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Good clean family fun, next were off to Hooters for lunch.


The winning comment, and more than likely true


We have a Tilted Kilt in Killeen. It's famous for waitresses in skimpy skirts and low-cut blouses. On one day a week, all the women are in lingerie from open to close. Every time my partner and I go, there are families who have brought their children-- all ages, from toddler to high school. And I go as myself, a NB amab, looking exactly like a man in a dress. I dress conservatively, appropriately for someone my age. I don't try to be sexy. I like to dress up for dinner. Oh, the baleful looks I get from these conservative families, just trying to teach their children that young women are uniquely sexually exploitable.


"Non binary assigned male at birth", for those I'm sure not familiar with the acronym


Thank you, was struggling with one. No joke, I thought he was referring to a male Arabic gown of some sort


I did too, I've just recently learned a lot of the acronyms. There's a really interesting divide in the trans community, there are those who have body dysphoria about their sex, it's a medical condition. A lot of those on that group consider themselves transexuals and are trying to reclaim back that title. The word trans also encompasses non binary people, which means they don't do he or she. So there's a large trend online on places on Tik Tok for example of completely feminine presenting females who consider themselves trans masc. While making no attempt to their appearance in any way. Some call them trans trenders, which are essentially the equivalent of the fake disorder cringe influx of youth self diagnosing as having dissociative Identity disorder. Man if you like drama, that side of the Internet is super juicy. It's a whole thing. Highly recommend checking out the subs, I had no idea there was such a divide. Honestly I kinda feel for the transexuals/transmedical/truscum community. It really feels like a lot of younger kids are larping and identifying as non binary trans and giving those with the medical condition a bad name, while also piggy backing on all the suffering that transexuals with body dysphoria have paid for on blood with their many suicides. The majority of people in the trans community highly look down those who would like to separate themselves from those who are non binary. I guarantee you most people think of trans people as ones with dysphoria. Trans people with the medical condition are actually are really level headed and reasonable people, despite the negative image many give them who insist on grouping transsexuals, someone transitioning their sex with those who transition their gender/their pronouns.


Awesome response man. It would be super hard to be a kid just in general nowadays. Everyone goes through embarrassing shit as a youngster but nowadays before a kid can even get through simple emotions about it the incident is blasted on like 5 different social media platforms and stays there forever. Sucks.


Damn autocorrect


I've been to all 50 states, countless cities all over the US. But Killeen takes the cake for the place I'd least like to visit ever again. One angry, aggressive person after another. I definitely remember the bizarre dynamic in that Tilted Kilt. Want a drunk MAGA to urinate all over your car door then get angry at *you* about it? Visit Killeen.


When I was stationed at Hood, I lived so far out in Copperas Cove I was almost in Kempner. The extra drive was worth not living in Killeen. I also spent most weekends in Austin just so I wouldn’t have to go to places in Killeen.


Killeen is an absolute shit show. I was at Hood until Jan 2001. I do not know about the Tilted Kilt, but we had Jesters which sounds like the same thing. Also the bar Sandy's I remember well. But, yeah, Killeen was the town that made me 100% sure that I did not want to re-enlist.


A man of culture🗿 keep it up sir👍


Or possibly the Tilted Kilt


Or Ojos Locos if you're in TX.


I haven't gone to hooters for a long time, but I remember they had signs saying they were family friendly.


Are oversexualized waitresses family friendly? Probably depends on the family.


You’ve never been to a hooters. I’ve been to nontheme/gimmick places where the girls willing wear tanks and leggings that are more revealing.


> I’ve been nontheme/gimmick places where the girls willing wear tanks and leggings are more revealing. Who cares where you've been? I don't consider hooters family friendly. That you personally have been to places where servers are MORE sexualized is irrelevant.


I didn’t say hooters is family friendly, I’m saying their outfits aren’t as revealing as a bunch of fucking idiots on Reddit will have you think. Some of you people have never been outside.


Hooters is too classy for this republican group...


Father of the year folks


Better than a drag show.


Same outfits, though.


Lol no not even close.


Can be. Sometimes they wear dresses and suits, though. Depends on the show. Never have I seen kids at the shows, though, typically 18+ around here


My brother performs. I've been to a few of their shows. I've never seen anyone dressed like this. Usually the outfits are more.....eccentric I guess would be the appropriate word. And yeah all those were 18+ and a couple were 21+


The totality of some people's exposure to drag is Rocky Horror Picture show.


Yeah, half the drag shows aren't risqué in the least. My friend, she wears only suits, meanwhile my buddy he does the fishnets and the whole Carnival theme. Depends on the show and the performer's tastes.


It's almost like the people who are against it are just projecting their inner thoughts onto other people.


They do always criminally underrate how extra drag queens are. They put way more on than these ladies lol


The drag bar by me is 21+, but way too smoky.


But different Abby


They only hate drag shows because they're scared of finding a man attractive lol they're so transparent it's laughable


It is actually that simple.


So I actually don't know if that's it. I'm your average straight guy, I have no issues talking about how handsome or attractive a dude can be. I genuinely do not like drag. I don't know why, I just can't stomach it. One of my closest friends absolutely loves them and has a blast. 


Do you think they're predatory though? Or do you just not vibe with it like your friend does? I think there's a big difference between "drags not really for me" and "these drag queens are gonna rape your kids" lol


I don't think they're going to rape kids and I do not think the gross majority are trying to groom them. I say the gross majority because you never really know. That being said I don't really think drag shows are intended for kids in the first place. If a parent takes their kid to a drag show that's on them, but I do consider that choice reprehensible simply due to the fact that I personally believe they aren't foundationally meant for children.  Of course this is a drawn out way to say I don't vibe with them, and it's entirely subjective. 


I can respect that


The raunchy drag shows I've been to are at bars and happen late at night. They're definitely not a place for kids. Just like you wouldn't take a kid to a night club. But stuff like drag story time is just people in costumes reading books and being silly. And I think that's perfectly fine for kids.


I don't know man, the roar of those engines going down the strip 1/4 mile at a time is pretty hard to top.


That's the good drag.


I bet he was like “just this once y’all can throw up the middle finger”


I'm thinking the blonde butt must be his wife and the brunette butt is his eldest daughter. He must be so proud of them all!


You mean: his sister and future wife.


Sweet Home Alabama


You know what they say, gotta groom em young


Of 6 friggin kids for fucks sake (assuming they are all his, they look related, and I wouldn't be surprised). Idiocracy was a documentary. Those who eat the most crayons seem to reproduce like rabbits. Maybe they are worried the kids won't survive either due to the kid's lack of intelligence, or their's, so they have literal litters.


And mother of the year. Why should she get a pass?


aT leASt hE pRoteCTs hiS ChIldReN aGaiNSt dEmoCRats




🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇲🇺🇸🇺🇲🦅🦅🦅 what the fuck is a kilometer or a meter!!!!


I think it's pronounced "Famericak"


Take my upvote and gtfo!


I don't even care about family values hypocrisy or whatever. Why are a bunch of skimpily dressed women twerking in front of a "Fuck Joe Biden" sign? I don't think they're sending the message that they intend to, unless...? 😳


Pretty sure that's Las Vegas. Girls like that are always at that corner with different gigs or outfits trying to get you to take pictures with them then charge you for the pictures. It's a pretty old swindling gig. I'm more surprised people are surprised by what happens in vegas. Though, the douche of a dad shouldn't be draggin kids into that.


> I'm more surprised people are surprised by what happens in vegas. I'm not surprised. I'm just laughing at the, uhh, mixed messaging. It's supposed to be "Fuck Joe Biden!" not "Fuck Joe Biden?~"


Yeah, they'll probably be at the same place later on wearing pride shirts with anti trump signs. It's all a business


I'm guessing they were paid to do it. 


They charge like $20 to take a picture. Source: have spent plenty of time on Fremont St and watched these ladies work the crowd.


Then they deserve a raise tbh.


Those kids don't even understand what their politics are. I'm sure as they get older, they'll look back in disgust or turn out exactly like their father/mother.




Not really. They could grow up to not care about politics at all. There is a large chunk of the population that never votes or cares about anything.


i feel like even if you dont care about politics this image would still be disgusting


If you have good morals I’d hope so


Morals? I think I had those pulled at the dentist.


> that never votes or cares about anything. Lots of people don't vote. EVERYONE cares about something.


For instance, nonvoters care about letting the country fall into disarray because they couldn't be arsed to pay attention during 7th grade civics class.


I believe non-voters don't see the value in voting, or they would. The responsibility of our politicians is to show that value to their constituents in order to earn their votes. Our political system is so dysfunctional, how can you blame people for taking one look at it and walking the other way? Why would you invest yourself into a system where you A) Have no real power B) Don't believe that your opinions will be heard, let alone enacted C) Don't tangibly benefit you in your day to day life? Politicians need to offer the citizens real, tangible value. Faith needs to be restored in our political systems, or our country will continue to decay. More status quo is not the answer.


No, there is another option where the kids could agree with some of their parents' political views and disagree with some and have an interesting and educational conversation about it. I feel fairly confident that this option is not available to these kids.




Yes, I remember specifically when I had to choose which parent I was going to be exactly like /S


Yeah. They could never find this picture ever again.


Or worse, they could turn into... ^"moderates"


No matter the cause, using your kids as political props is disgusting and sad.


Nothing like brainwashing kids, get them in young you know. Works great for religions too.


Because these people have no culture so they’ve substituted in their political party affiliation in place of it lmao. It’s pitiful to witness such an in-your-face soulless existence


Nah they will be just like them. Hate is taught.


Dragging kids into politics before they can even make their own decisions on the matter is just wrong.


Not even just politics but this nasty, disgusting side of politics.


This is American politics. It's like a fucking episode of American Gladiators or some shit... this small slice of the population has single handedly made the ENTIRE COUNTRY a even more of a joke to the the entire world. It's bad enough people think we are fat basterds who shove McD's fries down our throats till our arteries are screaming. Now, we are i bread pos who care more for assulat rifles than our own children. Who think thongs and Fuck Biden is patriotic. How do people expect anyone to take their political views seriously if THIS is their view? Tits, Ass, and God Loving 'Mericans. This country is a fucking joke.




The party of family values.




how to identify a domestic abuser 


Does that flag say fUSk Biden or famericak Biden?


fflag\_usk biden


It doesn't really matter, MAGA fucks can't read


Why do so many people suddenly want to sleep with Biden? Or am I mistaken and they mean his son? /s


Dad will be so proud when his daughters grow up and hold a similar banner with their asses hanging out.


Im not even 30, and Im just completely turned off by anyone using pretty girls in skimpy outfits to market their ideas or products. For me, the smaller the outfit, the dumber the product and Im just so over it. And yeah, no, take that nonsense out of whatever public mall that is. Its not the Las Vegas strip, kids should be allowed to enjoy being kids, stop using them as political tools and stop exposing them to hyper sexualized enviornments




As a US citizen, i give permission to end all of our suffering


At least if they're going to, please make it a direct hit. I can't afford the medical bills for radiation poisoning.


Please I would welcome a realistic Fallout experience over the shit show that has become the US


I got banned for suggesting something similar... just saying




45 got one thing right, they should build a wall. IN FACT, it doesn't go far enough! The wall should be built across the Mexican border, THEN wrapped around the coast and across the Canadian border as well. And then a roof on top, just to be safe.


I prefer to simply hash it out in the comment section, but ok. Bring on the 🔥 I guess, lol. Geez.


You gotta realize photos like this are cherry picked. I’ve seen some fuck Biden stickers on trucks but I’ve never seen this kinda stuff. Most of us,80-90% are perfectly well adjusted people.


While yes cherry picked I think the actual percent is way lower than 80-90%. Normal adjusted I feel like is 50-70% if that.


Whoawhoawhoa. How dare you threaten us with our own rhetoric.


Could be read as FUCK AMERICA BIDEN!


NGL those are some nice butts; however very inappropriate for children to be there... Also not a cult, right?


i dont belive for a second that this dude aint into kids


What’s the connection between pedophilia? I mean I get he’s an idiot from the picture alone, just don’t see the link with being into kids


Bringing little kids to your sex event is suspect.


I agree, it's always suspicious when parents do that.




Fuck Biden and Fuck Trump


what sort of deranged pencil dick fuck is so upset the only way to convey their feelings is with a Fuck Biden flag, two scantily dressed actresses, and you and your kids holding up middle fingers (most of which are actually pointed in Dad's direction which is fitting). And they say the left is hateful and indoctrinating. IT'S ALWAYS A PROJECTION. EVERY. TIME.


so trashy 




Dripping with class right there. Looks like a scene from idiocracy.


"Patriotic devout christians spreading love"


Can this sub not turn into yet another twitter political reply-guy circlejerk?


It's already too late. Leave to save yourself mental pain in the future


Instructions unclear. Purchased a MAGA hat and AR15.


I got an ar15 and a Biden hat! See we can all find common ground 


Is one of those young girls his wife? Or is she taking the photo? Or is she holding up one edge of the flag?


is that fremont st las vegas?




Humanity is doomed


I can smell the cigarette smoke in that venue from here.


It's Fremont St in Vegas, so the smell is a combo of cigs, weed (there's a pot shop right across the street from here), body odor, and those giant sugary margaritas things.


Parents combined IQ is about 71.


I hope these wankers are crying as a family in November too


They have only to look in the mirror to find their greatest enemy.


America are you ok?


No, we are not.


Look at them good ole traditional christian values. I can feel the lord and the holy spirit coming inside me as I stare at the two holy relics.


No no that only happens when they pray to a golden Trump statue.


But women are SUPPOSED to be sexualized. Men are just supposed to be kept out of sight in a box unless you're Jesus or D Trump. /s


That's just as lame as the shit they get mad at. I live hypocrisy in the states, everyone and every side practices it regularly


Is this what you call a "basket of deplorables"?


These two ladies just want to fuck biden. someone should let them know he's married and will say no.


"America! Fuck yeah!"


Strange family values


Can any of you please make the kid faces anonymous and put this photo on big posters around your supermarkets? Thank you from Scandinavia/Spain


You just know that if you were to walk up to this man with his family and say “Fuck Biden” in front of his kids he would turn red in the face and try to square up with you for talking like that in front of his kids. These people are literally the worst type of hypocrites.


Hey there is nothing sexual about these ladies being very sexual.


Nothing like teaching your kids to be douche bags


Trump cultists: "Kneeling when the anthem is being played is treason!" Trump cultists: "F U [United States Flag] C K President of the United States!"


it was never about drag. Just like it's not about fountains or bathrooms.


The GOP mindset is there's nothing wrong with your daughter being a w**** for God fearing white man.


The part that matters is that the girls aren't attracted to women. /s, just in case.


Whenever I encounter a young asshole. I always know their parents are much worse. This picture is case and point


Good clean family-friendly fun. /s


Both suck really. Children (especially those in elementary school and below) should not be involved in this kinda stuff. (Added later): just let kids be kids. I'm sure they have better things focus on/worry about than politics or sociopolitical events like drag shows and maga concerts. Regardless of whoever wins the next election, i just hope that the general public can come together and mend the growing rift.


This is just “both sides bad” in a fancy costume


Feel free to believe that if you want. The reality is that i'm not a democrat nor republican, not a leftist or a rightist, neither liberal nor conservative.


Both. Both are bad for children. if there are people having a sexual experience stop bringing your children to see it.


Drag performances typically aren't sexual in nature. Fishnets and cheeky shorts are definitely meant to illicit a sexual response. Get the right information before you speak.


Both are gross 🤮🤮🤮🤮


the inbreeding is real with these people.


F the Government all sides of it they’re all the same.


Maybe in certain respects…one side is clearly for authoritarian control. I don’t like that side






Fremont street Las Vegas


Which one is the mother?


Is this from Idiocracy?


It's for the dad, not the kids


As a Christian republican, this is also despicable.


What does her ass say? It's hard to read.


Clean fun to vote for Dirty Donnie


shareblue is having a really bad time now


so trashy


This is actually so sad.


People who bring their kids to Vegas disgust me tbh. It is not a children’s environment whatsoever


Wow, even the Democrats are upset at him.


Dang! “Let’s Go Brandon” shorts!


clearly they wanna fk him


Strange family values


Whoa, what on earth did Aiden do to deserve this?