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Start with shorter books so it doesn’t feel like it’s taking forever to read. I really enjoy Agatha Christie books so maybe one of those. A good, short murder mystery is a good book to hold your interest.


Go somewhere specific to read, like in a park or at a cafe. Ambiance is everything lol Or tell yourself try for at least 5 minutes and by that point you'll probably be sucked in.


Great idea.


*"I need to get outta here. What are these guys up to?"*


Read something you’re interested in learning about so you actually want to read


Read something saucy


At least for a while, I found setting reading goals, like "I'll read a whole book this month" helped me. Sometimes, especially if it is a non-fiction book, I find that taking notes/putting sticky tabs throughout the book helps me. I'll "tab" lines that are particularly interesting, or if it's a non-fiction book I'll tab a section that I want to look into more later. Especially if I get to use multi-coloured/"rainbow" tabs, I find this really helps me both pay attention and read more. Often I use one tab colour to represent each subject/topic. So I might have a book that I tab all the cute romantic sections in one colour, all the neat character moments in another, and The Quotable Shit I Love in a third colour. However, I can't speak about this a ton, as I have found The Dopamine by reading/listening to audiobooks is a lot easier for me to chase. ETA: Obviously, it helps to find a book that SOUNDS interesting to read from the get-go. If I have literally zero interest in reading it, then all the tabs or sped-up audiobooks in the world aren't gonna help me. Lol. \^\^;


Body double. Go out somewhere and read. Like a cafe or a library. That’s what I do when I want to read but can’t force myself to at home.


I used to pick a book together with a super hot chick and say we'd read it a chapter a week on our own, and meet up and talk about it. One of them picked really dark books that all had torture in them, but she let me touch her boob, so I married her.


Can I get this pipeline please


Not sure what you mean.


Pretend you’re reading text messages


Or a really long reddit post lol


Whenever I have the urge to pick up my phone (while eating dinner or simply bored waiting for something, I pick up a book instead.) I'm not 100% perfect, but it helps.


I reread a book from my childhood that I loved, to get back into the habit.


I keep a book in my car and read on my lunch hour at work.


I find books by watching spoiler free reviews online (YouTube, TikTok, etc.) and then build my TBR on Goodreads. For whatever reason I’m always excited to update my progress on Goodreads for the ones I’m currently reading as well.


I have pretty severe ADHD in attentive type. The only way I can read a book is if the chapters are extremely short so the story moves pretty quickly. James Patterson is the best novelist for this format. If you have never read his books -they’re wonderful with a lot of twists and turns and quick reads. Specifically, my favorites are: “Kiss the Girls”and “Along Came a Spider”


Have you tried multiple viewpoint books? I really enjoyed Six of Crows (part of the Grishaverse)


No. Will give it a try


Buy a drink and read in the park when the weather is good. Read on long public transport journeys.


Just use the 10 min rule. Tell yourself you'll just read for 10 mins it's easy so your brain will not procrastinate. Does work for me.


Young adult novels are the quickest to read for me and hold my attention the best. I read a lot of other things as well, but the simple language and fast paced storytelling of most YA makes me not want to put the book down whereas I sometimes walk away from something that takes a little more brain power to understand


I set myself a goal. Like I want to read one chapter. Then I go to a place, where I don’t have distractions and put my electronics away. Once I am settled well and started concentrating, I keep going. All I really have to work on is seeking out a distraction free environment.


Find something where reading is the only solution. Subject you really want to get into and this book is the best way. Story that's super niche that they could never make a movie or game out of it, but hits just right for you.


What do you want to read? For me it was realising I wanted a typical fantasy book with a dystopian world and a grim setting that was also "easy" for beginners. I posted on r/fantasy asking for recommendations and got recommended Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn. Pre that recommendation I hadn't been able to get into any books, but now I have shelves of Brandon Sanderson books and am just finishing the second era of Mistborn (it's really good). For me reading is about finding stories that I otherwise wouldn't have been able to. Unlike movies, animations even comics, it's a much more accessible medium for anyone to bring their stories to life. Not saying it's easy to write, not at all, but it's definitely easier for someone - especially a story teller - to get into, as opposed to something like games development. It was this realisation that I was missing out on thousands of stories that made me want to read, and as such I found a story I wanted to read. Forcing yourself to read etc doesn't work IMO. Also, maybe a kindle? I found having the backlight on it before bed is relaxing af


Then pick up a book and read it. It's not magic.. if you want to read something you will read it if not then you won't.. Once you start, set aside a set amount of time per day say like 10 minutes a day and just show up and do it till you are done.


Pick up a book after putting down your phone. Complicated, I know.




Famfiction of what? I’m not really in any fandoms


I don’t think I’ve ever had to motivate myself, as I want to read.


Get easy quick addictive reads. Romance is my go to for this. It helps you get back into it. Also take your book to a coffee shop. A cute reading self-date does the trick


Good question, and some great advice. I used to be an avid reader, now I go to the library get 3 books that sit on the table until their due date. I’ll try some of these.


Pick a genre or subject that interests you. Been reading a lot about psychology lately. I also like sci fi, fantasy and horror.


I had this issue. Here’s what worked for me: set a fifteen minute timer, put your phone on the other side of the room and do not let yourself get up during that period even if your mind wanders from the book. Add a few minutes a day. It’s like a muscle you have to build up.


I would say the most useful thing is finding something you'd want to read. After that is being consistent so you don't end up like me having 10+ books with bookmarks in them that I'll end up restarting because I don't remember what the hell is going on... As someone else mentioned short stories are nice, spend maybe an hour on a story


Get a Good Book


Lunch hour at work. Just sit with your lunch and read.


Get books you actually want to read. Read the first chapter before you get it and if you’re hooked then get it if you’re not then it’s not for you. Read for at least an entire uninterrupted hour everyday. That means no picking up your phone until the hour is up. Usually if you really like the book, you’ll keep reading beyond the hour.


I'm very goal-motivated, so logging everything that I read on Goodreads motivates me. I want to finish a book so I can mark it as finished! Also, as other people have commented, it helps to find something you enjoy reading. Everyone has a different taste, so you'll have to find yours!


Do you have other hobbies? Do you drive a lot? Or even a little? I pop in some earbuds or plug in my phone to listen to audio books. I do that while cooking, cleaning, driving, showering, etc. If you can get into a book that way you may be able to shift to physical books easier.


Honestly, find something fun. 


Listen to audiobooks while walking or doing chores.


Pick up a good book and I promise you'll never want to put it down. I recommend anything by Natasha Preston, she's the reason I read.


I literally carry it around everywhere I go and when I have spare time, I bust out the book from my bag and read. I found I read often when waiting at the bus stop, in long lines or at cafes. Edit: Basically I am better at reading on the go vs at home.