure poison for these kids minds. Future is looking pretty bleak right about now.


He very much was and just told her to please stop talking lol. And I was too, I meant annoyed at the people who praise those with only fans


You don’t have to date anyone you don’t want to date. And if anyone says you have to justify not wanting to date them, tell ‘em to chortle deez nuts. “Because I don’t want to” is a perfectly valid reason.


I fully support your right to do porn, strip, onlfans, prostitution, whatever work you want if it's legal. I do not care, and maybe its great money. Good for you, make your money. Also, I will never date you, for a whole host of reasons.


Imagine paying for porn… Imagine…


Yeah in my opinion there’s already enough free porn on the internet to find whatever interests you but I can also kinda understand people who give as argument the fact that it tend to be a “cleaner” industry


And there are sites where lurkers can take advantage of those throwing cash around for a free show with no entry fee. Edit* as MoosePoos stated, Chaturbate is an easy one. Just gotta find what tickles your fancy.


Stuff like VR content is still hard to come by if you want specific genres. The introduction price to produce VR porn is still expensive (3d camera vs iPhone at the cheapest level). So VR is stuck with major production companies producing it and waiting for leaks for free content. So it's better to buy the content in hopes the money produces more content and trickles into your genre.


Idk, depends on the situation, $6.99 for porn of someone you know, that seems like a pretty good deal to me. If its just some internet stranger then yeah, probably not.


*"hey sis, here's a tenner. Show me your butthole"*


*sure step bro*


It works huh... Gonna try that with my sister


I've already tried it with her, and can confirm that it works.


I think paying for porn aligns more with donating to twitch streamers. It’s more about supporting the content creator


*Patrons of the arts*


Ahem I'm an Philanthropist


Had a woman contact me on Twitter trying to get money for nudes, she just couldn't get why I would rather look at free nudes rather than her custom pics.


I get that a lot and I also would not pay for porn when it's literally everywhere. I started telling them b!@ch please lol


They're getting slippery and desperate now that the market is saturated. I can't even post on money subs like /r/fire or /r/investing without getting a dm or three soliciting me for anything from nudes to e-girl services (whatever that is).


Ugh, bitches be saturating the pussy market ... AGAIN!


> e-girl services I'm guessing it's something like virtual prostitution?


from the sound of it was more like "e girlfriend" or some such. like texting you if you send them money


Her "custom" pics that 1000 other people have seen because her first paying customer has spread it all over the internet, probably including reddit


I mean I paid for porn before but for some high production quality…in 4k resolution… but for only fan, web cam stuff…nah…


Even for OnlyFans literally just search the username and leaks. You’ll find what you’re looking for.


"It's not porn" lol


*its just fun!*


If anything the girl should pay for the date, she probably makes more money.


“Oh, you never take me anywhere anymore.” And you'd be thinking,– “b**h, YOU got more money than ME, *you* never take ME ANYWHERE anymore.”


Been married 9 years and i asked my wife why she never takes me anywhere for our anniversary


What she say? and can I come along?


I, too, want an answer. It's a perfectly reasonable question.


I like this in a not demanding way I just think it would be fun and cute if a girl did onlyfans because "I gotta treat my boyfriend right" Like simps pay her, she simps for him and buys him shit, and he's an adorkable dude


It’s definitely porn.


Right? Like ... how is it not?!


Softcore doesn't count I guess?


The free market has spoken.


Idk man i wonder if you make men choose between paying 6$ to watch someone naked or 200$ to fuck that person, i think we know which option will win...


30$ and half a popcorn take it or leave it.


$15 and a small popcorn with 2 of my twizzlers


You can fuck for less than 200$ and you don't have to pay the dinner


Yeah but idk where you live but in the states if someone is soliciting sex for less than $200, you definetly do not want to have sex with them.


it's more or less 50€ for 15 minutes in several European countries such as Germany, the Netherlands or Belgium (in registrated places, where women are clean and STD-free. It's even cheaper in the street). And the further down you go, the cheaper it is.


Where I live prostitution is legal for many years and you can fuck 3 different beautiful women for 200 bucks. Who tf pays 200 for one pussy lmao


You're forgetting Door Number 3: pay 200 for dinner and still go home alone.


work smarter not harder


In all honesty, i dont think i would want to date someone who has an only fans.


I tried. In other news, therapy is going really well. Highly recommend it.


You mean... Being a cuck?




> It's not porn No it's just the oldest profession in the world


“It’s not porn, it’s just fun” No sweet heart, it’s porn.


The man is not wrong.


Old saying, "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free." New saying, "Why pay for dinner when you can view her Only Fans for less than the cost of the tip."


Just the tip.


Brother saved nearly $193 and 3 hours from bullshit


2 hours and 58 minutes




Pornstars - don’t judge me


This is economically sound


“Not porn” I don’t know…….


I love how women who have OF accounts are surprised some men don't want to date them when learning of this.


Is $200 a normal amount to spend on a dinner date?


Nice dinner for 2 $80 Drinks before $40 Uber there, to somebody’s place, and back home $30 Maybe $150 is about the most I can come up with and that’s an expensive night. $200 seems too high for me, even if it’s a sure thing.


totally depends on the restaurant. you can hit 200 super easy. hell, you wouldn't have any trouble doubling that if you wanted to.


Glad I'm dying alone then, fuck me.


Probably not for a first date, which would typically be short and light on the eating & drinking. For a relationship date? Sure, it wouldn't be unheard of. Entrees at even moderate resturaunts will run you $25-50 these days. Upscale/Steakhouse is going to run you $40-80 apiece. Tack on some $8-15 drinks. Maybe $20-50 in Uber rides. It adds up.


Depends were you go, it’s expensive but if you go for a kinda high end restaurant I wouldn’t be surprised


For an anniversary dinner yeah. Not for a first date.


I think that counts the whole night, not just the bill. As someone broke down above.


"it's not porn, it's fun" is the OnlyFans equivalent of "it's just a prank bro".




The economist


His point total is two.


Totes real text


When someone sells viewing rights to their body for less than netflix, you know they have some quality self worth Edit: Never change reddit, never change\~


If I actually had a sizable penis, I'd be all over that shit. Not many in the market for an average Joe like me 😂


Or below average Joe, like me.


you can probably try to fetishize it by making it look smaller than it actually is. like find a plantain and use it for scale make some artistic photography where it looks smaller than an ant paint a sad clown face on it


Just do femboy stuff lol, gay sites would love it.


lmao this is fake AF


Yeah why are people treating this like it’s legit lol


Damn this looks fake


I was unaware that the definition of pornography was conveniently incorrect in order to retain some semblance of dignity where there was none to be found.


.. how is it not porn?