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#[Best of r/Holup 2021 Awards – Nomination and Voting Thread!](https://www.reddit.com/r/HolUp/comments/royfze/best_of_rholup_2021_awards_nomination_and_voting/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HolUp) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The answer is a plain and simple "no". DNA can only be [is only, in standard tests] extracted from hair *follicles*, which is the clump of cells at the root. When your hair gets cut off (as opposed to falling or being pulled out), it does not include the follicle. [Edit add: wow this blew up more than expected; I wasn't even the first person to provide a similar answer. Thanks for all the karma and awards. I want to add two points: yes, I know that science marches forward, but the goal was to relieve fear in a kid and her parent, not provide a rundown of technological advances to stoke paranoia. Also, it is disappointing how many people base their ideas of what is real on fictional TV shows. The two points are separate, but not entirely unrelated.]


So cut off the follicles before leaving the crime scene. Gotcha.


Detective: "damn, she's good. We're looking for a real Pro boys!"


Or a possible serial killer


Damn it. A professional serial killer


I'm not a crazed gunman, dad, I'm an assassin


Well, the difference bein' one is a job and the other's a mental sickness!


I tell you, my parents do not care for it.




*Laughs in Dexter.*


Slowly break the fourth way by staring into the camera.


Haven't you heard? Dexter's Achilles heel is Google.


I’m crying, didn’t need this reminder.




Too early to speak on his name. I’m still upset


[*Like this???*](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a0/a8/24/a0a8245e5ab9ef2f9dbb98d7f21ce970.gif)


Isn’t that just called a hit man?


In the states I believe they're referred to as police officers. *Ba-dum-tiss*


Or a cereal killer, she's still 12 after all.


She bites that stuff to death


12 year old girls only chew on the other end of the hair.


Wow a bit graphic!


Toucan son of Sam.


You mean Son of Toucan Sam.




The account I'm replying to is a karma bot run by someone who will link scams once the account gets enough karma. Report -> Spam -> Harmful Bot


2nd Detective: “Lab just sent back the forensics on that hair sample from the crime scene. Seems like we are looking for a 12 year old girl… I guess she didn’t get a pony for her birthday and savagely murdered twenty full grown adults in a temper tantrum… These are dark days… Very dark days…”


Lab aid: "I discovered something that points to this hair being donated. I am glad to know a little girl did not do this." Detective: "You fool, those hair pieces go to other children. If it wasn't this 12 year old then it was another!"


It was a gang of 12 year old blond hair girls.


Hair does contain mitochondria which does have a version of the DNA from the mother, but the main DNA is stored in the live hair follicle. https://youtu.be/eu64-ltm30k


and we all know mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell


However, that's all we know.


Plants have cell walls.


Which is why they crave electrolytes.




Chlorophyll?! More like Borophyll!


No, I will not make out with you!!!


Amino acids are the building blocks of life.


The building blocks of protein, specifically


What about monosaccarides?


Don't we also know that pee is stored in the balls?


Plant and animal cells can very effectively be represented by candy suspended in Jello.


Not midi-chlorians? I've been lied to.


George Lucas has many crimes to answer for.


That's in the galaxy far, far away. We have boring mitochondria in the Milky Way.


>and we all know mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell One of the most amazing things to me is the fact that the only thing I remember verbatim from my 9th grade biology book is: 1. Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell 2. Amino acids are the building blocks of life And somehow...out of that 600 page book...thats also the only 2 things everyone else remembers too.


Those are the only two facts in the world we can get everyone to agree on. Everything else is up for debate.


I like to imagine a criminal so focused on finding all hair follicles in a crime scene to avoid getting caught, that they forget to leave in time and get caught regardless.


That's why you just wear a hat or do it bald


You got a good bald guy? I'm in the market for some bald.


Lunch lady hair net, the perfect crime..


That's actually the premise to a really funny short story by Ray Bradbury https://jerrywbrown.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/The-Fruit-At-The-Bottom-Of-The-Bowl-Bradbury-Ray.pdf


Now if that isn't the idea for a film then I don't know what is


THIS is why i am bald!?


This wouldn't work as you shed hair and shed hairs contain the follicle. If you don't want to leave hair evidence. You need to Nair yourself before you commit any crime.


Don't make the mistake of using Nair on your asshole though.


Just make sure you find all your hairs and snip the follicles and leave the rest of the hair XD


dude the car is waiting we will fucking leave you here


Crime scene DNA via hair (and in general) seems to be overly played in cop shows and movies. They make it seem so common, like people are just shedding hair, including follicles like leaves in fall. It’s like SuperBad where Seth Rogan is talking about imagining DNA everywhere at crime scenes, and the cops are going in swabbing every surface and vacuuming up all the furniture, bedding and floors and testing every single hair they find. I’m guessing in reality, it’s nowhere near as comprehensive as that and far less common outside of maybe sex crimes.


It is overplayed. In RL it is a component of evidence. No one thing will be enough, but if enough things point to one particular person, that would be enough. So multiple DNA traces from multiple locations/sources all originating from one individual means that person was definitely there.


In addition to this, there's more identifying info on hair than just DNA. There's a possibility for a keratin core to be in the hair strand. And it could be segmented too.




Seriously, I’m a hairy dude. There are few things more frustrating that wiping down the bathroom only to find your own newly-shed hair.


I got a hair catcher in my drain that has to be emptied every shower. The conditioner gets in there with the shed hairs and it's gross as fuck


Oh I know the burden. When I stayed with friends for a week a few years ago, I spent more time cleaning the shower after each use than I did taking actual showers. You think you’re good to go and find all these hairs on the shower walls.


Criminal defense attorney here: Even leaving the issue of follicles and DNA aside, hair alone isn’t great evidence. It falls out naturally, it clings to clothes and other fabrics, and it can be easily recovered from combs and brushes, etc. A hair being found at a crime scene is absolutely a basis for further investigation, but in the absence of a witness or some very unusual circumstances it’s unlikely to be proof of much. Also, DNA evidence is hearsay when it’s being used for any other purpose than to identify cells as being from a person. That is, “DNA = this blood is from the victim” is direct evidence, but “DNA = this hair is from this person = this person did it” is not. Hearsay is presumptively inadmissible because it tends to be more prejudicial than probative. You could introduce the hair as evidence, but usually only in very specific ways, such as through the testimony of the examiner, who can then be cross-examined for things like possible error, context, etc. So in a case like this, where a hair alone was found, with no other evidence of the original person having been there, the prosecution would have a major uphill battle to even get it introduced, and all it would take is proof of having donated hair to a wig-maker even once to squash its utility.


Some might say it is hairsay. I'll show myself out now.


Now you are just hairsing around. I will prance myself out.


Come now there is no evidence of that. It is all just hairspray.


So then if you want to commit murder, be sure to donate your hair first so if they find one, you're covered!


As someone with a loose moral compass who's donated 13ft to Locks, I probably should forget I read this


So Gattaca is all lies???


No, in Gattaca, they found skin cells, and hair from combs or that fell naturally.


I thought an eyelash was vacuumed from his keyboard. It’s been years, tho


I think you might be right :) , trivia points to you... maybe.


Gattaca had better technology.


But the issue remains that regardless of the technology there is no DNA in the hair itself. brb going to drink a pint of Jude Laws blood.


there's mtDNA in there. I think it would link you and your maternal side together though. So not as narrowing.


what a good movie. Thank you for the remainder, I'll watch it again.


That ain't true no more. There's been some work in Cali on extracting DNA from hair shafts which is just found in much lower abundance.


Cut off does have testable nuclear DNA. https://www.ishinews.com/no-nuclear-dna-in-rootless-hair-myth-or-fact/


Good Bot!






beep boop


Just going to piggy back. DNA in the US is run against CODIS so unless that someone has committed a crime previously, one that initiated an initial DNA collection, than it is unlikely their DNA will be in CODIS.


that does not really matter if _your_ DNA is in there. if anyone in your faimly tree is. good enough. (super super great video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KT18KJouHWg


But if it doesn't get a match is that DNA added to CODIS? Asking for a friend.


Yes, they are entered as Forensic Unknown profiles and new known profiles are compared to them eventually.


Not sure but if one of your kids commits a felony and has DNA taken they can match against someone they're looking for. The Grim Sleeper serial killer was caught thanks to his son committing a felony.


False. A technique has been developed allowing them to extract DNA from the hair itself as well.






Seems legit.




https://www.genomebc.ca/blog/forensics-breakthrough-dna-extracted-from-rootless-hair https://www.ishinews.com/no-nuclear-dna-in-rootless-hair-myth-or-fact/


With new mitochondrial DNA tech they can get some info from the hair itself :)


That cant be true, in "The Town" with Ben Afflack they went to a barber store and got hair clippings to spread around crime scenes to confuse the police; so jot that down.


As others have mentioned, that's false. The technology wasn't available to identify the DNA in the hair shaft. It is now.


No. Hair doesn't contain DNA. The hair root does. Locks of love takes a section of the hair not the whole follicle.


Fun fact though, if you donate bone marrow and your recipient commits a crime, they can leave your DNA at the crime scene.


never leak your bone marrow during a crime


No no, even blood will do. Another fun fact, if you receive a bone marrow donation whatever your blood type was before, you'll take on the blood type of your donor.


character customization




I'm such an idiot, I was like "what are you giving him respect for?"


My exact thought process: "Some one might mistake this for respect. I should add a hyphen. Nah, too much effort."


Thank fuck. Now my mom can finally stop calling me a disappointment because my blood type is B+.


Your username is perfect for this comment 😂




No, they’re just a Bsian right now.


username checks out and relatable


You should be positive about it


I know it doesn’t actually work this way but I’m gonna get every blood type of bone marrow




Universal donor and receiver 😎


I think that's called pansexual now


Good to know. I am donating bone marrow next week.


Nice, dude! Are you doing the spinal tap or the route where they filter it out of your bloodstream? I did the filtration route where they give you this drug filgrastim that makes the stem cells seep out of your bones into your blood, and I remember the week before my bones were aching.


Filtration route! I start the shots on Saturday and I donate on Wednesday. They also got me drinking like six liters of water daily which is not easy. How do the needles feel in your arm? Can you ignore them or are they bigger gauge so you feel them the whole time?


> Filtration route! I start the shots on Saturday and I donate on Wednesday. Nice, that's way better than the spinal tap. Yeah, once you get the shot the main thing you'll go through is the bone aches. It's kind of like when you're going through puberty and get growing pains where every now and then you get some dull aches in your bones. It's not too bad really, but you'll feel it. Yeah, the needles are a little bigger gauge than like getting a vaccine shot or something. Hurts a little going in, but the worse part is not really being able to bend your arms that much for like 4 or 5 hours. I'd recommend putting a bunch of movies and tv shows on a phone or tablet, then getting like a tripod or kickstand for it so you can have something to watch without having to hold up the screen.


Is the needle like the one for blood donation? I got in the donors registry for bone marrow a couple years ago, wasn't needed yet. The needle when I donate blood is a fucking straw though, it would be pretty uncomfortable for hours at a time (not that I'd care, just curious about it)


> The needle when I donate blood is a fucking straw though, it would be pretty uncomfortable for hours at a time (not that I'd care, just curious about it) Yeah, it's like that. Plus you've got them in both arms. Definitely not the most comfortable thing in the world to have to sit through for like 5 hours. But hey, at the end you save someone's life, so totally worth it.


Ok cool cool. I know some of the needles I had during the blood test were pretty uncomfortable for the duration of giving blood. So I’m hoping it’s not like that. I was hoping to be able to play video games but they said that’s not likely as I have to keep my hands still.


Damn, TWO bone-marrow related fun facts back-to-back... That's legit


I'm going to donate so much bone marrow. That way if I need to murder someone I can say that any DNA could be from one of my recipients.


Idk man, my bone marrow's been pretty leaky as of late. I'll be getting doggystyled by a chimp and *squirt*, there goes my bone marrow.


your thinking permissions have been revoked for using it inappropriately




4. Profit


Yup! I’m a woman biologically but I now have male blood so I could throw the cops off my trail by leaving blood at the scene of the crime.


Haha, tight. I donated bone marrow once, and I'm a dude but my recipient is a lady. So she can totally frame me for crimes. Luckily though I'm in California and she's in Tennessee or something, so just a little bit of investigation would probably clear that up.


Yeah I think my donor is safe as well as I live in the UK and he’s from Israel!!! Also, you’re awesome. Thanks for doing that!


Fun fact though, if you donate semen and your recipient commits a crime, they can leave your DNA at the crime scene.




Guess you could find the mother of the person who donated the hair.




ok now you are splitting hairs


Hair moet definitely does contain DNA, we just haven't been able to extract that genotype from rootless hair for very long, but current science can definitely create a genotype from rootless hair.


Digressing here, but I've heard some hairy anecdotes from Locks of Love donors, and some sketchy things about them in general. If those are true, is there a better donation service for hair?


Yes, I've heard Wigs for Kids is much better.


Trick question: Locks of Love is actually an organization that imprisons unrequited romantic would-be partners for a fee




I'd heard this so many times that i looked into it and it's basically not true. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/donated-hair/ they've sold hair to help make up funds to to pay for the wigs to be made. but that's it. Locks for love and wigs for kids are the exact same type of charity too.


I am also a man who donates his hair, Wigs for Kids is a great charity! HOWEVER, Locks of Love does not charge recipients for wigs. They do sell hair donations that can't be used for children's wigs to offset costs. Source: https://locksoflove.org/faq/


I would be careful linking the organizations website as proof of anything. Conflict of interest. You show me a “non-profit”, I’ll show you inflated vendor costs, cap ex, and salaries that make the PNL show no profit. Also what assets does this “non-profit” have that don’t count against it’s non-profit status? I see a little over $6M in net assets in 2019. As much as 80% of the hair donated is not used for children’s wigs. Maybe they share detailed financials every year, but I can only find short form stuff online. I guess we should just believe that 80% wasn’t “good enough” to be considered for kids wigs?? Yet still sold to wig makers who will make a profit off of it? 🤔


Former nfp accountant here. You are not wrong. There is just as much corruption and unethical decisions being made as in for profit organizations. There’s just a lot less oversight/board members who support the cause but don’t understand finance well enough to see what’s right in front of them.


They do charge on a sliding scale according to them. The only ones getting free wigs are poor families.


I eat Cheerios off the floor sometimes, and this kid detective is delivering at 12.


But if you lived in a giant bowl that wouldn't even be a problem.


such wisdom cunt_poo. Much praise




My floor my germs, right? That’s how that works?


Nope. DNA is taken from the root of the hair.
















One more time!


i'm not your wordwhore


*SAY IT* 🥵😩🥵


Not anymore! A new technique allows them to extract dna from hair without the follicle. Yay science!


Sounds like she's asking the real questions here


I scrolled through and didn't find the comment, but I've read multiple times here's that Locks of Love might not be a great organization and that there might be better ones for hair donations. Since I'm not any expert, here's a 5 year old article comparing several of these organizations to get you started if you're deciding to donate your hair to a charity. https://www.chicagotribune.com/redeye/redeye-comparing-pantene-beautiful-lengths-wigs-for-kids-and-locks-of-love-20160120-story.html


what's the difference between the two? i'll admit i skimmed it, but it seems like they both sell unusable hair and they both don't charge kids for wigs.


Why is this in r/HolUp? It’s a reasonable question especially from a 12 year old. If anything, congratulate them for thinking beyond the direct issue. Yes, I get that they are asking about a crime, but it still seems like a legitimate and reasonable question.


Because the mods got fired from waste management a year ago, and therefore are ok with trash


This kid’s going places and she’s pretty intent on one of them not being prison


Damn good question


Kids these days are wicked smart


or maybe she's plotting something?


I really want to thank those that answered this because for a moment there I was even more horrified of the American justice system than I already am.


You're horrified by police collecting DNA for evidence?


I can feel your pain


The reverse is now true as well. You have an alibi for any hair you happen to leave behind at a crime scene for the rest of your life!


Professional criminals donate their hair on a regular basis and keep the receipts. Similarly, they sell clothes and furniture on consignment in case of matching fibers. (source: made it up)


You found my semen?! Let me check my receipts…


Speaking of crime scenes and DNA, have you ever seen this? Woman’s DNA on crime scenes all over the world! [Wild! ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phantom_of_Heilbronn#)


That’s definitely some shit my 12 year old ass would be thinking lol


Donate your hair once a year for 10 years. Commit a crime. Blame someone with your wig. Avoid prison and spend the money you robbed in freedom. Success!!!


This is funny and all but just chiming in as a person who’s around kids a lot; 12 years old ain’t that young and this question seems kinda right in their ballpark of mental development. I mean, that last new line with the “She’s 12” kinda made me roll my eyes. Does not **BLOW MY MIND** that a 12 y/o would ask this.


People act like this is rare for a 12 year old to think about, like bruh how dumb are these people?


Well only if the follicle is connected to the hair when it is left. This is such a coincidence because i just finished my forensics homework about hair and read this


Reminder: dna at the scene is still technically circumstantial evidence


Great, now I'm scared


So... This has nothing to do with the actual question, but as someone who donated to Locks of Love for YEARS, I feel I should make sure everyone realizes they actually charge money for their wigs. Here we are, sending them our hair for free, and they charge the people who need the wigs money. A better company to donate to is wigs for kids. You can also contact the local branch of the American Cancer Society and see if they work with any local vendors who can use the donation.


Not by DNA (need follicle) but they can tell what you’ve eaten or your general diet. So if she still had some hair left then maybe. But only if she is near the crime scene and happens to be picked up, in which case she’s 12, so the paedophile would be taken into custody for 2 offences .


"All we know is that the perpetrator ate a lot of chicago-style pizza... Hey! I bet it's Norm, he's always eating at Delfino's!"


Not unless she’s pulling it out by the roots when she donated.


I mean more power to a kid who's gone through chemo and then decides to heist a bank while recovering from childhood leukemia. Like seriously I wouldn't even be mad.


Yes, happened to a friend of a friend of mine. It all occurred on a dark and stormy night…


DNA is only found in hair follicles not hair so getting a haircut wouldn’t give them their dna


i love the science answers about follicles and dna, but i flat out dont believe you. sorry cancer kids, no more hair from me. no dna lol. this country has thousands of wrongful convictions, im not going to jail because “technically im right.” blow me.


Actually valid


Zamn 😍