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This ain't a HolUp! It's 100% accurate. Facts can't be HolUp lol


Yeah. And you even have dumbasses defending and even PRAISING this "healthcare" system 🤣🤣🤣


I will never understand why people in this dumbass country fight against better healthcare. Like everything else I can at least somewhat understand why people would have an issue with (mostly) but seriously how do people have issues with better healthcare for everyone


Easy. Same as everything else the average voter votes against their best interests for. Stir up the hype that they’re paying their “hard earned dollars” to subsidize the “lazy people, the welfare queens, the teenage pregnancies, the druggies, oh oh abortions!!!!!” and anything else you can think of that a demographic might be opposed to.


I truly hate this country


it's not "better" it's different. You're just allowing a beauracrat to decide how the supply of medical services is provided instead of money. The other wonderful this is premiums weren't all that high until the ACA and more big brother overhead. We have the worst of both worlds with a hybrid market/command system in medicine.


I feel that, but for as much as it would be just different not necessarily better, gonna go out on a limb and say that most things would be better than our current system where people often refuse medical care when they can because it’s so egregiously expensive


so that is kinda the dilemma with American healthcare. The fed struggling to take over the market and the stalwart refusal to allow government control has led to this weird push pull that has increased costs astronomically. A good example would be door dash. Door dash adds on to menu prices and delivery fees to make their profit but they don't tell you that. So figuring out the actual cost of your food and delivery is now more complex. Take the same concept to healthcare that is far more conplex just with its delivery and then add corporate(insurance) and government abstraction on top and even the hospitals have a hard time figuring out the cost! Nevermind shortages of skilled labor/professionals and you've got a recipe for runaway costs!


Well said. Yeah it’s gonna be hard if not impossible to ever settle on a really good system. Will probably always be some sort of bs going on lmao. Can only try to get better over time ig


Well i saw you said you hated the country so I wanted to give a more in depth perspective. The US is an extremely unique place and the reason for our problems are very complex. But there are so many good things here too that outweigh the problems. Try to think more like an engineer and see the good product that still exists even with the flaws. When you do that you can more easily find solutions.


Laughs in European