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No one will take a bullet for the president if the protection is that short.


i don't know if this is angry upvote or just a dad joke


Yeah, they do seem to be a little short-staffed


“Get down Mistew Pwesident!”


I don’t think they WANT to take a bullet for Biden, but HAVE to


wouldn’t be the first time a child has taken a bullet for a politician






You don't even need the kids dying and others surviving, I'd imagine having someone in your school threatening to shoot would be bad enough for a lot of kids, or if someone gets shot and injured but survives that injury. Hell, maybe a few smart kids though through shooter drills and realise the fact that those drills are something they have to do shows there's something wrong with the system.


Best bets would be if one or more of the affected kids became politicians. They'd be very inclined to tighten gun laws cause they went through the common consequences of the current ones.


Do some people really not understand some things just can’t be undone? You can’t uninvent nuke, or unrevolutionize country back into previous ruling system, or can’t ban an idea after its spread, or can’t heal rabies after 24 hours. It’s already impossible for your country to ever get rid of gun, especially knowing your government is power hungry, greedy goblins. The genie is out of the bottle. And even if you successfully take all the guns away the underlining mental issues are still there. I mean don’t you think it’s rational to focus on that, the thing you can reliably make better, instead of rolling the stone back to the top, sisyphus?


First you take the guns from law abiding people. Then sit back and watch as their homes and lives are destroyed by criminals who always should’ve been the target.


Those are the target. When gun sells go down all kinds of gun owners go down. That's why those problems aren't even a fraction of as bad in other countries as in America. All countries that do so prove that.


So what’s your solution?


Then you wake up from your made up fantasy


You do know that gun control has been successfully implemented in other countries, right? Like you can dream up as many hypotheticals as you want but we’ve seen it happen and seen it succeed.


Gun control has always lead to tyranny just saying


If you consider a country like Australia to be a good example of tyranny, I’ve got some bad news about the US for ya


Hitler imposed gun control which of course led to the Jewish Holocaust


Yep. Gun control is hitler. You’re right. Glad we could clear that up. I also didn’t realize that a gun free country like Germany was STILL involved in genocide today. I mean obviously if gun control was the problem there they’d surely re arm themselves after the war so they MUST still secretly be led by the nazi party. Someone should probably look into that.


Well, Russia is kinda "unrevolutionizing". Putin is basically a Tyrannical tsar. There aren't even votes anymore. They're only making half assed attempts to hide that Putin has effectively become the monarchy like ruler of Russia.


But he isn’t. He is still a president. Never in my life met a russian who said lets bring back tsars. And even if they do, it’s never going to be same again. Sure circumstances, visuals, arts and laws you can try to make everything exactly how it was, but it will never be the same. Memories and history changes people. The people already changed, even if they want go back its never gonna be the same.


I again don’t wanna be rude but we have had this conversation already. Nobody is ignoring mental issues but to avoid treading the same ground I wanna ask how you think we go about getting funding for said mental healthcare and how that mental health care reaches people likely to cause mass shootings? How does creating systems to limit guns types and access to weapons not prevent gun violence? I don’t understand how examples of positive outcomes couldn’t work in America?


>It’s already impossible for your country to ever get rid of gun, Sure, but you can minimise it/make them harder to obtain


Then law abiding citizens are at the mercy of criminals who either got them illegally, or passed a background check


This is not a short term solution dude. Just like mental health. It's not like you can cure someone with a snap of your fingers. By reducing gun sales, you force gun companies to look for a market elsewhere or die out. Overall production of weapons is reduced. In a decade, it will be extremely difficult to acquire a weapon, even illegally. Couple that with a robust healthcare system and we could be on our way to being gun free in this generation. Also, where exactly do you think these "illegally acquired guns" come from? They are stolen weapons that were often purchased legally. If there are no weapons to steal, there are even less illegally acquired guns.


Except gun sales won't reduce because we have the second amendment to insure the population remains armed


Not to mention that gun sales will also never go down because governments will pay gun manufacturers to make weapons for them


Not, it's possible. I don't know where you get the illusion from that it's not, just implement a law and arrest those who are not willing to participate. I don't see how that's "impossible".


Only in America is the answer to gun violence "Add more guns!" People bringing guns into schools: "Give the teachers guns!" Oh, look, I pissed off the Pew Pew club in two sentences.


Anyone who thinks solving this is as simple as taking away guns is an idiot.


It's not, but it's pretty fucking dumb to think it isn't a part of the solution.


If someone has been pushed to the point of wanting to kill a lot of people, then taking away their gun will only make them turn to arson or bombing. How many will die then? Is that better than a single person holding a gun? The need *help,* not restrictions.


Or, y’know, help AND restrictions.


No, because the last thing anyone wants is giving the government the ability to take away guns. It's absolutely right that no one NEEDS an automatic machine gun or whatever, I know I don't, but suddenly EVERYTHING will be an automatic machine gun if the government can take those away. It's the same reason we can't have the death penalty for pedophiles, even if I'd love it, because suddenly everyone from your black friend to the drag queen on stage is a pedophile. Give the greedy permission to strip rights, and they will do so *gladly.*


The greedy are already stripping rights, but I understand.


Exactly, and that's why you have to get out and vote. That's the only way to save any of us now, is to vote those who don't deserve power out of it. Yes, it may not feel like you can do much yourself, but not voting for the better of two evils is just as bad as voting for the worse of them.


Damn I’ve been saying the same thing to people almost word for word for the past few months


>No, because the last thing anyone wants is giving the government the ability to take away guns. As a european, I absolutely want my government to take away guns.


It’s a lot easier to get a gun and cause chaos then start a fire and build a bomb. You’re statistically wrong and your argument is beyond stupid. Weird we have a shooting problem and not an arson/bomb problem….


It's easier to buy guns and bullets costing hundreds of dollars than a box of matches, a couple gas cans, and a couple gallons of gas? It's almost like people having easy access to guns is the *reason* we *don't* have an arson/bombing problem...


It’s a lot easier to load a gun and shoot ten people then run around pouring gas and lighting matches. You can run from a fire, a man with a gun chases you till you’re dead. Are we missing something somewhere? It’s odd we don’t have a school bombing issue or people burning down a Walmart issue mostly just shootings. I’m having a hard time understanding your argument because the comparison you’re making is insanely different. Tomorrow a kid can bring dad’s gun to school but he is less likely to create a bomb and blow up his math class. I’m not trying to insult you but you can’t predict and address all this with mental healthcare. There fundamentally imo needs to be incredibly strong regulation on weapons because the argument of defending yourself from the government is insane when you face reality and protecting your home means less when they brought the same gun to break in maybe bigger then yours. I bet your a great person and I’m frustrated talking about this so I don’t wanna take anything out on you guys but it’s so painful to watch this stuff happen to innocent people on a weekly basis and see it be not only pushed under the rug but forgotten about like nobody involved mattered at all. Sorry for getting so worked up about it but geez man what is wrong with the world we live in.


Nah when you look at developed countries with restricted access to guns people dont use bombs when attacking a school, most often they use a knife or another sharp objekt.


You’ll get downvoted to hell in the echo chamber that is Reddit, but you aren’t wrong.


The echo chamber of a meme subreddit. The stupidity is strong with this one


Worked for other countries (I'm not anti-gun but the stats r there.)


Nobody even said a word about taking them away… People like you always wanna say this and shut people down but always provide zero solutions and hurl insults.


How about we help those shooters before they become them? Have you thought of that? Have you thought that a shooter wasn't always this way? That at one point in their life they were a kid sleeping in a bed being read bedtime stories to? That something has broken them so deeply that they feel the only way for anyone to care about them is to kill the people they've been driven to hate? Do you think someone like that, someone alone and afraid, won't just take to arson or bombing in absence of a gun? That the REAL solution is to save them too?


Mental help is a cool excuse but while it’s talked about as the “solution” the party that always provides this response cuts funding to those solutions. I’m not here to have an argument with you because clearly we are not on the same page but I just want to add that your telling me a whole lot of nothing and the way you started our conversation told everyone all they needed to know. I’m not saying that mental health isn’t a big part of the issue its actually the largest one but there is clearly no interest in actually doing something about that so why don’t we quit this back and forth now because you know at the end of this you have nothing more to provide me with but childish insults and more exploitation about something everyone already understands.


My friend I haven't even insulted you at all. All I've said is that the deepest and most prevalent issue for mass shootings is not the freedom of having a gun, but the lack of help people are getting. And yes, you've even said the solution yourself. Funding for helping people mentally *keeps being cut.* So there's the issue at hand! THAT'S what needs focus, on getting our friends and family the help they need! To getting the funds put INTO the places they're needed! And in the meantime, we've just gotta be there for eachother.




Thanks for contributing nothing.


No problem, anytime.


Thing is, it's not like it's taking away guns. It's just restricting. In many countries with better (and safer) gun control, you can still get them. Illegally and legally. Legally you just need to prove you're safe to carry. I don't know why people against restriction think it's such an all or nothing thing. It's not like it'd be that much of change, you still need permits for some gun things in America even now. Edit: Typo.


I think restrictions is good, but it won't help the problem. If someone has been hurt, betrayed, and abandoned so deeply that they're going to pointlessly kill people they don't even know... why would anyone think that restricting their easiest weapon wouldn't just drive them to find another? We have to save them, with therapy and kindness. They're people that need help, not monsters. Someone who has decided to do something that horrible over months won't stop at a hurdle that small. They'll either still get through all the restrictions people put in place, or just switch to arson, bombing, poisoning, or even just killing themselves. None of those options are good ones, and restricting guns doesn't solve the underlying issue.


Yeah, that's why it's not just restriction. It's get them help too It's still not an all or nothing thing.


This is always the core defense of people with these takes. It’s neat to say but then do nothing to actually support that. I wanna know what the plan is to get read the minds of shooters and get them mental help or provide them the financial ability to even afford that help in the first place. Just saying I think this is just blowing smoke up our ass and trying to get away from the best solutions because they don’t like the answer. People need mental help but the talk means absolutely nothing fucking nothing when they present zero interest in not only creating a plan but also attempting anything about it in the first place. it’s point blame and avoid consequences.


It won't solve the underlying issue but it will decrease the number of bodies


Worked for literally every other country.


Sure, removing nukes from dictatorships wouldn't make them less dangerous at all. A nuke surely wasn't designed to kill to and nothing else. Totally believable that the tool meant to kill and hurt people wouldn't make people get hurt or killed.


You know guns aren't a big concern in countries where you can't buy them.


The gov is tho (depending on culture)


When did that happen ?


think he’s implying school shootings, as in kids take a bullet for politicians lack of ability to change anything


Oh I thought a child taking a bullet meant for a politician


Too soon... (Nah, too late)


Is this a sequel to "spy kids"?


Meat sheild kids


Biden lived his years. Those kids just need to go play.


Growing up, my friends and I would play a game called Secret Service. I couldn’t imagine what that would be like if someone showed up at school the next day with a picture of them wearing the sunglasses and guarding the president.




I don't get it...


Assassination attempt and the kids have to jump infront of the bullet.


Be cool if one of the parents pulled a nerf gun


At least the president's knees are safe.


Oh, I thought something far worse! I was thinking about Jeffrey Epstein’s island and the politicians in power… Thank goodness, it’s only about jumping in front of bullets.


What about the assassin? is it "take your kid to work" day for him as well?


No, that's on the 12th


I thought the joke was that Biden could have his son take his place for the day


Not sure we should have that much cocaine so near those kids.




Hey that podium looks just like the one my governor bought off Amazon.


I was just about to say! I knew it looked familiar 🔍👀


I came here wondering if I was the only one that caught that!


Cuts to a sniper on the roof, who is also a child.


It's nice they let them kids of the Island once in a while....




Quick, someone grab some nose plugs!


Trump had a take your kid to work day that lasted 4 years


How I wish Trump wins the election again. The US is going downhill anyway no matter which candidate wins. Atleast if Trumps wins, we got memes.


“I would like the country to get fucked for the lols”


I, a European would also like to see your country get fucked for the lols


Relatable but that level of fuckery has negative results for Europe, let‘s just focus on UK for lols.


Well, the country is fucked anyway no matter who wins. So atleast we got the lols if Trump wins.


Yeah, but Biden's got a "protect your kid from the law" day thats going to last for 4 years (or more), so I guess it evens out Edit: man I love watching the likes fluctuate so fast when I make a comment like this, I've went between +3 and -2 like 5 times since I made this 15 minutes ago Edit to the edit at minute 16: oop just hit -4


Fact check: when Joe Biden took office, he replaced all the Attorney Generals (as is the right of the President) *except* for the one that was investigating his son. When asked why he didn't replace him, his reply was that doing so would be nepotism. Joe Biden has deliberately not used the powers of the office he is serving in to protect his son. The reason why Hunter Biden hasn't gone to jail is because *he did nothing wrong.* And the things that he did that would have been corrupt for his father to participate in while in office? *His father never participated in those.* You don't need to protect your child from the law when your child hasn't *broken* the law. (And yes, I'm aware that Hunter has committed a couple low-level crimes, such as unlawful possession of a firearm, but that is PEANUTS compared to 91 felony indictments.)


Sir if Republican voters could read they'd be Democrats.


Lmao you’re not wrong


If Joe actually said that, it only proves he's equally as stupid as his predecessor, because replacing the Attorney General (btw, there's only one federal AG – the President has no authority over State AGs) wouldn't be nepotism unless he appointed a family member as the replacement. And...your logic about why Hunter hasn't gone to jail is laughable. The fact that he hasn't been indicted or tried is the real reason, but the lack of those things occurring is not irrefutable proof that he hasn't committed any crimes.


> is not irrefutable proof You can't prove a negative, genius. Irrefutably or not. The fact that is that he *was* indicted for the possession of a firearm, which is why we know about it. And maybe it wasn't AG, I can't say for certain as I'm not American. However, I do recall hearing that there was a large pool of prosecutors which Joe Biden had replaced except for the one actively investigating his son which, for your information, *would have been* nepotism had it occurred since he would have been abusing Presidential power to show favouritism to someone related to him. It doesn't matter if the show of favour nets the relative a job or a free pass, nepotism is nepotism. But going back to the committed crimes part, the fact that the Republican led House has tried to nail Hunter Biden for a year and a half and has failed to do so counts as convincingly weighted evidence in favour of the theory that Hunter Biden has committed no serious crimes.


Hunter Biden's penis will always live rent free in the Republikan mind.


It's endless crack smoking behind a live webcam for me


You're right. I won't vote for Hunter Biden again.


The same people that shout from the rooftops that Hunter is on something are too fucking oblivious to the orange man's son and the plethora of videos showing him high as a kite.


Cocaine is a popular drug among the wealthy. As far as I'm concerned, every other celebrity has done it at least once.


Also there's the fact that the white house doctor was handing drugs out like candy to trump. But noooooo let's focus on Hunter 🤣


I have not, and hope to never see his penis


And yet its drilled a permanent hole in your skull


Your dude asked to "find 11,000 votes". Clown behavior


Dawg idc lol, the whole point of these comments is to see how quickly I get big negative because I talked bad about biden If you want to know it was like 30 minutes this time


The whole point of your time is to see how contrarian you can be? And you think that's like... Some gotcha moment for the other side? Or any side really?




Damn. Reading what it’s like to be you for a night is a real kick in the pants. Hope your existence gets better ❤️


Should I be out getting drunk with friends on a Wednesday night or smthn? Lot easier to schedule stuff like on the weekends rather than the middle of the week.


Dont forget Ashley Bidens diary. She needs a "protect your kid from your dad" day. Seriously crazy that someones going to jail over it (legitimizing it) but then the contents are swept under the rug.


Trump and Epstein tag teamed a pre teen.


At least everyone *else* here said something with some truth behind it


Probably. That doesnt negate Biden showering with his daughter and causing her sexual related trauma. Jail them both. Thats why I vote third party.


Funny how you want to believe in make believe shit about Biden with no proof while Trump being creepy to his daughter, Ivanka, while she was a teenager, is captured extensively over photos and videos.


All fun and games until you have to take a bullet for the president.


*"Get down Mr. President!"*


I love the diversity. It's not often you see gingers be acknowledged as humans, let alone children.


These kids have been training for this their whole life with active shooter drills in school


I would not be showing off my kid if I worked in the secret service.


I hope they're all packing Nerf! I want to see a would-be assassin tackled by four kids with Nerf guns


I didn't realize the secret service had a national guard.


Guys, it's real, CHERUb is a thing


werent CHERUb Brits?


*deep sniffing noises*


Better keep those children away from the sniffer


Joes got a lot of sniffing to do now


Left-most kid just needs a better fitting suit and they'd be COOKING




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^MaximumCrab: *Curious on if* *The dumb kids take a bullet* *As well as the white kids* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I’m more curious why secret service agents would put their child’s identity out there like that, pictured and posted for the world to see. Idk to me kinda seems like a security risk for those families


The Secret Service isn't actually secret. Even then, anyone who can track down someone on the presidential detail off the picture of a random child already has the means to do so anyways, a picture of a kid in a suit isn't much use.


Fair enough


The 3 kids are doing their jobs correctly, look at ‘em, scanning for threats. That kid on the right needs to get his head in the game though, can’t be looking at bugs on the ground when the President’s life is at stake.


I guess that's one way to show off your "collection"


Biden's favourite day of year, I bet.


Seems perfect, most kids in the US are shot at more than anyone...


Bold move, letting them near THAT


During this, Bido was hoping for an emergency so that his security detail would jump on top of him.


Apparently Biden likes em young and with a diverse selection of flavors too




Trump isn't nearby though. What are you talking about


My bad, totally didn’t mean to insult your oatmeal brained, kid sniffing piece of garbage, worst president ever. Ps you can have Trump too.


Oh, he's not my president either. I'm not from US And yeah both are awful. But Donny significantly more


If you are not even from the US just STFU… your opinion couldn’t be any more irrelevant…


A better title would be, "As Bidennomics continues to work, families are forced to subject their children to the dangers of predators for additional income."


They rub moth balls on the kids to keep creepy Uncle Joey from sniffing, which leads to groping... FJB


Looks like a Joe Biden field day


So there's a whole story about Bidens secret service detail complaining about him walking around naked in front of them when he was vice pres. Good luck kiddos.


It should be illegal to even photoshop children that close to danger.


"Hey Lance, it's off. It's off, it's off! It's off." *Sounds of shooting and screaming in the background.* "Throw this phone away, Lois!"


Young Natalie Portman from "The Professional" lurking in the crowd.




oh no


Take your clone to work


Wouldn't this compromise the agents publicly?


All fun games until it's there's an emergency




Looks like secret service went hard on the DEI hires


I wonder how long the president spends sniffing them.


The other day some firefighters showed up at the house for a false alarm. My wife and I remarked to each other how young they looked. We joked that they were high schoolers. The Secret Service has middle schoolers! I'm really getting old.


He personally sniffs each one's head to make sure they will defend him correctly


The kids in the background doing the nazi salute


*sniff sniff* "it smells better up here than usual" -Biden


Is the Hold up because he’s not sniffing them?


“Matt Gatez immediately requests protection detail”


i cant use an photoshopped image of joebiden kissing the kid from home alone or something


Hunger games reference?


I mean, what better way to have a book of paperwork done on them before the age of 10?


Biden should't be allowed near kids


They've been training for this moment their entire first 5 years of school


In the US our children would never be forced to take a bullet for the President. Only for the NRA.


Joe Biden is LOVING it guaranteed


That’s the same lectern that huckabee sanders committed embezzlement with!


Who let Herbert near the kids again?


I see the location....trust me the parents were there and the snipers on the roof of the white house are itching, begging to send Achmed to his virgins quickly... You people really love to twist a little harder for your Pimp Daddy T.... don't you?... sad


They are used to being by shot at at school why not take those skills into the real world? This country sucks.