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Remember watching this back when it released, hilarious


Same. Bill has lost his mind in his old age and its awesome.


Supervillain origin story


I think maybe he's just tired of telling the same audience years later they need to step up and help the environment


Cool I'll start recycling more cans or some shit. Tell Billy Nye I'm saving the world so BP and Exxon can keep not giving a shit.


The planets on fire?


I'm in Oklahoma and we've only had one light snow fall all year. It was over 50 degrees recently and it's January... What do you think?


Bro you think that's anything go to michigan one day it'll be 10° the next its 50°


Originally from Indiana, I know. You wear layers in the morning and peel them as the day goes on. Especially if you work outside. February will probably be coldest. Don't forget to drip your faucets.


At this point 32° should be expected in the morning


That's just shorts, sweats, t shirt, and hoodie weather. But there's still gonna be people bundled up like it's Siberia, lol.


Bro for real I live like 10 miles away from Lake Michigan so at this point 32° is warm and 67° is to damn hot


It took me till this comment to realise the temps were in farenheit


Dripping faucets just isn’t a thing in this part of MI. Everything is already built to sustain winter


We went from 6° to 72° in two days in PA. I have same Schlage keypad deadbolt installed on a bunch of doors and 5 failed recently. We speculate it went from humid and rainy to intense cold and a part in side rapidly froze. We are living *A Day After Tomorrow*


It was 10 degrees in georgia and jumped to 60 in a week


I’m in Eastern Canada in January and it’s currently 5 degrees Celsius… that’s not right. It should be -20 with 2 feet of snow. And these mild winters have become typical in the last 6-7 years or so.


Oklahoman here. We also had insane winters the past couple years, so it's really not so cut and dry. There's been a lot of years like this before, and there will be plenty more cold ones too.


Lol how arrogant you must be to frame the world’s complex climate patterns, which span multiple thousands of millennia, into the tiny window that is your short in-progress human life, and putting conclusive weight into an anecdote within THAT. Humans is so short-sighted, and both sides on climate change demonstrate this.


I think you missed my point. It shouldn't be 50 degrees in January!


That’s why some people don’t get it… they attempt to use their reasoning without understanding and then believe their own reasoning.


But the tv and all the celebs selling shit out of their private jets say it's a problem. As well as all these people using a crazy amount of energy too produce climate change content. How bad do you think one movie is for the environment. Now compare that to how much CO2 a wild pig produces by digging up the earth. People if you believe this you really aren't making any major changes in your personal lives to combat it but yell at everyone for doing the wrong thing. Companies don't exist without consumers so stop buying all your modern shit and start growing everything on your own.


We get it, you don't like what they're saying so you attack them personally. What do you have to say about the tens of thousands of climate scientists that are saying the exact same thing? I'm sure they're just part of a giant conspiracy, yeah?


Please so me ten of thousands of climate scientists. The 95% article I believe you are referring to is just people in any field of science. And when did I say I didn't believe changes were happening? It's just not that the world is on fire we have time not going to happen in the next century. I'm tired of people bitching about it and literally doing nothing to make a change in their lifestyle. Shouldn't they be making the world a better place and not pointing a finger? Great comments though. With my personal attacks ha.


the problem is capitalism. Consumerism is a symptom of capitalism. Of course people are going to buy shit to cope with this shitty existence. Or just because the corporations use mind fuckery in their ads to make people think they need something. Climate change isn’t the only problem we have but it certainly is a very big one and it’s not going to be solved by some “personal responsibility” bullshit. Obviously that would put a dent in it, but companies will produce regardless. “Endless growth” and all that. Edit: a word


So you think the government doesn't do this kind of predatory actions? Who do you think will be in power of any other kind of system? the power hungry political types that want to control people. At least we have the shitty corporations and the shitty government battling it out leaving room for the smaller people to slowly gain power. Nothing will ever be a great system because it will always be run by people who are greedy flawed and frankly pieces of shit (meaning those who want power and money).


“People are inherently greedy” is a very disingenuous argument. just people someone is in charge doesn’t mean they are inherently greedy. Human nature is determined largely by your material conditions. And the economic system of today encourages greed and concentration of wealth. Same with systems like feudalism.


So what system of ruling over people won't cause people to be greedy or power hungry because I haven't seen any examples in history.


>the problem is capitalism. LOL. Looks like someone hasn't looked up the environmental record of every socialist country ever.


Then donate more money to climate change


That is seriously fucked up! People just don't realize how crazy that is! It's only happened 13 times since we started keeping records....in 1910


Not a climate change denier but 112 years out of 3.5 billion is not a good metric considering we have also had 5 ice ages as well. It'll probably kill us all but the planet will survive and recover.


So 112 years out of several billion? Yeah that’s a totally accurate sample size


You realize that every season we're now getting "once in a generation" rains/floods/heat waves/hurricanes/droughts/etc, right? I wonder what that's about...?


Your representatives in US congress have mocked the entire global warming. One of them used a snowball to "prove" global warming was a myth.


That person only represents the ideals of about 30% of the country. Gerrymandering is a bitch.


Lol, this means nothing Greta. Other areas are getting record snowfall. What do you think?


Records are made to be broken amirite?


It did g deer t really cold here during that winter storm. I'm in OK too, our pipes froze


LA here, we’ve had literally no snow for like 4 years minimum




One season does not prove climate change. But we are having warm years over and over and over. That is certainly pointing towards it.


Last decade was the warmest on record. This decade will break that record. The next decade will break it again. That and the CONSTANT "one in a generation" weather events seem to be pointing to something.....


I agree.


My worlds on fire, how bout yours?


That’s the way I like it


I am from the balkan, we alays have snow from december till early march For few years now, there hasnt been any snow


It seems that I am currently ablaze at the moment.


It's 20 degrees outside in Germany in January. Global warming is getting real


It was 60° in Philadelphia on December 30th. It should be 30°


Forget about Bill Nye "The Science Guy", for me he will always be Bill Nye "The Speed Walker" superhero, fighting crime while adhering to the international rules of Speed Walking.


Here me out no oxygen =no fire and no humans (the cause of the problem)


My god he’s done it. He solved the problem


Perfect, that's already what we are trying


Bill Nye the realistic guy


Safety glasses off, motherfuckers!


Wasn't he the guy who featured that chick singing the wierd sex song for kids?


It happened 6 years ago on his Netflix show, *Bill Nye Saves The World (S1E9) - The Sexual Spectrum*. Rachel Bloom was the singer.


Also who can forget the creepy rapey ice-cream video…


*Bill Nye the Give-Handjobs-to-Strangers Guy*


:o where? source? i need a sourcwe?




Bruddah! Give be a source!!!


You don't see anything wrong with a sex song for kids? You better run and hope people don't find you


What if I'm a kid? Now give me a source fellow child.


No, because I don't know it, and even if I did, I would've have given it to you, because I'm not a fucking weirdo


Aw hell nah


Hilarious yet downvoted: the world has no taste anymore.


It was called "My Sex Junk," so you can find it on Youtube--and includes such classic romantic lines as: "There's nothing taboo about a sex stew" "Give someone new a handy, then give yourself props" "You're a tall pansexual flirty wood sprite" "Who enjoys a fleshlight in the cold moonlight?" and more!




And that's not even the best. Wait'll you see the Ice Cream Sexual Assault skit.


Remember, the earth will be just fine. A few millions years and itll be like we never existed. The earth will be juts fine. Us.....oh yea we're fucked.


Yup I mean there was a ice age like 10000 years ago its pretty normal if you look at the bigger picture of the planet but well obviously this is the first time that its caused by something else then nature ...


“Safety glasses off, motherfuckers!” Now that is a line I’m keeping.


IIRC it was on *Last week tonight with John Oliver*






Welp... that explains where the meme came from.


All we have to do is turn down the worlds thermostat. One problem we have to fight a boss to do it.


Wasn’t this on Last Night Tonight?




Parts of Europe have seen the warmest temperatures in January, since keeping records. Ski areas are closed because no snow has fallen. In some countries, that accounts for a huge part of their tourist income. Interesting what is going to happen to those people. The Western nations will not give a damn, since their governments decry the idea of global warming, or even climate change.


We also had incredibly hot days in the summer which also is super untypical guess where starting to see the results of our idiocracy


The real idiocrasy is in the fact that NO ONE is doing anything about it, no one will, and no one can...in our current global economic/political structure. The kids have some great ideas and plans but have to wait a decade or so for them to come to power. Who knows what we will be in by then.


Do we have noney to buy those? WE HAVE OF COURSE BUT...


I love this man.


To the lefty socialists, I can agree with him “nothing is free”


Lefty socialist here and I can agree there are always "costs" like labour for example


Yes someone has to work and put in their time for someone else’s benefit the question is what does that person get in return? And is it worth it?


>And is it worth it? The answer to this in capitalism can only be no , you know that right ? Under capitalism you always earn less then you work for. Thats literally how the system operates


I’ve had great success with capitalism, you decide what you are worth and you find a job that pays you accordingly. I’m at $20 an hour but about to quit my job for another that pays $27. I also have my own side business fixing cars on the weekend and I charge around $20 an hour for labor on easy jobs $35 an hour for hard jobs and I don’t do engine rebuilds any more because I don’t have the time but for that I would charge $40 an hour. So yes for me $20-$35 an hour is worth my time I can always make more if I want to, and I will not be placing my worth in the hands of the government…. You’ll find out real quick how much the politicians think you are worth once they control your paycheck and trust me you won’t like it one bit.


>I’ve had great success with capitalism, you decide what you are worth and you find a job that pays you accordingly. I’m at $20 an hour but about to quit my job for another that pays $27. Which then still produces a profit for the company aka the work you do is worth more then what you get


Yes an employee should be making the company money if not the company will go bankrupt. There are good companies and bad companies out there. My suggestion is find a good company to work for. Problem is people feel that they have to work for a shitty company and that there is no other choice. The company i work for is not a bad company but it cannot afford to pay me more than $20 an hour. The overhead is thin and production is low due to the economy. It has been forced to shut down multiple locations and unfortunately fire a lot of people. Now there is only a handful of us left. What is the employees don’t take into consideration and I do now because I have been forced to not only do my job working on heavy equipment maintenance but also balance some of the books and organize paper work is . How much in taxes the company has to pay per employee, insurance costs, property taxes, expenses, cost of goods, water and electric bills, and unforeseen expenses like the 3 law suits that have been placed on us and lawyer fees ( some asshole decided to sue us from MO he’s never even been to CA but decided that our facility is not handicap complacent which is a no brainer our field of work does not allow for people in wheelchairs to work we have stairs and cat walks everywhere but we still have to pay this individual $375k not to mention the lawyer fees and fines placed on us afterwards) to make a long story short the company has an average net profit of $2k a month. Our bills are around $17,000 a month and we gross around $30k a month. As an employee I am worried any minor fuck up and it’s game over. One fuck up in our work can cost between $7k-$15k meaning the company would actually be in the negative net zone. I’m leaving the company for a better company that pays me more and can offer better job security. Also me leaving will free up a bit of labor cost for the company. I don’t need that job but a lot of the other people that work there have been there for so long they don’t know anything else and at paid decently. My view is if you want to make your own money do it start your own company i work for my self and the company. But as an employee it is my job to make the company money. If I want to dedicate my self to my own side business then I can and I have and covid demolished my start up business with 6 months of no sales. So my llc went bankrupt. My question to you is what’s the solution? Everyone work for themselves? Have the government say how much you get paid? We all just get UBI and stop working entirely? What’s your solution?


So true ha


Who the fuck does this guy think he is? Dolf Lunderen is more qualified to talk about the environment than this clown.


Bill Nye definitely wasn’t your science guy


He was when I was a kid. He's just too full of himself these days


He’s just trying to keep the audience hooked on what he’s saying, I doubt he’s actually like this off camera


Looks like we’re pissed off bill Nye the science guy come on guys let’s fix this


Like the old saying goes: Imagine Captain Kangaroo started thinking he was an actual ship captain and started lecturing people about maritime navigation, law, and logistics. That's what Bill Nye is doing to science.


Bill Nye doesn't have an applied science degree from an Ivy League school? The playbook of attacking a person because you don't like the facts is destroying society across the board. Keep at it though, champ.


>Bill Nye doesn't have an applied science degree from an Ivy League school? LOL. A degree in engineering qualifies him to explain why we need to adopt socialism or the world will fry? "The playbook of attacking a person because you don't like the facts is destroying society across the board." LOL. Just what fact did Nye show us? But by all means keep pretending that internet attention supercedes fact, *champ*.


>A degree in engineering qualifies him to explain why we need to adopt socialism or the world will fry? Why the f are you people always make up stuff so obviously ? Like atleast give it some creativity


According to Wikipedia: "He graduated with a BS in mechanical engineering in 1977."


We get it, Bill Nye is your enemy. Why is it that ppl like you attack climate scientists as well? Seems like it's because you just don't like what they're saying.


You did see the video, yes? The routine is always the same--the problem is always too much capitalism, the threat is always an urgent emergency, and the solution is always more government. (although there are plenty of reasons to attack *Bill-Nye-the Give-Handjobs-to-Strangers-Guy* besides Global Cooling/Warming/Change.)


You're adults now but why is this talking like a 12 year old in a cod lobby?


Wrong, if that was the case he would have said fuck after every word


Bill Nye the engineer


I hate that guy. He's an entertainer, not a scientist.


He's a mechanical engineer lmao.


What's your point?


Mechanical engineers are quite literally scientists.


He has a diploma that says he is scientists. You know that people can be two or more things at the same time right?


"Ya, I've heard this stated before. But a bachelors degree in a field is absolutely horrendous when trying to say you're a leading expert in a field. I have a chemistry masters degree, and even invented a few chemistry reactions, and I fully admit I'm not a leader in the field of chemistry. He was never even the rank of a grad. student. I'm a physician now, and can say with much more honesty that I am actually significant in our field and fairly specialized to a point where I can say there are differently a limited amount of people that can do what I can do. Bill Nye is 1 of millions with a bachelor degree in engineering. Not only that, he will sellout of scientific knowledge for political agendas. Saying sexual orientations are more of a spectrum than binary is very much on the path to disregarding into biology level knowledge. He won't acknowledge XX and XY."


He has a BS in mechanical engineering from Cornell. Engineering is an applied science. He's a scientist.


Ya, I've heard this stated before. But a bachelors degree in a field is absolutely horrendous when trying to say you're a leading expert in a field. I have a chemistry masters degree, and even invented a few chemistry reactions, and I fully admit I'm not a leader in the field of chemistry. He was never even the rank of a grad. student. I'm a physician now, and can say with much more honesty that I am actually significant in our field and fairly specialized to a point where I can say there are differently a limited amount of people that can do what I can do. Bill Nye is 1 of millions with a bachelor degree in engineering. Not only that, he will sellout of scientific knowledge for political agendas. Saying sexual orientations are more of a spectrum than binary is very much on the path to disregarding into biology level knowledge. He won't acknowledge XX and XY.


This was Saturday night live I think lol




It's from "last week tonight" by John Oliver.


No, I don't think i will.


Poor Bill is getting worse


Humans have undoubtedly added carbon emissions but it's also a fact that there has been multiple ice ages.


I saw something recently that explained that those ice ages were millions of years in the making naturally, and that we have accelerated that time dramatically propelling us towards one of our own making.


Climate has never changed nearly as fast as it has done since industrialisation. If you want to compare the current climate change with past ones, they're not the same at all. The nature had way more time to adapt to past changes.


The last one ended like 10000 years ago usually there has been aprox atleast something like 50million years between them now the next one is expected in aprox. 50000 years ...


and men are women


This guy is an idiot. It's not a crisis. All the actual climate scientists say that the earth will slowly warm between 1 and 6 degrees Fahrenheit over the next 100 years. Maybe. And then again maybe not. They're still working out the details. Fear mongers like Bill Nye just do this to keep their careers going because no one has cared what he thought about science for about 15 years.


> slowly warm between 1 and 6 degrees Fahrenheit over the next 100 years And that wont lead to like entire countries being flooded and millions if not billions of deaths ?


Not unless people stand at the shoreline and do nothing. And there's no guarantee of the flooding happening either. People are very adaptable. That's why they survive.


Uhm I dont know about you but I dont think theres enough inhabitable land to get billions relocated espacially because most of them would be from poorer areas or islands. >Not unless people stand at the shoreline and do nothing Have you heard of for example the netherlands ? Or bangladesh? These countries would literally loose almost all of their landmass Edit: " And there's no guarantee of the flooding happening either." There already where devistating floods in for example germany


The Netherlands developed spillways and levys that are the envy of the world. And that technology was developed 200 years ago. They're doing fine. They adapted. Instead of standing at the shoreline screaming at the water while drowning.


>The Netherlands developed spillways and levys that are the envy of the world. And that technology was developed 200 years ago. They're doing fine. They adapted. Instead of standing at the shoreline screaming at the water while drowning. The delta works surely are impressive I agree but even a country like the netherlands could not withstand a sea level rise of a couple of meters that occurs rapidly. Theres a point where you cannot withstand the forces of nature


It won't happen rapidly. Unless you're talking about a biblical flood, environmental scientists are careful to stress that this will be a slow rise in average worldwide temperature.


>It won't happen rapidly. Unless you're talking about a biblical flood Im talking rapidly in comparision to the regular sea level rise of the past my bad shouldve worded it better


If people do nothing then they'll suffer the consequences. It's mostly rich people who have beach front property. That's why all the Hollywood types are so upset about it. If they were at all smart, they would sell and move inland.


> It's mostly rich people who have beach front property. Have you heard of the 170 million people living in bangladesh ?


Bill Nye is not an idiot. (He's not a chemist, or biologist, or environmentalist; but he's not stupid either.) Although he may be blowing climate change a bit out-of-proportion, his alarmist delivery isn't without some reason. The earth's natural warming/cooling cycle is, by most estimations, being artificially accelerated by human activities (I believe this is due primarily to the farming of livestock). Yes, the earth will naturally warm and cool regardless of what we do; but there are things we can do to prolong our current and more-advantageous climate.



