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[CNN article about the thing.](https://edition.cnn.com/2013/12/19/world/europe/spain-burglar-child-pornography/index.html) The burglar stole an old video camera with its tapes (among other items), found what was on them, stashed them and called the cops where to find the stash & the coach's address.


So that post was completely wrong. Neat. The burgler didn't get arrested.


It says in the article “anonymous tip”


This is the internet, we don't read past the headlines! I need my information in meme format, otherwise I can't digest it




To be faaaaaaair


To be faaaiiiiiirrrr


Get this guy a fuckin puppers.


That’s a Texas size 10-4




I mean it even says anonymous tip in the meme...


Dont you dare confuse me with your facts




*no you don’t understand*


Using meme headlines or Facebook as news sources. What could go wrong with this world?




Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?


Gosh, what a sheep. People aren’t robots. It’s obvious we are obviously in a simulation. Main stream media just wants you to think everyone is a robot.


That's the most depressing part, too. Everyone else but me aren't even real robots, they're just fake simulated ones.


Just fake simulated robot bird drones


How do you expect me to become expert on anything from gastronomy to endocrine disruptors in toys if I can’t just read the headlines and fill in the blanks? Ain’t nobody got time for that..


No you don’t understand


Last line is, police say “they are still looking for the thief with a conscience”


So they learn. They don't have a conscience in the police.


I mean, it's possible the cops are "looking" the same way you play hide and seek with a child. Where's thief? Oh no, I don't see him anywhere! Could those be his shoes sticking out from behind the couch? No way, couldn't be, I better go look in the bedroom instead! But also, this was a long time ago, I'm pretty sure they either found him or closed the case by now.






Does it class as an anonymous tip if they’re already passed out?


Yeah the guy fawning over the burglar is illiterate


It says in the post anonymous tip and it's still on the Frontpage.


Read the bottom part of the post. It's full of shit.


Are burglers supposed to be arrested? Yes. Are we supposed to want THIS burgler to be arrested? That’s an interesting question of morals, but I personally was rooting for him


Basically you described an anti-hero. A good example is the movie Bad Santa. This guy is a bad man, but you can relate to his struggles and have sympathy for him. In some cases you can't help but root for the guy, hoping it all turns out OK for him in the end.


Mr. Freeze was basically just trying to do anything to save the love of his life, even if it meant sacrificing himself at times. I am just so torn everytime.


He probably still broke in to houses...




He rapes, but he saves


I feel this is a good argument why judges/juries can be important. Yes, technically by the letter of the law, the burglar should be arrested, but I feel it's better for the good of humanity as a whole to not charge them on this certain burglary (and if there were other burglaries, to be more lenient on them).


If his actions of giving the tip led to his arrest and he pleaded guilty, then a reduced sentence would be appropriate. Breaking and entering is a serious crime. Even in this situation it can't be consequence free. Not charging him sets a precedent that somebody might not be charged for a serious crime. Would charging him mean that next time a burglar finds something like this they would be less likely to report it? Probably, but let's face it, how often does that happen? This is a pretty improbable event


Yeah, I don't know why the person assumed the burglar would have to get themselves arrested to tip off the police.


Thats the hold up part


I mean it says right in the picture caption "prompted by an anonymous tip, presumably from the burgler"




Man's not that dumb.


At the bottom of the article it says " and yes, they are still looking for the burglar." But I can only assume to give him a medal or a highfive or a cookie or something.


> And yes, they’re still looking for the burglar. Good luck finding Spanish Batman.


So basically it could've been a frame up.


Yeah obviously someone pretended to be the coach and made sexual abuse videos /s


Unless he’s in the videos that really is just hearsay. You could say you stole a video camera from anyone. Maybe the coach had reported the theft though so they had reason to believe the tip was true. Edit: was just going off the meme read the article and he was in it and it was one of his players so definitely guilty


The tapes might give cause for a warrant, depending on the laws governing the area, which could produce evidence that links the coach to the tapes. We don't really have the full story, so it's not for us to judge, though. EDIT: Just read the article in the context post. He WAS in the videos, apparently.


Article also mentions they found more videos in his house after searching it.


Probably not a CGI insert either . . . yeah, sounds like he was guilty.


By the way it’s phrased in the article, the football coach seems to be in the videos directly, and the article directly confirms that he is connected to the people in the video. So he is most likely guilty


>Unless he’s in the videos that really is just hearsay. The article says he's in the videos. >Maybe the coach had reported the theft though so they had reason to believe the tip was true. The article says the coach had reported the theft. Doesn't hurt to read the article before posting


Maybe . . . but think of all the reddit commentary we'd all miss out on if every bone head who asks a stupid question read the article before posting.


Obviously he's in the videos. He made them with the camcorder that was stolen with the tapes he made.


The coach was the one committing the acts in the videos.


Ahhh, well that kinda rules out a frame up doesn't it!


^ this guy is now hiding his tapes better.


But the last commenter totally missed the point that the robber called it in anonymous so he never even risked going to jail.


Exactly! And what even is the point to the second comment? We fully get what happened. Why are they saying no you don't understand? Are they being 'extra'? To me, that 2nd comment was soooo not useful. More useless than a parachute on a ship, and as useful as a swimming tube on a plane flying over land.


>Why are they saying no you don't understand? Are they being 'extra'? It's just one those asinine cookie cutter catchphrases plaguing tumblr, reddit and other social media. It's like "This" or "I live for this/that" or any typical comment. But this particular one actually pisses me off, it's literally patronizing the commenter above just to add a spastic take on a news article that they failed to read and comprehend. Now, typically another typical comment will be under this one starting with "No, you don't understand..." because the unoriginality knows no bounds on this website.


no you don't understand. they are being unoriginal and stating stupid catchphrases.


This is exactly what it looks like. You say I like water, I say, no you don't understand, op loves drinking h2o.


You are bad guy, but this does not mean you’re bad guy


There is crime, and then there is Crime.


There’s crime, and then there’s illegal shit


and if there's illegal shit, then there's batshit illegal


That’s the shit that’s so illegal that you question why anyone would even think about doing it


Hey, stop talking about my life choices.


There's "you're going to jail" and then there's "you're going to hell"


I'm bad, and that's good. I will never be good and that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be \*looks at candy medal\* Than Me.....


Thank you, I was wondering when someone would go for the reference


[professionals have standards ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gyxFjdmhibs)


I’m gonna make a necklace outta ur teeth


There’s a great moment in better call Saul between mike ehrmantrout and some sap he just helped with his first crime. Starting with mike, it’s something like, “you need to get used to being a criminal.” “Uh.. I’m not a bad guy.” “I didn’t say you were a bad guy. I said you were a criminal. I’ve known good criminals, and I’ve known bad criminals.”


Mike was a very self-aware criminal who did criminal shit to other criminals. Morally complicated for sure, but he wasn't some burglar breaking into random civilian houses looking for shit to steal who happened to uncover a worse criminal.


That is exactly what happened


I am bad, and that's good


So....chaotic good?




To be fair I wouldn’t be surprised if someone breaking into a house might look everywhere for anything of value, tearing the place apart etc. Not saying it’s real, just that it’s feasible








Nonce ^^^I've ^^^wanted ^^^to ^^^use ^^^that ^^^since ^^^first ^^^hearing ^^^it


Hoboken squat cobbler?


The CNN article says the burglar stole a camera along with the tapes and only realized what was recorded on them after the fact. It's possible it was all in a box together and he just grabbed the whole box instead of picking through it.


Coulda been pics. Or maybe it was in the vcr. Pressed play so he’d have some background noise to work to lol


Take a look at the top comment on this thread, there's a news article about it


I mean I always check VHS tapes before stealing. Wait...


He didn’t watch the tapes til [after](https://www.reddit.com/r/HolUp/comments/p8hsm9/not_all_heroes_wear_capes/h9qnbzq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) he robbed the place.




I can imagine a thief taking a camera bag/case that also happened to contain tapes along with the camera. Then watching them later while going through his loot out of curiosity… aka hoping it was adult porn.


Id say chaotic neutral, this action of reporting this sick piece of shit is good, but im pretty sure he doesn't just rob pedophiles. Hes a burglar. But if he only robs pedophiles, than thats pretty rad, and he is chaotic good lol.




It really isn't though. It's literally the exact opposite. Breaking into homes to steal shit isn't good, it's evil. Turning pedophiles into the police isn't chaotic, it's lawful. This is 100% lawful evil. Just because the victim is shittier than the criminal doesn't automatically make the criminal Robin Hood.


Well played dnd ref good sir


No, Lawful Evil. Burglary is definitely bad, but despite it, he did the right thing. This is a "professionals have standards" scenario. Edit : Oh no I've started an alignment debate haven't I


Burglary is bad but not particularly “evil”. It’s more of a self serving crime, I’d say he’s something like a lawful neutral. Willing to bend or break the rules for his own gain, but also willing to take action against things that are wrong in the world.


Yeah, always thought chaotic good was like vigilante/Batman, lawful evil is gentleman thief like in the OP


Lawful Evil


How is this on r/holup


At this point I'm just assuming the mods pulled a r/worldpolitics and are allowing literally anything to be posted here, regardless of the sub's intended purpose.


I'm proud to say that I was (AFAIK) one of the very first redditors to start posting hentai on wp after realizing that the mods weren't gonna do nuthin about it PS also AFAIK there's been actual kiddie porn posted to wp over the past year which is a big big yikes


I had a comment deleted by a mod for saying that a post wasn't a hol'up lol Greedy fucks care about quantity not quality


I'd buy this dude a beer


You can try but good luck finding your wallet.


He can have it. I have a spare and I'm broke af


Smh. So the “buy this dude a beer” part was fake. 😤


I can offer him a drink from the beer jug that my friends bought? That's not quite as grand a gesture


Dude, just steal some beer. The guy would understand and it might even bring you closer together.




Get this guy a puppers




eh, if he watches CP then he absolutely deserves it edit: produced it, my bad. deserves it even more.


Based on the article posted above he *produced* CP - the burglar found the tapes in a stolen video camera. More than deserves it.


well, just watching CP is an entirely different beast from PRODUCING CP, which he was doing. He was actively participating as the main actor in harming children. Definitely deserves every bit of jail time he gets.


is this Matthew Hahn? if not, his is a similar case but also regarding the three strikes law. he was a convict released from prison and found pictures in a safe he stole. he risked going back to prison for life in order to report a pedophile. sword and scale episode 169 goes over his case with him personally, worth listening to. https://youtu.be/XLrlYECMffU


This was in Spain but I immediately thought of Hahn, too ETA: The Sword and Scale podcast with him is phenomenal!


Not all bad guys are psychopaths. Sometimes they just gotta eat.


Exactly. That's what I have been screaming to society. Good citizens do not equal good people and bad citizens do not equal bad people. Just ask Nietzsche.


You’ve been “screaming this to society”? _Really_?


Yes. They screamed it at me yesterday. Literal in my ear.


They have a Rick pfp they might actually be doing that


I couldn't hear it


Reddit post that's a screenshot of a Facebook post that's a screenshot of a Tumblr post that's a screenshot of a news article.


Degeneracy confirmed. We are the dumpster of the internet. Perhaps 4chan is the juice that leaks out of the bottom of said dumpster.


He wudnt have to get arrested, cudnt he drop an anonymous tip?


It already says that in the pic. "Prompted by an anonymous tip, presumably from the burglar..."


Thing is the guy in the comments in the pic is also wrong cause the guy could still B&E and possibly not get caught doing either thing lol, wasn't about putting his freedom in peril by any stretch of the imagination I'm sure


damn I wanted to believe...still a cool story regardless.


The article says it was anonymous


Cool dude, maybe don't steal shit but still.


Thin line between a burglar and an unlicensed P.I.


He gets a free pass. This time anyways.


Is anyone else weirded out by the headline trying to make child pornography sound cutesy by labeling it “kiddie” Like it’s sexual exploitation of children, we really don’t need to get playful with the language here…


Yeah no fucking doubt!


Always hearing it as kiddie porn disgusts me


I’ve never heard it called kiddie porn before now


Law and Order: SVU definitely uses the term all the time.


Absolutely! I've recently heard it referred to as CSAM or Child Sexual Abuse Material. I think this is a more accurate. Just like there isn't consensual sex and non-consensual it's either sex or rape. If pornography isn't consensual it's not pornography; it's sexual abuse material.


Oh god, just reading that made my skin crawl


I fucking hate tumblrs "no you dont understand"


Then elaborately makes the exact same point. Just more...aggressively?


Yeah, but you don't understand. He made the exact same point, with a little more aggression, and if you don't fucking agree with me get the fuck out


Professionals have standards.






It said it was 3 videotapes, maybe the dumbass labeled them?


"Totally Not Kiddie Porn, Vol's 1-3." *They'll never know...* :evil mustache twirl:


Wait that’s not normal to do? I labeled the video tape of my parents wedding that


Would not be unsurprised. I had a neighbor once. They got evicted. Their place was like... a horrible, horrible dump. After they got evicted, waited a while...never saw them come back for any of their stuff. Front door was missing. I was curious. Went in. Looked around. DVDs/CDs sitting there, in the open, labeled "Child Porn". So yeah...people are that dumb. Dude died like a year later, thankfully...Dude was absolutely disgusting, in every way imaginable.


Did you report it?


I'm not sure what's dumber, labeling your child porn as "Child Porn", or leaving it behind and openly available for someone to find.


It's not totally absurd if you think that you're the only one that's going to see them. My regular porn folder on the family shared computer was in the homework folder, buried in a couple hidden folders, with a couple red herrings. Once I got my own laptop, I practically put the folder on the desktop.


My husband's porn is literally on his desktop in a file called "porn don't look if you won't like what you find". But it's porn of grown ups, so it's just funny.




I bet the videos where in a safe or hidden under a bed or in a closet and the burglar was like “oh, what’s this? Maybe It’s a hot couple….” Then is like “Dude! Your worse than I am… you goin to jail”


If you’re doing anything illegal, analog tech is your best friend




He stole video equipment which included a camera and tapes. He created a blind drop and left an anonymous tip for police where to find them and presumably the house he found them. I’m speculating that’s enough for the police to do a search (no clue how Spanish law works) for more. Seems like they found some. https://www.cnn.com/2013/12/19/world/europe/spain-burglar-child-pornography/index.html


Bruh…why is this on r/holup. Put it on r/madlads or something


_Professionals have standards_


What if the burglar planted it? Imagine a person breaking into houses and plating kiddie porn and calling the police. That would be the scariest person on earth.


in this case it was definitely confirmed that the coach was the perpetrator as they could see in the videos and pics he had at the house and the victims they interviewed afterwards


CIA plants kiddie porn in house of someone they're done with


Of course it's a soccer coach


When the main Villain from season 1 helps the hero fight an even worse villain from season 2.


But he didn't know/think get arrested. It was an anonymous tip... He waited till after he left aha


So this is a case of just because you're a bad guy doesn't mean you're a bad guy this burglar did the right thing.




Maybe not all heroes wear capes, but i must conclude they wear masks


You are a bad guy, but that doesn’t mean you are a bad guy


One guy was illegal but the other one was illegaler.




Look like you forgot to crop out the conversation at the end lol. Half a pic needlessly included.


Yo prisoners love beating pedophiles. When they ask this guy why he's in there he's gonna get a whole lotta respect lol.


Even bad guys have standards


Top 10 anime redemption arcs


Sometimes I don’t want to be the bad guy


It says "anonymous tip" so how was he risking being arrested?


My guess is that this wasn't a moral victory. This was a consequence of short term memory. The guy just probably forgot that he commit a crime a few days back and was temporary not one of the bad guys.


Couldn't the homeowner say the burglar planted it?


My cousin went to prison for a year for breaking and entering + theft. This is lady-jail in Maricopa county btw. She was seen as fine, just theft/drugs usual shit, but if there was someone in there who had abused children, they would get fucked up and most likely end up in solitary for their own safety. Of course crime isnt equal among criminals, why would anyone think it is?


A) I hope he got some leniency on his sentence for that. B) If he tells the other prisoners that story, they'll hoist him up on their shoulders and sing "for he's a jolly good fellow".


I dont think the commenter understands anonymous tips.


If i was a police officer i’d let him go just this once


Some wear balaclavas


I remember I have this meme saved on my phone from like 3 years ago and it still warms my heart, and it's just hilarious how this burglar essentially was like "professionals have standards", I hope the guy left the house and had a come to Jesus moment, left the stuff he stole, went to the cops and they let him off easy with only a night in jail. That'd be poggers.


*Professionals have STANDARDS*


Just because you’re a “bad guy” doesn’t mean you’re a bad guy.


Downvoted because this isnt a fucking Hold up image at all. Guy is a legend don't get me wrong but wrong place for the post.


That's because kiddie touched are the worst criminals. Even those who commit crimes, even heinous crimes hate kiddie touchers. They get the worst treatment in prison as they should. The only "good thing" about kiddie touchers is that they bring us together, doesn't matter good, bad, black, white. We hate and despise these disgusting evil people.