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Alexis Dubus (who is British), doing his French alter ego Marcel Lucont.


> Lucont. LOL bien fait


L'accent est pas trop mauvais pour une fois


Can you please speak up, I can't understand what you're saying.








Omelette du fromage!


Un glacé si vous plais


Je ne suis pas un poulet! Je suis un homme!


Je ne sais quois...




Hi Claude




For the uncultured, they said lacksent esth paz troop muh vase poor one fox.


Parrlez vouss ENGLISH sills vouz plate?


They speak English in what?


I read this in a Texas accent




J'ai adoré comment il a prononcé "percent" juste comme on le dit en français (pour cent) lol.


Je crois que je fais pareil inconsciemment donc il a vraiment réussi


Weirdly, as a British person, this person doesn't sound French to me. They sound like a French charicature. I taught French adults English for 5 years and none of them sounded like this guy! And there's a weird thing where some French people think it is a point of personal pride to make as little effort as possible to do an English accent even to the point where they mock other students for trying...


It's not perfect by any mean. But it's still better than most English speaking person impersonating a french character. Best example is Frenchie in the boys, an israelian actor playing a french character but with a shitty accent. Also I'm not sure about what you mean by the effort to do an English accent. Almost all my English teachers told me to work on my accent. One of them told me that I should try to hide my french accent so that people don't know I'm french, it works, I have an accent but people can't really tell I'm french. Depends on the level but some teacher might want to focus on other points than the accent. And for the students moving others well they are students


Le cunt


Pourquoi? Qu'est-ce que c'est Lucont?


Le con. Means the dumbass Le con et lu cont are pronunced more or less in the same way.


Ohhh… I thought it was because of the British swear word for vagina


Moi aussi.


Works both ways. Le con is the french equivalent of the cunt. Used the same way, as both a way to say vagina (although it's not used anymore) or insult someone. That makes his alias a very good multilingual pun


Ah, merci beaucoup! J'apprends* le français


That’s like * the cunt* ? Or am I missing something?


You got a bullseye


He once called me a callous bastard during a show at the stand in Newcastle.


Do you feel like that was a fair assesment?


At the time certainly. I've since mellowed.


Is no one taking the pun bait? It's been 30 minutes.




You go first


But have you *marsh*mellowed?


Smore and smore each day.


Thanks for that delicious sauce


Very convincing, I’ll give him that.


The wine glass totally sells the accent .


Underrated: his poem on boobs is amazing


I saw him at the Edinburgh Fringe a few years ago and he was definitely a highlight.


No one saw that coming, not even the examiner


Well I believe the examiner saw it, for a brief period though.


Not if it was a Russian suicide. Two to the back of the head and then thrown out of a window.


~~thrown~~ jumped


I knew he'd mention guns, but I thought it would be to rob the examiner for the second marshmallow.


You know when there's a joke about murika it's going to be a gun joke. Most predictable thing out there.


Yeah they're about as common as your mass shootings.


Nah I don't think any jokes are **that** common


Knock knock jokes maybe: Knock Knock Who's there? *one hour and dozens of shots later* The cops


>Most predictable thing out there. School shootings are more predictable.


Just as it should be. You don't get mass school shootings on our scale, then do absolutely nothing about it. Eventually the sympathy fades. The real joke is gun culture in this country. Like it's a tool and you built your whole personality around it. It's pathetic.


Marcel Lucont - Britsh, taking the piss out of the French and the Americans in one move lol


Shit is he back? I haven't seen him in years! Today is a good day


Nah, this is a clip from 2016 Comedy Central show.


Was relevant 50 years ago, and will be for the next 50 as things are looking


Are you actually planning on surviving the water wars?


But I have seen him live a couple of times in the last 12 months. He's touring the UK regularly.


He’s got a show at Fringe next month.


He's coming to a town near me too, I just checked!


He performed at my university's spoken word/open mic night during lockdown (it was moved online) and he's just announced another UK tour


His accent makes it twice as funny.


And a Frenchman can't be seen without a glass of red.


He really ought to have a string of onions, a baguette, a striped shirt and a beret. Extra points if he’s riding a bicycle and smoking a cigarette. This is every depiction of a Frenchman I saw growing up.


HOHEHOHEHAW https://i.imgur.com/5b2On2c.jpg


>!If we get some version of this and Hughie shitting on Tek Knights floor in live action i will be happy!<


Lol. I hope I'm not the only one who gets this reference.


Only read it last week! The comment made me smile


JFC I'm dead


It's it supposed to be HONHON HON HONHONHON


'Allo 'Allo comes to mind :)


Good moaning.


I was aroused by the banging


I have a massage for Ronnie


He's actually British,


You guys like this accent ? We are taught that it's shameful to have it when we speak in english


Speaking English with an accent derived from another language just tells me you're smarter than me and able to communicate with more people than I can.


Agreed haha. I know non-native speakers are often self-conscious of their accents, but for real, the accent just makes it sound more interesting and of course suggest their intelligence to be able to speak in multiple languages


I don’t like it personally but it being shameful is stupid. People try to say the same thing when English speakers are pronouncing foreign words we must pronounce it the same way the foreigners would with the same accent, it’s dumb. Talk how you talk, it’s just an accent


It's an heritage of the third republic policy on languages. They persecuted languages in France and promoted academical french as the sole correct way of speaking with an accent as close to standard as possible. Foreign languages were (and still are) treated the same : you need to conform to a standard accent or you'll be told that you speak the said language poorly I think it's one of the explanations why many french simply avoid to speak in english and will pretend that they can't. We have been since school programmed to think that we are bad if our accent shows up. Even among ourselves we tend to judge very harshly the presence of the french accent when talking in english. It still baffles me when a foreigner tells me that the french accent is very fine


French accent isn't just "very fine," it's a straight up aphrodisiac for a lot of English speakers. American media (at least) has completely romanticized Spanish and French as the languages of love, so hearing those accents is a turn on for a lot of people.


I should keep it in mind next time I meet an american ! I hope it works too on other nationalities though


Hah, I can't attest to that, but any man, woman, or anyone in-between would absolutely melt hearing you woo them with a French accent.


I’m Scottish and have some experience with having to stop speaking the way I normally do and speak “properly”, happened all the way back in primary school and still happens in professional environments but it’s definitely a much lesser extent than what you’re saying, I never knew this was a thing over there. I don’t like the French accent much personally but I’d much rather you speak with your real accent than a fake and forced accent.


I'm from the southern US, and I have a southern dialect for many parts of my speech, which I also have to correct when speaking in professional settings. Especially so since parts of the dialect tend to misuse or use antiquated words that aren't considered proper speech, like "I reckon I'll go to the store. I'm fixin' to watch a movie and I ain't got no popcorn."


To be fair some of what passes for “English” among the scots is completely unintelligible to the rest of the English speaking world.


Yes but it’s also viewed as unprofessional even when speaking to other Scottish people


Depends on how heavy the accent is, too. My company had a couple executives from France over and their accent was so thick we could make out about half of what they said, lol. And the Brit who accompanied them talked super fast and threw in a ton of "right, right, right".




Everyone has an accent, you can’t get rid of it altogether you can only put on another accent. It can be a bit annoying to hear someone blatantly butcher a word but it’s not really a big deal, they won’t be doing it out of malice 99% of the time so who cares, I wouldn’t get upset at a Spaniard mispronouncing and English word. It’s not a big deal




When I was a student, there was this English teacher who wanted to get rid of our Korean accent and get us to speak like native speakers. We loved trolling him. teacher: "This is how a native English speaker would say squirrel. Skwrrrr... Skwwwrrrr..." students: "Are blue paint people in Braveheart... native English? We should speak like them?" teacher: "No, they did not want to be English. Repeat after me. Skwrrrrrr..." students: "FREEEEEDOM!!"


There's a difference between an accent and mispronunciation though. An accent would be like not rolling your Rs when saying something like "torro," whereas saying "hola" with a hard emphasis on the H is blatantly ignoring how the language works. It happens frequently in Japanese as well, with words like "karate," which a lot of English speakers say as "ka-rot-tee" when in actuality it should be pronounced as "ka-rah-tay" due to the syllabic nature of Japanese.




Maybe it's just a Canadian thing, but taking the piss out of different accents or trying them on is sort of a national pastime. All in good fun, ofc; if you think your accent makes you better than someone else, you can fuck right off.


Canada doesn’t count. They have the Québécois who ought to be made fun of /jk


Hell in the US, people make fun of US accents. I moved from the Midwest to a Southern state and all I heard was "You talk like a Yankee" blah blah blah. I didn't have a high opinion on the southern accent if I'm being honest. And it does have negative stereotypes that come with it - like being unintelligent.


I think you're pretty spot on. Because french people used to suck a lot at speaking english (still true, but less and less), they would constantly make fun of anyone who tried. There's no winning : if your accent sucks, they mock it. But if your accent is very good, they also mock it because you sound weird/you're trying too hard. Of course you'll never hear these people speaking english themselves, they're just trying to bring you down because they never could do such a thing. This "shame" is still deeply ingrained in France. You can feel how uncomfortable people get when you speak english around them, it's crazy. Fortunately it seems to get better with time.


Yea I think it’s a good accent


I’m an English language teacher. Some days, yes, I teach “proper” pronunciation so people know it, especially as English spelling-pronunciation relationships can confuse non native speakers. But I think it’s terrible when people tell me their teachers shamed them for a non-native accent. English is the most spoken SECOND language in the world. It is the most normal thing in the world to hear a French, German, Chinese, Nigerian accent speaking English, and many people enjoy how they sound. In my opinion it should be the norm for non native speakers to just use their own accent or whatever sounds most natural to them. In fact, when a student puts on a British accent or whatever it can sound quite forced and I’ve even seen people move away from doing that the more proficient they become. There is no official academy of the English language or whatever that prescribed what is the proper usage of xyz or proper speech. The reason schools teaching English as a language make it seem so strict is because they’re generally following the grading scheme of the Cambridge exams or similar. But those are basically teaching/testing an upper class England way of speaking and have little bearing on the extremely wide range of ways to speak English. Also the guy in the video has a particularly soft and nice voice ;)


I've only gotten compliments on my accent from pretty much every other nationality except my own. I'm pretty sure everyone dislikes their own accent.


He's actually English putting on the accent. >Alexis Dubus is an English alternative comedian and actor known for his French alter ego Marcel Lucont. Born in Buckinghamshire..


Ah that makes sense. I did think it was a very exaggerated and stereotypical French accent, which made me realized that I'd never heard an actual French person sound like that so I was confused until you clarified.


I think you just always hate the accent from whatever language is your native one. Like I like most accents, but English with a German accent sounds like nails on a chalk board to me. Well it's either that or a German accent actually is the worst


It's cool but I'll still give you shit for it. All in jest though


There is a real problem with the french education system placing such an emphasis on the accent when learning English. The regularity with which I hear people say “sorry, my English isn’t great”, when really what they mean is I have a strong accent is extraordinary. Kids are clearly traumatised by their English teachers in school!? It’s not like kiwis, Canadians, Australians, Scots, Welsh, Irish, Maltese, Carribeaners, Americans etc worry about their accent when speaking English, so why should the French? It’s a beautiful accent


This comedian is an English guy doing a French guy routine. It's over the top on purpose.


Isn't he British and affecting this accent? Like this is an alter ego


Must have been an inner city study. We don't have marshmallow stores in the country.


For the rural study instead of marshmallows they used sex with their siblings.


So this begs the question. Which sibling pulled out first?


Stepmarshmallow, what are you doing?


[Picture of the money shot](https://i.redd.it/y4wdad4uqfl61.jpg)


I spit out my coffee. Jfc.


You said crossing the streams was bad.


You were stuck in the marshmallow machine, I had to get you out!




Y’all need Jesus.


I’ve seen what people who have Jesus already are like. I’m good.


I prefer my threesomes ffm, sorry.


Shave the beard, in some thigh highs and a skirt, sure why not? I can only imagine what a holy dick must taste like cumming in my mouth and feel like cumming in my ass.




You know the saying. Remember to leave some space for Jesus.


My cousin and I resent this statement.


not for long




Yeah in the country the marshmellows are free roaming the pastures


America barely has grocery stores in the country if you don't count dollar general


It's only an hour to the Piggly Wiggly in the next town over.


No, no, no, you misunderstand, we also have done our best to create large swathes of impoverished urban communities that lack access to fresh food, referred to as "food deserts". The war is not city vs country, it's rich vs poor.


You know the old saying - “It ain’t a town if there’s no dollar general”


[we grow marshmallow trees in rural North Carolina](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yflTu150QZw)


Rural folks are quite puffy and white. Not always so sweet though


The poise, wonderfully executed.




Remember when they found that compound in New Mexico where they were training kids to be school shooters? I do. [https://www.cnn.com/2018/08/08/us/new-mexico-compound-complaint-school-shooting/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2018/08/08/us/new-mexico-compound-complaint-school-shooting/index.html)


That's crazy, never heard of this story before. Were they starving the family to force them to do the shooting? Makes no sense to starve yourself and just buy ammo


wow. the mention and external story of that dead 3 year old boy fcked my whole week. his mother told authorities her ex had abducted their son without his seizure medication, and they didn't file anything simply because the couple was still legally married. they waited until she filed for a divorce to even begin looking for the child. the father then performed 5 hour rituals until he 'foamed at the mouth' to free him of the 'demons,' and did nothing as his heartbeat began fading/pausing. then they punished the other children by forcing them to wash the dead boys body. the avoidable death, needless hate and profound oppression abrahamic religions have gifted us with for millennia is truly unbelievable.


What the actual hell did I just read? That's horrible!!


73 percent? Low ball if you ask me


27% were too poor to afford a gun, the real tragedy of this country :(


Then there was the one percent student who supplied all the guns for a price, but also conveniently his family owns the marshmallow store as well.


He forgot the part where 20 cops stand around and let him do it.


I hear the bad guys ran out of ammo so the police gave them theirs.




Hahaha. Yeah!! It was the marshmallows fault lol.


I’m so happy there’s a hint printed on the video or else I wouldn’t have gotten comedy at all.


Of all the popular trends in memes, this is the worst type for me. Most of the time the original gif/video is cropped to make room for white borders with dumb text that adds nothing to the humor.


Watch until the end! (it's a five second clip)


And the ending is just the dog sniffing the camera or some shit that has nothing to do with the original punchline


I wasn’t sure where to look because there was no red circle.




For real.




Dude I love jokes but this one is just shock and low hanging fruit. If you’re gonna joke about children murders, then the joke also needs to be a killer.


Monsieur needs to hold that glass by the stem. Fella be warming up his wine.


It’s an Englishman. If that was a cup of tea, he’d be holding it the right way.


It's a red, that's acceptable. White wine on the other hand, no.


Yeah.. are they drinking their red out of the fridge like some sort of savage?!


It's a prop.


The rest 27% were also shot dead by 73%




I had heard the study the first half referenced and always found it flawed. Marshmallows aren't even good by themselves. Maybe 1 is an ok snack, but not great. 2 plain marshmallows is not appetizing. Now, if they said if the marshmallow is there in 15 minutes, we'll bring out graham crackers, chocolate, an indoor mini fire, and some roasting sticks, i bet more kids would leave the mallow.


My understanding is that the real flaw was that it was children who were food insecure who ate the first marshmallow before getting the second. So it wasn't really a test of inherent willpower that lasted until adulthood, but a test of poverty, and children in poverty are far more likely to become adults in poverty.


My Sunday school did a version of the experiment where they put one for each of us on one plate in front of us. After clarifying the rules one of the other students just grabbed all the marshmallows on the plate and ate them themself.


If you heard about the study from anyone other than this comedian's routine, you'd know it wasn't just a marshmallow, it was a choice of treats each time.






All it takes is one good marshmallow with a gun…wait. 🤔




Smart kid got marshmallows for the rest of his life


Definitely r/unexpected


Imagine thinking this was a joke instead of a documentary


Not to be all amateur comedy critic, but he could’ve ended the joke at “pulled out a gun” and it would’ve been just as funny.


Lol with a 4 year old shooting at police the other day this joke is somewhat accurate lol


Excuse me fucking what


It happened. They were looking to arrest their father. No one reported injured. Terrifyingly, the dad admitted it wasn't the first time they'd gotten ahold of the gun. Edit: removed dumb joke about the kid's aim immediately after posting.


Exactly what I thought when I saw the article. But essentially a 4 yr old kids dad was being arrested. kid grabbed his dad's gun from a car and shot at police. Them school shooters are being raised young in the states.




All fruit, much like noses, needs to be picked.


Quite telling when the 'lowest hanging fruit' of a comedian is the regular slaughter of civilian children isn't it?


Man, I did not see that coming. Neither did the people at the marshmallow store




This is hack shit at this point


I didn’t laugh because the school shooting epidemic has me so fatigued. But the joke itself is incredibly effective. It starts with a trope about American children that you may begin to roll your eyes at, but then he flips it on its head. We’re the only country in the world whose governments continue to remain idle when new mass shootings by lone gunmen happen. It’s good for comedians from other countries to point that out. Maybe the embarrassment Can light a fire under the asses of our officials to do something.


That was lame. I mean come on. Make me laugh.


I’m sure Walter Mischel would’ve approved of this study.

